


“Katana,” came the lazy Norfolk drawl of Tobias Bembridge. “What a surprise to hear from you. Does this mean you have reconsidered my proposal?”

Katana gave a weak smile before she answered. “Not so much. This is more business than personal.”

“Well, technically speaking our marriage would be considered business, would it not?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess so.”

“My father is very keen to have you in the family. It would be a fantastic allegiance for both sides.”

“I’m not going to say I don’t agree, Tobias, because I do. I just...there’s so much going on right now, being a battery hen and popping out kids isn’t high on my agenda.”

He laughed. His haughty, deep voice echoed down the phone and covered Katana in goosebumps. “So what is high enough on your agenda to warrant a phone call to me?”

“Well, it’s a bit sensitive. Can you promise me this will be kept strictly between us?”

Silence was the only reply for several seconds. “Why do I not like the way you’re saying that?”

“Because you’re paranoid?”

He laughed. “Or because this should be going higher but I’m a by-line, I’m guessing?”

“How do you know me so well?” she said, laughing.

A light chuckle warmed Katana’s heart. “I’m going to be a bastard, Katana. I’ll help you, you know I will, but I can’t partake in underhand, secretive things without a high reward.”

Katana’s heart sank. She knew this would happen. A small part of her had hoped he wouldn’t do it, just to stick two fingers up to Jacques and Ashley. “I wondered if that would be the case.”

“I’m sorry,” Tobias replied. “But you must understand the complications I face this end by betraying my family—especially with my father having such a high position on the Council. One small slip from any of us and all of that comes crashing down around our ears.”

“I get it, I do. I’m sorry to ask something like this of you, I really am, but you must understand I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t desperate.”

More laughter. “What a way to make a guy feel special, Katana. Bravo.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, laughing. “You know what I mean. I wouldn’t put you in such a position if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.”

“I know,” he said, still lightly chuckling. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want a high reward—something that will justify my actions to anyone and everyone.”

Katana sighed. “You want me to agree to marry you.”

“It seems you also know me very well.”

Apparently so. Katana closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

Marrying Tobias wouldn’t be the worst fate she could possibly endure. He was a stereotypical male of her world in that he expected a woman to be a woman—Katana’s kick ass attitude, martial arts training, and sword swinging days would be well and truly over. She’d be resigned to a life of being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Easy—yes. Enjoyable—at times. What she wanted—no.

However, thousands of lives were at stake here and Katana knew without a doubt she had to do something; even if that meant giving up her own dogged determination to make it as a hunter.

“Ok,” she said. “I’ll do it. I accept your proposal on the basis that you keep the following information strictly private.”

“Deal. Let’s keep the phone lines clear. Where are you? I’ll come and meet you.”

Katana faltered, not expecting that at all. Meeting him face to face? Was he going to want to kiss...and more? “Um, I’m in Scotland so it’s not overly practical to meet really.”

“That’s not a problem. I have my pilot’s licence now. The chopper came back yesterday from its routine maintenance. I can be with you in a couple of hours.”

Of course you can. Katana didn’t know what to reply except to meekly agree to meet her new fiancé face to face.