


The wooden chairs Katana and Tobias were sat on weren’t particularly comfortable. By the time Katana’s ass had gone numb though, her suffering was over.

A faint purple haze shimmered into existence in the shape of a doorway. Seconds later, Malaceia Kempe faded into view, flanked by two Council guards and the Master and Mistress of the Amethyst Coven.

“Malaceia Kempe,” said Councillor Bembridge. “You have been brought here today accused of crimes so severe, you may never see the light of day again.” A brief pause. “Miss Kempe?”

Tobias squeezed Katana’s hand and walked into the middle of the room with her.

Katana looked around her, dumbfounded and lost with what to do next. This was it—the moment, do or die.

She had her entire family on one hand—a whole history of twisted secrets and lies that she’d known about for less than a week.

On the other hand she had morals; the basic principles of right and wrong, following the law and keeping innocent people safe and alive.

“Miss Kempe,” Councillor Bembridge said. “I have to say we never expected such a turn of events. We all suspected of course, that something must be going on to warrant the increased number of werewolf attacks over the past few days, but we suspected some ill-playing humans to be at the bottom of it, not your own family.”

A weak smile passed over her pale lips. What was she supposed to say to that?

She looked over at her father, bound in heavy chains and gagged with a leather strap. His big brown eyes, the same chocolate coloured eyes she’d adored and trusted so much since before she could remember, pleaded with her to forgive him.

But that was a tall order. How can you ever trust someone who built your entire life on shaky foundations at best? Everything Katana had ever heard or been taught was all just a fabrication in the complicated web of the Kempe family.

Councillor Mayweather cleared her throat, interrupting Katana’s thoughts. “On the basis of time, and of course the beginning of officialities, this is your last chance, Miss Katana Kempe. Do you wish to hand your father over to the Preternatural Council to stand trial for the crimes for which your family has committed?”

Blood is thicker than water, Katana thought. I can’t do this. Despite everything, I can’t hand my own father over to the Council, can I?

“Miss Kempe?” Councillor Bembridge said, tapping his foot on the concrete floor.

Katana cleared her throat and glanced around the room. “I...umm...” She caught sight of Jacques in between two figures in the shadows, her faithful friend to the end, hanging his head in shame. What a sad tale he had to tell—all because of her father.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Katana opened her mouth and replied, “Yes. I wish for the crimes to be tried and for my father to be punished accordingly.”

Muffled grunts came from Malaceia as he tried to get his daughter’s attention. After a few seconds, Katana looked over at him and narrowed her eyes. “You had your chance. I warned you.”

Seconds later, the door crashed open and in walked Katana’s mother, Shania. Wearing her navy blue ‘power’ suit as she liked to call it, she strode to her husband’s side and demanded to know what was going on.

“Mrs Kempe,” said Councillor Reading, a very straight to the point Yorkshire woman who didn’t believe in tact or diplomacy. “You are not invited to be in this room at this moment in time, unless of course you wish to plead your own guilt in the matters that your husband is being accused of.”

“I do not,” Shania said, snorting in disgust. “And my husband is not guilty either.”

“I’m afraid, Mrs Kempe, we have evidence to contest otherwise. As you’re aware, we work slightly different to our human counterparts and believe that someone is guilty until proven innocent. With the overwhelming evidence already collected before an investigation has even begun, it’s safe to say that you and your family are currently suspended from any business activities. As we speak, guards are already seizing control of your home, assets, and all of that which belongs to the Kempe name.”

Shania turned to Katana and all but spat at her. “You poisonous bitch. Are you happy now?”

“I will be when you give Erica her memory back.”

A sharp gasp sounded through the underground room.

“Miss Kempe,” said Councillor Bembridge. “Are you accusing your mother of using her magick to alter someone’s state of mind?”

Katana grinned at her mother and turned back to the Council. “I am, yes. My good friend, Erica Atwood, helped me in the first few days by hacking my father’s computer system and finding out about the increasing number of attacks. I stupidly involved her with developments from there on, unfortunately implicating her in the situation. Miss Atwood had a shield grading yesterday. When I spoke to her afterwards, she had no recollection of the events she’d helped with up to that point.”

“Mrs Kempe,” Councillor Mayweather said, her voice sharp and carrying a certain distaste to it. “How do you answer that please?”

“Not guilty of course.”

“Mr and Mrs Ainsworth, Master and Mistress of the Amethyst Coven, would you care to carry out a Council ordered memory sieve please?”

Katana smirked.

Shania shrieked in surprise. “No, no, no. That’s not necessary. I don’t need anyone picking through my memories. I admit it, I’m guilty.”

“Excellent,” said Councillor Mayweather. “Guards—please cuff and gag Mrs Kempe also.”

Four guards hurried over from the side of the room. In seconds, Shania Kempe was in the same state as her husband.

“Mr and Mrs Kempe, you are hereby placed in the custody of the Preternatural Council until a full investigation has been conducted and satisfactorily completed. At that point, you will be called to stand an official trial where all of the evidence gathered will be presented to you for you to make your comments upon. After that, you will be duly sentenced.”

The guards started to move to take their prisoners away but were halted by Councillor Bembridge.

“The Red Riding Hoods is an organisation that must continue for the safety of the English people. I am, with the rest of the Councillor’s blessings, placing Miss Katana Kempe, soon to be Mrs Katana Bembridge, in charge of The Red Riding Hoods with immediate effect. However, to prevent a repeat situation, I am also requesting Mrs Lenore Kempe and Mr Arald Kempe as acting CEO’s alongside Miss Kempe.”

A concurrent murmur sounded around the table.

“Excellent. Mr and Mrs Ainsworth, can you please devise a method of letting the rest of the Kempe family know of the latest developments and to direct any questions to me personally.” He stood from his chair. “That concludes todays court session. You are excused.”

Katana watched, her heart breaking into pieces as her parents were led away. They would be kept at the Amethyst Coven building in the cells beneath its basement. Being in a building ran by and protected by witches was the safest place for them both to be.

“We have one problem,” Katana said to Tobias.

Tobias nodded. “Gregory.”