
The writing journey is never a solo effort. I’d like to thank those who’ve supported me, put up with my endless story musings, and supplied me with chocolate. To my critique partner and dearest friend, Rebekah Millet, I’m so grateful God has teamed us together! You’ve been an immense help, not only enriching this story, but my life as well. Thanks to Julie Gwinn, my awesome agent, for championing this story from the start. It’s a fabulous thing to have your support! Special thanks to my early readers, Amy, Crissy, Joy, and Robyn, your encouragement meant the world to me. To my very first launch team, The Newsies, you guys are the best ever.

Most of all, thanks to my family. Scott, you’ve spent your past few vacations showing your support by driving me to writing conferences, but you’ve spent the past seventeen years showing your devotion by loving me so much. Thank you. Drew and Meg, thank you for being awesome and accompanying your mama to all the bookish places, research excursions, and museum visits. See, even grown-ups need field trips! I’m thankful to be your mom.

And above all, to God. You are the ultimate storyteller. Your words have brought me life eternal. Thank You.To my first and only hero, Scott.