
  1. A Splendid Exchange (Bernstein, W.)
  2. Abisma
  3. Abisma DNA theme
  4. Above average effect
  5. Absima
  6. Abstract exploration
  7. Abstract or conceptual focus
  8. Abstract thinking
  9. Abstract thought
  10. Accommodation, reluctance to
  11. Ace, Darren
  12. Achbe, Chinua
  13. Advances, extraordinary number of
  14. Advertising
  15. Afghanistan
  16. Africa:
    1. bureaucracy in
    2. business leaders
    3. countries income inequality
    4. cultural DNA
    5. genetic diversity
    6. long trail out of
    7. modern accounts of
    8. slaves from
    9. unpredictability of life in
    10. variability in
  17. African cultural DNA
    1. aspects deeply embedded in
    2. dimension of
    3. environment for humans
    4. environment in which the Big Man can flourish
    5. factors affecting
    6. in the moment
    7. R-life strategies without
    8. tremendous levels of resilience
  18. African culture, identity in
  19. African education institutions
  20. African education system
  21. African entrepreneurs
  22. African history
  23. African instincts, around flexibility
  24. African intellect, word usage skills
  25. African leaders, big man as
  26. African rulers
  27. African slaves
  28. African-based mutation
  29. Africans on Chinese enclosure
  30. Aggression
  31. Aggressive instincts towards out-groups
  32. Agility
  33. Agricultural:
    1. innovation
    2. practice
    3. revolution in Middle East
  34. Agriculture:
    1. as cultural diffusion
    2. intensive organized
    3. move to
    4. settled
    5. spread
  35. Ahimsa
  36. AIDS epidemic
    1. beliefs about
    2. education about
  37. Albion's Seed (Fischer, D. H.)
  38. Alcohol abuse
  39. Alexander the Great
  40. Ali, Muhammed
  41. Alignment, illusion of
  42. Al-Khwarizmi
  43. Alliances
    1. fluid
    2. shifting
  44. Althing
    1. vs. individualism
  45. Ambition plan
  46. Ambivalence and Uncertainty in Modern Age. See Middle East
  47. America:
    1. employees
    2. executives
    3. revivalist movements
    4. success level in
  48. America as change makers:
    1. about
    2. assimilation over accommodation
    3. embracing the news
    4. founder effects
    5. increasing plurality
    6. looking ahead
    7. Mammon tamed and untamed
    8. peopling of America
    9. positivity
    10. triumph of functionality
  49. American Civil War
  50. American companies
  51. American cultural DNA
    1. communitarian individualism
    2. contradictory elements of
    3. functional orientation of
    4. intensity
    5. tendency of assimilating people
    6. values within
  52. American exceptionalism
  53. American market
  54. American positivity
  55. American psychological DNA
    1. reality about
  56. American Revolution
  57. American reward culture
  58. Americans:
    1. global leadership given by Europe
    2. need to appreciate
    3. physically larger
  59. Amin, Idi
  60. Analytic approach
  61. Analytical thinking
  62. Anarchistic individualism
  63. Ancestors, world of
  64. Ancestral North Indians (ANI)
    1. populations
  65. Ancestral South Indians (ASI)
    1. populations
  66. Andaman Islands
  67. Anglo-Saxon countries
  68. Antisocial behavior
  69. Appalachian Mountains
  70. Arab history
  71. Arab Springs
  72. Arab-driven slavery
  73. Arabian deserts
  74. Arabs, on Hindu system of reckoning
  75. Argentina, income inequality
  76. The Argumentative Indian (Amarta, S.)
  77. Arjuna
  78. Armah, Ayi Kwei
  79. Aryan invasions
  80. Aryan-Dravidian genetic divide
  81. Asch conformity experiment
  82. Ashkenazi Jewish groups
  83. Ashkenazi Jews
    1. on polygamy
  84. Ashoka, Emperor
  85. Asia:
    1. bureaucracy in (see also China; India)
  86. Asian Steppe
    1. nomadic groups
  87. Aslani, Soroush
  88. Assimilation:
    1. over accommodation
    2. preference for
    3. tendency towards
  89. Atlantic coastal trail
  90. Attribution theory
  91. Aura of money
  92. Aurignacian
  93. Australia:
    1. Chinese came to
    2. convict migration
    3. dog whistle politics
    4. frontier mentality
    5. gambling revenue from
    6. Gold Rush
    7. immigrants
    8. indigenous population
    9. lack of self-confidence
    10. mateship in a far-off land
    11. migrants stream into
    12. modern humans
    13. nanny state
    14. paranoia
    15. racism
    16. scientific research
    17. soldiers in WWI
    18. swear box
    19. swimming pool danger
    20. tall poppy syndrome
    21. Ten Pound Pom scheme
    22. verbal codes
    23. visitors to
    24. White Australia policy
    25. white people of
  94. Australia Day
  95. Australian agriculture or livestock
  96. Australian cultural DNA:
    1. aspects of
    2. convict population
    3. egalitarianism
    4. free settlers
    5. gold rush effect
    6. insurgency mindset
    7. migration
    8. pull migrants
    9. push migrants
    10. rebellious independent mindedness
  97. Australian culture
  98. Australian(s):
    1. attitudes to other races
    2. fear of the other
    3. gambling forms in
    4. inventiveness and creativity
    5. native Australian population
    6. politicians
    7. population
    8. prejudices and insecurity of
    9. psychological qualities
    10. risk takers
    11. self-reflection
    12. speech culture
    13. sportsmen cheating treatment
  99. Authoritarian values
  100. Avicenna
  101. Awakenings
  102. Ayurvedic medicine
  103. Aztec empire demise
  105. Baker, H. F.
  106. Balance and harmony
  107. Balkans
  108. Banaras
  109. Bania
  110. Bantu-related languages
  111. Barrows, John
  112. Basque population
  113. Battua, Ibn
  114. Baudhayana
  115. Beachcoming route
  116. Bedouin Arab tribes
  117. Behavior genetics
  118. Belief systems
  119. Bengal
  120. Benign environment for humans
  121. Bennion, Janet
  122. Berlusconi, Silvio
  123. Bernstein, Basil
  124. Bernstein, William
  125. Bhagavad Gita
  126. Big Man
  127. Big Women
  128. Big-game hunting
  129. Bird-in-hand strategy
  130. Blizinsky, Katherine
  131. Bokassa, Jean Bedél
  132. Bolt, Usain
  133. Borderland migrants
  134. Botswana
  135. Brahmins
  136. Brazil:
    1. income inequality
    2. saying of
    3. on sports
  137. Breaks for prayer
  138. Bribing
  139. Bright-Sided (Ehrenreich, B.)
  140. Britain
  141. British convicts
  142. British society
  143. Britishers
  144. Building speed
  145. Bureaucracy:
    1. in Africa
    2. in Asia
    3. in British society
    4. in India
    5. and individualism
    6. ponderous in Europe Union
  146. Burkha (woman attire)
  147. Business life, aspect of
  148. Businesses, family-owned
  150. Cannibalism
  151. The Canon of Medicine (Ibn Sina)
  152. Capability notion
  153. Capital punishment
  154. Carbon dioxide emitters
  155. Caste(s):
    1. distinctions
    2. gene flow between
    3. in genetic terms
    4. group identity in
    5. institution of
    6. as open-air business schools
    7. origins of
    8. parties based on
    9. sense of
    10. separation in different
    11. system
  156. Catholic cultures
  157. Caudillos
  158. Celtic populations, original path up from
  159. Central and South American
  160. CEO status
  161. Chain of command
  162. Chaio, J. J.
  163. Change, execution of
  164. Chapman, Clare
  165. Charles I, King of England
  166. Cheng Ho
  167. Chin Shih Huang Ti
  168. China
    1. about
    2. art of copying
    3. attitude towards authority
    4. authoritarian compact
    5. authoritarian control
    6. authoritarianism
    7. authority differences
    8. bounded sociability and empathy
    9. bribing in
    10. capital punishment in
    11. certain territory defining
    12. child report parents
    13. collective authority
    14. concrete and practical inventiveness
    15. culture imposition by
    16. drive for harmony
    17. economic development speed
    18. ethnic nationalities in
    19. feedback
    20. forces that have shaped China's DNA
    21. future considerations
    22. GDP per capita
    23. mini-riots and rebellions
    24. obedience
    25. obedience as social contract in
    26. opposition to intellectuals
    27. peopling of China
    28. psychological culture of
    29. punctuality
    30. as seekers of harmony
    31. settled agriculture
    32. settled populations of
    33. slow fast
    34. social acceptance
    35. social structures
    36. students from
    37. three routes into
    38. through three essential movements
  169. Chinatowns
  170. Chinese:
    1. focus on practicalities
    2. honesty of
    3. inventiveness
    4. mitochondrial evidence
    5. relationship management
    6. seen as dishonesty and undermining
    7. soft juju
  171. Chinese business cultures
  172. Chinese collectivism
  173. Chinese companies:
    1. operating in Africa
    2. working with
  174. Chinese cultural DNA
    1. aspects of
    2. pragmatism innovation in
    3. relationships in
  175. Chinese culture:
    1. copying instinct
    2. in harmony
    3. interconnectedness
    4. networks of relationships in
    5. pride from copying
    6. psychological DNA of
    7. thinking in
    8. will copy anything
  176. Chinese empathy:
    1. fellow-feeling
    2. lack of, for strangers
  177. Chinese executives
  178. Chinese firms, pace and flexibility by
  179. Chinese leaders:
    1. ambiguity
    2. Britishers replaced by
    3. lack of empathy
    4. levels of sensitivity
    5. relationship management
    6. social distances
  180. Chinese males, out-of-Africa movement
  181. Chinese networks
  182. Chinese students at university
  183. Chinese thought
  184. Chinese tourists
  185. Chinese tradition
  186. Chinese written language
  187. Chinese-Americans Tiger Mums
  188. Ching Dynasty
  189. Chissano, Joaquim
  190. Chua, Amy
  191. Church attendance
  192. Churchill, Winston
  193. Civilization(s):
    1. first
    2. Inca in Peru
    3. Indus Valley
    4. Mayan
    5. settled
    6. settled agriculture and
    7. Sumerian
  194. Clans
  195. Climate change
  196. Climates
  197. Clinton, Bill
  198. Coaching
  199. Coastal beachcombing path
  200. Coffee
  201. Coffin ships
  202. Cohen, Dov
  203. Collaboration, teamwork and
  204. Collectives, African vs. Far East societies
  205. Collectivism
    1. vs. individualism
    2. institutional and in-group
  206. Colon cancer
  207. Colonization process
  208. Columbia, income inequality
  209. Columbus, Christopher
  210. Commercial DNA
  211. Commerciality
  212. Common ancestor
  213. Common ground
  214. Communist party sympathizers
  215. Competitive advantage, short cut of
  216. Concentration camps
  217. Conclusions:
    1. abisma and nonviolence
    2. cultural DNA elements
    3. dominant instincts
    4. human destructive capacities
    5. inside view
    6. judging individuals
    7. loose-tight mentality
    8. Maslow hierarchy
    9. people are people scenario
    10. perspective from one's own culture
    11. rate of change
    12. similarity and differences
    13. Sub-Saharan Africa cultural capacity
  218. Confederates
  219. Conformity
  220. Confucian cultures
  221. Confucian institutes
  222. Confucianism
  223. Congo
  224. Connectiveness
  225. Conservatism
  226. Construction speed
  227. Contradictions resolved
  228. Control, overregulated culture of
  229. Convicts:
    1. British
    2. migration to Australia
    3. population
    4. transporting
  230. Copying
    1. effect of
    2. predilection of
  231. Copying products
  232. Corporate cultures
  233. Corruption, in India
  234. Cortes, Herman
  235. Creativity
  236. Crime levels
  237. Critical thinking, lack of
  238. Cromwell, Oliver
  239. Cultism
  240. Cultural clarity
  241. Cultural DNA
    1. themes
    2. understanding of
  242. Cultural fragmentation
  243. Cultural patterns
  244. Cultural Revolution
  245. Cultural traditions, types of
  246. Cultural values
  247. Culture(s):
    1. African
    2. Australian
    3. Catholic
    4. corporate
    5. European
    6. expressive
    7. Gavettian
    8. honor-killing
    9. honor-modesty
    10. Indigenous Australian
    11. individualist
    12. Islamic
    13. Olmec
    14. of optimism
    15. organizational (see also Chinese culture; Honor cultures)
  248. Cuneiform
  250. Da Vinci, Leonardo
  251. Darwin, Charles
  252. Darwinian selection
  253. Data-driven approach, in business
  254. Day-to-day flexibility
  255. De Reincourt, Amaury
  256. De Riencourt, Amaury
  257. De Tocqueville, Alexis
  258. Dead, living
  259. Deals, shake on
  260. Decision(s):
    1. implementation
    2. maker
    3. making
  261. Delayed gratification
  262. Democracy, forms of
  263. Democratic outlet, in India
  264. Desert patriarchy
  265. Deserts:
    1. Arabian
    2. conditions of
    3. herding
    4. life
    5. Saharan
    6. survival strategy
  266. Desire to respect people
  267. Development needs
  268. Diageo (beverage company)
  269. Diamond, Jared
  270. Difference, tolerance of
  271. Diggers
  272. Dilman
  273. Dilmun
  274. Directness, lack of
  275. Disease
  276. Disjunctive change
  277. Disorder, pragmatism and paranoid fear
  278. “Disregard for Outsiders” (Tafarodi, R.)
  279. Distressed Cavaliers
  280. Diversity:
    1. acceptance of
    2. in India
    3. inherent tolerance of, 100 (see also Genetic diversity)
  281. Domodara, Harish
  282. Dopamine
  283. Dopamine receptors
  284. Double standards
  285. Dowden, Richard
  286. Downward relationships
  287. Drug barons
  288. Drug cartels
  289. Drug use
  290. Dubai
  291. Dunbar, Robin
  292. Dune, (Herbert, F.)
  293. Duoplies
  294. Dynamic societies
  295. Dynamism
  297. Early modern humans
  298. East Asians, between Westerners
  299. East European societies, institutional and in-group
  300. Eastern collectivist
  301. Eastern Europe
  302. Economic plunder by elites
  303. Edwards, John
  304. Ehrenreich, Barbara
  305. Einstein, Albert
  306. Elephant Clock
  307. Eliot, T. S.
  308. Elitism
  309. Emotion patterns
  310. Emotion resilience
  311. Emotional expressiveness
  312. Emotional intelligence
  313. Emotional rigidity
  314. Empathy
    1. lack of
    2. levels of
  315. Empty posturing
  316. Encomiendas
  317. End of History (Fukuyama, F.)
  318. Endless Pressure (Pryce, K.)
  319. Energy, source of
  320. Engagement, long history of
  321. England
  322. English as lingual franca
  323. English Civil War
  324. English individuality
  325. English speakers, founder effects
  326. Entrepreneurism
  327. Environment:
    1. pessimism about
    2. physical domination
    3. thinking about
    4. in this together sense
  328. Environmental mastery
  329. Equal relations
  330. Equal society. See Europe
  331. Equality:
    1. levels of
    2. in this together sense
  332. Ethiopia
  333. Europe:
    1. about
    2. analysis and structured planning
    3. bounded individualism
    4. diminishing drive for mastery
    5. divergence with
    6. equality and elitism
    7. equality of
    8. forces shaping European Cultural DNA
    9. Huns into
    10. individualism in
    11. open-society risk
    12. opportunities and challenges for European Culture
    13. out-group aggression
    14. psychological DNA underlying
    15. racism
    16. repopulation of
    17. reserved sociability
    18. traditional intellectual strengths
  334. Europe retreat
  335. European aggression
  336. European colonialism
  337. European companies
    1. sense of detachment and reluctance
    2. systemic and structured approach
  338. European cultural DNA
  339. European culture:
    1. restlessness of
    2. suppressing emotions
  340. European DNA
    1. mastery aspect of
    2. openness, vitality and innovation
    3. out-group mastery elements of
  341. European executives, development needs
  342. European explorers
  343. European integration
  344. European leaders, achievement drive
  345. European mastery drive
  346. European psychological habits
  347. European search for slaves
  348. European thought
  349. European Union:
    1. financial crisis
    2. ponderous bureaucracy
    3. single currency
    4. trading partner
  350. European values, around individualism and equality
  351. Europeans:
    1. arrival to
    2. negative attitude of
    3. physically larger
  352. Europeans and Americans, cool reaction of
  353. Excessive emotions
  354. Excessive focus
  355. Exclusionism
    1. vs. universalism
  356. Expended family
  357. Experiments with Truth (Gandhi, M.)
  358. External relationships
  359. Extremist movements
  360. Eze, Michael
  362. Face:
    1. concept of
    2. preserving
  363. Fairness (sense)
  364. Fake degrees
  365. Family-owned businesses
  366. Far Continents. See Australia
    1. Latin America: the every-changing melting pot (see Latin America)
  367. Far-right groups
  368. Feedback business
  369. Female executives:
    1. in Middle East
    2. in U.S.
  370. Feng shui
  371. Ferenczi, Sandor
  372. Fertile Crescent, spread of
  373. Fertility rates
  374. Field of optimism
  375. Financial crisis
  376. Fischer, David Hackett
  377. Founder effects
    1. English speakers
  378. Fox, Elaine
  379. Franklin, Benjamin
  380. Free-for-all individualism
  381. Fremen
  382. French leaders meeting
  383. Freud, Sigmund
  384. Fry, Mr. and Mrs.
  385. Fuctionality, vs. aesthetics
  386. Fukuyama, Francis
  387. Functional orientation, of American cultural DNA
  388. Functionality
  389. Future orientation
  391. Gama, Vasco da
  392. Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma)
  393. Gates, Bill
  394. Gavettian cultures
  395. Gender balance
  396. Gene flow, between castes
  397. Gene neurotransmitters
  398. Genealogical records
  399. Gene-culture coevolution
  400. Genetic diversity
    1. Africa
  401. Genetic drift
  402. Genetic evidence
  403. Genetic segregation
  404. Genetic variability
  405. Genghis Kahn
  406. Gentic mutation
  407. Geoghegon, Thomas
  408. Geographic separation
  409. German Protestant sects
  410. Gertsner, Louis
  411. Ghana
  412. Ghandi, Sonia
  413. Gini coefficient:
    1. of Latin America
    2. rating systems
  414. Global companies
  415. Global financial crisis
  416. Global freezing
  417. Global leadership, to Americans
  418. Global policeman
  419. Global trading
  420. Globe collectivism measures
  421. Globe measure
  422. Globe study
  423. Globe survey
  424. Governance, pattern of
  425. Governing relationships
  426. Great Wall of China
  427. Grounder community
  428. Group cohesion
  429. Group identity
  430. Guanxi notion
  431. Gujarat
  432. Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond, J.)
  433. Gurumuryhy, S.
  435. Hadith
  436. Haj
  437. Hamden-Turner, Charles
  438. Han people, dominance of
  439. Haplogroups, male and female
  440. Harden, Blaine
  441. Hardy, G. H.
  442. Harmony:
    1. balance and
    2. cohesion and
    3. concept of
    4. drive for
    5. focus on
    6. in interaction
    7. interconnectiveness and
    8. interdependency
    9. internal
    10. living in
    11. and order
    12. prioritized in China
    13. sense of
  443. Harvard Business Review
  444. Harvard Business School
  445. Harvard Laws of
  446. Hasidic Jews
  447. Herbert, Frank
  448. Herding
  449. Hewitt, Aon
  450. Hierarchical power
  451. Hierarchical society
  452. Hierarchy society
  453. High birth rates, dynamism in
  454. High-pathogen environment
  455. Hindisat (mathemetics)
  456. Hindu culture
  457. Hinduism
  458. Hindus
  459. Hitler, Adolph
  460. Hobson, E. W.
  461. Hoffer, Kenneth
  462. Hoffer, William
  463. Hofstede, Geert
  464. Hofstede dimension
  465. Hofstede individualism-collectivism
  466. Hofstede measures
  467. Hofstede survey
  468. Hofstede's team
  469. Homo erectus species
  470. Homogenization
  471. Hong Kong, intensity GDP
  472. Honor, concept of
  473. Honor cultures:
    1. in Appalachians
    2. big stick technique
    3. in Middle East
    4. negotiation and
  474. Honor system
  475. Honor-killing culture
  476. Honor-modesty cultures
  477. Horizontal segregation
  478. Hostility, underlying
  479. HQ, visiting
  480. Human blood
  481. Human capital
  482. Human expansion
  483. Human interrelatedness
  484. Human sacrifice, or bloodletting
  485. Human settlers, in Middle East
  486. Huns
  487. Hunter-gatherer life style
  488. Hunter-gatherer populations, tradtional size of
  489. Hunter-gatherer strategy
  490. Hunting:
    1. availability to
    2. new technologies for
  491. Hussein, Saddam
  493. Ice age, Chilean finding
  494. Ice sheets
  495. Iceland
  496. Identification, fluidity of
  497. Identity, personal to group
  498. Immorality
  499. Immutable rules
  500. in the moment
  501. Inca civilization, in Peru
  502. Inca empire
  503. Incentive schemes
  504. India:
    1. about
    2. Ahimsa
    3. attack from China
    4. bribing in
    5. British in
    6. bureaucracy in
    7. corrupt bureaucracy
    8. corruption in
    9. democratic outlet in
    10. disconnected chaos
    11. divergence with
    12. diversity
    13. early modern humans
    14. Forces that have shaped India's Cultural DNA
    15. horizontal stratification
    16. independent stance
    17. individual paths
    18. inner directedness
    19. IT (information technology) strength in
    20. labor laws
    21. languages spoken
    22. looking ahead
    23. mathematics: the Art of the Hindus
    24. military matters
    25. natural rate of growth
    26. nonalignment stance
    27. One Thousand and One Mutinies (Naipul, V.S.)
    28. peopling of India
    29. procedure delay
    30. ritualistic thinking
    31. Toba event
    32. uncomfortable truths
  505. India cultural DNA:
    1. agreement and understanding
    2. disciplined memorization
    3. facets of
    4. feature of
    5. mathematical strength
    6. understanding of
  506. India route
  507. Indian caste life
  508. Indian caste system
  509. Indian companies, operating in Africa
  510. Indian cultural DNA
    1. cornerstand of
    2. features of
    3. tolerance of difference
  511. Indian intellectual contributions
  512. Indian leaders, into business
  513. Indian mathematicians, mathematical strength
  514. Indian psychology
  515. Indian society, individualistic focus in
  516. Indian thought
  517. Indian-Americans
  518. Indians:
    1. intellectual tradition
    2. juju
    3. psychological resistance in
    4. psychological tradition
  519. India's New Capitalists (Gurumuryhy, S.)
  520. Indigenous Australian culture
  521. Individual rights
  522. Individualism:
    1. and bureaucracy
    2. vs. collectivism
    3. self-reflection
    4. studies of western students
    5. tolerance of
  523. Individualism-collectivism
  524. Individualist cultures
  525. Individuality, tolerance of
  526. Individuals
  527. Indo-European languages
  528. Indonesia
  529. Indulgence
  530. Indulgence-restraint
  531. Indus Valley civilization
  532. Inequality
  533. Information exchange
  534. In-group collectivism
  535. Inheritance paths
  536. Initiatives
  537. Inner directedness
  538. Innovation
  539. Instincts:
    1. religious
    2. suppression of certain
  540. Intellectual approach
  541. Intellectual dynamism
  542. Intellectual facade
  543. Intellectual flexibility
  544. Intellectual property, ownership of
  545. Intellectual rigidity
  546. Intellectual styles
  547. Intellectualism
  548. Interconnectedness
  549. Interdependences
  550. International law
  551. Internationally thinking
  552. Interpersonal Chinese collectivism
  553. In-the-movement behavior
  554. Intolerance of different value systems
  555. Intuition
  556. Intuitional collectivism
  557. Intuitional control
  558. Invasion Day
  559. iPhones
  560. Iraq
  561. Ireland
  562. Irish Catholics
  563. Irish famine
  564. ISIL
  565. Islam
  566. Islamic armies
  567. Islamic culture
  568. Islamic teaching
  569. Isler, Pablo
  570. Isolated conditions
  571. IT (information technology)
  573. Jains
  574. Jameel, Abdul Latif
  575. Japanese, AJL learned from
  576. Jata
  577. Jatis (subcastes)
  578. Jewish groups, Kurdish
  579. Jews:
    1. Ashkenazi Jews
    2. from Eastern Europe
    3. of Europe
    4. extermination of
    5. Hasidic
    6. of India
  580. Jihadists
  581. Jin Li
  582. Jobs, Steve
  583. Jung, Carl
  584. Jung, Karl, on synchronicity
  585. Justification
  587. Kalinga (kingdom)
  588. Kapuscinski, Ryzard
  589. Kenya
  590. Kerala school of mathematics
  591. Khrishna, Lord
  592. Knowledge, abstract systems of
  593. Koestler, Arthur
  594. Koran
  595. Kurdish Jewish groups
  597. Latin America:
    1. 100 castes
    2. authoritarian
    3. Chilean finding
    4. constituent population
    5. constituents
    6. dynamism
    7. elite domination
    8. elites
    9. ethos collaboration
    10. every-changing melting pot
    11. inherent creativity
    12. intellectual flexibility and creativity
    13. most dangerous cities
    14. open-society risk
    15. relationships
    16. relationships building
  598. Latin America executives:
    1. development needs of
    2. emotional intensity
    3. relationships
  599. Latin America societies
  600. Latin American cultural DNA
  601. Laughter
  602. Leadership, structured approach to
  603. Leadership (term)
  604. Leadership styles
  605. Leading rather than following
  606. Levant
  607. Levantine and Turkey
  608. Levels of engagement
  609. Levine, Robert
  610. Lincoln, Abraham
  611. Lingua franca, English as
  612. Listening skills
  613. Literal approach
  614. Livestock
  615. Living languages
  616. Living standards
  617. Longinecker, Dwight
  618. Long-term orientation
  619. Long-term strategic thinking
  621. Madrassa schools
  622. Mahabarat
  623. Maintenance of buildings
  624. Malaysia
  625. Managing for today
  626. Manufacturing
  627. Mao Tse Tung
  628. Maritime dispersal
  629. Market-based economy
  630. Marshmallow test
  631. Maslow, Abraham
  632. Maslow hierarchy
  633. Mass slavery
  634. Materialism
  635. Materialistic and moral forces
  636. Materialistic values
  637. Mathematics
  638. May, Baldwin
  639. Mayan civilization
  640. Mbiti, John
  641. Meaning Inc. (Bains, Gurnek )
  642. Mendala, Nelson
  643. Mental illness
  644. Mental schemas
  645. Menzies, Gavin
  646. Mercer (consultancy)
  647. Meritocratic approach
  648. Mesopotamia
  649. Mesopotamian cities
  650. Middle class penalization
  651. Middle East:
    1. about
    2. best ideas in the world
    3. commercial instinct
    4. concentric circles of belonging
    5. deserts and civilization
    6. executive development needs
    7. honor-modesty system
    8. how modern humans populated the middle east
    9. human settlers in
    10. managing contradictions and tensions
    11. psychological DNA
    12. Royal Family
    13. the ruled of life
    14. self-esteem of
    15. women attire
    16. women in society
    17. women working in
  652. Middle East cultural DNA
  653. Middle East executives strategic thinking
  654. Middle Eastern organizations
  655. Migrant communities
  656. Migration
    1. escape valve of
  657. Migratory trail
  658. Migratory waves
  659. Military matters
  660. Military successes
  661. Mindset, of positivity
  662. Minkov, Michael
  663. Mirror-neuron suppression
  664. Mischel, Walter
  665. Mitochondrial analysis
  666. Mitochondrial DNA
  667. Mo Ibrahim prize
  668. Mobile telephony
  669. Modern humans
  670. Modern humans entering Europe
  671. Mogae, Festus
  672. Mohammed
  673. Mohicans
    1. institutional and in-group
  674. Money, recorded units of
  675. Money motive
  676. Mongoloid population
  677. Mongols
  678. Monoamine
  679. Monoamine oxidase
  680. Monotheistic religions
  681. Monsoon rains
  682. Monumentalism
  683. Moral concerns
  684. Moral drive
  685. Mormon and Mennonite communities
  686. Morning in America (Reagan, R.)
  687. Moses
  688. Mountain barriers
  689. Mugabe, Robert
  690. Multilane highways
  691. Multinational companies, relationship patterns
  692. Multiple wives
  693. Muslims
  694. Myler, Steven
  696. Naipul, V.S.
  697. Namibia
  698. Narcocorridos
  699. Nationalism
  700. Native Americans
  701. Native Indians
  702. Neanderthals
  703. Negative attitude of Europeans
  704. Nehru, Jawaharlal
  705. Neklason, Deborah
  706. Nepotism
  707. Neraly
  708. Neurotransmitters
  709. New lands
  710. Newton, Isaac
  711. Nigeria, living languages
  712. Niqab (women attire)
  713. Nisbett, Richard
  714. Nobel Prize winners
  715. Nomadic desert tribalism vs. settled agriculture and settled civilization
  716. Nomadic groups
  717. Nonviolence
  718. North Africa
  719. North America, slaves in
  720. Northeastern route into Europe
  721. Northern Europe, movement
  722. Northerners and southerners
  723. Northwest India, original path up from
  724. Numbers system
  725. Numbers-driven approach
  726. Numeracy
  728. Obama, Barack
  729. Obedience and conformity
  730. Obedience gene
  731. Olmec culture
  732. Openness
  733. Oppenheimer, Stephen
  734. Optimism, culture of
  735. Organizational cultures
  736. Orientation:
    1. long-term
    2. short-term
  737. Out-group aggression
  738. Out-of-Africa humans
  739. Outsourcing
  740. Overconsumption
  741. Oxidase
  742. Oxytocin
  743. Oxytocin receptor genes
  745. Pace of life index
  746. Pada method
  747. Pakistan
  748. Parliaments, versions of
  749. Parochialism
  750. Passive resistance
  751. Pastoralism
  752. Patents
    1. and copyrights
    2. ownership of
  753. Paternalism, inclusive type of
  754. Patriarchs, power of
  755. Patriotism
  756. Pax Islamica
  757. Pecking order
  758. Penal colony
  759. Penn, William
  760. People-centric values
  761. Peoples drive to master other
  762. Permissiveness
  763. Personality:
    1. cross-cultural
    2. self-report measures
  764. Philanthropy
  765. Physical size
  766. Piaget, Jean
  767. Picture, personal giving power over
  768. Piketty, Thomas
  769. Pires, Pedro
  770. Pizzarro, Francesco
  771. Plagiarism
  772. Planning appropriately
  773. Planning for the future
  774. Plurality
  775. Pokies (gambling machine parts)
  776. Political connections
  777. Political power, economic as
  778. Polygamy
  779. Population(s):
    1. Ancestral North Indians (ANI)
    2. Ancestral South Indians (ASI)
    3. Australian(s)
    4. Basque
    5. celtic
    6. convicts
    7. density
    8. different
    9. European structures
    10. of hunter-gatherers
    11. indigenous Australian
    12. Latin America constituent
    13. Mongoloid
    14. movements
    15. out-from distance
    16. out-of-Africa movement
    17. reduction
    18. repopulation of Europe
    19. root populations
    20. settled of China
    21. structure
  780. Portugal
  781. Positive outlook
  782. Positivity
    1. American
    2. as change makers
    3. factors
    4. ideology of
    5. mindset of
  783. Power, exercise of
  784. Power distance
    1. scores
  785. Practical innovation
  786. Pragmatism
  787. Prayer, breaks for
  788. Preparedness for risk
  789. Presenteeism
  790. Preventative maintenance
  791. Pride in Middle East
  792. Programming
  793. Progress monitoring
  794. Prozac (frog)
  795. Pryce, Ken
  796. Psychological DNA
    1. American
    2. of Chinese culture
    3. Europe underlying
    4. Middle East
  797. Psychological forces
  798. Psychological identity
  799. Psychological theme
  800. Psychologically distant
  801. The Puritan Gift, Hoffer, W. and Hoffer, K
  802. Puritanism
  803. Puritans
  804. Pythagoras
  805. Pythagoras' theorem (Baudhayana)
  807. Qatists
  808. Quakers
  809. Quants
  810. Quantum mechanics
  812. R strategies
  813. Radical innovation
  814. Raids, warfare inherent in
  815. Ramanujan, Srinvasa
  816. Rapille, Clotairer
  817. Reagan, Ronald
  818. Refuge areas
  819. Reich, David
  820. Relationships:
    1. and connections
    2. focus on
    3. form tightly
    4. investment in investing
    5. networks of
    6. patterns of
  821. Religion, in American life
  822. Religiosity
  823. Religious belief
  824. Religious intolerance
  825. Religious roots
  826. Repopulation structure
  827. Reserved sociability, in Western multinationals
  828. Resources curse
  829. Respect, signal of
  830. Restraint
  831. Results, promised vs. actual
  832. Revivalist movements
  833. Rice cultivation
  834. Right answer
  835. Rigidity
  836. Rip-off tax
  837. Risk taking
  838. R-K spectrum
  839. R-life strategies, driven without African cultural DNA
  840. Robinson, James
  841. Roman Empire
  842. Roosevelt, Franklin D.
  843. Roosevelt, Theodore
  844. Root populations
  845. Rote learning
  846. Royston, Steven
  847. Rubenfeld, Jed
  848. Rubenfeld, Joshua
  849. Rushden, J. Philippe
  850. Rushton, J. Phillippe
  851. Russia:
    1. and central Asia
    2. emotional suppression
    3. institutional and in-group
  852. Rwanda
  854. Sahara, temperature
  855. Saharan, deserts
  856. Salvation, through work
  857. Saudi Arabia:
    1. leaders in
    2. women attire
    3. women in
    4. women's doctor visits
  858. Scaling up
  859. Scandinavian countries
  860. Scandinavian societies, individualism in
  861. Scandinavians
  862. Schemas
  863. Schroeder, Christopher
  864. Schwartz, Shalom
  865. Science (journal)
  866. Scientific, theory of
  867. Scotland
  868. Scripps Spelling Bee contest
  869. Selective migration
  870. Self-awareness
  871. Self-beliefs
  872. Self-insight
  873. Semetic languages
  874. Sen, Amarta
  875. Sense of quality
  876. Sephardic Jewish groups
  877. Serotonin
  878. Serotonin transporter gene
    1. in Africa
    2. in Americans
    3. in East Asians
    4. in Europeans
  879. Servil rituals
  880. Servitude
  881. Settled agriculture
  882. Settled agriculture and settled civilization, vs. nomadic desert tribalism
  883. Settled civilization
  884. Settlement, story of
  885. Settling delay
  886. Sexual freedom
  887. Shang Dynasty
  888. Short-term choices
  889. Siberia
  890. Sikhism
  891. Sina, Ibn
  892. Singapore:
    1. capital punishment in
    2. intensity GDP
  893. Slave trade
  894. Slavery:
    1. Arab-driven
    2. forbade
    3. mass
    4. system of
  895. Slaves:
    1. from Africa
    2. African
    3. European search for
    4. important of
    5. in North America
  896. Sociability
  897. Social benefits
  898. Social elitism, equality of
  899. Social inevitability
  900. Social net
  901. Social organization
  902. Social purpose
  903. Sofo, Francesco
  904. Soft-power initiatives
  905. Solomon, King
  906. Somalia
  907. South America:
    1. insurrection, rebellion, and revolution
    2. internal rebellion
    3. self-selection
  908. Southeast Asia, settlement
  909. Soyinnka, Wole
  910. Space program
  911. Spain
  912. Spanish Crown, smash and grab warfare
  913. Species overlap
  914. Speech capability
  915. Speech gene
  916. Spellbound (movie)
  917. Spelling Bee
  918. A Splendid Exchange (Bernstein, W.)
  919. Starting time
  920. Startup Rising--The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East (Schroeder, C.)
  921. Strategic thinking
  922. Stratification, horizontal
  923. Strength in action
  924. Subcastes
  925. Submission. See also Islam
  926. Sub-Saharan Africa:
    1. Africans naturalness levels
    2. Big Man and his alter ego
    3. community and beyond
    4. cultural DNA
    5. expressed and denied
    6. external perceptions of
    7. forces shaping Africa's Cultural DNA
    8. how modern humans populated Africa
    9. looking ahead
    10. metaphor, analysis and connectedness of things
    11. in the moment
    12. societies
    13. virtues of
  927. Sudan
  928. Sulba sutras
  929. Sumerian civilization
  930. Sumerians
  931. Superstition
  932. Survival strategy
  933. Sycophancy
  934. Systematic and structured approach
  935. Systematic effort
  937. Tafarodi, Romin
  938. Tailor-made clothing
  939. Taj Mahal
  940. Talhelm, Thomas
  941. Tao (term)
  942. Taos
  943. Tartars
  944. Tata
  945. Taylor, Shelley
  946. Team outcome
  947. Teamwork
  948. Tempers
  949. Tendulkar, Sachin
  950. Tenochtitlan, demise of
  951. “The appearance of” deal term
  952. “The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born,”
  953. The Friends
  954. Theroux, Paul
  955. Thingvellir
  956. Thinking
    1. new ways of
  957. Thinking analytic, African score on
  958. Tight in-group orientation
  959. Tigris-Euphrates River system
  960. Time as valuable
  961. Time is money adage
  962. Tipping
  963. Tishkoff, Sara
  964. Toba eruption
  965. Toba event
  966. Town hall meetings
  967. Trade guilds
  968. Trade unions, in-group collectivism
  969. Trading activities
  970. Trading connections
  971. Trading party, top for 80 countries
  972. Transitory regions
  973. Transparency, lack of
  974. Travels in China (Barrows, J.)
  975. Tribal groups
  976. Tribal heterogeneity
  977. Tribal identities
  978. Tribal loyalty
  979. Trigonometry
  980. The Triple Package (Chua, A. and Rubenfield, J.)
  981. Trompenaars, Fons
  982. Troops, American and European
  983. Tropical diseases
  984. Trust
  986. Ubuntu
    1. mindset
  987. UN missions
  988. Uncertainty avoidance dimension
  989. Unionists
  990. United Nations, income inequality statistics
  991. Universalism:
    1. European scores on
    2. vs. exclusionism
  992. Unprotected sex
  993. Untouchability
  994. Upward mobility
  995. Urban cities
  996. U.S. CEO in France
  997. U.S. cultural DNA
  999. Vedas
  1000. Vegetarianism
  1001. Vicious wars, of mass slavery
  1002. Victim blame
  1003. Violence:
    1. atrocious acts of
    2. ethnic and intertribal
  1004. Volcanic ash
  1006. Wage levels
  1007. Warfare
    1. population reduction
  1008. Warring States period
  1009. Wars
  1010. Watson, Gary
  1011. Welch, Jack
  1012. Were You Born in the Wrong Continent? (Geoghegon, T.)
  1013. Western cultural DNA
  1014. Western individualism
  1015. Western Siberia
  1016. Westerners, polarizing belief
  1017. Wheat cultivation
  1018. White Australia policy
  1019. Whitefield, George
  1020. Wilders, Geert
  1021. Wiseman, Richard
  1022. Witchcraft
  1023. Witnessing, with communism
  1024. Wives, multiple
  1025. Women:
    1. attitude towards
    2. retrogressions attitudes for
    3. voting
  1026. Women one's killed instinct
  1027. Work ethic
  1028. World, complex causality and connection of
  1029. World murders percentage
  1030. Wrong, Michela
  1032. Yale
  1033. The Year before a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited The Renaissance (Menzies, G.)
  1034. Yin and Yan
  1035. Yue Yue
  1037. Zamorin (King) of Calicut
  1038. Zen Buddhism
  1039. Zhong Yong (doctrine of the mean)