About the Authors

Edgar Harrell, USMC (Ret.), owned and operated a distributorship for the Pella Window Company in Rock Island, Illinois, for thirty-five years, served for fifteen years on the board of the Moody Bible Institute, and has been a lay minister throughout his adult life. He lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, with his wife, Ola, enjoying their two children, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Edgar speaks extensively around the United States about his survival at sea.

David Harrell is currently the senior pastor-teacher of Calvary Bible Church (www.cbctn.org), where he has served since 1997. His Bible expositions are heard and read regularly around the world over the Internet and broadcasted over the radio. He is also the president of Olive Tree Christian Resources (www.otcr.org), which serves as the media arm of Calvary Bible Church, committed to the creation and distribution of Christian books, expository sermons, Internet and radio programming, websites for doctrinally sound evangelical churches, pastoral training, and church planting. After attending the Moody Bible Institute, he graduated from Grace College, Grace Theological Seminary, and the Oxford Graduate School where he earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in social research methods, which focuses on the sociological integration of religion and society. He is a former associate professor of Biblical counseling at the Master’s College, Santa Clarita, California. He is married to Nancy, and together they have three children and six grandchildren.