THE COLD WIND was blowing sideways, and my jacket was barely slowing it down. Granny Grace called this kind of night bone chilling. I only had to climb the hill to get to the main road, then around the corner past Aunt Susannah Hope’s house, and then a few more blocks to the square. I covered up my face with my scarf and started walking. The moon was so bright on the snow I didn’t need my flashlight. It would really be all right with me if the wind would stop blowing so hard though.

I hadn’t walked too far when I could see the lights from the traffic on the main road up ahead. When I got to the top of the hill, there was a streetlight on the corner. I hid in the bushes for a few minutes until the cars stopped coming by. With a full moon, the streetlight, and the Christmas lights all down the street, somebody might see me.

I walked right past Aunt Susannah Hope’s house. It looked like it was raining Christmas bulbs all the way around her front porch, and that big old pine tree in the living room window shined like it was the only Christmas tree on the whole block. The lights were still on, and it would be like Granny and my aunt to be in the kitchen finishing up the last dishes for tomorrow’s Christmas lunch. If they knew I was out this late by myself, I’d be in time-out the rest of my life.

I kept walking and ducking in the bushes whenever I saw car lights. The Wilson’s house was completely dark except for the trail of white smoke coming from the chimney. I didn’t have to worry about their dog barking at me. He’d be inside on a night like tonight. Just three more blocks to the corner and then two blocks to the church.

I thought about Laramie being out in the cold all by herself for so long before she showed up at our house Monday night. And she was hurt, and she didn’t know what was going to happen to her. All I had to do was get to the church and hide until the service was over. At least it’d be warm in there, and then I could go back home. I wished Laramie was with me, but she didn’t need any more trouble right now.

I could hear the organ when I was a half a block away from the church. Good. The service was under way. There were no folks in sight when I got there. They were still singing and nobody could hear or see me, so I opened the door, slipped in, and headed down the side hallway out of sight. It was dark, and no one would come this way ’cause the bathrooms and the pastor’s office were down the other hall.

I brushed the snow off and took off my earmuffs. I might be the only creature stirring in this hallway on the night before Christmas, but I still tiptoed. I ducked in the first classroom to wait for “Silent Night,” my signal to get ready ’cause the service would soon be over. All I had to do was wait. I didn’t move a muscle and wished I were invisible. Any minute Pastor Simmons would say, “Let us go and carry God’s light into the darkness.” Then everybody would light their candles and head to the parking lot. The wind was blowing so hard, they’d be hurrying to their cars. Then I could do what I came to do and get home.

The way I had things figured, when everybody was out the door, Pastor Simmons would go back to his office and hang up his robe. And I’d have time to take Mama’s present to the altar table and say my prayer. I’d be out that front door before he came back in to turn out the lights and lock up and set the alarm.

So I waited and waited for the people to leave, and then I heard somebody say, “Pastor, you better lock up. Just saw some old vagabond walking up the street.” I was standing ready to take off down the hall when everything went dark, and I heard the front door close and the click of metal.

It was dark and quiet, and I kept waiting for the pastor to come back in, but he didn’t. I was so quiet I could hear my eyes batting. I don’t know how long I waited, but it finally came to me that he wasn’t coming back. I was locked in the church all by myself.

I shivered. How was I gonna get out and get home? Mama and Daddy didn’t like me to be anywhere by myself, but I guessed if I had to be somewhere by myself, the church was a good place, especially on Christmas Eve. Still, I was glad Chesler wasn’t with me. He’d be whining by now.

I came out from behind the door and tiptoed down the hall to the front entrance, quiet as a cat. I didn’t know why I was so quiet. There was no one there to hear me, and there was no light in the front hall. “Dark as Egypt,” Granny would say. Now I knew what she meant.

I checked the door. It was locked and the alarm was set, and I didn’t have a key. I walked down the hall to Pastor Simmons’s office. His door was locked. That meant I couldn’t even get to a phone to call Daddy. I turned around and went through the doorway into where we had church. No lights there either, except the red letters of the exit sign at the side door and the streetlights shining through the stained glass windows. The room was still warm, but it wouldn’t stay that way long unless they left the heat on for tomorrow morning’s services. At least I was out of the wind, and I was safe because the door was locked.

I stood in the aisle. My eyes were getting used to the dark. The church was real quiet like Mama’s sewing room, and it looked big and empty in the dark, but I had my flashlight.

Chesler promised he wouldn’t tell anyone about my plan, but he never kept his promises. If I wasn’t home in the morning, he’d tell Daddy where I was, and they’d come and find me. Daddy would be so happy I was okay that maybe he wouldn’t be too mad. He wouldn’t let me miss Christmas. But if this was the one time Chesler decided to keep his promise, then I’d be stranded here until folks started coming to church in the morning.

My flashlight stuck out of my coat pocket, just waiting for me to turn it on and walk down the aisle, so I did. I went over to the side door to check it out. I thought about pushing it to see if it would open. But that would set the alarm off, and the police would come.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I sat down on the pew and started thinking. But then I heard something, a creaking sound and the wind howling. Those old church walls sure made some strange noises. I put my earmuffs back on so I couldn’t hear. The streetlights shined through the stained glass, and the tree limbs nearby made shadows on the windows. I shut my eyes so tight it seemed they might never open again. I couldn’t see or hear. I had never been in an empty church before, and it felt like being in the cemetery. And then I thought of Laramie being all by herself and hurt and hiding in the shed out back of the school. She must have been so scared.

I didn’t like being here all by myself, but I’d rather stay here all night alone and have Daddy find me in the morning than have the police take me home in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. Everybody in town would be talking about that little Harding girl.

Finally I decided I might as well do what I came here to do, so I got up and walked to the altar table and put my flashlight down next to the advent wreath. I unbuttoned my coat and reached under my sweater for the special box. Holding it in my hands like I was holding on to Mama, I knelt down on the floor right in front of the Christ candle, wishing it was lit.

“Dear God,” I prayed, “I’ve been telling You it’s real important that my mama gets this for Christmas. I know she’s got everything she needs in heaven and all, but I think she’d really like to have this. She can keep it with her until I get there. Please God, I didn’t mean to get locked in the church. That wasn’t part of my plan. I’m sorry if I’m in trouble, but I just didn’t know where else to take Mama’s present. I knew You’d be here. And God, if there’s ever a time Chesler keeps his promise, please don’t let it be now. Please let Daddy find me and not be too mad. I don’t like being all by myself in here, and I’m real scared, God. Oh, and thank You for the redbird You send to the cedar tree. She reminds me of Mama. Amen.”

I got up and placed Mama’s gift on the altar table next to the Christ candle. Just as I put it down, there was a strange noise like a rumble. I hoped it was the wind blowing hard, but it didn’t sound like that. I was too scared to turn around, and I wanted to scream, but I didn’t think anything would come out. I searched for my flashlight on the table and found it. With my other hand I removed my earmuffs. And then I heard it. Someone clearing his throat.

“Good evening, Katherine Joy.” His voice was scraggly like he needed to cough or clear his throat again.

Whoever it was knew me, and I had heard that voice before, but where? I held tight to my flashlight.

“I heard you praying. I hope you don’t mind.”

I knew his voice, and I turned around to see. Light coming through the stain-glassed windows made his face look like a kaleidoscope of colors. “Mr. Josh?” I looked harder. “Mr. Josh, is that really you?”

He was holding his wool cap in his hands. “I’m right here, and it makes me so happy you remembered me.”

“I remember you from the hospital, but what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Oh, I was just passing through and needed a warm place to spend the night.”

“But I didn’t think anyone else was here. I thought I was locked in all alone.” I wanted to hug him, but I didn’t.

“Well, I’m here too. I know, little one, the church is empty most of the time.” He rubbed his hand across his scruffy beard. “You know why I’m here, and I heard your prayer, so I know why you’re here.” He stepped closer to the table and ran his finger over the top of the red box.

If he took Mama’s present, I didn’t know what I’d do.

“Why don’t we light this candle?”

Then he reached under his coat, and I could see he still had on that old gray wool sweater. Just like at the hospital, he pulled out that green book of matches with Haven of Hope on it, and he lit the Christ candle. “Maybe with this candle burning, you’ll see you’re not alone.”

His voice was real gentle, and I wasn’t so scared anymore. “Why don’t we just sit down right here on this pew and look at the flame?” He sat down, and I sat down too, but not too close.

We sat in silence until I couldn’t be quiet any longer. “I didn’t mean to get locked in here.”

Then he said, “I know you didn’t. It’s a strange thing about the church. The doors are locked from the outside—locked doors for those folks who need to come in because they’re out there standing in the cold and the dark. And here you are on the inside, and you don’t seem to be able to get out.” Then he got quiet again.

“But I really need to go home so my daddy won’t be worried.”

“Yes, Katherine Joy, daddies like yours tend to do that. It’s because he loves you so much, but I don’t want you to worry.”

“But I can’t help it.” I just wanted to cry.

“I’m sorry about this mess you think you’re in, but everything will be just fine come morning, you’ll see. Yes, little one, I think this story will have a happy ending.”

Then I remembered, and just for a minute I wasn’t sad or worried. “That’s what you said at the hospital. My friend, Laramie, her story had a real happy ending. Her mom came home today.”

“She did, did she? Well, just maybe that’s a happy beginning. Let’s see, you’ve already told me about your mama when we met at the hospital. Seems I remember she was good at singing. Did she come to church here?”

“Yes, sir. You see the chairs in the choir?”

“I do.”

I pointed to Mama’s seat. “That was where Mama sat. She sat right in the middle on the front row, and she could sing like a redbird.”

“Like a redbird, you say? I think I’m familiar with how redbirds sing.”

We sat for a little while and watched the candle and the flickers of light coming through the windows.

Then he started singing “Away in a Manger” real quiet like he was singing to himself. His voice sounded like the hinges on my closet door.

I stared at the candle. It was burning so bright in the darkness that it seemed to fill up the cracks of those cold, stone walls and made the wooden pews look warm. I yawned real big. I was getting so sleepy, but I didn’t want to say so ’cause I didn’t think it was right for me to go to sleep all by myself with this stranger nearby. What if he took Mama’s present?

Then he said out of the clear blue like he could read my mind, “It’ll be all right if you’d like to go to sleep, Kate. I’ll just sit here for a while and look at the candle. Just remember, you’re not alone.”

I put my feet up on the pew and lay on my side with my arm curled up under my head. My eyelids were so heavy when I lay down on that pew. Mr. Josh just sat there all peaceful like with his arms folded, looking at the candle and humming to himself. I watched him till I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the next thing I knew someone was calling my name.

“Katherine Joy! Kate, are you in here? It’s Daddy.” I thought I was dreaming until I opened my eyes and saw streaks of red and blue and green morning light pouring in through the church windows. I sat up. There in the aisle was Daddy, and behind him, the pastor and Uncle Luke and Chesler.

“I’m here, Daddy. I’m right here.”

The next thing I knew, Daddy was squeezing me, and asking, “Katherine Joy, are you all right?”

I wrapped my arms so tight around Daddy’s neck. His beard was scratchy, but I didn’t care. “Yes, sir, I’m fine,” I said to Daddy. “I’m just fine.”

Uncle Luke said, “When you weren’t in your room this morning, Chesler told us about your plan.”

Chesler climbed up on the pew next to me and tried to hug me. “I had to tell him, Kate. Don’t be mad at me. I had to tell Daddy. It’s Christmas, and we had to come and find you.”

I gave my brother the biggest hug. “It’s okay, Chesler. I prayed last night you wouldn’t keep your promise. God just answered my prayer.”

Daddy patted Chesler on the head. “You did the right thing, son.” Then Daddy took my hand and helped me stand up. He looked at me like he hadn’t seen me in forty forevers. “What in the world made you come here last night, Kate? Chesler said something about a present for your mama.”

“It was the only way for Mama to get her Christmas present.”

“What? What about your mama’s Christmas present?” Daddy just hugged me tight, and I thought he was going to cry. “Never mind, we’ll straighten all that out when we get home, but right now I think you owe the pastor an explanation and an apology. It’s Christmas morning, and he had to leave his family to help me find you.”

“I’m so sorry. I was just gonna slip in and leave Mama’s present before you locked the doors last night, but I got locked in. I didn’t mean to worry anybody. I’m so sorry you had to leave your family and Miss Evie and get out in the cold just for me.”

Pastor Simmons looked me straight in the face. “Kate, that’s one fine apology, and I accept it. But would you mind telling me about this plan of yours?”

“Yes, sir . . . I mean, no, sir, I don’t mind. Do you remember when I came to see you and asked about how I could get Mama’s Christmas present to her?”

“Yes, I remember that conversation well. But I don’t recall telling you how to do that.”

“No, sir, you didn’t. Nobody could tell me. But I figured it out for myself. I thought if I could just get Mama’s present to the church on Christmas Eve that God would take care of it. I knew He would understand. So I put it right over there on the table.”

We all turned to look down at the altar. My eyes grew about as big as Granny’s embroidery hoop. Mama’s present was gone, and the candle had burned out.

Pastor looked too. “Don’t tell me I left that candle burning all night. I could have burned the church down. You didn’t light it, did you, Kate?”

“No, sir. I don’t have any matches. Daddy doesn’t allow us to strike matches.” Then I remembered Mr. Josh. I jumped up. “Mama’s present was right there. I promise it was. Right there.” I touched the place on the table where it had been. “Mr. Josh must have taken it.”

Daddy took my shoulder and turned me around. “Mr. Josh? Who’s Mr. Josh?”

“I don’t know. He’s just Mr. Josh. He’s an old man, and he was hiding in the church ’cause he needed a warm place to spend the night. He talked to me about Mama, and he lit the candle, and he sang until I fell asleep.”

Daddy talked in his real serious voice. “Slow, down, Katherine Joy. You mean to tell me there was someone with you here last night?”

“Yes, sir, Daddy. Mr. Josh was here. I met him at the hospital when we went to visit Laramie. He was right here. We sat together right here on this pew ’til I fell asleep.”

Uncle Luke took my hand. “Kate, if he was here, where is he now? He couldn’t have gotten out. The doors were locked when we got here. No one was here with you, sweetie. You must have dreamed it.”

I looked at Daddy. “I didn’t dream it, Daddy. He was here. I promise he was.”

I saw the way Pastor Simmons looked at Daddy. “Well, Zack Wheeler told me there was a vagabond walking around the church yard last night. But, John, you know the alarm system was on when I unlocked the doors this morning. No one could have left this building without triggering it. But just to be safe, I’ll check my office and the back door and the windows back there. John, you check the hallway where the classrooms are. Luke, maybe you should check the restrooms. Maybe he’s still here and hiding.”

“I’ll help. I know what he looks like. He’s got on a long coat, and he has white hair. Come on, Chesler.”

“Katherine Joy, you sit right here on this pew with your brother until we get back. Do you understand me? Neither of you move one muscle.”

“But Daddy, it’s okay. Mr. Josh won’t hurt a flea. He took care of me last night.”

“You heard me.” Daddy and Uncle Luke and Pastor Simmons left the room.

Chesler squirmed over next to me. “Was Mr. Josh for real, Kate? You’re not just making this up?”

“I couldn’t make up anything like that. No, Chesler, he was for real. If he wasn’t for real, where did the present go?”

“I wish I woulda come with you to see him.”

“I wish you had been here too, little brother. Then they wouldn’t think I’m making this up.”

Daddy and Uncle Luke and the pastor walked back in the sanctuary together talking. Pastor Simmons came over and knelt down in front of me. “Kate, whoever you think was here is not to be found in this church, and there doesn’t seem to be a way he could have gotten out of the building. But it’s okay. Maybe you just had a dream that seemed so real, or maybe it was just your imagination because you were so scared.”

I knew Mr. Josh was real. I didn’t have that good of an imagination. “Yes, sir, I was scared all right, so maybe he wasn’t for real.” I didn’t need to say anything else ’cause my plan had worked. “Daddy, can we just go home?”

“That’s a good idea, Kate, then Pastor Simmons can get back to his family.”

Chesler and I walked up the aisle toward the door. I heard Pastor Simmons tell Daddy not to worry. He said that children sometimes invented stories to stay out of trouble, like my daddy didn’t already know that. That’s when Uncle Luke asked him, “So, I get all that, but what happened to the box?”

Pastor said, “Oh, she just probably dropped it. It’ll turn up around here somewhere.”

Daddy didn’t say a word about all that, but he did some more fussing on the ride home. “Kate, I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you. You can’t pull any more stunts like this, wandering around in the streets at midnight. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, Daddy, I’m so sorry, and I promise I won’t do anything to make you worry ever again in my whole life.” Then we just stopped talking.

Daddy parked the car in the garage, and we went in the back door. He stopped in the kitchen. “Okay, I don’t think we should say anything about this to Granny Grace or Aunt Susannah Hope today. Do you understand? Not a word.”

“You got it, Daddy. Not one word.” Chesler zipped his lips.

I nodded but kept my head down. Daddy lifted my chin.

“So tell me, Kate, what did you give your mama?”

“I cut a lock of my hair, and I cut Chesler’s too, and put it in a red box. It’s just like what Granny Grace has, a lock of Mama’s hair. That way, me and Chesler can be with Mama forever.”

I saw tears in Daddy’s eyes, and he hugged Chesler and me. He was having a hard time talking. “Remember, we’ll just keep this to ourselves. Maybe after Christmas, you can tell Granny Grace and Aunt Susannah, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to upset them on Christmas Day with such a tale.”

“Thanks, Daddy, for not making me be in trouble, and I won’t say a word.”

Uncle Luke shouted, “Anybody ready to see if Santa Claus made a stop by here last night?”

Chesler nearly knocked me over trying to get to the Christmas tree in the living room. He just threw his jacket down on the floor of the front hall and took off.

Daddy picked up Chesler’s jacket and hung it on the hall tree and hugged me again. “I’m just so glad you’re okay. Let’s open some presents.” He walked into the living room.

I took off my mittens and stuck them in my left coat pocket. And as I reached into my right coat pocket to pull out my flashlight, something fell from my pocket onto the floor. I picked it up. A book of matches! I ran my fingers over the green cover. Printed in gold letters, it read Haven of Hope. Mr. Josh’s matches.

I just smiled and put the matchbook in my jeans pocket. It was Christmas, the season of miracles, and Mr. Josh had told me everything would turn out good. And it had.