2.1 Basic organization of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
4.1 Henry Hallett Dale in his thirties, and in his sixties.
5.1 Professor Otto Loewi.
5.2 Otto Loewi demonstrating neurohumoral transmission in 1926 at the International Physiology Congress in Stockholm.
5.3 Apparatus used by R. H. Kahn.
6.1 The leech muscle technique introduced by Bruno Minz and Wilhelm Feldberg.
6.2 Sir Henry Dale and Professor Otto Loewi in Stockholm in 1936 on the occasion of the awarding of their Nobel Prize.
7.1 Walter Bradford Cannon in his laboratory.
8.1 John Eccles in his laboratory.
9.1 Otto Loewi talking to students at Woods Hole.
9.2 Henry Hallett Dale on his eighty-fifth birthday.
9.3 Ivan Pavlov and Walter Cannon in Boston.
9.4 Part of a group picture taken in Professor Bykov’s laboratory on the occasion of the XIVth International Congress of Physiology held in Leningrad in August 1935.
9.5 Arturo Rosenblueth and Walter Cannon in Mexico City.