It is up to us, however we may disagree on policies, to work together for progress and humanity so that our grandchildren, when they look back on us, can say we not only preserved the flame of freedom, but cast its warmth and light further than those who came before us.


Ronald Reagan,
remarks to the National Conference of Christians and Jews, New York, NY, March 23, 1981


President and Mrs. Reagan welcome Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the White House to honor her charitable works, 1981.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library


President Reagan meeting with the press after signing the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 at Rancho del Cielo.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library


President Reagan showing off a whimsical drawing to the White House staff photographer, 1981.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library


President Reagan and Vice President Bush receiving a briefing in the Situation Room on the assassination of President Anwar Sadat of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 1981.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library


President Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Gerald Ford, and Richard Nixon, 1981.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library