I would like to thank Jamie Raab, president of Grand Central Publishing, and the team at Business Plus for making this book happen. To Rick Wolff, my publisher and editor—your guidance has been invaluable. Thank you for championing me and for giving me just enough honest advice to make me want to work hard to be a better author, but not so much that I needed therapy. You believed from the beginning that I could write this book myself, and I am glad I listened to you. A few more shout-outs to others at Grand Central to whom I am indebted—Meredith Haggerty, Amanda Pritzker, Bob Castillo, Kristin Vorce, Tracy Brickman, Mark Long, and Karen Andrews—thanks for the editorial help, the publicity efforts, the production work, and the legal perspective.

I also want to thank the dream team at Dupree Miller & Associates (DMA). Jan Miller—literary agent extraordinaire—thank you for agreeing to represent me and for not firing the receptionist who put my call through to you. Nena Madonia—I am not sure where I would be without you (well, chances are I’d still be enjoying life in a tent somewhere, but my name wouldn’t be on the cover of a book). You held my hand, gave me your ear, and had my back throughout this entire process from start to finish. To the rest of the DMA crew: Shannon Marven, Nicki Miser, Ivonne Ortega, and Lacy Lynch—your efforts are much appreciated. Maria Shriver, Renee Croce, and Roberta Hollander—thanks to all of you lovely ladies for believing in this book and for connecting me with DMA. And thanks for being lovely.

I could not have pulled together my initial book proposal without the help of Joanne Gordon. Jake Norton, Don Healy, and Garrett Madison were kind enough to supply me with dozens of photos. Clint Willis—I am incredibly grateful for your willingness to help me work through my first draft. The wisdom you shared made this a better book and made me a better writer. Your ability to read my work and make meaningful suggestions for improvement while on your surfboard was nothing short of remarkable. I think there’s still a piece of seaweed stuck to page 74.

I’d like to acknowledge Col. Bernie Banks and the entire Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership (BS&L) at the United States Military Academy at West Point—thank you for the opportunity to be part of your part-time faculty. It’s such an honor to have shared the classroom with you. Col. Diane Ryan—you are a great inspiration and role model to so many cadets, and to me as well. As soon as scientists get the human cloning thing down I’ll need to borrow you for a bit, so please start filling out your paperwork to take some leave. Col. (Ret.) Eric Kale—you made the study of leadership both interesting and fun. We miss you in BS&L, but we know you are there in spirit.

To Gen. (Ret.) Tom Kolditz, who is now teaching at Yale but who I first worked with at West Point when he was head of BS&L: You’ve been an incredible mentor over the years, and I value your advice and friendship more than I could ever express. You are the best resource I know when it comes to leading teams in extreme environments. I feel incredibly lucky that our paths crossed so many years ago and I envy the students at Yale who are benefiting from your knowledge and your passion about the study of leadership.

Dr. Karen Kuhla, Rick Minicozzi, and the rest of the Thayer Leader Development Group at West Point—thank you for the opportunity to work alongside and learn from some of the best leaders in the public and private sectors.

To everyone at the Center on Leadership and Ethics at Duke University—it’s an honor to serve on your board and to help develop leaders of consequence. Some of the themes in this book came directly from our discussions and brainstorming sessions.

I also want to give a nod to those who have taught me much about the mountains and polar environments—and there are too many of you to mention, but if I have climbed with you or skied to a pole with you—gracias. Chhewang Nima Sherpa (aka “Trouble”)—thank you for being my guardian angel. I know I will see you again.

Janet Hanson—the support from you and the 85 Broads network made climbing many mountains a lot easier. Standing on the shoulders of others always put me closer to the summit.

Thanks to my family—the Levines, Kerns, and Schlenkers.

I’d also like to apologize, in advance, to trees. If it happens that this book sells lots of hard copies—I’m sorry. Thank you for the paper.

And to any company that makes pain relievers—you’re welcome for the boost in sales brought on by all of the people mentioned above who bought an excess amount of headache remedies throughout the process of helping me make this book a reality.

Alison Levine

Summer 2013