It’s hard to know who to trust in this novel. Who did you most want to believe? Anna or Jack?
Given that Anna is such a private person, why do you think she pursued a career as a TV journalist? Was it to please her mother on some level? (Who named her after the newsreader Anna Ford).
The quintessential English village of Blackdown is a fictional setting, but places like it do exist. What makes some people desperate to escape tight-knit communities, while others never want to leave?
What do you think the killer meant by that?
Several characters in the book could be described as functioning alcoholics. Attitudes to smoking have dramatically changed in recent years. Is alcohol simply Anna’s generation’s drug of choice?
The changing roles we play in life, family and work feature several times in the book. Why did it take Anna so long to start looking after her mother?
How much do Anna and her mother really have in common?
Age discrimination is an interesting topic in this novel. Is society too quick to judge the elderly?
Several of the characters suffer from one or more forms of anxiety. Did that hinder them? Or, did it somehow make them more determined to achieve their goals?
Sometimes Anna’s and Jack’s memories don’t quite match. Do two people ever really remember things the exact same way?
Loneliness is such a big theme in this book, and affects almost every character on some level, regardless of their age. Is life in 2020 more or less lonely than it used to be?
Is anyone who they first seem to be in this novel?