We spent the afternoon shooting scenes in three different locations with all sorts of dogs. Throughout it all, the small black-and-gray dog we had met at the store followed us around. He seemed especially fond of Connor and kept going back to him for extra pets.
“Come on, Duke,” I yelled. The dog gave a happy bark and came running over from the light post he had been sniffing.
“Adrianna, you gave the dog a name?” Mark asked. He shook his head. “Bad idea. You can’t keep it, you know.”
“Why ‘Duke’?” Connor asked, ignoring Mark’s comment.
“Look at him,” I said, pointing back at Duke.
Connor turned around. Duke trotted along behind us, head held high, as if admiring his subjects.
“He certainly does act like he owns the street.” Connor laughed.
“He’s a royal, I just know it,” I said. Duke came up to my outstretched hand. I petted his head.
“Just be careful with him, Adrianna. He could have fleas,” Mark warned, setting down the camera tripod under a shady tree. He checked his watch again and scanned the street. “Well, we should be getting picked up soon. I’m gonna go get something nice and cold to drink—you in, Connor?”
“I am indeed in.” Connor nodded.
“Adrianna, do you want anything?” Mark asked.
I shook my head. “No, I’m okay. I can stay with the stuff while you guys go inside.” I sat down next to the tripod. Duke planted himself next to my foot with a sigh. I smiled at him, proud of the shots we had just done. Mark and Connor had applauded my narrations and said I was a natural in front of the camera. I couldn’t wait to tell Mom and Dad.
Squinting into the bright sun, I suddenly spotted two dogs running down the street toward me. A large man with bushy red hair chased after them.
“¡Oye! ¡Regresa aquí! Get back here, you mutts!” he yelled as they tore down the dirt road. The two dogs, obviously strays, paused by where Duke and I were and looked back to see the man heaving to catch his breath. He waved his arms, which made the dogs bark in fear and start running again.
It was only when he stopped to pant that I saw what his shirt said … but I should’ve guessed it already. EMPLEADO DE LA PERRERA. Dogcatcher. Duke gave a soft whine and hid behind my legs as the man got closer. Did he know this dogcatcher? Had he been chased before?
The whining caught the dogcatcher’s attention and he looked over at us. “Hola pequeña. ¿Ese es tu perro?”
I nodded. “Yes. Es mío,” I squeaked out.
He looked at me like he didn’t believe me. It was probably obvious I was lying since Duke was covered in dirt. But the man gave me a single nod back and said, “You better put a collar on him, then. Don’t want me, or any other dogcatcher, to think he’s a stray.”
He looked at where the other dogs had disappeared and shook his head, throwing his hands up in frustration. “Cuídate, little one,” he said, and walked away.
I let out a big gasp of air I didn’t know I had been holding. Let Duke be captured by that guy?! No way! Suddenly, a black van with WILD SURVIVAL! printed on its side parked across the street. Alice, who was driving, honked the horn and waved at me, rolling down the window.
“Hey, Adrianna! Where is everyone?” she asked.
Still shaken up, I pointed to the store behind us. Her face lit up.
“Oh, perfect! I need a quick drink. Why don’t you climb inside? The air is on, so it’s nice and cool in here.” Alice rolled the window back up and jumped out of the van. She went into the tienda, leaving Duke and me alone outside.
I stayed exactly where I was and looked down at Duke. He looked back up at me with soulful brown eyes.
I couldn’t let the dogcatcher throw sweet Duke in doggy prison. I bent down to pet Duke, and a lightbulb suddenly went off over my head. Feye and I had always wanted a puppy. Maybe if I surprised him with Duke, he’d forgive me and we’d also have a new family member!
“Come on, Duke! We’re getting you out of here,” I whispered, standing up and hurrying over to the van. I opened the back of the vehicle and saw a bunch of large plastic tubs that the camera crew used for gear. I grabbed a nearby roll of duct tape and the trusty Sharpie pen that was always near the tape, and wrote FRAGILE on a long silvery strip before ripping it with my teeth and placing it on top of one of the plastic tubs’ lids.
I quickly peeked around the side of the van’s door toward the store to make sure no one was coming out yet. Coast was clear!
“All right, Duke. Jump up! Come on,” I said, patting the clear spot near the tub. Being the clever boy he was, Duke jumped up and sat next to the ratty tub. It was full of holes from years of use. Perfect for Duke to be able to breathe! “Such a good boy,” I said as I kissed his nose.
“Okay, now here.” I pointed to the tub, and he jumped into it. I took the plastic bag of treats from my pocket and emptied the remainder of them into the tub. “You need to be real quiet, understand? We’re going to get you on set and then I’ll sneak you into the boat hotel. But you need to be very quiet.” I put my finger to my lips and rubbed his head before putting the lid on top.
I shut the door just as they all emerged from the shop.
“Where did the dog go?” Connor asked, staring at me as he climbed into the front seat.
I shrugged. “He ran off after a dogcatcher scared him,” I said. My stomach twisted into knots. I hated lying, especially to adults.
“Oh,” Connor said, shoulders sagging.
“You couldn’t have kept him anyway,” Mark said.
Connor grumbled something under his breath.
“Buckle up, everyone!” Alice called over her shoulder, starting the van.
I fastened my seat belt and patted the tub with Duke next to me. I crossed my fingers and took a deep breath. Operation Dog Rescue was underway!