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Ugh. Is it that time again? Another round of unbridled gratitude with a side order of grovel-ling. Didn’t I just thank these people? Still, it must be done. So here it is:

Madeleine Milburn is an outstanding literary agent. What’s more, she’s my outstanding literary agent. Which shows great courage and fortitude on her part. And I thank her. In her bustling office are Cara Lee Simpson and Thérèse Coen who are both highly capable and terribly helpful. Cara’s chum, Harriet Orrell, offered invaluable assistance with London geography. Thanks also to Michelle Kroes at CAA for all her efforts in the film world.

I do not write for my own benefit. If I did, this book would be a three-hundred-thousand-word opus exploring the widely held view that I am the new Dickens (and quite possibly the old one too). But as I write books for other people, a publisher is required. One is Bloomsbury UK. The following people had a great deal to do with creating the book you have in your hands: Rachel Boden, Helen Vick, Katie Everson, Polly Whybrow, Ellen Holgate, Rebecca McNally. John Kelly provided the illustrations that add so much. So I thank all of these talented people.

On the home front I should probably acknowledge my parents for being hugely supportive and only occasionally regretting the day I was born.

Paul, as ever, did all the printing and helped with computer related stuff. Christine offered frequent encouragement. Carol allowed me to bend her ear on many occasions. Peter hasn’t read any of my books because they don’t involve three men in a raft, climbing Mount Whatsit and eating their own arms for sustenance – but he always asks how my work is going, which is nice.

My nephews and nieces – Nats, Ant and Liz, Josh, Ben, Thomas, Dylan, Olivia, Shannon, Kaelin, Jack and Charli – provide a welcome distraction from the peaks and valleys of a writing life.

Jacqui is the closest thing I have to a lifelong friend and is one of the best people I know (which isn’t all that hard, as I know a great many awful people).

Lastly, thanks to you, dear reader. Though, to be honest, it’s you who should be thanking me. After all, the fact that you chose my book speaks very well for your future prospects. A great many of my keenest readers have gone on to thoroughly successful lives upon release from juvenile detention. So well done you.

Until next we meet …

C. Krisp, Esq.

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Hold on to your bloomers, dear.
Ivy Pocket’s first adventure is out now!


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