Free Online Resources

Lifelong learning increases resilience. The recommended resource section includes many additional aids. The free online resources (visit that accompany this workbook are also important and useful tools.

Resilience Basics

  1. The MIND Diet is a promising Mediterranean-style diet that appears to strengthen the brain.
  2. The Log Sheet for Resilience Strategies can be reproduced to record your progress.
  3. The Blank Daily Thought Record can be reproduced and used for practice of cognitive restructuring.


  1. The Optimism Questionnaire raises awareness of your thinking style and suggests a range of optimistic thoughts to choose.
  2. The Sociability Checkup identifies the many dimensions of social intelligence.
  3. Social Intelligence presents many principles and skills for improving interpersonal relationships.
  4. Money Attitudes and Management usually affect happiness more than wealth.
  5. Religion and Spirituality are strongly related in the research to resilience and happiness.
  6. The Forgiveness Letter is a blank template related to chapter 20 of this book.
  7. Meditation is linked to many benefits, including happiness. This section covers additional methods.

Looking Ahead: Preparing Emotionally for Difficult Times

  1. Preparing Emotionally for Crisis introduces the powerful principle of emotional inoculation.
  2. Preparing for Post-Crisis Stress Symptoms keeps us from being caught by surprise following distressing situations.
  3. Resilient Suffering explores perspectives that help us navigate painful times.
  4. Emotional Inoculation for Emergency Responders covers considerations that are especially useful for high-risk groups (such as military, police, and firefighters) and those who support them.

Additional Resilience Reflections

Online Bibliography