"I think the telepath is back," Sapphire told her bodyguard, Thor. Thor was a big, muscled, handsome piece of sweet man-chocolate--one she didn’t mind nibbling on now and again. However, he only had eyes for Quartz, another of Lord Maximus’ other performers. Though, Quartz didn’t seem to realize the man’s interest.
Lord Maximus had nicknamed all his women after precious metals and gemstones, and all the bouncers were named after mythological Earth Gods. The names just stuck and it got to the point no one even cared to use their real name anymore. It was all show business after all.
Sapphire disappeared behind her dressing screen and tried to decide between the black bustier and the silver studded bra and panty set. She frowned to herself and added, "I felt him in the crowd watching me, trying to invade my thoughts. I think he succeeded because I blacked out for a moment. I didn’t do anything odd while on stage, did it?"
"No, honey, you were great as always," Thor answered in a booming voice that always managed to send chills down a woman’s spine. "You want me to alert security?"
"And tell them what?" Sapphire laughed. She poked her head from behind the screen. Giving an impish smile, she said in her best imitation of his voice, "The Miss Sapphire has a stalker who likes to give her orgasms on stage with his mind. Quick, to the crowd. Arrest the man with a hard on who likes to look at pretty women!"
Thor chuckled.
"Honestly," Sapphire admitted, "the first time it happened tripped me out a little, but now I just want to meet him."
Sapphire decided on a dark blue bustier and garters with a thong. Her body was still heated from her performance and she paused to run her hands over her naked flesh. Her body trembled, still sensitive, still needing release. She wasn’t lying. She really did want to meet the man who could make her feel like this with just his mind. She had fantasized about him, what he’d look like, late at night when it was just her and her toys. She stifled a moan as her finger tweaked her clit, sending a shockwave of agony over her. Now, however, was not the time to finish. She had to get dressed.
"This is going to sound very strange, Thor, but I feel as if I know him on this really weird level. I don’t know what I’d do if I met him. Probably depends on what he looks like." She stopped and gave a light laugh. "I might just have to deck him for making me so damned frustrated. I tell you, when vibrators stop working you know you’re in trouble."
"You looking for some live action tonight?" Thor asked.
"You know better than that," Sapphire answered with a heavy sigh. "Maximus would throw a fit if I slept with a customer."
Sapphire came around the screen. Her dressing room aboard the ship was a lavish affair of blue and silver gauze, silk and fringe. The room was cozy, soft, seductive. There was a large bed with many hidden attachments, more toys than a girl could ever want, and she’d tried them all.
"Want me to start?"
"No, give me a second. I don’t want to do too many tonight." Sapphire smiled. "I’m a little worn and I’ve met my quota for Maximus. I don’t really have to sit around doing any extra meet n’ greets. Though, it’s hard to give up all those space credits men are willing to give up just to sit in my presence for a full minute."
Sitting in a chair before a round mirror, she took a pin from her locks and let her hair spill over her shoulders. Leaning forward, she ran a fingertip over the edge of the mirror. Her reflection shimmered and a menu of different hairstyles came up.
"Um," Sapphire began. "How about fifteen?"
Mechanical arms came down from the ceiling and quickly arranged her hair into the chosen style--long with big dark curls down her back. The locks were streaked with thin strands of her trademark blue and silver. The menu changed to show makeup options.
"Mmm, definitely ten," Sapphire murmured, looking at the bee-stung, red lips, the cat-eye black liner, and the glittering dark blue and white eye shadow. The arms came back down and applied her makeup, giving her what was popularly called a ‘wicked sci-fi maiden’ look, though in the world they lived in nothing was really considered sci-fi anymore. It was one of her favorites.
"Beautiful!" Thor exclaimed.
"Thanks, doll." Sapphire batted her eyelashes at him before grabbing a slinky silk robe and tossing it over her shoulders. "Now, go thin out that line that must be growing outside the door. Make up something, but keep about ten to fifteen of the cutest to choose from. I feel like looking at something to inspire me for later."
Sapphire giggled and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She looked down to adjust her cleavage before arranging her limbs on the bed. Meet n’ greets were simple. All she had to do was lie on the bed and let the man come and sit for a minute. Sometimes they wanted to talk, asking her silly questions. Other times they simply stared at her. Once, a man paid five hundred credits just so he could sketch her picture for five minutes. But, mostly, they’d gulp and ask her to touch herself--sometimes she did, sometimes she didn’t.
If they’d been out in space for years without sight of a woman, she was a real treat for their eyes. It was an image they could keep with them as they sought out the prostitutes that were always just a few days behind them. Knowing Maximus, he probably got a cut from the prostitutes too.
The door opened. Sapphire pasted on a smile, waiting for the first man. Her smile fell as Thor came in. He looked confused.
"Well?" Sapphire sat up on the bed. "Where are they?"
"I don’t know what’s going on," Thor shrugged. "But no one’s there."
"What?" Sapphire sat up, more surprised than anything. "What do you mean no one’s there? How … what do you mean no one’s there?"
"Hey, now, don’t get worked up," Thor answered, crossing over to the bed. "This is a mining colony. They probably had an emergency in one of the shafts. Or, maybe, they’ve had a dry run of it and can’t spare the extra credits. Don’t take it personal. Besides, you said you wanted a break."
"Yeah, a break," she repeated, a little dazed. This had never happened before. For a moment, she worried her career might be coming to an end. Swallowing, she breathed a little easier, "Yeah, a break, thanks Thor. I think I’m just going to jump into the decontaminator and go to bed."
Once alone, Sapphire undressed, jumped into a decontaminator unit, and pressed the button to turn it on. The decontaminator was an upright stall large enough to fit two people snuggly. She gave the order so the machine wouldn’t ruin her makeup. Bright light shot all around her body, cleaning her skin and hair. The heat from the lights made her skin tingle, so every nerve sparked as if on fire. A light moan left her.
"Mmmm, give me pleasure," she whispered to the unit. The lights dimmed and began to flash concentrations of electrified heat to her pussy and breasts. Her nipples peaked into stiff buds and her slit became drenched. It felt as if mouths latched onto her, sucking eagerly at her breasts, her clit. Her hands lifted, grasping a bar overhead for support. Tension built between her thighs, making them sticky with the natural juices of her desire.
"More, harder," she demanded the unit.
The intensity of the beams grew, hitting her hard and fast, akin to the feel of teeth grazing her hot flesh, nibbling her tender clit. Her eyes closed and she imaged it was a man--her mystery man--who sucked at her. In her heightened state of arousal, it didn’t take long until she was panting, so close to release.
Her climax hit her in a trembling wave, rocking her to the core. She cried out, jerking as she tried to stay upright. The unit sensed her release and stopped, leaving her with a sense of cold. A light sound left her as she dropped her arms to her side. The tension was gone from her belly, but she still felt empty and not completely fulfilled. She wanted a man inside, a large cock, a wet mouth, warm hands, strong muscular flesh.
Weak, she stumbled across her room and into bed.