List of Characters

(Dramatis Personae)


With Pronunciation Key


Death, Lord of the Keep of the Northern Forest


Village of Oarclaven (Lethe) (Oh-ahr-CLAY-ven)

Persephone (Per-SEH-phonee) or Percy (PUR-see) Ayren (EYE-Ren), middle daughter

Parabelle (Pah-rah-BELL) or Belle (Bell) Ayren, eldest daughter

Patriciana (Pah-tree-see-AHNA) or Patty (PEH-dee) Ayren, youngest daughter

Niobea (Nee-oh-BEH-ah) Ayren, their mother

Alann (Ah-LAHN) Ayren, their father

Bethesia (Beth-EH-zee-ah) Ayren, their grandmother

Johuan (Joh-HWAN) Ayren, their grandfather

Guel (Goo-EHL) Ayren, their uncle from Fioren (south of Letheburg)

Jack Rosten (ROS-ten), villager

Jules (JOOL-z), Jack’s second son, promised to Jenna Doneil

Father Dibue (Dee-B’YOU), village priest

Nicholas (NIH-koh-luss) Doneil (Doh-NEYL), village butcher

Marie (Muh-REE) Doneil, his wife

Faith Groaden (GROW-den), village girl

Mister Jaquard (Zhah-KARD), villager

Uncle Roald (ROH-uld), villager, the Ayrens’ neighbor across the street.

Bettie (BEH-tee), village girl


Kingdom of Lethe (LEH-thee) (Realm)

The Prince Heir Roland (Roh-LUND) Osenni (Oh-SYEN-nee) of Lethe

The Princess Lucia (Liu-SEE-ah) Osenni of Lethe

Queen Mother Andrelise (Un-dreh-LEEZ) Osenni

Prince John-Meryl (JON MEH-reel) Osenni, son and heir of the Prince.


Dukedom of Chidair (Chee-DEHR) (Lethe)

Duke Hoarfrost, Ian Chidair of Lethe

Lord Beltain (Bell-TEYN) Chidair of Lethe, his son, the black knight

Rivour (Ree-VOOR), Beltain’s old valet

Father Orweil (Or-WAIL), Chidair family chapel priest

Riquar (Reek-WAHR), Beltain’s man-a-arms

Laurent (Loh-RENT), pennant bearer of Chidair

Annie, girl in the forest


Dukedom of Goraque (Gor-AH-k) (Lethe)

Duke Vitalio (Vee-TAH-lee-oh) Goraque of Lethe


The Silver Court (Realm)

The Emperor Josephuste (Jo-zeh-FOOS-teh) Liguon (Lee-G’WON) II of the Realm

The Empress Justinia (Joo-STEE-nee-ah) Liguon

The Infanta Claere (KLEH-r) Liguon, the Grand Princess

Lady Milagra (Mee-LAH-grah) Rinon (Ree-NOHN), the Infanta’s First Lady-in-Attendance

Marquis Rinon of Morphaea, her father

Lady Selene (Seh-LEHN) Jenevais (Zheh-neh-VAH-is), Lady-in-Attendance, of Lethe

Lady Floricca (FLOH-ree-kah) Grati (GRAH-tee), Lady-in-Attendance, of Styx

Lady Liana (Lee-AH-nah) Crusait (Kroo-SAH-eet), Lady-in-Attendance, of Morphaea

Lady Alis (Ah-LEE-s) Denear (Deh-ne-AHR), Lady-in-Attendance, of Lethe

Baron Carlo (KAR-loh) Irnolas (Eer-noh-LAH-s), Imperial knight

Lord Givard (Ghee-VAHR-d) Mariseli (Mah-ree-SEH-lee), Imperial Knight

Doctor Belquar (Behl-KWAH-r), head Imperial physician

Doctor Hartel (Hahr-TEH-l), Imperial physician


Kingdom of Styx (STEEK-s) (Realm)

King Augustus (Uh-GUS-tus) Ixion (EEK-see-ohn) of Styx

King Claudeis (Kloh-DEH-ees) Ixion of Styx, deceased

Queen Rea (REH-ah) Ixion of Styx, deceased

Marquis Vlau (V’LAH-oo) Fiomarre (F’yoh-MAH-r) of Styx

Micul (Mee-KOOL) Fiomarre of Styx, Vlau’s father

Ebrai (Eh-BRAH-ee) Fiomarre, Vlau’s older brother

Celen (Seh-LEH-n) Fiomarre, Vlau’s younger brother

Marquise Eloise (Eh-loh-EEZ) Fiomarre, Vlau’s mother, deceased

Oleandre (Oh-leh-AHN-dr) Fiomarre, Vlau’s younger sister

Lady Ignacia (Eeg-NAY-shuh) Chitain (Chee-TAY-n), of Styx/Balmue


Kingdom of Morphaea (Mohr-FEH-ah) (Realm)

King Orphe (Or-FEH) Geroard (Geh-roh-AHR-d) of Morphea

Duke Claude (KLOH-d) Rovait (Roh-VEY-t) of Morphaea

Andre (Ahn-DREH) Eldon (Ehl-DOH-n), the Duke of Plaimes (PLEY-m’s), of Morphaea

Duchess Christiana (Khree-stee-AH-nah) Rovait of Morphaea

Countess Jain (JEY-n) Lirabeau (Lee-rah-BOH) of Morphaea

Lady Amaryllis (Ah-mah-REE-liss) Roulle (ROOL), of Morphaea

Lord Nathan (NEY-th’n) Woult (WOOL-t), of Morphaea


The Road

Grial (Gree-AHL), witch woman from Letheburg (LEH-thee-b’rg)

Ronna (ROHN-nuh) Liet (LEE-eh-t), Innkeeper at Tussecan (TUSS-see-kahn), Grial’s cousin

Mrs. Beck (BEH-k), cook at Ronna’s Inn

Jenna (JEH-nuh) Doneil (Doh-NEY-l), butcher’s daughter from Oarclaven

Flor (FLOH-r) Murel (M’you-REH-l), baker’s daughter from Oarclaven

Gloria (GLOH-ree-ah) Libbin (LEE-bin), blacksmith’s daughter from Oarclaven

Emilie (Eh-mee-LEE) Bordon (Bohr-DOHN), swineherd’s daughter from south of Oarclaven

Sibyl (SEE-beel), tailor’s daughter from Letheburg

Regata (Reh-GAH-tah), merchant’s daughter from Letheburg

Lizabette (Lee-zah-BET) Crowlé (Krow-LEH), teacher’s daughter from Duarden (Doo-AHR-dehn)

Catrine (Kaht-REEN), sister of Niosta, from south of Letheburg

Niosta (Nee-OHS-tuh), sister of Catrine, from south of Letheburg

Marie (Mah-REE), girl from Fioren (F’YOH-rehn), originally from the Kingdom of Serenoa (Seh-REH-noh-ah) (Domain)


The Sapphire Court (Domain)

The Sovereign, Rumanar (Roo-mah-NAH-r) Avalais (Ah-vah-LAH-ees) of the Domain


Kingdom of Balmue (Bahl-MOO) (Domain)

King Clavian (Klah-vee-AHN) Sestial (Ses-tee-AH-l) of Balmue

Marquis Nuor (Noo-OHR) Alfre (Ahl-FREH), ambassador of Balmue, Peer of the Domain

Viscount Halronne (Hal-RONN) Deupris (Deh-oo-PREE), Peer of the Domain