As Gray prepared to descend into the crypt, the true heart of the storm rolled over Bardsey Island. It was as if the gods themselves warned against violating the tomb.
With a crack of thunder, the skies opened up. Rain poured down in large drops that shattered like bombs upon gravestones and markers. To the north, lightning crackled in forking chains.
“I’ll go first,” Gray said between thunderclaps.
The boy Lyle had run to the nearby chapel house to fetch a rope. But with the rain falling so hard, Gray feared the tomb could flood before any of them had a chance to search it.
The crypt’s opening was a hole in the ground about two feet wide, barely enough room for one person to climb through. It dropped seven feet to a stone floor. Below, it was wider, maybe twice as large as the opening. He couldn’t see more without going down.
Grabbing the sides, Gray lowered himself into the hole. He used his legs to brace himself, then dropped the rest of the way down. He landed in a crouch and freed his flashlight.
He stared up at the others’ faces.
“Be careful,” Rachel said.
“Let me know what you see,” Wallace added.
Both Kowalski and Seichan hung farther back.
Gray clicked on his flashlight and searched the main shaft. The sides were natural rock archways that framed brick walls, slightly inset. He imagined coffins and moldering bones behind those bricks. And perhaps one of those bodies was Lord Newborough’s.
As rain sluiced down the walls, Gray took the time to examine each surface. He ran his hands over them, searching for loose stones, some indication that Father Giovanni had been here and discovered something.
“Well?” Wallace called down.
Rachel pulled away, but her voice reached him. “Lyle’s coming back with the rope.”
Gray turned his attention to the fourth wall. Here the bricks framed a low archway, barely taller than midthigh. Crouching, Gray shone his light down into it. The space was plainly meant to hold a coffin. Afterward, the archway would have been walled up like the others. But currently the niche was empty.
He knew the hole had to be important. This wall faced the ruins of the abbey’s tower. Dropping to his hands and knees in the pooled water, Gray crawled into the niche. It was deep. Beyond the opening, the bricks disappeared and solid rock surrounded him. Gray worked slowly to the back of the tomb.
He patted the sides, ran his palms over the surfaces.
Though frustrated, he remained confident. Whatever was hidden had to lie beneath the ruins of Saint Mary’s. But maybe he was wrong about the access point. Maybe it wasn’t this crypt. Father Giovanni could have searched it upon Lyle’s suggestion—just as Gray was doing—then moved on.
He heard a splash behind him as someone joined him in the crypt.
He retreated and climbed out of the niche. Rachel stood there. Her hair clung wetly to her face. Her eyes glowed under the shine of his flashlight, full of hope. He could not fail her.
“Dead end?” she asked.
He grimaced, not appreciating her choice of words, nor happy with his lack of success. “I don’t see any sign that Father Giovanni has been down here.”
“Can I try?” she asked and held out her hand for his flashlight. How could he refuse?
He passed her the light. She crouched on one hand and sidled into the empty tomb. Her lithe physique allowed her more maneuverability in the tight space. Her flashlight swept along the walls.
“See anything?” he asked.
From above, Wallace voiced Gray’s earlier concern. “Maybe we’re in the wrong hole.”
Rachel gave up and swung around. In a demonstration of limberness, she turned herself fully around in the niche and headed back out—then froze.
“What is it?” Gray asked. “Come see.”
Her flashlight was pointed straight back at him. Shielding his eyes, he started to crawl in toward her.
“No,” she warned. “Slide in on your back.”
Gray obeyed. Soaking wet, he rolled over and scooted on his elbows and pushed with his legs into the niche. Faceup was the proper position for lying in a grave.
“What’dya see down there?” Wallace called.
“Don’t know yet,” Gray answered as he shimmied deeper.
“All the way back,” Rachel urged.
He kept sliding in. Eventually his head rested between her knees. She leaned over him with the flashlight. She smelled of wet wool. He was all too conscious of her breasts above his head.
“Look,” she said.
He was, but she probably meant where the flashlight was pointed. He had to squirm up to his elbows and look back toward the entrance. He didn’t see anything at first, just the back half of the brick wall that closed off the natural stone niche.
“Notice how all the bricks are laid horizontal, but look at the three around the lip of the opening. At the top and to either side.”
Gray saw it now, too. “They’re placed vertically.”
The opening was a perfect half circle. The three vertical bricks marked off the 12, 3, and 9 o’clock positions.
“Do you think it’s significant?” Rachel said. Gray did. “It’s like half of the pagan cross.”
In the reflection off the pooled water, he could almost see the other half of the circle. He pictured completing the symbol, drawing lines to connect the stones. It would form the Druid cross they’d been following from the beginning.
“But what does it mean?” Rachel asked.”
Let me try something.”
Gray crab-crawled on his elbows back out of the niche, then reversed himself and went in on his belly, feetfirst this time. He hoped he wasn’t completely soaking himself for no reason.
Wallace called down, “Well?”
“Still working,” Gray answered in a strained voice.
He got under the entrance and examined the three bricks. The two to the side seemed nondescript and solidly mortared. Stretching up, he grabbed the top brick. It seemed no different—until his probing fingers scraped along the top lip. There was a slight indentation, perfect for a grip.
He snagged his fingers in place and tugged.
The stone pivoted out. It caught for a moment, but as he pulled harder, a metallic snap sounded behind him—followed by a grinding of rock. They both twisted and glanced over their shoulders. The back wall swung open, revealing a narrow staircase leading down.
“The entrance,” Rachel murmured near his ear. “We found it.”
It took some maneuvering to back their way through the door and into the stairwell. Though narrow, it was wide enough to stand up in.
Rachel shone her flashlight down the short flight of brick steps. “Is that a tunnel at the bottom of the stairs?”
Gray climbed down to investigate, but as his boot hit the fifth step, he felt the stair sink an inch under his weight.
Another metallic snap sounded.
His heart stopped as a single word crystallized in his mind. Trap.
Behind them, the door swung closed. Rachel yelled and leaped for the exit. She was too late. The door sealed with a distinct and final click.
She pounded on the stone door, but it was no use. They were locked in.
12:42 P.M.
Seichan heard Rachel yell—then a crack of thunder deafened everyone standing over the crypt.
As it echoed away, Wallace leaned over the hole. “Didya find something down there?”
There was no answer.
Seichan also noted that the glow of the flashlight had vanished. Something was wrong. Reacting on instinct, she tucked her arms and dropped smoothly through the narrow entrance. She landed with a splash, absorbing the impact with her knees. Her fingers already clutched her lighter. She shoved her arm into the dark niche and flicked the lighter on. The flame’s glow flickered all the way to the back of the crypt.
It was empty.
“What’s going on?” Wallace called from above. “They’re gone.”
Kowalski moved closer to the crypt, dripping wet and sullen. Lyle had gone to fetch some umbrellas. “What did I tell you … never go down a hole with Pierce.”
“It might be a good thing,” Wallace said.
Kowalski turned on him with a baleful eye.
“They must have found the secret entrance,” Wallace elaborated.
But Rachel’s cry had not been a happy one of discovery.
Seichan leaned into the crypt. She shouted with all her lung power. “Pierce! Rachel!”
Lightning flashed and thunder rolled, but Seichan made out a faint call. At least they were still alive. She climbed in farther. “I can’t understand!” she shouted.
A loud splash startled her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Wallace standing behind her, one hand on the rope. “I wouldn’t do that,” Kowalski warned from above. “Be quiet!” Seichan snapped.
She cocked her head and listened. She made out Gray’s voice. She closed her eyes, straining. His commands were clipped. She imagined him cupping his mouth and shouting.
“Just inside! A vertical brick! Above the entrance! Yank it!”
Needing both hands to search, she flipped her lighter closed and twisted her body fully into the crypt. Feeling blindly along the entrance to the crypt, fingering the bricks, she found one that fit Gray’s description. She reached to the top, discovered a carved indentation to grip, and yanked hard.
A loud snap sounded.
The back wall of the crypt swung open. She spotted the panicked face of Rachel. Gray stood at her shoulder.
“Got locked in,” Gray said. “Get the others, but be careful of the fifth step. It seals the door.”
Behind Seichan, Wallace shone his flashlight at them. “You found the way in. Brilliant! Simply brilliant!”
After a minute of wrangling, they all made it safely down the stairs to the lower tunnel. A dark stone passageway headed steeply away.
Kowalski declined to join them, calling down from above. “You go on. I’ll wait for the umbrellas.”
Off to the side, Rachel spoke. “Look at this.” She pointed her flashlight at a thick bronze lever in the floor near the foot of the stairs. “I think it might be a release to unlock that secret door.”
“Must have been how Father Giovanni came and went,” Gray said. “Still, we should keep the exit jammed open just in case.”
As a precaution, he had lodged a loose chunk of headstone from the cemetery to hold open the doorway. Seichan respected his decision. She preferred keeping a back door open in case of trouble.
Wallace pointed his flashlight down the tunnel. “Medieval monks often crafted trapdoors and hidden rooms in their abbeys and monasteries. Places were riddled with secret passageways like this. It was one of their means of hiding from marauders. Additionally, the tunnels offered a way to spy on their guests. Knowledge proved to be as much of a defense in those hard times as any shield.”
“Then let’s go see what these monks were hiding down here,” Gray said and led the way.
The others followed. Seichan stayed at the rear.
The passageway dropped steeply, but it did not take long to reach the end. The tunnel opened into a domed space. There were no other exits.
“We must be directly under the ruins of the tower,” Gray said.
Wallace ran one hand along the wall. “No chisel or pick marks. It’s a natural cavern.”
But the professor’s eyes remained focused on the middle of the chamber. A massive sarcophagus rested in the center of the room. It stood waist high and looked like it was carved out of a single block of stone.
Beyond the casket, against the far wall, stood a Celtic cross.
As the others moved toward the sarcophagus, Seichan studied the cross. It was not as ornate as the others in the abbey cemetery. This one was stark and more crudely hewn, making it seem more ancient. The only decorations were a few spirals done in bas-relief, and the cross’s circular element had been scored into tiny blocks.
Dismissing the cross, the others had turned their attentions to the stone coffin resting on the floor. The sides were featureless, its lid secured in place.
“Could it be Lord Newborough’s resting place?” Rachel asked.
Wallace leaned a hand on the lid and ran his fingers over the rough side. “Too old. If Newborough’s down here, he’s most likely buried off in one of those other sealed crypts. This is someone else’s grave. Also, the sarcophagus is made out of bluestone, same as the region’s Neolithic standing stones. It must have been quarried somewhere on the mainland and shipped all the way here. Quite an undertaking. My guess is that this is the grave of one of those ancient ring-builders, possibly one of their royalty.”
Rachel spoke. “Like the Fomorian queen?”
“Yes, our dark goddess,” Wallace said, but he suddenly became distracted.
With a frown, he leaned down. He held his flashlight against the side of the sarcophagus and cast his light across its surface. His fingers ran along the stone. “It looks like there was once a carving here. Some type of decoration, maybe even writing. But someone ground it mostly off.”
His frown deepened at such desecration.
Gray glanced up. “If this dates back to the Neolithic period, the Church could have scrubbed away the original markings.”
“Aye. That would be like them. If something didn’t mesh with their dogma, it was often destroyed. Look what happened to the Mayan codices, a vast font of ancient knowledge. The Church deemed them to be the devil’s work, and all but a few were burned.”
Seichan recognized a contradiction and moved closer. “Then why didn’t they just destroy the sarcophagus? Why go to the trouble of scouring it clean?”
Wallace answered, “If it is a grave marker, they might have respected its interment. The Church, at the time, was not above its own superstitions. They might not have wanted to disturb the bones.”
Gray voiced his own interpretation. “Or maybe what was stored here had value to them.”
“Like the Doomsday key,” Rachel said.
Seichan ignored Rachel’s glance in her direction. She merely crossed her arms.
Gray bent down and examined the lid. “It looks like it was wax-sealed at one time.” He lifted his hands and rubbed flakes from his fingers. “But somebody broke that seal.”
“It had to be Father Giovanni,” Rachel said. “Look over here.” She had moved over to the old cross and pointed at the walls to either side.
Drawn in charcoal were notations and calculations done in a crisp modern hand. It looked like Father Giovanni had measured every dimension of the cross. He’d also drawn a perfect circle around it. More lines crisscrossed it in an unfathomable pattern. To Seichan, it had a vaguely arcane look.
What was Marco doing here?
Gray studied the cross. Seichan saw the calculations going on behind his expression. If anyone could find that key, it was this man.
Gray finally turned away. Seichan suspected that a part of his mind was still working on the mystery of the cross, but he pointed over to the sarcophagus.
“If Marco broke that seal, let’s see what he discovered.”
1:03 P.M.
It took all of them to shift the lid.
How had Father Giovanni done it on his own? Gray wondered as he braced his feet and shoved. Did he have help? Or did he haul down some tools?
Still, brute force proved sufficient. With a scrape of stone on stone, they pushed the top askew but kept the lid balanced on the top.
Gray shone his flashlight down into the interior of the sarcophagus. The hollow space was hewn out of the bluestone block. He had been expecting some moldering bones, but though there was room for a body, the sarcophagus was empty.
Except for one item.
A massive book, bound in thick leather, rested in the center. It stretched a foot wide, just as thick, and two feet long. It looked perfectly preserved. Most likely the tome hadn’t been disturbed since it was first closed up and sealed with wax.
Gray reached for it.
“Careful,” Wallace warned, his voice hushed. “You don’t want to damage it. We should be wearing gloves.”
Gray hesitated, sensing the age of the text.
Despite his words of caution, Wallace waved impatiently at Gray. “What are you waiting for?”
Swallowing, Gray gingerly placed two fingers on the edge of the book. Surely Father Giovanni had already opened it at least once. As Gray lifted the heavy cover, the book’s binding, likely sinew and long dried, resisted opening.
“Gently now,” Wallace urged.
Gray pulled the cover fully open and leaned it against one wall of the stone chest. The first page was blank, but it was transparent enough to see through to the rich colors of the next page.
Wallace shifted closer. “Dear God …”
The professor reached down himself and pulled back that first page. “It’s calf vellum,” he said, pinching the paper. But his eyes grew wider as he revealed what lay below.
Under the beams of their flashlights, the ink on the next page glowed like molten jewels. Dark crimsons, golden yellows, and purples so rich they looked damp. The illustrations on the page were meticulous and dense, depicting stylized human figures tangled with knots and wrapped in intricate scrollwork. In the center of the first page, surrounded and supported by the intensity and force of the artwork, sat a crowned and bearded man on a gold throne.
It was clearly meant to represent Christ.
“It’s an illuminated manuscript,” Rachel said, awed by its beauty.
Wallace turned a few more pages. “It’s a Bible.”
His finger hovered over the crisp lines of Latin text that ran tightly over the pages. The calligraphy was ornate, with fanciful images folded into the capital letters. The pages’ margins were equally decorated with a riotous mix of mythical animals, winged children, and tangles and tangles of knots.
“The iconography reminds me of the Book of Kells,” Wallace said. “An illuminated treasure of Ireland that dates back to the eighth century. It was the result of decades of labor by sequestered monks. And that book only covered the four gospels of the New Testament.”
Wallace’s voice trembled. “I think this book is the entire Bible.” He shook his head. “If so, it’s priceless beyond imagination.”
“Then why was it left here?” Seichan asked. Even she had drawn closer to see the book.
Wallace could only shake his head. But he carefully pulled back a few more leaves of the Bible, and an answer appeared.
The turn of a page revealed a gaping hole in the center of the book. The hole sliced straight through the pages and formed a cubby three inches square and one deep.
Wallace gasped at the destruction.
Gray leaned closer. The hole was plainly meant to hold something, to keep it hidden and preserved. Without turning, Gray held his hand out to Rachel. She reached to a pocket inside her coat.
They all knew what must once have been hidden there.
A moment later, Rachel placed the leather artifact in Gray’s palm. The satchel looked to be made out of the same leather that bound the book. He held the object over the cubby. It fit perfectly into the hole.
“Father Giovanni stole the artifact, but left the Bible,” Gray said, picturing the mummified finger inside the pouch. “Why?”
The one word held many questions.
Wallace added another. “Why didn’t Marco tell anybody about this?”
“Maybe he did,” Seichan said coldly. “To be hunted and murdered, he had to have told someone.”
“She’s right,” Gray realized. “Maybe Marco didn’t reveal all he knew—like the discovery of the Bible—but he told someone enough to get himself killed.”
“Oh, God …” Wallace suddenly blurted.
Gray turned to him.
“About two years ago, Marco contacted me. He needed money to continue his travels. I told him that my sponsor, the Viatus Corporation, might be willing to finance any ancillary research connected to my dig. I gave him my contact’s name. A head researcher there. Magnussen was her name.”
Seichan stiffened beside Gray, but she remained silent.
“But I never heard back from Marco after that.” Wallace looked sickened. “I assumed he never bothered. I forgot about it until now. Oh, God, I may have led him directly to his killers.”
Gray ran the scenario through his head. It made sense. Viatus would have hired Marco, especially if he had proposed looking for a potential counteragent to whatever killed those mummies. How could they say no? But then somewhere along the way, Marco found something that frightened him enough to make a run for Rome, to meet with Vigor Verona, to expose all he knew. His employers must have grown wise to what he was planning and taken him out.
Wallace held a hand pressed over his mouth, still shocked. With his other hand, he pushed the loose pages back over the hole in the Bible, hiding the book’s violation as if that might lessen his own guilt.
Rachel spoke as she accepted the satchel back from Gray. “Father Giovanni stole the artifact, but the bigger questions are who left it here to begin with and why?”
Her words drew them back to the heart of the mystery. Her life depended on discovering those answers.
“I may be able to answer the question of who left the Bible,” Wallace said and took a deep breath to steady himself.
Gray turned to the man, surprised. “Who?”
“Possibly the owner of the Bible.”
Wallace pointed back to the book, toward the inside surface of the leather cover. A page of vellum had been glued there.
Earlier, Gray had been too focused on the book’s contents to note the one page shadowed by the cover. He examined it now. It was as densely illuminated as the rest of the work, but the content centered on a stylized name, possibly the owner of the priceless book.
Wallace read the name so dramatically illustrated. “Mael Maedoc Ua Morgair.”
The name meant nothing to Gray. His lack of knowledge must have been plain on his face.
“You can’t live in these parts without knowing that name,” Wallace explained. “Especially in my profession.”
“Who is it?”
“One of the most famous of Irish saints, second only to Saint Patrick. His given name was Mael Maedoc, but Latinized it’s Malachy.”
“Saint Malachy,” Rachel said, clearly recognizing the name.
“Who was he?” Gray asked.
“He was born about the same year as the Doomsday Book was written.” Wallace let the significance of that sink in before he continued. “He started out as the abbot of Bangor but grew to become archbishop. He spent much of his time on pilgrimages.”
“So he most likely came here?”
Wallace nodded. “Malachy was an interesting man, kind of a reluctant archbishop. He preferred to travel, mingling with both the pagans and the pious of the region, spreading the word of the gospels. He moved easily between both worlds and eventually brokered a lasting peace between the Church and those who adhered to the old ways.”
Gray recalled Wallace’s earlier belief that the last of the pagans waged a final war against Christendom, possibly using the bioweapon acquired from the ancients. “Do you think a part of that brokered peace might have been knowledge of the plague and its cure, the proverbial key to the Doomsday Book?”
“His fingerprints are definitely here.” Wallace gestured toward the book. “Then there’s also the reason Malachy was canonized, why he was considered worthy of being made a saint.”
“Why’s that?”
“Ah, now there’s the rub,” Wallace said. “Malachy was known throughout his life for the miracle of healing. A long litany of miraculous cures is attributed to this saint.”
“Just like the history of Bardsey Island,” Gray said.
“But I also recall another story told about Malachy. From my own bonny Scotland. Malachy came traipsing through Annandale and asked the lord of the land there to spare the life of a pickpocket. The lord agreed, but ended up hanging the thief. Outraged, Malachy cursed him—and not only did the lord die, but so did everyone in his household.”
Wallace glanced significantly at Gray.
“Healing and curses,” Gray mumbled.
“It sounds like Malachy learned something from his new Druid friends, something the Church decided to keep secret out here.”
Rachel interrupted. “But you skipped over what Malachy was best known for.”
“Ah, you mean the prophecies,” Wallace said with a roll of his eyes.
“What prophesies?”
Rachel answered, “The prophecies of the popes. It’s said that on a pilgrimage to Rome, Malachy fell into a trance and had a vision of all the popes from his time to the end of the world. He dutifully wrote them all down.”
“Bloody nonsense,” Wallace countered. “The story goes that the Church supposedly found Malachy’s book in their archives some four hundred years after the man died. Likely the book was a forgery.”
“And some claim it was just a copy of Malachy’s original text. Either way, the descriptions of each pope have over the centuries proved to be oddly accurate. Take the last two popes. Malachy describes John Paul II as De Labore Solis. Or translated, ‘From the toil of the sun.’ He was born during a solar eclipse. And then there’s the current pope, Benedict XVI. Described as De Gloria Olivae. ‘The Glory of the Olive.’ And the symbol for the Benedictine order is the olive branch.”
Wallace lifted a hand dismissively. “Just people reading too much into cryptic snippets of Latin.”
Rachel turned to Gray for understanding. “But what’s most disturbing of all is that the current pope is number one hundred and eleven on Malachy’s list. The very next pope—Petrus Romanus—is the last pope, according to the prophecy. That pope will serve when the world comes to an end.”
“Then we’re all doomed,” Seichan said, voicing as much skepticism as Wallace.
“Well, I certainly am,” Rachel spat back, silencing her. “Unless we find that damned key.”
Gray kept silent. He avoided weighing in on the matter. But Rachel was right about one thing. They needed to find that key. As he stood, he contemplated the significance of finding this dead saint’s Bible sitting in a pagan sarcophagus. And more important—
“Do you think it was Saint Malachy’s finger inside that Bible?” Gray asked.
“No,” Wallace said firmly. “This sarcophagus is too old. Much too old. My guess is that it dates to the time of Stonehenge. Someone was buried here, but not Malachy.”
“Then who?” Gray asked.
Wallace shrugged. “Like I said, possibly some Neolithic royalty. Perhaps that dark pagan queen. Nonetheless, I suspect that finger bone is all that’s left of whoever was first buried here.”
“Why do you think that?”
“And where’s the rest of the body?” Rachel added.
“Moved. Probably by the Church. Maybe by Malachy himself. But they left the bone here as was traditional back then. It was a sin to move a body from its resting place unless you left a small piece behind.”
“A relic of that person,” Rachel said with a nod. “So they can continue to rest in peace. Uncle Vigor talked about that once. It was considered sacrilegious to do otherwise.”
Gray stared into the sarcophagus. “Malachy used his own Bible to preserve the relic. He must have believed that whoever was buried here was worthy of that honor.”
Gray also remembered Father Rye’s description of Marco on the day he returned from the island all upset. The young priest had spent the night praying for forgiveness. Was it because he stole the relic, thereby desecrating a grave that had been sanctified by a saint of his own Church? And if so, what possessed him to do that? Why did he think it was so important?
Rachel raised another question of significance. “Why was the body even moved?”
Wallace offered one explanation. “Perhaps to keep safe whatever was hidden here. During Malachy’s time, England and Ireland were under constant attack by wave after wave of Viking raiders. The island, with no fortifications, would have been especially vulnerable.”
Gray nodded. “And if this crypt was where the key was kept, it must be somehow tied to the body interred here. So to preserve the knowledge, both the body and the key had to be moved to a safer location.”
“But what the hell is this key?” Seichan asked. “What are we even looking for?”
Gray looked toward the only other clue left to them by Father Giovanni. He moved over to the wall and studied the charcoal notations next to the cross. He laid a hand on the wall. What had Marco been trying to figure out?
The others gathered behind him.
He looked up at the Celtic cross. Only now did he realize something. “The cross,” he said, running his fingers down it. “It’s made out of the same stone as the sarcophagus. It even feels scoured like the crypt.”
Wallace stepped closer. “You’re right.”
Gray turned to him. “This wasn’t put here by Malachy or some other pious Christian to mark the grave.”
“It was already here.”
Gray looked at the cross with new eyes, not seeing it as a Christian symbol but a pagan one. Did it offer some clue to what the key actually was? From the notations on the wall, Father Giovanni had been trying to figure something out.
Needing to know more, Gray pointed his light at the bottom of the cross. “The set of three spirals near the base of the cross. Is there any special significance to them?”
Wallace moved over to join Gray and Rachel. “It’s called a tri-spiral. But it’s actually not three spirals. Only one. See how the three of them join and blend to form one sinuous pattern. This same triple pattern can be found marked on ancient standing stones across Europe. And like many pagan symbols, the Church appropriated this one, too. To the Celtic people, it represented eternal life. But to the Church, it was the perfect representation for the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. All entwined together. The three who are one.”
Gray moved his gaze up to the single spiral that sat in the middle of the cross, like the hub of a wheel.
He remembered Painter’s original briefing about the symbol. How the pagan cross and spiral were often found together, one overlapping the other. The cross was a symbol for Earth. And the spiral marked the soul’s journey, rising from this world to the next, like a curl of smoke.
Gray’s attention shifted to Father Giovanni’s markings drawn on the wall. He sensed some meaning behind the notations and lines. He could almost grasp it, but it remained tantalizingly out of reach.
Stepping closer, Gray put down his flashlight and reached to the circular section on the cross. He ran his fingertips across the scored markings.
Like spokes on a wheel.
As the thought popped into his head, he was still staring at the spiral in the center of the cross. He had compared it earlier to a wheel hub. It even looked like it was turning.
Then suddenly he knew.
Maybe he had sensed it from the beginning, but he couldn’t get past the Christian symbolism. Now, considering the cross anew and pushing aside preconceptions, he recognized what was nagging at him.
“It is a wheel,” he realized.
Reaching more firmly, he grasped the stone circle and turned it counterclockwise, in the direction of the curl of the spiral.
It moved!
As he turned the wheel, his eyes shifted to the calculations drawn on the wall. The cross hid a clue about the key, but to unlock it you had to know the proper code. The wheel must act like a combination lock, protecting some hidden vault where the key was once stored.
From all the calculations on the wall, Marco had been working on that proper sequence, trying to figure out the numbers to the combination.
Unfortunately, Gray realized something too late.
You only got one guess at the combination.
And he got it wrong.
A loud boom shook the ground under his feet. The floor suddenly dropped from under him. He grabbed for the cross and hooked his fingers onto the crossbar. Looking over a shoulder as he hung, he watched the back half of the chamber floor rise up. The entire floor was tilting—tipping away from the only exit.
The others screamed and scrambled to brace themselves.
The stone lid slid off the sarcophagus, skittered across the tilted floor, and toppled into the gaping hole under Gray’s feet. His flashlight had already rolled into the pit. Its shine revealed a bottom covered in vicious bronze spikes, all pointed up.
The stone lid crashed and shattered against them.
Behind Gray, the floor continued to tip, going vertical, trying to dump everyone below.
Wallace and Rachel had managed to get behind the sarcophagus and brace themselves. The coffin remained in place, anchored to the floor. Seichan couldn’t reach the refuge in time. She went sliding toward the pit.
Rachel lunged out with an arm and caught the back of her jacket as she slid past. She pulled Seichan close enough so the woman could grab the edge of the sarcophagus.
Rachel continued to hold her. At the precarious moment, each woman depended on the other for her life.
As the floor tilted to full vertical, Seichan hung like Gray.
But Gray had no one holding him.
His fingers slipped, and he plummeted toward the spikes.