Plans showing work in the Mississippi channel, at St. Lôuis
Two lines of advance into Mexico
Terrain near Cerro Gordo, as assumed
Sketch of turning movement, American right wing, battle of Cerro Gordo
Plan showing possible approaches to Mexico City
Plan showing difficulties of advance on Mexico City from San Augustin
Position of American and Mexican forces adjacent to San Angel road, at nightfall, August 19, 1847
General situation at beginning of American pursuit of Mexican army to Churubusco, about 7 a.m., August 20, 1847
Disposition of American forces for final attack at Churubusco and Partales Ranch, August 20, 1847
Alternative lines of American attack on Mexico City, as presented to General Scott, September 7, 1847
Position of American troops for attack on Chapultepec, September 13, 1847
Virginia’s exposed northern frontier
Sketch illustrating how Norfolk could be masked
The roads toward the Ohio River from Staunton
Situation on the Allegheny front, about August 1, 1861
The plan of attack on Cheat Mountain and down Tygart’s Valley
The theatre of operations-Army of Northern Virginia, June 1861-April, 1865