© 2015 Kim O’Brien

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Spencer Hill Press

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Contact: Spencer Hill Press, PO Box 243, Marlborough, CT, 06447

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First Edition: April 2015
Kim O’Brien
Bone Deep/by Kim O’Brien–1st ed.
p. cm.
Summary: When a teen girl must visit her father for the summer, things look up when she meets two hot young men, but take a turn for the worse when her best friend vanishes.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this fiction: Amazon, AP/Advanced Placement, Barbie, Bing, Cheerios, CNN, Coke, Columbia University, Diet Coke, Domino’s, Doritos, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Seuss, Expedition, Google, Harvard, Home Depot, Honey Nut Cheerios, Igloo, Indiana Jones, Ivy League, Jack in the Box, Jeep, JELL-O, Jimmy Eat World, Kool-Aid, Life Flight, Listerine, Marriott, Neosporin, Nike, Pendleton, Popsicle, Pottery Barn, Princeton University, Prius, PSAT, Red Sox, Rutgers, SAT, Scope, Skittles, Snow White, Starbucks, Stouffer’s, Tide, Timex, Tropicana, Urban Outfitters, Velcro, Vera Bradley, Vick’s VapoRub, Victoria’s Secret, Walmart, Weber, Wrangler, Yamaha (keyboard), Yankees

Cover design by Christa Holland (Paper & Sage Design)
Interior layout by Errick A. Nunnally

978-1-63392-002-6 (paperback)
978-1-63392-003-3 (e-book)

Printed in the United States of America