8000-metre peaks, attempts to climb all of x–xi, 173–4 see also Summit 8000 project
accidents, fatal see climbing fatalities
acclimatisation 34–5
Aconagua expedition 24–5
Adventurer of the Year award 313
Aleksov, Trajce ‘Alex’
on Everest expedition 41, 43–7
on Manaslu expedition 176–83, 186–8
Alexander (Manaslu climber) 179, 181–2
Alexandra (girlfriend) 321
Ali, Rosi 137–8
Allen, Rick
on Broad Peak expedition 110–21
on Everest expedition 165
on Nanga Parbat expedition 84, 88–9
alpine style climbing x, 117–18
altitude conditions 16–18, 38–9
Alvarez, Al 78
Annapurna (book) 223–4
Annapurna expeditions 223–35, 263–74
Antarctica, author’s work in 156–8
Antonio, Tose 242–4
Army Alpine Association
Aconagua expedition 24–5
author joins 12
Dhaulagiri expeditions 96–110
Mount McKinley expedition 14–18
Asia, lack of hygiene in 21, 31–2
Atkins, Ted 210–12, 214–15, 290–1
atmospheric pressure 34
Australia, wins Cricket World Cup 147–8
Australian Alps, skiing trips in 3–5, 10
Australian Antarctic Division 133, 156–7
Australian Army Reserve 6
Australian Geographic Society 313
Australian Himalayan Foundation 319
Australian Wild magazine 11
Baintha Brakk (The Ogre) 84
Baranowska, Kinga 294–5, 297, 299, 310
Berbeka, Jacek 90–2
Bierling, Billi 236
bivouacs on mountains
Annapurna 305–8
Broad Peak 127–9
Everest 127–9
Manaslu 185–6
Mount Cook 14
Nanga Parbat 140–1
Black Pyramid 60
Blanc, Abele
injured by icefall 232
on Annapurna expedition 228, 230
on Gasherbrum expedition 143, 148–50, 152–4
Blue Mountains, climbing practice in 12
Blum, Arlene 224
Bonatti, Walter 49–50
Bonington, Chris 224
Booroomba Rocks 18
Boskoff, Christine
dies in avalanche 203
on Everest expedition 165, 169–70
on Gasherbrum expedition 151
on Kanchenjunga expedition 192–4
Bottleneck chimney 64–5
Bradey, Lydia 222
British expedition to Everest, 1953: 30
Broad Peak expeditions 79–83, 96, 110–31
Budawang Range walk 2–3
Buhl, Hermann
Broad Peak expeditions 80
death of 146
first ascent of Nanga Parbat by 85
quote from 173
techniques developed by x
Bukreev, Anatoli
author meets at Everest Base Camp 37–8
climbers saved by 77
climbs all 8000-metre mountains xvi
in Russian expedition 193
loses contact with Peter Metzger 71, 73
on K2 expeditions 50, 61–7, 75–6
Buri Gandaki River 181–2
Burke, Shaunna 205, 209, 216–17, 225
butterflies, author’s attitude to 235–6
California Himalayan Expedition to Makalu 283
Canada, climbing in 206
Cassin Ridge route up Mount McKinley 26–8
Cesen, Tomo 189
Chand, Lokendra Bahadur 197
Chilas village 90
Child, Greg 325
China, Autonomous Region of Tibet see Tibet
China Tibet Mountaineering Association 201
Chinese Mountaineering Association 199–201, 281–3, 318
Cho La pass 281
Cho Oyu expeditions 141, 219–22, 236–7
Chogolisa 146
Chomolungma see Everest
Climb, The 77
climbing fatalities
attitudes to 78–9
from heatstroke 94
on Aconagua 24
on Broad Peak 124
on Cho Oyu 220–1
on Everest 29–30, 40, 41, 77, 189, 329
on Gasherbrum 1 144
on Manaslu 175–6
on Nanga Parbat 85–6, 136, 142
on Pumori 22
Alfred Mummery 135
Andres Delgado 218
Christian Kuntner 232–4
Christine Boskoff 203
Daniel Bidner 71–2
Denali Schmidt 240
Felix Inurrategi 131
Goran Kropp 94
Ian Clough 224
Iñaki Ochoa de Olza 274
Inigo de Pineda 240
Lobsang Bhotia 46
Lobsang Tshering 211
Mario Merrelli 240
Marty Schmidt 240
Michael Rheinberger 47
Mick Parker 203
Nanda Devi Unsoeld 283
Park Young-Seok 154
Pepe Garcés 155
Reinmar Joswig 72–3
Roger Payne 77
Scott Fisher 151
Willi Unsoeld 283
Clough, Ian 224
Clyma, Julie Ann 61
coffee-making 146
Colibassanu, Horia 263, 267, 310
Collins, Ian
on Everest expedition 28, 30, 40–1
on Pik Korzhenevskaya 23–4
commercial climbing 159–62, 331
Conway Saddle 147
Cooper, Adrian ‘Ace’ 2–3
Corvini, Armando 22
Couzy, Jean 284
Cricket World Cup 147–8
cross-country skiing in Australian Alps 3–5
Crowley, Aleister 193
David (climbing client) 164, 167
Dawa (Sherpa) 259–61
de Olza, Iñaki Ochoa 236–7, 263, 267, 274
‘death zone’ 34
deaths see climbing fatalities
Delgado, Andres 212–13, 216, 218
Deosai Plain 87
Dhaulagiri expeditions 37, 96–110
Diamir Face 90
Diamir Valley 134
Diemberger, Kurt 80, 96, 134, 143
Discovery Channel Canada Everest expedition 204–18
domestic violence in Redfern 8–9
Dujmovits, Ralf
Kanchenjunga expeditions 241, 244, 255–6
marries Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner 187
Emil (climber) 264
Endeavour Club 2–3
Erberhardt, Ernst 51, 62–3, 75
as seen from Lhotse 191
author attempts without oxygen 317–25
author’s ambition to climb 12
author’s first attempt on 29–41
Discovery Channel Canada expedition 204–18
European discovery of 29
fiftieth anniversary of first climb 197
height ix
Jagged Globe expedition to 157–72
Macedonian–Australian expedition to 41–5
Everest Book Report 174
Everest, Sir George 29
Fairview Inn, Talkeetna 17
fatalities see climbing fatalities
Ferran (base-camp manager) 266, 295
Fisher, Scott 151
Fowler, Charlie 203
Franco, Jean 284
Franklin River rafting 10
Frog Buttress 18
Gammow bags 98
Gangdal, Sven and Jon 183–4
Garcia, João
death of 94
on Kanchenjunga expedition 242–4, 246–7, 253–4
on Makalu expedition 287
on Nanga Parbat expedition 90–4
Gasherbrums, expedition to 143–55
Geneva Spur 37
German Rib route 264
Geshe, Lama 333
Ghondogoro La pass 154
Gilkey, Art 49
Gilkey Memorial 76
glossary 355–60
Gonzalez, Fernando 264, 267–74
Gorkha town 175
Groom, Michael 29, 39–40, 42–6, 189
guided commercial climbing 159–62, 331
Gustafsson, Veikka
on Annapurna expedition 227, 230
on Kanchenjunga expedition 241, 244–5, 255–6
Hackler, Berndt 90–3
Hall, Rob xi
Harrer, Heinrich 85
Haston, Dougal 224
Heartbreak Hill slope 17
helicopters, used to carry supplies and climbers 243, 255, 284–6
Hemingway, Ernest ix
Herrligkoffer, Karl 86
Higgins-Devine, Kelly 291
Hillary Base Camp 286–7
Hillary, Edmund
at Tengboche Monastery 206
author meets 197
Lukla airstrip and 32–3
Makalu expeditions 283–4
quote from 156
Hillary, Peter ix–xi
Hillary Step 169–70
Annapurna expeditions 223–35, 263–74
author leads treks in 157
Cho Oyu expeditions 219–22, 236–7
Dhaulagiri expeditions 96–110
Everest expeditions 28–41, 157–72, 204–18, 317–25
highest mountains in ix
Kanchenjunga expeditions 192–7, 241–55
Lhotse expeditions 188–92
Makalu expeditions 283–92
Manaslu expeditions 175–88
Nanga Parbat expeditions 83–94, 133–43
Pumori expeditions 20–3
Shishapangma expeditions 197–203, 237–9, 258–63, 279–83, 293–313
spirituality of 327
Hinkes, Alan 133–43
Holmgren, Mats 79
Hornbein, Thomas 283
House’s Chimney 59
Hum Khola gorge 226
ibex, hunting 134
‘Icefall Doctors’ 331–2
illnesses and injuries to author
attempts to avoid stomach trouble 31–2
broken coccyx 222
chest infections 288
from altitude conditions 16–18
gastric ailments 21, 23, 104–5, 208, 246–8
Inurrategi, Alberto 114
Irvine, Sandy 29
Islamabad, flight to 50–1
Jagged Globe Mount Everest expedition 157–72
Japanese Couloir 27
Jean-Luc (climber) 287
Jensen, Rafael 64, 69, 71, 73–4
Jöchler, Joseph 220
Jomsom airstrip 225
Joos, Norbert 243, 249–50, 256
Joswig, Reinmar
death of 72
injured by falling stone 60–1
on K2 expedition 51, 63–6, 69–70, 72
Julie (girlfriend)
author calls from Makalu summit 291
author rings from Annapurna 230
author’s relations with 276, 294
climbing holiday with 279–81
Jordan holiday with 239
notified of Christian’s death 235
rock climbing skills 223
sends author weather forecasts by SMS 288
author falls on xiii–xvi
expedition to 48–76
height of ix
trekking holiday to 26
Kala Pattar 208
Kaltenbrunner, Gerlinde 187, 241, 244, 255–6
Kanchenjunga expeditions 29, 37, 192–7, 241–55
Kanshung Face 169
Karakorum Highway 51–2, 79–80, 112
Karakorum Ranges
author leads treks in 157
Gasherbrums expedition 143–55
highest mountains in ix
K2 expeditions xiii–xvi, 26, 48–76
author’s first visit to 20
celebrates fiftieth anniversary of Everest climb 197–8
equipment kept in 177
retirement party in 325–6
time spent in 275
Khodari town 199–200
Khumbu Glacier 33
Khumbu Icefall
Ben Webster injured on 329
climbing through 35
porters killed at 30, 329, 331–2
Khumbu region of Nepal 161
Kiandra resort 10
Kili (Sherpa) 183–4
Killara Venturers (Senior Scouts) Unit 5–6
King, Bob 6
Kinshofer, Toni 136
Kosciuszko National Park, cross-country skiing in 3–5
Kukuczka, Jerzy x–xi, 174, 188–9
Kunjerab Pass 52
Kuntner, Christian
fatally injured by icefall 232–4
on Annapurna expedition 228, 230, 232–4
on Gasherbrum expedition 143, 148–50, 152–4
on Kanchenjunga expedition 193–4
Lacadelli, Lino 50
Lachenal, Luis 223
Lama, Sherpa Pasang Dawa 220
Langtang Valley 282
Larch, Josef 144
Lhotse expedition 188–92
Lock, Andrew (author) see also illnesses and injuries to author; Summit 8000 project
Adventurer of the Year award 313
breaks up with Julie 294
buried by avalanche 102–3
casual jobs held by 6
completes Summit 8000 project 311–12
disaster-management degree 133, 194
falls on K2 xiii–xvi
joins Australian Public Service 258–9
leaves police force 175
leaves public service 276–8
marries Joanne 30–1
media interest in 156
Mount Everest medal awarded to 197–8
navigational skills 10–11
Order of Australia award 321
organisations represented by 319, 329
reasons for climbing 315–16
retires from 8000-metre climbing 325
writes to Nepalese authorities 334
Lock, David (brother) 1, 5, 321
Lock, Joanne (wife) 26, 30–1, 83
Lock, Margaret (mother) 1–2, 5, 321
Lock, Stewart (brother) 1, 321
Loretan, Erhard x–xi
Louise (Neil Ward’s girlfriend) 294
Luchsinger, Fritz 188
Luis (climber) 211–14
Lukla village
airstrip in 32–3
author bluffs way on to flight out of 170–1
helicopter flights from 192, 285
trek from to Lhotse Base Camp 189
Lynda (girlfriend) 133
Macartney-Snape, Tim 11–12
Macedonian community in Australia, expedition sponsored by 41
Macquarie Island 143
Magnone, Guido 284
Makalu expedition 283–92
Mallory, George
Everest expeditions 29–30, 220
Manaslu expedition 175–88
Maoist insurgency in Nepal 179, 242
Marco (climber) 232
Matt (expedition doctor) 208, 213
Mazeno Ridge 87–8
McFarlane, Jim 284
McIlvride, David 206
meals at high altitudes 245–6, 287–8
Mendoza town 25–6
Merrelli, Mario 193, 228, 230, 237
Messner, Gunther 86
Messner, Reinhold
attempts to climb all 8000-metre peaks 173–4
climbs Everest without oxygen 197
loses climbing partners 176
Nanga Parbat expeditions 86
techniques developed by x–xi
Metzger, Peter
dies on K2 xvi
loses sleeping bag 62–3
on K2 expedition 51, 53, 68, 71–3
Milford Track walking 9–10
Miristi Khola gorge 227
Mondinelli, Silvio
on Annapurna expedition 228, 230–1, 233
on Cho Oyu expedition 237
on Kanchenjunga expedition 193
Moravec, Fritz 144
Mortimer, Greg 11–12
Mount Arapiles 18
Mount Cook National Park, climbing in 13–14
Mount Darwin 13–14
Mount Everest see Everest
Mount McKinley
expeditions to 14–18, 26–8, 61
height of ix
Mountain Madness 151
Mr Puniverse competition 109
Mummery Rib route 135
Myagdi Kola Valley 97
Nanda Devi expeditions 283
Nanga Parbat
expeditions to 80, 83–94, 133–43
location of 52
Nangpa La 220–1
navigational skills 10–11
Nepal see also Himalayas
celebrates fiftieth anniversary of Everest climb 197–8
climbing records kept by government of 171–2, 236–7
customs inspections in 31
expedition meals in 38
fees charged for climbing in 157, 160–1
Maoist insurgency in 179
Ministry of Tourism 101
need to regulate climbing in 332–3
no restriction placed on commercial clients by 331
paperwork required by 32
porter problems in 284–6
Sherpas killed by icefall in 329–30, 333–4
teahouses in 282–3
trekking holidays in 329–30
New South Wales Police Force 6–8, 133, 175
New Zealand
author learns to climb in 160
Cho Oyu expedition from 221–2
Milford Track walking 9–10
Mount Cook National Park 13
Niclevicz, Waldemar 143, 148–9, 152, 154
Norgay, Tenzing 41
North America
Canadian climbing 206
Mount McKinley expeditions 14–18, 26–8, 61
Norwegian–English team lost on Mount Pumori 22
Noyce, Wilfred 313
Oiarzabal, Juanito 297
oxygen use
on Makalu 290–1
Paiju wood 55–6
Pakistan see also Karakorum Ranges
border defences 147
Broad Peak expeditions 79–83, 96, 110–31
cheese purchased from shepherds 87–8
equipment thefts in 82
Gasherbrums expedition 143–55
highway blocked by villagers in 112–13
K2 expedition 48–76
limits number of expeditions 111
loses Cricket World Cup to Australia 147–8
Nanga Parbat expeditions 83–94, 133–43
Pamir ranges 23–4
Parker, Mick 203
Pasaban, Edurne 264
Pauner, Carlos 193, 196–7, 203
Pezet, Mike 18
Phewa Lake 225
POISK oxygen system 43
police work by author 6–8, 133, 175
Polish Glacier route up Aconagua 24–5
Pomme d’Or 206
Ponce de Leon, Hector
fails to find Andres Delgado on Changabang 218
fails to get permission to climb Shishapangma 293
on Annapurna expedition 280, 287–9, 291–3
on Everest expedition 205–6, 209–10, 213, 215–16
porters, ‘strike’ by 114
Prem (cook) 108–9
puja ceremonies
at Dhaulagiri 98
at Tengboche Monastery 206–7
flags blessed at 291
for Everest expeditions 158
offering to dead Sherpas 333–4
spirituality of 21
Pumori expedition 20–3
Radek (climber) 290–1
Redfern Police Station 7–8
Reiss, Ernst 188
Rheinberger, Michael 44, 47, 222
Rogerson, Matt 100–10
Romano’s Hotel, Wagga Wagga 11
Routeburn Track 9–10
running belay technique 13–14
Rupal Face 86
Russian Kanchenjunga expedition 37
Sama Goan village 180–2
Sam’s Bar, Kathmandu, retirement party in 325–6
Saunders, Victor 84
Schauer, Robert 84
Schmidt, Denali 240
Schmuck, Marcus 80
Scott, Doug
on Nanga Parbat expedition 84, 88
quote from 258
Shishapangma climbed by 199
techniques developed by x
Scouting movement, author addresses Jamboree 318–19
Seven Years in Tibet 85
Sharif, Nawak 111
Sherpa, Gyaltsen Norbu 284
Sherpa, Mingma Tsiri 209
increased involvement in guiding 330–3
killed by icefall on Everest 329–30, 333
Shigas River 144
Shigatse Prefecture 201
Shishapangma expeditions
author’s first attempt 198–203
routes taken by 314–15
with Inigo de Pineda 237–9
with Julie 279–83
with Neil Ward 258–63, 293–313
Siachen Glacier 147
Sickle, The 229
siege style climbing 33–4, 58, 163
Sir David Martin Foundation 319
Skardu town 51–3, 87, 112–14, 144
Skil Brum 80
Skinner, Todd 219
Snowy Mountains skiing trips 3–5, 10
South American holidays 26, 176
South Col of Everest 37, 45–6, 166–7, 189
South Ridge of Broad Peak 110, 115–19
South Summit of Everest 167, 169
Stephan (climber) 232
Stoly (Manasul climber) 179, 181–2
Summit 8000 project
author’s doubts in 276–7
author’s goals for 174–5
media interest in 313–14
Swarbrick, Mike 225
Sydney Rock Climbing Club 12
Tabei, Junko 197
Tajikstan, Pik Korzhenevskaya in 23–4
Takeuchi, Hirotaka 241, 244, 255–7
Tamang people 175
Tarashing village 87
Tashi Tenzing 41–5
Tasmania, hiking trips in 10
teahouses in Nepal 282–3
Tengboche Monastery 206–7
Thai Airways, sponsorship by 98
The Climb 77
The Sickle 229
Thyanboche monastery 158
Tibet see also Himalayas
China closes access to mountains in 281–2
Everest expeditions from 317–25
Everest on border of 29
Shishapangma expeditions 198–203, 279–83, 293–313
village life in 180
Tibet: Murder in the Snow 221
Tichy, Herbert 220
Tingri town 220
tom yum soup 287–8
TopOut oxygen mask 212–16
Trihey, Lucas 13–14
Troillet, Jean x
Tsang Province 201
Tshering, Dawa 183–4
Tshering, Lobsang 211
Twin Otter aircraft 171
Ultimate Survival: Everest 217
United States see North America
Unsoeld, Nanda Devi 283
Unsoeld, Willi 283
Urdukas campsite 57
Urubko, Denis 287
Vallejo, Ivan 243, 264, 267–74
Vilaca, Frank 206–8
Wagga Wagga, author transfers to 9
Ward, Neil
on Makalu expeditions 287–9, 292
on Shishapangma expeditions 259–63, 280, 294, 297, 299–312
Ward, William Arthur 1
Waterman, Jonathan 241
Webster, Ben 204–6, 209, 216–17, 225
Western Arthur Ranges 10
Western Cwm of Everest 36, 189, 334
Whetu, Mark 222
Whillans, Don 224
Whymper, Edward 48
Wielicki, Krzysztof 90
Wiessner, Fritz 49
Wilkins, Brian 284
Willenpart, Hans 144
Wintersteller, Fritz 80
Wood, Mike 41
yak-butter tea 180
Yanco Agricultural College 6
Yellow Band 37
Yeti aircraft 96–7
Zhangmu 200
zoe (yak/cow cross), towel eaten by 82–3