UFOs and Abductions
Or do humanoids and UFOs alike bespeak a parallel “reality” that for some reason manifests itself to some of us for very limited periods? But what would this reality be?
—Dr. J. Allen Hynek1
It's amazing what somebody can do with just a little bit of extradimensional consciousness—have “impossible” psychic phenomena. With a little more still, as in the mystical experience, one is like a god amongst men. Imagine what a person could do if he were born into this consciousness and had it his whole life and were surrounded by others who had it. Each could learn from the other, cultivate and refine it, and together develop a language, mathematics, logic, and technology based on it. Suppose an entire race on another planet has been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years, for such a race exists!
Our sun is one of about one trillion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, which in turn is one of about one hundred billion galaxies in the visible universe, each with billions of stars. And since many of these stars presumably have planets, there could be trillions of opportunities (just within our relatively independent subtotality) for life to develop and consciousness to evolve.
The argument against another intelligent race visiting us is the enormous distances between stars and the speed limit of light imposed by special relativity. It would take several human lifetimes for us to visit even nearby stars, though those on board would experience a time-dilated trip of only a few months. We have no designs for starships that can even approach this speed. But these are only our restrictions, built into our conceptual worldview, a natural consequence of our level of consciousness.
A race endowed with the higher faculty, and as far above us as we are above animals or plane beings in knowledge, would know no such restrictions. Think of how just a new, higher concept can result in a tremendous advance in travel; for example, we cross the ocean in a fraction of the time our ancestors did, not because of faster ships, but because of flight. A higher conception would utilize higher principles, too, ones we cannot even imagine.
Such beings at this level would have means of transport that to us must be miraculous. Moreover, in an extra-dimensional reality, they may actually be much closer to we have in stellar distance to begin with. But let's keep it simple. Let's picture a race that has evolved from the same three-dimensional ground as we have but is conscious of an extra dimension and can use it, just as we on the Earth's surface are conscious of and can use a third dimension (height) to erect buildings in it and fly machines through it. Imagine this race is interested in us.
Reports of unusual flying machines have been made for centuries. Witnesses at first described them by comparing them with familiar objects: heavenly chariots, celestial wheels, fiery shields, scrolls, and later as airships or vessels in the sky. During World War II, Allied airmen called them “foo fighters” and thought they were enemy weapons. (It was later learned that German and Japanese pilots also saw them and thought they were Allied weapons.) In recent times, we call them UFOs and envision them as extensions of our technology, as spacecraft.
There are now at least 100,000 unexplained UFO sightings on record worldwide. Skeptics attribute all of them to misidentification of atmospheric phenomena or man-made objects, psychological illusions, and hoaxes. But the sheer number of reports and credibility of the witnesses say otherwise. UFOs have been described in consistent fashion by thousands of reliable and competent observers, including commercial and military pilots (from more than 40 countries), air traffic controllers, and even astronomers—people obviously well-acquainted with normal aerial phenomena and craft.
In addition, there's often corroborating physical evidence: radar trackings, photographs and motion pictures, unusual animal reactions, and electromagnetic effects such as interference with compasses, radio and television transmissions, automobile engines, and electrical equipment aboard aircraft. Physical evidence found at UFO landing sites include imprints/ground markings, residues, damaged trees, cooked soil and grass, and traces of radioactivity. These physical trace cases also number in the thousands, and reports have been catalogued from more than 40 countries.
There is indeed a real phenomenon. Recognizing this, many have adopted what at first seems a plausible explanation: UFOs are spacecraft from another, more advanced planet, visiting the Earth to study it, much as we might expect to do to other planets in our future. In 1954 professor Hermann Oberth, the German rocket pioneer, in an article for American Weekly entitled “Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World” stated:
I have examined all the arguments supporting and denying the existence of flying saucers and it is my conclusion that UFOs do exist, are very real, and are spaceships from another or more than one other solar system. They are possibly manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race carrying out long-range scientific investigations of our Earth for centuries.2
This standard extraterrestrial hypothesis was a logical extrapolation of the facts. But over the years, it has become increasingly apparent that there must be more to it. For one thing there is simply too much activity, far more than required for any physical survey of the planet. Also, even allowing for fantastic technological advances, UFOs do not behave as one might reasonably expect. Sometimes they instantaneously appear, as if from out of nowhere, and then just as suddenly disappear. Other times, they grow larger, expanding, then contract into nothing or change from one shape into another in a fraction of a second. They have been known to split in two, then merge again, fly into bodies of water, and even into solid ground. It is just these features that convince some the phenomenon is fantasy. Solid objects in four-dimensional space-time physics simply cannot do these things, but extra-dimensional ones can.
In chapter 2 we saw that when a three-dimensional object (like a sphere) passed through a plane world, it was observed by the plane beings as something (a point) suddenly entering their world; and then the object appeared to expand as more and more of it entered their space. On the other hand, if the object, once there, began to move out of their space, it would seem to contract and then disappear.
These are classic UFO and extra-dimensional characteristics. The explanations normally offered for them are that UFOs can somehow materialize or dematerialize at will, or somehow make themselves larger and smaller, or even invisible. But these are simplistic interpretations of what is observed. In reality, the maneuvers seem the way they do—bizarre—because we see only part of the object at a time, and thus have a distorted view of the real activity.
Remember the opening of this book—a UFO magically changing from one shape into another. Here's how it works. In the upper-middle of figure 15 is a three-dimensional wedge-shaped object, a UFO to the plane beings, and capable of the same kind of magic.
Figure 15
Just above it are four of its different cross-sections that would be seen in the plane world as a circle, elongated rectangle or cigar, square, and triangle. Plane beings who encountered the forms at different times, as in the illustration, would never realize that they were just different cross-sections of one extra-dimensional object. And if it happened that during the course of a sighting, one of these shapes suddenly changed into another, they would not know that it was only due to one extra-dimensional object changing position, or rotating, in higher space.
Likewise in our world, a UFO is an extra-dimensional craft which, when shifting position in higher space, appears to change into a different form as a new cross-section of it is presented to us. In fact, the forms in the illustration are meant to suggest the types of UFOs most commonly reported and which have been known to change from one into another: disc and/or sphere, cigar shaped, cube, and pyramid shaped.
Using the same kind of analogy of an extra-dimensional craft rotating in extra-dimensional space but this time with a craft of different shape, say with structural protrusions, it could easily appear to split apart as it rotated through our space, then merge again into one whole as it continued. For example, picture a three-dimensional craft like an airplane rotating through a plane world: one solid object, the body, splits into two or more, wing, nose, struts, only to become one object again. Or, as we've seen before, objects that appear to be different in lower space may be connected or part of one object in higher space.
The electromagnetic disturbances that accompany UFO activity are similar to those that accompany another extra-dimensional phenomenon, the poltergeist. In both cases, electrical circuitry is affected, only to return to normal once either the UFO departs or the poltergeist outburst subsides. I've already shown how this is possible: electromagnetic discharge as a waste product or energy loss when a (more inclusive) extra-dimensional force is applied within our space.
With UFOs however, the effects are not only stronger and farther reaching, as befitting a more powerful employment of energy, there is sometimes an additional waste product—radioactivity. Witnesses have suffered burned skin and eyes, which is consistent with exposure to radioactivity, and radioactivity has also been found at landing sites. But if the power systems of UFOs operate on a higher, extra-dimensional energy force that includes our four forces of nature, we could easily see both electromagnetic and radioactive discharges (strong/weak nuclear and electromagnetic implications) as normal, residual by-products.
UFOs also demonstrate flight characteristics unlike anything previously seen on Earth. They can hover motionless, display phenomenal acceleration and deceleration, travel up to 18,000 mph, and make 90-degree turns while traveling at such speeds, an act that would rip a normal physical object apart. A technology that can accomplish these things, i.e., defy inertia and gravity, is not just more advanced than ours, it is totally beyond our understanding of physical laws.
A higher form of consciousness and its ensuing level of science would give rise to such a technology, which confounds reality as we know it. The performance capabilities of UFOs reflect this. They are founded on higher principles, operate in accordance with the physical laws of an extra-dimensional continuum, and take full advantage of that extra dimension.
The UFO phenomenon is an extra-dimensional one, but the standard extraterrestrial hypothesis, which at first seemed a good one, refuses to go away. It has become something of a dogma in itself and, like all dogmas, is extended by its proponents to accommodate new and incongruous manifestations of the phenomenon. Our government has actually played an important role in this. For while it knows the phenomenon is beyond being merely extraterrestrial, it has helped perpetuate the extraterrestrial hypothesis and use it for its own purposes, while at the same time disaffirming the whole phenomenon. Sound confusing or conspiratorial? It is, but then again, given the real nature of the phenomenon, the government could almost not do anything but this.
It started in the late 1940s with a wave of UFO sightings all over the country, and our military did what it was supposed to do—investigate it. The Air Material Command was given the assignment, and in September 1947, Lieutenant General Nathan Twining, AMC Chief of Staff, wrote to his superior, the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces: “The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious…There are objects probably approximately the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size, so as to appear to be as large as manmade objects…[it appears) some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically, or remotely.”3
Several months later, the Air Force established Project Sign to investigate further, and by 1948, Sign had prepared a similar estimate of the situation, concluding that UFOs could only be otherworldly vehicles. At that point, things changed rapidly.
Project Sign was changed to Project Grudge, proponents of the otherworldly hypothesis were reassigned or encouraged to leave the service, and a pattern of debunking UFO reports and attempting to defuse interest in the phenomenon began. Grudge (appropriately named) concluded that UFOs that could not be explained in conventional terms could be in psychological ones as misperceptions, illusions, or hoaxes, even though 23 percent of its cases were still left categorized as “unknown.” Project Grudge was then terminated.
For almost the next twenty years it would be more of the same. UFO sightings would continue, the public would smell an official cover-up, and the government would be forced to respond with an occasional study. But Project Blue Book, the CIA's Robertson Panel, and the infamous Condon Report all would reach the same convenient conclusion, though by the most questionable scientific methods; in 1969, the Air Force disengaged itself from the field of UFOs, stating that further study “could no longer be justified on grounds of national security or in the interest of science.”4 This final verdict had the intended effect of discouraging UFO research by independent scientists and private groups. Governments of other countries, who took their cue from the United States, began adopting a similar posture of (outward) official indifference.
Looking back however, it is certain that the government knew of the physical reality of UFOs and took a twofold approach to it. One was to assemble research groups, complete with prestigious scientists, to ward off the attention of the public and scientific community, in effect, to mount a public relations exercise. The other was to have a secret program that did real research.
Yet all this is understandable. The concern of military agencies is national security, not science. The most technologically sophisticated war in history had just ended (WW II); the UFO phenomenon held awesome implications for military hardware; and we had been caught unprepared before at Pearl Harbor, all of which necessitated a secret research program into an unknown phenomenon.
This program, in the hands of a small, top-secret group, must still exist, and it must be no closer to understanding, in conventional terms, the UFO phenomenon today than it was then. For it is not just a case of deciphering the secrets of an advanced science and technology, the UFO phenomenon is extra-dimensional, and as such, the principles and technology involved must be incomprehensible by conceptual means.
Astronomer J. Allen Hynek (1910–1986) served as scientific consultant for the Air Force on UFOs from 1947 to 1969. Though initially an avowed skeptic, he gradually became convinced of the reality of the phenomenon, and of the government's facade of a real scientific study. Hynek also began to find the standard extraterrestrial hypothesis lacking and started to speculate that UFOs were the product of a nonhuman intelligence from a kind of alternate or parallel reality, “operating outside the established laws of physics.”5
He also saw that the phenomenon was somehow related to other kinds of paranormal phenomena, a view reflected in The Encyclopedia of UFOs:
The subject is much more complex than any of us have imagined. It has paranormal aspects but certainly it has very real physical aspects too…If we are finally forced by the evidence itself to go into the paranormal, then we will.…6
Certainly the phenomenon has psychic aspects…UFOs seem to materialize and dematerialize…people who've had UFO experiences (claim) to have developed psychic ability. There have been reported cases of healings in close encounters and there have been reported cases of precognition, where people had foreknowledge or forewarning that they were going to see something. There has been a change of outlook, a change of philosophy of person's lives…those are rather tricky things to talk about openly, but it's there.7
Hynek felt the solution to the UFO phenomenon would have a profound effect on the current worldview, saying “it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally expected quantum jump”8 and “perhaps even be the springboard to a revolution in man's view of himself and his place in the universe.”9
Hynek was on the right track, as was Dr. Jacques Vallee, computer scientist and young associate of Hynek during the Blue Book years. Vallee, now one of the world's most experienced researchers, has written several books on the subject and believes that it represents “a yet unrecognized level of consciousness.”10 He speculates that: “UFOs operate on properties of space-time we have not yet discovered.”11 And: “In a multi-dimensional reality of which (our) space-time is a subset.”12 In his 1988 book Dimensions, he states: “…I believe that the UFO phenomenon represents evidence for other dimensions beyond space-time; the UFOs may not come from ordinary space, but from a multiverse which is all around us, and of which we have stubbornly refused to consider the reality in spite of the evidence available to us for centuries.”13
In Confrontations (1990), he stated: “I have argued that an understanding of the UFO phenomenon would come only when we have expanded our view of the physical universe beyond the classic four-dimensional model of space-time. Like other paranormal phenomena, UFOs seem to be able to operate outside of known space-time constraints.”14
If private researchers, basically working alone, have reached the conclusion that UFOs represent not just something extraterrestrial but another level of consciousness operating on another level of reality, then the government, with all the resources it can marshal toward the phenomenon, must surely have done so long ago. Our government, and undoubtedly others, knows of the reality of UFOs, that the phenomenon is not just extraterrestrial, and they must realize our vulnerability to such a superior, virtually godlike race operating within a realm we cannot fathom. They also know of the abduction phenomenon and the grim reality that any U.S. citizen can be taken out of his own home.
Abduction researcher Budd Hopkins comments: “Every single abductee I've worked with is sure that it may happen again. ‘If they want me, they can get me,’ is the general sentiment. One young man said to me that if his father were president of the United States, and he lived in the White House, guarded by the Secret Service, he would still feel that ‘if they wanted to pick me up again they could.’”15
We have no defense against them, in the skies or in our homes. This is why no government will ever disclose the truth about UFOs. It is also why our government prefers to keep the focus on the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Vallee, in Revelations (1991), points out that intelligence operations are structured with concentric layers, like an onion. The first layer debunks and then appears to ignore the UFO phenomenon; the second, after investigative efforts have peeled away the first layer, appears as if there is a massive conspiracy to hide the truth of extraterrestrial visitation and sometimes leaks false documents to that effect or has inside informants announce they are ready to come forward with proof, only to recant or disappear at the last moment.
As a bonus, besides masking the real nature of the phenomenon, this program can serve another purpose: to provide a cover for other, top-secret operations, such as test flights of advanced conventional craft, or perhaps test flights of experimental models of UFOs themselves, based on guesses of what just might make them tick. As Vallee points out, it can be used as a cover for the testing of UFO “imitations,” to be potentially used in tactical and counterterrorist operations.
What better way to penetrate a well-guarded enemy base than to create an atmosphere of chaos and confusion, where reactions are delayed and normal procedures suspended, since gaining just a few minutes is the difference between securing the base and being repelled? The illusion of a UFO landing or close encounter, accomplished by a combination of mechanical devices and optical and sound effects, could be used toward just that end.
Vallee reports: “In the failed Desert One operation of April 1980, organized by the Carter administration to attempt the heroic rescue of the American hostages from Tehran, some witnesses claim to have seen a disk resembling a UFO. It was said to be a platform for nonlethal weapons, intended to paralyze or otherwise disable the Iranian guards.”16
Of course, such UFO imitations need to be tested, and responses and reaction times evaluated. What better test subjects than our own unknowing servicemen? Besides, the results would be invaluable in assessing how we would react to a similar phenomenon, whether a real enemy invasion or a real UFO.
Tests of these various types of projects can explain alleged UFO landings at or near military bases, flybys of missile silos, and rumors of crashed UFOs recovered by the military. The last are of course impossible with an extra-dimensional race of beings, for, unless intentionally abandoned, the craft could be easily retrieved against even the tightest security just by “extracting” it through extra-dimensional space.
The government's UFO program (debunking and disinformation) works. But ironically, it is not needed to dissuade mainstream science from addressing the phenomenon. It is already satisfied that UFOs don't exist. An alien intelligence, it reasons, even if more advanced, must surely have an advanced form of scientific know-how. This could not account for: (1) the surreal aerial maneuvers; (2) the paranormal (psychic) aspects; (3) the volume of traffic, weighed against the perceived space-time obstacle of interstellar travel; and (4) the fact that their first priority isn't establishing meaningful dialogue with us.
In short, an alien intelligence would not act the way UFOs do. The UFO phenomenon, as observed, is not logical, and any other form of intelligence must be logical. So the scientific approach is to search the universe for extraterrestrial radio signals, as in NASA's S.E.T.I. (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program. Another intelligence, it reasons, must use these means because we would. This attitude must be the conceptual counterpart to the Earth-centered universe, if not the plane-world-centered universe. As with other aspects of the paranormal, it is predictable. In 1961, a NASA study conducted by the Brookings Institution, a Washington, D.C., think tank, acknowledged: “If superintelligence is discovered, the results become quite unpredictable. It has been speculated that of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated.”17
Thus mainstream science defends the prevailing worldview and its own superior standing within it. It searches the vastness of space for intelligence of its own kind but fails to acknowledge the alien intelligence that is already here.
Alien Abductions
The emergence, perhaps explosion, of the abduction aspect of the UFO phenomenon has been relatively recent, yet its implications are so mind-boggling it may seem fantastic to anyone still unacquainted with it. It started in 1961 with the case of Betty and Barney Hill of New Hampshire who, while returning home from a trip, saw a UFO and strange humanoid beings. The next thing they knew, it was two hours later; they were closer to home, but had no recollection of what had happened. This period of “missing time,” plus recurrent nightmares (Betty) and headaches and ulcers (Barney), eventually led them to seek psychiatric help, whereupon under regressive hypnosis they independently recounted being taken aboard a craft, undergoing medical examinations, and being given telepathic instructions to “forget” the experience, a mental block later overcome by the hypnosis.
This was a sensational case at the time, a novelty, and researchers found it difficult to accept, despite the Hills' sterling reputation. But slowly, similar stories began to emerge. And like other aspects of the UFO phenomenon, they were coming from sane, credible people. They were at first incorporated into the standard extraterrestrial hypothesis, that the aliens needed to examine some humans to learn our physiological and biochemical makeup. But as these cases began surfacing in ever-increasing numbers, it again seemed like too much activity.
In 1981, New York artist Budd Hopkins hinted at the potential scope of the phenomenon in his book Missing Time. Hopkins explored abduction accounts retrieved under hypnosis and speculated that thousands more people may have had such experiences but consciously remember almost nothing about them.
Then in 1987, Hopkins, who by this time had worked with over one hundred abductees, revealed in Intruders the most startling aspect of abductions: they are not random, one-time events but part of a continuous process starting in childhood, with the individual systematically reabducted many times over the course of his life as part of an ongoing study. This includes “cell sampling”; marking the child by incision; sometimes “tagging” him with a tiny implant, usually through the nasal cavity (much as we might tag an animal in the wild to periodically monitor it for an experiment); and after puberty taking ova or sperm from the individual to combine human and alien genetic material in the creation of a hybrid race, the embryos of which are incubated in laboratories inside UFOs.
Fantastic as this may sound, Hopkins and other researchers have since seen a steady stream of people come “out of the closet” with similar accounts. Though skeptics say these people have been influenced by previous stories, preprogrammed, as it were, to produce like versions, the reverse is appearing ever more likely: these individuals have had real experiences, the inklings of which were so bizarre, they had no context in which to put them until they read the accounts of others.
It now appears, based on surveys, that several hundred thousand Americans (and upwards) may have had abduction experiences. Hopkins has now worked with hundreds of abductees, and other researchers with hundreds more. They are both male and female, from all walks of life, of every race and religion. All psychological tests they have been subjected to, by a growing number of mental-health professionals, have shown them to be sane and balanced. In fact, at the 1987 meeting of the American Psychological Association in New York, participants agreed that in-depth studies of alleged abductees showed them to be normal people. Furthermore, reports starting to filter in from other countries (about 20 now) seem to indicate that the abduction phenomenon, like the UFO phenomenon in general, is worldwide.
An abduction may begin while one is driving along a lonely stretch of road. The person sees a UFO just above the car, then all of a sudden it is an hour or so later, and she cannot account for that period of missing time (like the Hills). Other times, and surprisingly often, it begins in the individual's home, usually at night. Small humanoid beings appear in the bedroom, place the subject in a suspended or trancelike state that renders him incapable of resistance, and transport him to a waiting UFO. There, he is physically examined (and biological samples taken), mentally probed by mind-scanning techniques, shown terrifying visions of the human race destroying itself and our planet, and in some cases, allowed to engage the entities in communication.
Then he is returned to wherever he was abducted from and told telepathically to forget the experience. However, with either abduction scenario, the person may retain trace memories of the encounter and, sensing something extraordinary has happened to him, eventually see a psychiatrist (of late, an “abduction researcher”) and under regressive hypnosis let the story unfold.
The fact that most abduction experiences are retrieved under hypnosis lends itself to controversy. Skeptics charge that subjects are encouraged or led into fantasizing accounts that fit the hypnotist's (or researcher's) preconceived belief patterns. But the evidence contradicts this.
First, though abduction accounts may vary, there is too much consistency of detail in them, despite different hypnotists and cultures. Dr. Thomas Bullard, a well-respected folklorist at the University of Indiana, published an exhaustive study of more than 300 abduction reports from 17 countries in his two-volume 1988 UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. He found no significant differences in accounts despite the beliefs of the subjects and the expectations of the hypnotists. Bullard says: “Hypnosis makes far less difference than critics have claimed.”18
Second, many abduction accounts are remembered spontaneously either whole or in part without hypnosis. Hopkins reports in Intruders 14 abductees who fully recalled their experiences normally, and Bullard's study showed 30 percent were consciously recalled. These accounts show no differences from those that emerge under hypnosis. Bullard again: “Comparison of cases spontaneously revealed with those revealed by hypnosis shows few differences in content…These findings weigh against hypnosis as a causal agent in the abduction story.”19
Third, abduction experiences are often further corroborated by physical evidence. There are power outages, broken tree branches, and imprints consistent with UFOs being on or near the ground, and abductees bear physical signs of their examination, such as permanent scars, lesions, or bloody noses. Moreover, they are physically missing from the place they are supposed to be, and family members and friends attest to their late arrival and confused state.
There can only be two explanations. Either we are seeing the advent of a mass psychosis (which can also produce physical effects) of unprecedented proportions, one for which no such psychological hypothesis has, even tentatively, been offered; or abductions are really happening.
It is here that we come face to face with beings who are truly extra-dimensional. They (the aliens) have complete possession of the higher faculty that apprehends an extra dimension, mastery of that consciousness (brief glimpses of which are the mystical experience and psychic phenomena), and freedom of movement within that extra dimension. They are as far above us as we are above animals or plane-world beings. We see this unmistakably demonstrated in the accounts of abductees who have encountered these beings and in the communications of the beings themselves.
We see this in the works of the major abduction researchers and pioneers. These are Hopkins (who also wrote Witnessed [1996]); David Jacobs, professor of history at Temple University, and his two books Secret Life (1992) and The Threat (1998); Massachusetts researcher Raymond E. Fowler, five of whose books, The Andreasson Affair (1979), The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two (1982), The Watchers (1990), The Watchers II (1995), and The Andreasson Legacy (1997), chronicle Betty Andreasson's ongoing abduction experiences in what must be the most thoroughly documented case ever, and also Fowler's 1993 book The Allagash Abductions. There is also John E. Mack, M.D., whose Abduction (1994) has been a work of major impact; he also wrote Passport to the Cosmos (1999). Mack, credentialed to the hilt, was a Pulitzer prizewinning author and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (he died in 2004) and was a researcher not easy for mainstream science to dismiss.
These researchers came to different conclusions about the meaning of abductions. Hopkins and Jacobs emphasize the nuts-and-bolts aspects: the appearance, attitude, and procedures of the aliens, and their genetic engineering program. They see them as calculating and sinister, coldly carrying out their own agenda strictly for their own benefit. Hopkins speculates that they may have become physically weak as a race and need to “revivify their own species from our ostensibly more primitive and more vital gene pool.”20 Jacobs fears the alien/human hybrids could be made to integrate into human society and help the aliens assume control of the planet.
Mack and Fowler acknowledge the genetic crossbreeding aspect but also recognize other, more transcendent, sides of the phenomenon. Mack sees a transformative one:
The other important, related aspect of the abduction phenomenon has to do with the provision of information and the alteration of consciousness of the abductees. This is not a purely cognitive process, but one that reaches deeply into the emotional and spiritual lives of the experiencers, profoundly changing their perceptions of themselves, the world, and their place in it. The information concerns the fate of the Earth and human responsibility for the destructive activities that are taking place on it.21
Fowler describes the aliens and their technology as “paraphysical in nature” and says some of their abilities include: communicating telepathically; passing through physical objects with ease; materializing and dematerializing into and out of our space-time frame; existing in a timeless realm; and predicting our future.22 These are exactly what we should expect of a race endowed with extra-dimensional consciousness.
But all these differences of interpretation are understandable with a phenomenon so bizarre and multifaceted and whose true nature is just becoming known. These researchers are just emphasizing different aspects of one problem, different pieces of one puzzle, which will now be put together.
First and foremost, this is no mere extraterrestrial phenomenon; it is an extra-dimensional one. Abductees are actually taken right out of our world, through this extra dimension, into a larger world. Mack says:
[Abductees say] at least some of their experiences are not occurring within the physical space/time dimensions of the universe as we comprehend it. They speak of aliens breaking through from another dimension…entering our world from “beyond the veil.” Abductees…will speak of the collapse of space/time that occurs during their experiences. They experience the aliens, indeed their abductions themselves, as happening in another reality, although one that is as powerfully actual to them—or more so than—the familiar physical world.23
An abductee comments:
The ETs have the ability to enter into our space and time dimension or leave it any time they want…I was taken out to another dimension that has no space and time as we know it…There are different dimensions, worlds existing within worlds…[outside of linear time and space].24
Mack (says of this patient):
[She] repeatedly describes the access she gains during her abductions to another dimension (or other dimensions) of existence, an expanded reality in which human concepts of space and time do not apply.25
Other abductees say: “I got the impression that there was another dimension there…that the dimension I was in was, was coexisting with this, this other dimension.”26 And: “…they are in a different plane. They're in a heavier space than we are.”27
Fowler comments: “We find that UFOs and their occupants are perfectly capable of traveling between at least two different planes of existence.”28
Of course we're precluded from perceiving this extra-dimensional reality by our level of consciousness, as Fowler hints:
If the recalled memories of UFO abductees like Betty actually reflect genuine physical events then our comprehension of reality is indeed limited. We could be compared with lower animals that experience life within the confines of their particular physical and mental capabilities. Such animals are completely oblivious to the coexisting world of man and his technology. Even so, the forces that operate behind UFOs appear to be functioning on an infinitely higher plane of awareness that man is just becoming aware of through experiences like Betty's.29
Even Hopkins, who eschews the paraphysical side of abductions, remarked in 1994 at a college lecture that he didn't think the phenomenon could be understood “until we've expanded our space-time parameters.”30
The extra dimension abductees are taken along is best conceived of (as we've seen before) as in an inside-out direction. Recall the first abductee quote, “different dimensions…worlds existing within worlds.” Also from Mack's patients: “In the transition from one reality to another, you feel like you're contracting and expanding at the same time…[it's the] secret of moving from one dimension to another.”31 And: “Energy, like folds into itself, and you're just somewhere else…everything folds, inverts into, and folds inside itself.”32
Other abductees have recalled: “I believe we were [out] in space, and somehow I believe we were in the center of the Earth. Now how can you be in both?”33 And: “It [the UFO] took me somewhere…I think it pulled me somehow…it's just a feeling of a—suddenly exploding. Like it was pulling me apart and then I was inside something…This room (in the UFO).”34
The fact that UFOs are extra-dimensional craft makes another strange aspect of abductions understandable—abductees may describe UFOs as being much larger inside than outside. “It's funny, this thing didn't look that big from the outside. Didn't look like there was that much room in it.”35
Another abductee says: “I can see where the edge of the ship would be on the left, but it's very far away—maybe fifty feet away. I don't understand how it could have been that far because the other room was only like ten feet wide and this one is so really far away…It doesn't make sense!…It wouldn't have fit. It wouldn't work.”36
Physical maneuvers that are impossible in a framework of space-time are easily accomplished with the use of an extra dimension—as with UFOs themselves. And in abductions, we see the same antics, which of course seem miraculous to those in lower space. Jacobs says: “Aliens do things that seem like magic to us. They make humans and their clothes go through solid matter like windows, walls, and ceilings. They cause themselves, humans, and other matter to be invisible when they are outside the confines of the UFO.”37
Invisible? Only because they are at that time in extra-dimensional space. Just as UFOs seem to materialize from out of nowhere and dematerialize, the aliens do the same, initiating an abduction by just appearing in an abductee's home, or entering through walls, then removing their subject the same way. “They are starting to come through the door now…right through the wood, one right after another. It's amazing! Coming through!…Now they are all inside…. I was going through the same thing (the door), the wood, that they were.”38
Fowler says of this feat: “It was as if each alien were moving in and out of our plane of existence and temporarily into an unseen parallel dimension in order to pass through the solid wood of the door. The question that immediately arises is: Where were their bodies when they disappeared?”39
The answer to the above is obvious: extra-dimensional space. Imagine how a three-dimensional being like you or I could abduct a plane being out of his home the same way. We'd all of a sudden enter “right through the wall or floor,” take him in tow, and then exit, again going right through solid, two-dimensional matter, simply by going over or under it—in the third dimension. And when we were done with him, we'd return him the same way. The aliens do likewise. Jacobs says: “If the abduction took place from her home, the abductee usually goes directly through the window (wall or ceiling, in some cases) and ‘rematerializes’ in her room.”40
Another abductee adds: “Floated (in)…Right through the door…I don't know how it could be…just floated to bed.”41
This method of extraction—extra-dimensional—explains a finding in Bullard's study that he thought odd and called “doorway amnesia.” Abductees were unable to remember passing through any type of door on the craft when either entering or exiting.
In abductions all communication by aliens is telepathic (as it should be), but their ability here is far more powerful than the mere glimpses seen in the mystical experience or psychic phenomena. Abductees feel their mind is completely laid bare to the aliens and they cannot keep thoughts from them. “I feel like my thoughts are available to everyone, and there's nothing to hide.”42 When abductees are addressed, it is in the form of receiving a mental impression of the intended message. “I see the words in my head. It's like—it's weird! It's like I see the words and hear them in my head.”43 “I think it was in my head that they were calling me, so they knew my name or they knew how to call me in my head.”44 “He called me Betty. It seemed like an oral sound but it…it…—ah, I think it was a transformation of thought.”45
In the Hill case, Barney said, “He did not speak by word. I was told what to do by his thoughts making my thoughts understand' and Betty said she “knew what they were thinking.”46
The communication between aliens appears to be telepathic as well. “They're…understanding each other, but they're not talking. I don't hear anything.”47 “They're talking among themselves but not with their mouths, just with their minds.”48
Through telepathic communication, which is a direct tie-in to higher consciousness, abductees may get a sense of the higher thought process, or logic, and their descriptions of it are unmistakably transfinite—one in all, all in one, all is one. This is as we have seen before and again just as it should be. Here are some examples:
Of course all this is made possible by the higher faculty, which apprehends an extra dimension that for us exists in time. Therefore, the aliens can see past and future aspects of our three-dimensional world laid out at once along the extra dimension. Fowler says: “They insisted that our concept of time was localized and that time as we understood it did not really exist. The human concept of time was illusory…They are not bound by such a limitation…Time, as we know it…does not exist for them!…To them, the past, present, and future are now!…All is Now.”53
The aliens say: “Time with us is not your time. The place with you is localized. It is not with us. Cannot you see it?”54 And an abductee says: “The future and the past are the same as today to them…Time to them is not like our time, but they know about our time.”55
Bullard comments: “…such understanding of time as they have somehow differs from ours.”56
Indeed, they live in a different, larger world of space-time. The aliens also show a keen interest in abductees' sense of time. Some have assumed this is intelligence gathering, but it is much more likely intelligence or consciousness testing. For if one's ascent to higher consciousness is through the expansion of the time sense (to extract an extra dimension of space), an appraisal of that time sense, as a measure of its potential for higher consciousness, would probably include simple inquiries of the abductees.
Now for the part of the UFO phenomenon that so intrigued Hynek. He couldn't have anticipated it would be associated with abductions, but it is the apparent transformation of abductees after their experiences, spiritually and otherwise, sometimes including new psychic abilities.
In the mystical experience, the person is elevated by the higher sense in all ways—physically, intellectually, morally, spiritually, and psychically; in fact, the effects can then be passed on to others in secondhand fashion. Thus we should expect that direct exposure to beings with complete possession of that faculty would produce even more dramatic results, almost akin to a mystical experience, which we indeed find in abductions. Some abductees report spontaneous healings of injuries, mostly minor but in some cases serious conditions such as pneumonia or diphtheria.
Others are intellectually enlightened. Jacobs states: “…a few (abductees) have displayed isolated factual knowledge about scientific topics that they have never studied, and others have shown inexplicable interest in physics or astronomy.”57 One of the Allagash abductees, an artist, related to Fowler: “Immediately after the Allagash abduction, my interests changed completely. I lost all interest in creating traditional art. I became obsessed with new technologies. My new interests suddenly included science, mathematics, engineering, architecture, geometry…”58
But by far the most profound aftereffect is a spiritual awakening. Abductees come to realize a larger universe and consciousness, one previously hidden from them. Mack says they become “open to other realities beyond space/time, realms that are variously described as beyond a ‘veil’ or some other barrier which has kept them in a ‘box’ or in a consciousness limited to the physical world.”59 They now come to acknowledge a larger self within that world, one that is intimately connected with all reality. Mack again:
As their experiences are brought into full consciousness, abductees seem to feel increasingly a sense of oneness with all beings and all of creation…Each abductee experiences in some sense an expansion of his or her self, of identity in the world. Paul wondered how we had come to mistake the “shell” of our being for the “whole” of it; and Eva…[is moving] from fragmentation toward wholeness. The change that abductees experience is fundamentally that they may no longer feel themselves to be separate from other beings. They shed their identification with a narrow social role and gain a sense of oneness with all creation, a kind of universal connectedness.60
Abductees know they have experienced another realm of existence and a higher consciousness, and they are never quite the same again. They become more spiritual, yet less religious, more moral, and less materialistic. They have new values and goals, may adopt different lifestyles, and even change professions.
Many also experience the onset of psychic phenomena, such as telepathic, clairvoyant, and precognitive abilities; poltergeist-related phenomena, such as electrical disturbances, or strange noises may start. The ESP is a sign of the stirring of higher consciousness, from which all psi springs; and the poltergeist activity is caused by the same condition as in traditional poltergeist outbreaks—a new “feel” for higher consciousness, and stress, which is part of the aftermath of the abduction experience. Bullard's remarks on these aftereffects suggest just this: “The paranormal ambience of abduction aftermaths may hint that the experience ties into whole realms of human potential as alien to our everyday conceptions as humanoids are alien to our physical earth.”61
But all these aftereffects of abductions are not unique. They're found in all human introductions to higher consciousness, whether it's UFO abductions, mystical experiences, or near-death experiences. Kenneth Ring, in his 1992 The Omega Project, a comparative study of such effects in abductees and near-death experiencers, reports they are virtually identical and he speculates it holds true for mystical experiencers as well. He postulates a kind of alternate reality coexisting with ours, one that can be perceived only with a new kind of psychospiritual sense, and believes this new sense represents a next step in the evolution of Man.
This is in harmony with extra-dimensional theory, and it is, in the broadest sense, what the abduction phenomenon is all about—evolution. It is also what the aliens represent—the next step in the evolution of consciousness. So now let's try to understand just how that next step was made, and how it resulted in the kind of aliens we're now confronted with.
Some scientists maintain that any intelligent life elsewhere must have evolved along different lines and so be radically different from us in appearance, that is, look anything but humanoid. Another line of thought holds that the humanoid form is the most advantageous for survival anywhere. A large brain mass, sense organs elevated above the ground and near the brain, upright posture which leaves two hands free to experiment with and wield tools—it may be Nature's best bet to have a species survive and eventually reach self-consciousness.
If this is the case, then intelligent life on another planet (or planets) may have evolved along a very similar course as ours, with something resembling self-conscious Man evolving from something resembling apes. Given this, can we extrapolate what type of humanoid form a still higher level of consciousness might take? Yes, through a biological phenomenon called neoteny.
In neoteny the normal physical development of a species is suspended in the fetal stage, yet the organism still matures sexually. Since it can reproduce, it can pass this trait on and a new life form will appear, one in which infantile features are retained in the adult form. This is what may have happened in the transition from ape to Man: fetal apes sexually maturing and reproducing. (It is well known that, physically, humans and apes are remarkably similar in the fetal stage.) Because a fetus' brain is more developed than the rest of its body, we might expect such neotenates to rely on thinking, problem-solving, and the further development of consciousness for survival.
Or, a species already headed in the direction of increased cerebral function may find a new, neotenous form allows for further mental development and perhaps the acquisition of a new, higher form of consciousness. This may have been the case with the evolution of ape into Man, Nature gradually approaching a threshold over which it didn't crawl, but leaped, neotenously. The fact that this was a neotenous jump rather than a gradual transition would explain why we are still searching for signs of that transition between ape to Man, from simple to self-consciousness, the “missing link.”
So what is the next step in this neotenous scenario, one that goes hand-in-hand with the blossoming of a higher faculty or level of consciousness?
Obviously it would be a life-form that looks like a human fetus, which perfectly describes the aliens encountered in abductions: small humanoid beings (3 to 4 feet tall), with thin hairless body, large head and eyes, small mouth and nose, and no visible sex organs. Neoteny has been brought out before to explain the aliens' appearance, but it has always overlooked the most dramatic difference between ape and Man—the ape's lower, simple consciousness (controversy over flashes of conceptual thought aside), and Man self-consciousness. Isn't this the real difference, in comparison to which physical distinctions pale? And isn't a different level of consciousness the real distinction between the aliens and us?
In evolution, such a change or mutation in a species endures only if the change is advantageous for survival. The benefits in going from sensation to simple consciousness and from simple consciousness to self-consciousness are obvious: the successor is better equipped to prevail over natural enemies and its environment. But is there a benefit in going from self-consciousness to extra-dimensional consciousness? Are there more natural enemies or environmental perils to overcome?
History shows that civilizations rise, mature, and vanish, and even mainstream science acknowledges that we are in a crisis stage now, where either our self-destructive tendencies, magnified a millionfold by technology, will destroy us, or we will go on to further glories, like colonizing other star systems (again, always within the context of self-consciousness). But evolution is often preceded by crises and the next evolutionary step takes place in response to survival instinct.
An alien race may have been in such a crisis stage, heading as we are toward technological and ecological collapse. It faced a new natural enemy—self-consciousness itself; for this species now had the technological power to render inhospitable and incapable of supporting life that very environment that allowed it to blossom in the first place. But it changed, by evolving neotenously. It acquired the higher faculty, which provided the wisdom and unifying spirit needed to avoid its demise.
We are in that crisis stage right now. Our faculty's crowning achievement, technology, has in just the last few centuries emerged as a natural enemy, one that is threatening the planet's habitability. Nuclear proliferation, even with the end of the Cold War, is a constant danger, perhaps even more so now. Recent U.N. disclosures (2004) suggest that 40 nations have the ability to make a nuclear bomb, and some of these are in the most volatile regions on Earth, including the Middle East. The proliferation of chemical and biological “weapons of mass destruction” could also have devastating consequences as the global war on terrorism unfolds.
Insatiable greed and corruption (inescapable by-products of self-consciousness?) are destroying plant and animal species at a dizzying pace, in forests, coral reefs, and wetlands. Estimates range from between 10 to 100 animal species are lost every day. If this continues, one-fifth of the world's living species will vanish in the next 30 years, taking with them each one's unique biochemical and genetic material, which could be used to produce new medicines or pest-resistant crops. The planet is undergoing an extinction event the likes of which has not been seen since the dinosaurs and countless other plants and animals disappeared about 65 million years ago, and which by our own making we may reach by the middle of the next century.
There's more bad news. The ozone layer is dissipating at an ever-increasing rate. The greenhouse effect (global warming) may already be making its mark in the recent rise of climactic disasters, floods, hurricanes, droughts, the alarming resurgence of infectious diseases, and perhaps most ominously, a measurable and significant decrease in the Pacific Ocean of plankton—the bottom of the planet's food chain.
Natural resources are fast becoming depleted, and toxic wastes and other poisons and garbage are being dumped back into our planetary system so fast that natural pollutant-absorbing mechanisms are themselves polluted, increasing still more the rate of damage. Eventually, we will drown in our own waste products.
The human socioeconomic system as well is headed toward collapse. The world population is growing at a staggering rate (100 million born in 1997), raising the specter of mass-starvation if technological advances cannot keep pace. Virtually every country in the world is barely holding its head above water in the face of impending bankruptcy. There's still more: the oceans, ever more polluted, are being fished empty; acid rain; pesticide poisoning; and more.
The expansion of society as we know it, that began with the advent of self-conscious thought, has reached its limit. But the old atavistic tendencies—hunt, conquer, build, and expand at any cost—remain. Clearly the need now is for a more moral, benign, and comprehensive way of thought. But do the inherent qualities of self-consciousness—isolation, duality, nationalism, self, Self, SELF—preclude this? Is self-consciousness, unless superseded by a broader, gentler mode of thought, ultimately self-defeating? Must we have, at the deepest level, a common thread of morality and unity, without which a fragmented society turns its technological demons upon itself, in effect devouring itself?
It may be no coincidence that the U.S., the most advanced nation on Earth, leads the world in major-crime statistics (murder, rape, and robbery), prompting the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991 to acknowledge it as “the most violent and self-destructive nation on earth.”
Scientists have long speculated about a possible next step in Man's evolution, usually along the lines of a symbiotic link with a supercomputer, the ultimate union of Man and his machine. But the reality is that the next step must be to extra-dimensional consciousness, or none at all—which brings us to the purpose of abductions, indeed the core of the UFO phenomenon. The answer involves the main themes in abductions: the creation of a human-alien race, messages of the impending destruction of our race, and the expansion of abductees' consciousness.
The aliens are producing a hybrid race. The objective is to preserve our genetic seed and in an improved evolutionary form bred to carry the higher faculty, if we, as they clearly expect, do not survive our crisis stage. Presumably, this hybrid race will then be raised and prepared to either repopulate the Earth or start anew on some other planet. Here are some comments on this:
Mack says the abductee, “like many abductees, has dreams of the world as we know it coming to an end and relates her breeding role to this eventuality.”66 Betty Andreasson was told, “It is better to lose some than all”67 and others have been told of the need to preserve “biological diversity.” Fowler believes this preservation program is not limited to us but extends to all life-forms on Earth, as suggested by this message: “Man is destroying much of nature…He's [the alien] saying that they have collected the seed of Man male and female…And, that they have been collecting every species and every gender of plant for hundreds of years.”68
Just the human abduction program alone would be quite an exercise, enough to account for the extravagant amount of general UFO activity that has always baffled researchers; but if the program includes all life on Earth, then the UFO activity observed may actually be only the tip of the iceberg.
Almost all abductees are given messages about impending catastrophes that will render Man sterile if not extinct. They are in the form of visions, produced either telepathically or on holographic-like screens. Here is a typical telepathic vision: “Yeah, they kept putting images in my mind, about the destruction of the planet, and time when people will be starving, and there won't be energy because we're using up the resources.”69 Jacobs describes the viewing screen method: “(The abductee) is shown a screenlike apparatus and images begin to appear on it. The scene is often abhorrent and disturbing—death and destruction, calamity and war, atomic explosions, the end of the world, and so forth.”70 Mack describes the images as: “Scenes of the earth devastated by a nuclear holocaust, vast panoramas of lifeless polluted landscapes and waters, and apocalyptic images of giant earthquakes, firestorms, floods, and even fractures of the planet itself.”71
Some prefer to interpret all this as a warning to change our destructive ways or these scenarios may come to pass. But taken at face value, the truth seems to be that humankind, with just the use (or misuse) of self-consciousness, is far enough down the path of self-annihilation that its demise is virtually inevitable.
The second part of the aliens' abduction program is the redirection of human consciousness necessary for us to avoid our own destruction. This of course seems contradictory and even absurd when considered in conjunction with the first part, but remember that any transfinite concept borne from the higher faculty must seem contradictory and absurd by our standards. In fact, if it did not appear so, we could be sure it was not a product of higher logic.
The objective here seems to be raising the consciousness of abductees, in effect, introducing them to the higher but latent faculty within. And though some of this could be just the natural result of exposure to the higher faculty, it seems to go well beyond this. Some abductees, Betty Andreasson, for example, have been afforded a long and in-depth interchange with their captors, typical of a concerned teacher with a prize pupil. In general, abductees deeply feel, or just seem to know, that there is a lesson to be learned here.
Ring's Omega study showed that “fully 85 percent of UFOERs (abductees) report an increase in their concern for planetary welfare following their UFO encounter, and of these, nearly 60 percent state that it is strongly increased.”72 Moreover, two thirds of UFOERs felt that: “(1) There are higher order intelligences that have a concern with the welfare of our planet; (2) the changes (they've) undergone since (their) UFO experience are part of an evolutionary unfolding of humanity; and (3) the widespread occurrence of UFO experiences is part of a larger plan to promote the evolution of consciousness on a specieswide scale.”73
The aliens' efforts to help us in this particular fashion may seem minimal by our standards of colonial intervention, but it may be for good reason. History clearly shows that primitive cultures are devastated by superior ones who change and “educate” them. It renders them stagnant, dependent, spiritless, and incapable or undesiring of further self-development. It appears that though the aliens want us to survive, they will not directly intervene or provide easy answers. Isn't this how it must be? For doesn't any good teacher prod the student to think for himself, to discover how to arrive at the answer himself? Isn't this, and only this, what warrants a passing grade? The aliens appear to be showing us how to arrive at the answer by pointing out the direction in which it lies—within.
Remember the Perennial Philosophy: Man is part of a larger self and vaster reality, and our life purpose is to seek union with it by a higher faculty of mind. It appears that this is all we need do. Abductees are often told, or later come to realize, that our normal selves are part of a greater whole, that there is another aspect, or dimension, to reality and to ourselves that we've completely overlooked.
For example, Fowler writes: “[The aliens] told Betty that Man is more than just a physical being but has not realized this truth because of lack of interest and research…there is a paraphysical or spiritual side of life that he has basically ignored…If Betty's experiences are truly grounded in reality, then Man's body of flesh and blood now existing in what ‘The Watchers’ call localized time is vastly more complex than anyone could ever have imagined. Our bodies of intricate living protoplasm would be a mere shadow of our true nature and abilities.”74
The aliens stated: “Man is not made of just flesh and blood…The (higher) knowledge (and technology) is sought out through the spirit…It is through the spirit, but man will not seek out that portion.”75 They also said: “You think that you know yourselves, but you do not know yourselves. You do not know what you are made of. You do not know the powers that you possess.”76
The abductees attest to this also: “It's (the vaster reality) a whole new thing. It's (our reality) like a little layer. It's one little layer, and you've got that being your whole universe…It's like one little layer of appearance.”77 “[They want us to] realize we're part of something greater.”78 “Listen, there is a whole other reality out there that is just as real, just as valid as what you think is the only reality. Open your minds. Look into this.”79
But we don't. The path is clear—“through the spirit” or expanded consciousness; the way is simple—just seek it out, “look into it”; or even failing this, let Nature take its course without getting in its way. But we don't. We're our own worst enemy, obstructing the natural flow of things—the Law, one that should have been so easy to follow. Mack says: “The aliens…seem genuinely puzzled about the extent of our aggressiveness toward one another and especially our apparent willingness to destroy the planet's life.”80 “It appears (to them)…as if we have deliberately chosen death over life.”81
To them, we're a spiritually arrested species, hopelessly out of touch with our greater selves, increasingly self-destructive. Here are some examples of this:
We need a new way of thought, a new way of looking at things, a way where the higher faculty can naturally blossom. We need a new worldview. Mack states: “UFO abductions have to do, I think, with the evolution of consciousness and the collapse of a worldview that has placed man at a kind of epicenter of intelligence…”86 “It has become clear to me also that our restricted worldview or paradigm lies behind most if not all of the major destructive patterns that threaten the human future…”87 On the other hand, Fowler says the consciousness expansion the aliens are trying to bring about on Earth, if effected in time, will “revolutionize every aspect of our lives—science, religion, philosophy, sociology—nothing will be spared…mankind is on the verge of a revolution in thought of a magnitude far greater than the Copernican revolution. In fact, there can be little comparison.”88
One part of the abduction phenomenon is about the gradual cultivation of the higher faculty in the human race. This can help explain two other aspects of the phenomenon that have baffled researchers. First, why are these particular abductees selected? It's obvious that the abductees have something the aliens want. It is that person's capacity for the higher faculty.
Researchers have noted that abductees seem to be mystically and/or psychically inclined even before their abduction, a sign of their proximity to higher consciousness. Ring's Omega study showed that children UFO experiencers seem to be “apparently already sensitive to nonordinary realities.”89 The aliens can somehow detect this capacity, perhaps even communicate with it on some subconscious level. “They let me know that…I'm special…though just a kid…they said that I can understand them and that's what makes me special.”90 They are simply better specimens, whose capacities for higher consciousness are then stimulated still more. “It's about evolving to a higher consciousness…They need my consciousness to expand. They need more of my brain to be awake…”91
Second, why do abductions run across family generations? Bucke and Gopi Krishna both felt that only those born with a special quality—a hereditary gift—could attain the higher faculty; and J. B. Rhine speculated that ESP (a lower branch of the faculty) was inheritable as well. Abductees have it, and the aliens are accelerating the evolutionary process in these, the most suitable bloodlines, to bring about in succeeding generations a new genotype, one better endowed with the natural ingredient for the higher faculty. “(The beings were) acting to breed for the highest qualities of mankind…” 92 “(They're trying) genetically (to take) the higher human qualities and somehow, I want to say, reincorporate them into our race.”93
In true transfinite fashion, the expansion of consciousness would be more profitable with subjects closer to where the aliens need them to be to begin with, and improved over generations (all this for our benefit); and they would also be better specimens for interbreeding with their race, with the most desirable quality in offspring being the higher faculty.
In what seems to be the final chapter in an abductee's experiences, and especially so for women, one is shown a hybrid baby and told, or one knows, that it is hers. The woman is then asked or made to hold the infant in what seems to be a bonding procedure. Presumably, the babies need to be physically touched to nourish the human side (once seems sufficient). Who better to provide this than an actual parent? The babies, who are described as listless and frail, seem to absorb the experience and afterwards appear better, stronger. But beyond their physical form, the babies have another distinct difference—consciousness. The hybrids display unmistakable signs of the higher faculty: they appear telepathic and their eyes have the same hypnotic “knowing” quality.
For example, “…he looked so wise…more wise than anybody in the world…there was (in the eyes) something more there…I just fell into them…It's like the whole world was in this little baby's eyes. It was like, God, he knew, he knew what I felt. He just knew…”94 “I get the sense that she is receiving everything that I'm saying in my head…I was transfixed on her eyes…I'm drawn into her…There's a sense of joining.”95
Abductions are about the future, our future. Mack says: “The abduction phenomenon, it seems clear, is about what is yet to come.”96 But without accelerated progress toward the higher faculty, we may not have a future. While it is difficult to suppose a time frame for our day of reckoning, many have begun to sense an escalation in abductions, as if time is growing short. Fowler notes: “Today…their genetics program appears to have accelerated to vast proportions. The Watchers are diligently collecting the seed from earth's lifeforms. Their purpose is to preserve them for existence elsewhere because of their impending extinction on this planet.”97
And Hopkins says: “I also sense an escalation of their abduction activities, a widening of scale, and a lessening of the attempt to operate covertly. I do not know where all this is leading, but I am not encouraged…I fear the (some kind of upcoming) crisis may be deeper and more profoundly wrenching than human history has ever known.”98
But the last words should belong to the abductees, and the aliens. In fact, these three passages sum up the entire abduction phenomenon: