I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL FOR A WEEK. Usually they treat pneumonia with meds and let you go. Relly told me later I was pretty near gone, fighting weaker and weaker to take a breath. They had to run a tube into me, and that whole time is gone, too. I guess they drugged me up pretty good beforehand.
When they finally let me go, I had no voice at all. The nurse said that's normal for people who've been on the breathing machine.
Yeah, normal. That made me feel just fine.
What was normal after you fought enemy gods to the death? What did normal mean after you walked around a graveyard inside the body of a girl buried two hundred years ago?
"You'll be hoarse for a while. That's to be expected. Soon enough you'll have your voice back." The nurse gave me a big plastic smile and went back to filling out the paperwork so I ipould leave.
A doctor came in to give the final OK. A few hours later my dad took me home.