Chapter 2


WHEN THE BLINDING rain and wind began to subside, it was clear to all on board that Jonas had vanished. There wasn’t anything mysterious about it. Yuri and Miene, Jonas’ parents, had both seen the cargo go overboard, but neither realized at the time that Jonas had been taken with it. Yuri pleaded with Jordan, their close friend and captain of the small craft, to turn the boat around, but Jordan only shook his head. “The boat was too damaged in the storm. I’m not even sure it will get us to Argus Island. And with the extra time fighting the wind and waves, we are almost out of fuel. I would love for us to be able to turn back, but we have no choice but to continue on course.”

Yuri and Miene held each other and cried as the boat took them further from their son. The boat held together long enough to get the friends to Argus Island, but they knew without major repairs they couldn’t risk sailing it anymore. Now many miles away from Jonas and deep within an underground cave, the clamoring voices of adults could be heard. Jonas’ parents and friends were now healing from their minor injuries, but the deepest pain was felt by Jonas’ parents. Yuri and Miene felt the tortuous pain that only parents who have lost a child could feel.

Over and over again they traced back to the time when the storm was most violent. Along with their friends, they decided Jonas must have fallen off the boat when the cargo came loose. It was the only reasonable conclusion. Miene remembered that there was a small island visible during that period of the storm. Studying Jordan’s map confirmed that there was a small island Jonas could have made it to, but without a boat to sail, there seemed no hope to reach him.

“Yuri, what can we do to find Jonas?” wailed Miene as she sat on the cold cave floor with her face in her hands. “We have to find some way to search for him on that island or else he could die with no food or water. I don’t know the dangers of living in a place like that. Our son is only eleven!”

“Miene! Miene! We must trust our heavenly Father. ‘In the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children shall always have a place of refuge.’1 We must have faith that Jonas is in the hands of a loving, powerful God and that all His promises are true to those who have a covenant with Him. We cannot choose to believe anything else. Look how far we have come already since deciding to leave Cuba. In our own human strength we could never be where we are right now. It has taken a miracle to get us here, and it will take another miracle to keep our son alive. But know that our God has not run out of miracles in the hour in which we live.”

“Oh, Yuri, I know you are right, but I am a mother with a mother’s heart. Let us pray and petition our Father in heaven. He understands our feelings, and He will hear our prayer.”

“Miene, let us always be in unity with our Creator. Come, let us pray together. Father, we lift up Jonas to Your throne, and we ask You to give Your angels charge over him to keep him in all Your ways. In their hands they shall bear him up, lest he dash his foot against a stone.2 In Jesus’ name, we ask You to cover Jonas with Your feathers and under Your wing he shall take refuge.3 Lord, help him to find shelter and nourishment. Keep him safe from any danger of the land. Lord, Your Word says, ‘I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.’4 Father, keep Jonas from the hand of the enemy and those who seek to kill and destroy him. Lord, we thank You for Your promises to us and our son.”

Yuri stretched his arm around Miene’s shoulder and gently hugged her with firm assurance that God had heard their prayer. “Don’t worry, Miene. Our God is faithful.”

Jordan and his wife, Nadia, agreed with Yuri. They had all experienced firsthand what it truly meant to trust in their heavenly Father. Together they lifted their hands, giving worship to God.


The morning light streaked across Jonas’ face as he reluctantly opened his eyes. His fingers rubbed lightly below his eyelids to remove all of the hard, grainy matter blocking his field of vision. When he was fully awakened, his parched tongue reminded him of his unquenchable thirst. He had no idea how long it had been since his last drink.

This powerful thirst needed immediate attention, so his thoughts were directed to looking for an answer. As he lay on the warm ground, he explored thoughts in every corner of his mind. The sudden flash of a thought revealed a productive fact. When he slid off the boat, many things fell into the water with him. He was sure his backpack had been among the other cargo. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? I have water in my backpack. I know it is safe to drink. I must find it.

As Jonas stood and stretched, he thought about all the other items he had packed in his bag. Yuri and Miene had instructed Jonas to pack his bag with the most important items he would need on their long journey. He knew he had a knife, his cell phone, an energy bar, and his Bible. Jonas became elated thinking about all the things that would certainly be of benefit to his survival. Most of all he had a burning desire to wrap his hands around his Bible. He wished to become closer to God and experience the comfort of His voice and the wisdom he needed to survive. In his mind he wondered how real God could become to him in these desperate moments. When put to the test, would God’s Word be the powerful tool needed to keep him alive? Many questions flooded his mind with every step that he took back toward the shore.

Jonas trudged along, pushing his way through the brush. He watched carefully for the markings that he had left on his way to the interior of the island the day before. He had walked several hours away from the shore, but he was moving with a new determination this morning. He knew it wouldn’t be long till he would reach the shore and hopefully quench his thirst. He only stopped momentarily to grab a large handful of grapes from the patch he had found, and then he was on his way again.

He knew he was getting closer to the shore when the landscape began to thin and the forest floor was set alive with the pink, white, and yellow island flowers. He started to run when he heard the waves crashing and smelled the salty spray of the ocean water. With both hands he pressed aside the branches and stems of the last bush and burst out onto the sand. He froze. The ocean looked so much different today than it had when he left it the previous day. The waves were rolling calmly and the sky was clear and cloudless.

His throat was parched and his dry tongue made it difficult to swallow. But with steely determination his eyes roved up and down the shoreline searching for debris along the sand. He continued to walk in the direction where he first swam to shore. Off in the distance he spotted foreign objects on the sand near the jutting rocks and some still in the water along the bluff. His heart leapt with excitement, and his eyes welcomed the sight.

Jonas began running toward the debris on the shore. His shoes sank into the sand, and he tripped and fell to his knees once. “O, Father, I need that water, and I pray You have brought my backpack to me. It’s not Your will for me to die, but to live. Let it be there among the rocks.”

Jonas could tell that several crates had been smashed against the rocks. He began throwing the wood off to the side while he searched for his backpack. As he found various items, he was reminded of how few treasures the two families had been able to pack. He came across Nadia’s broken china dishes and remembered hearing her tell his mother how she just couldn’t think of leaving them when they were all she had left of her own mother’s possessions.

As he kept digging he found his father’s mantel clock smashed between two rocks and some of their family photos floating in the shallow pools. He felt such great loss for his family, but knew that now was not the time to dwell on the losses. The damaged items were only things. He must focus on keeping himself alive with the belief that he would soon see his family again.

Turning over another crate produced more damaged items and clothing. As he dug through the wet pile of clothes he thought he could see the dark blue backpack material. Throwing the heavy, dripping clothes aside he fell to his knees in the shallow water and laughed out loud as he clutched his valuables.

Dragging the wet backpack onto the dry sand, Jonas flopped down and quickly pulled the zipper. He shoved his hand into the pack and grabbed the bottle of water, broke the sealed cap, and began gulping the water. Stopping to catch his breath, Jonas realized he should probably keep the rest of his water for later.

Once again Jonas began to slowly pick through the damaged items and crates. I guess I will try to save as much of our stuff as I can. He looked around to survey the land and find a safer, drier place where he could carry their belongings. I should probably stack this wood to dry in the sun so I can use it to build a fire. Jonas knew a fire would not only keep him warm, but it would also provide an excellent sign for anyone who may be searching for him.

Staring off in the distance, Jonas squinted to study the place where the sea meets the sky. He hoped to see a rescue boat coming, but only the blues of the sky and ocean filled his vision. Thoughts of his parents flooded his mind, and his heart longed to see them. Loneliness once again gripped his emotions, and tears fell softly down his cheeks as he sat down upon the shore.

Sitting motionless, Jonas’ face drooped downward in despair. It was very difficult to think about his future and his hope of surviving without his parents. Were they thinking about him? And, more importantly, what were they doing about rescuing him?

Jonas’ thoughts shifted once again to the items in his backpack. My cell phone! Oh my gosh! Why didn’t I think about it before now? I can try and call Dad and Mom. He grabbed the waterproof bag that his phone was in, and tried to yank it open. Excitement made his fingers clumsy, and he had to take a deep breath to steady himself.

Finally getting the bag opened, he was thrilled to find the phone perfectly dry and usable. He pushed the power button and nothing happened. He tried again and again, but each effort was useless. There was no power left in the battery. Tears immediately began flowing down his cheeks once more. “Why, God? Why does my phone have to be dead? You could make it work again. Please, God, make it work again!”

Jonas pushed the power button one last time, but there was no response. He remembered that his parents often told him that sometimes God answers prayers in ways we don’t understand. He was certainly having trouble understanding this answer from God.

Sliding his hand back into the pack, he pulled out all the remaining items. Taking inventory of each object, Jonas found that everything had been kept dry and unflawed in their protective bags. He took his Bible from its bag and clutched it tightly to his chest. His heart ached as he glanced toward heaven and began to speak to his heavenly Father.

“Father God, I pray that my parents have arrived safely at Argus Island and are okay. Please take care of them and take care of me. Please show me what to do and where to go until I can be found. Please help them find me.” Minutes passed as Jonas sobbed and pleaded with his heavenly Father.

Suddenly Jonas heard a noise in the distance. He recognized the sound of an engine and knew people had to be close. They found me! Jonas jumped to his feet, shoved all the items into his backpack, and began running up the bluff to get a better look.

He scrambled over the jutting rocks looking for the perfect location that would allow him to see the incoming boat. When at last he caught a glimpse of the vessel headed for shore, he saw three men dressed in black. Just as he was ready to shout and get the men’s attention, he recognized the symbol of Christian hatred on their hats: EOC—Enemies of Christ!

Oh, no! I can’t let them find me. What am I going to do? Jonas didn’t waste any time finding a new location amongst the rocks. The strangers were nearing the shore, and Jonas knew he couldn’t risk being found. These were the very men from whom his family and friends were fleeing. The men were talking now, but Jonas couldn’t yet make out what they were saying.

Jonas was terrified of the EOC. His mind raced with thoughts, and in a sudden moment he decided to move into the thicket of brush and double back around closer to the shore. Adrenaline pumped through his body, and he moved with the speed and agility of a cat fleeing its attacker.

In less than two minutes Jonas found himself buried snuggly behind the brush, but still able to see and hear the men. He was absolutely sure they had not spotted him, and the conversation he could now make out was a confirmation. They were making comments about the debris that had washed ashore and among the rocks.

“How long do you think these objects have been here?” asked the tallest man. He was blond and of thin build. He moved quickly around the rocks and appeared as though he wanted to be finished with the examination quickly.

“Do they look recent?” asked a shorter man with black, curly hair.

“I think so. We have no indication of where this debris has come from, but it is obvious a boat has suffered damage. I’d guess from yesterday’s storm. Two of these pieces appear to have been ripped from a vessel. As high as the waves would have been, if this debris was from any length of time ago, it would have been more scattered among the rocks.” Jonas guessed by the way this third man was acting that he was the leader of the group. Of medium height and build, he had salt-and-pepper hair and carried himself with authority. His deep voice was commanding and sure.

“But there is no boat,” the second voice replied. “Where is the boat?”

The tall man answered, “These pieces are the only things that have washed ashore. The boat was either destroyed or has moved on. This probably wasn’t their destination anyway.”

“No,” replied the leader. “This island can’t support human life for any length of time. Let’s press forward and continue our search.”

Jonas tried to steady his nerves as the three men climbed back in their boat and throttled out toward the open ocean. He watched until it disappeared, and then sat with his knees pulled toward his chest. Both arms were anchored across his knees with his face firmly resting on them.

He took a deep breath and sighed while contemplating his future. Survival looked very dismal when he recalled the conversation of the three men. Did I really hear them say humans couldn’t survive on this island? What does that mean? Were they talking about the small supply of food and water? Maybe it’s the weather.

He felt weak and weary, but knew he couldn’t stay near the shore. He would have liked to go through more of the debris, but knew that it wasn’t safe to do that right now. Boy, am I glad I didn’t start piling that wood for a fire. Those men would have known for sure that I was here.

As Jonas slung his backpack over his shoulders another thought crossed his mind. My footprints. Why didn’t they see my footprints all around the area?

It took a few moments to realize that during the commotion the EOC had created, the morning’s high tide had come in and washed all traces of him away. “Thank You, God. You may not have chosen to let my phone work, but I’m sure glad You chose to keep me from being found.”

Jonas trudged back into the brush once again. He knew nothing about the island except where to find a few grapes, and he still hadn’t located drinking water. He had one energy bar in his backpack and the rest of the bottle of water, but surely he would find more food and drink.

Since getting to the island, he had only known peace at its center, so he decided to begin following his trail once more. The journey back through the thickets became painstaking as he slowly lost hope of staying alive. No matter where he looked, fresh water was not to be found. He listened for movements, but all was silent. Except for the beautiful flowers and vast, green foliage, there seemed to be nothing alive around Jonas. He hadn’t heard the sound of even one bird chirping and not a single animal had scurried across the path. What kind of a place is this island?

Jonas continued to scout through the area looking for signs of water and food. He was getting close to the place where he had slept the night before, but he wanted to continue searching while daylight still remained. Marking new trails, he continued to explore new territory hoping to find something. In his mind he began to wonder how big the island was. He really had no idea where he was and could only make a reasonable guess.

Anticipation began to build within Jonas as he found himself stepping into an area that looked and smelled different. He crouched lower to examine the ground for telltale signs of dampness and moisture. Finding water would be more valuable than finding gold right now.

With careful examination, Jonas proved the ground vegetation did look different on this part of the island. Did it mean there was a water supply? He was no expert in finding water, but he was employing all his senses in his investigation. Water was more important than food, and he knew it was his means survival.

Shifting his backpack off his shoulders, Jonas dug out his knife and began to stab at the ground. He would soon be running out of daylight and needed to use his time wisely. He dug four to five inches down in several different places looking for any indication of moist soil. The results were not all-inclusive, but in his mind he knew he had to be close to drinking water.

With the daylight all but gone and blisters beginning to wear on his fingers, Jonas decided to quit digging and return to his sleeping clearing. After repositioning his bedding, Jonas ate his energy bar and drank the very last of his water.

It was then, at that moment, that thoughts of mortality invaded his mind. He knew and understood fully that he had a born-again spirit; a spirit that would live eternally with God. But his body was nothing more than perishable goods, and he needed more water and food. This fact permeated every thought in his mind with the formidable reality that it would only be a few short days until his death. What a shocking and unnatural idea for any eleven-year-old to grasp! Jonas was at a complete loss for coming up with any plan that would enable him to live and survive on the island where he now found himself.

With his mind completely blank, he stared at the twigs, grass, and foliage all around him. After taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled and began to relax. He looked all around him and reveled in the beauty of God’s creation. He loved life and living, as most children do, and he fondly began to think of all the pleasures life had afforded him. Dear to his heart was the recollection of days spent playing with Gracie, his golden retriever. He then recalled the memory of joyful hours spent with his friends Joshua and Miguel. They enjoyed the fun and laughter of exploring the world around them and the adventure of inventing witty games to play.

Jonas lay back on his bedding and swished his hands through the thicket of grass. Looking directly into the heavens above him, he cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, Your Word says, ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’5 Father, I need Your help. I need You now in ways I’ve never needed You in the past. I can’t make it without You. I won’t live without Your help. I am out of water, and I don’t know how much longer the grapes will last. What do I do now?”

Jonas felt the wind swirl around him in a circle. He watched the leaves and twigs rise from the ground and spin around him in a swirling motion. How awesome is this? Jonas knew this was supernatural, and it certainly had to be God. He waited to see if anything else would happen. Nothing more moved; not one leaf, twig, or piece of grass.

He had never experienced anything like this. It was comforting to know God could answer so quickly and that He was truly omnipotent. Interacting with God the Father was very different from any human experience with people. Jonas couldn’t predict what would happen next, but he welcomed whatever God would do. In complete peace he covered himself and settled into a comfortable position.

Darkness had set on the island, and Jonas closed his eyes. He thought about the events of the day and how unusual his life had become. The encounter with the EOC was scary, but he escaped unnoticed and returned safely to his clearing. He thought about his parents and his friends. He missed them dearly and hoped the EOC wouldn’t find them.

It wasn’t pleasant falling asleep thirsty and hungry, but Jonas knew his heavenly Father was aware of his needs. The supernatural whirlwind could not deny that God was right there with him.