
I was sitting pretty smug back in the spring of 2022 when I already had a great idea for Book #2 and a solid opening three chapters. Dangerous thoughts occurred: “The sophomore curse won’t happen to me.” “I’ll do exactly what I did the first time, but better.”

Then, of course, I was humbled.

Draft #1 of Prime Time Romance needed a major overhaul. The nice thing about having an editor is that when your manuscript hits rock bottom, you have someone sitting there beside you, ready to help you climb out of the deep hole you’ve fallen into. I had Emma Caruso, who not only provided a firm editing hand (i.e., a very bright flashlight if we’re still using the hole analogy) but also a constant, motivating chant of “You can do it!” Eventually, I did, and the chant became an “I’m so proud of you.” EC: I appreciate the tough love as much as I appreciate your constant and unabashed optimism.

Bibi Lewis, I’m convinced you’re a shark disguised as a sparkly pink dolphin. I love how you’ve become a regular presence in my life. My day gets infinitely better with a Bibi phone call (especially ones made from remote weddings with no cell service because you cannot wait to share the good news). I appreciate your willingness to talk me through all the small things, strategize the big things, and be my sounding board for everything else in between.

To Whitney Frick and the Dial team, last year, when I wrote the acknowledgments for This Spells Love, I had only an inkling of the marketing/PR/strategy powerhouse that was The Dial Press team. Cindy Berman, Debbie Aroff, Madison Dettlinger, Melissa Folds, every time someone says “Wow! Dial knows how to launch a book,” I think of you. There is something truly special happening at Dial and I am so grateful to be a small part of all the wonderful books you bring into this world.

To the wonderful team at Viking UK: Lydia Fried and Jasmin Lindenmeir. You have worked publishing miracles in the UK and I am incredibly grateful to be a Viking UK author.

Petra Braun, your beautiful works of art make my soul so happy. Thank you!

I often get asked, “How did you know how to write a book?” and my answer is always, “I didn’t. Until I found the writing community.” I have never met a group more willing to lift one another up, pass on knowledge and expertise, and celebrate every single tiny milestone (even if it’s your 3,495th Instagram story on the same topic). I am forever appreciative of the expert eyeballs of Sarah T. Dubb, Mae Bennett, Ingrid Pierce, Jenny Lane, and Amanda Wilson, who helped find all the good in this manuscript and weed out the bad. Katie Gilbert, Aurora Palit, Jessica Joyce, Ambriel McIntyre, Ellie Palmer, Amy Buchanan, Scarlette Tame, and Maggie North, as well as The Boners and all the members of SF 2.0. Thank you for trusting me with your wonderful words and providing a safe space to share mine.

Hudson Lin, Shade LaPite, Lindo Forbes, Farah Heron, and the rest of Toronto Romance Writers: Thank you for the many nights and emotional support nachos that got me through my debut year.

Lavanya Lakshmi, my black heart has found a kindred spirit in yours. Thank you for talking me off a ledge multiple times (and, of course, the emotional support cocktails). Sarah Adams, Sarah Hogle, Karma Brown, Jen Deluca, Marissa Stapley, and BK Borison, I didn’t have a chance to thank you for your kind words on and off the page with This Spells Love. I am forever grateful for your willingness to blurb an author you didn’t know at the time. You are exactly what I mean when I talk about the generosity and kindness of the writing community.

To those who have read, reviewed, and shared their thoughts and posts for both This Spells Love and Prime Time Romance: I appreciate how much time it takes to review a book, create a beautiful post, or reach out with kind words. These happily-ever-afters could not happen without you and I am endlessly grateful.

Finally, to my family, friends, and neighbors, thank you for reading, texting, and winking covertly at school pickup to let me know you made it to the spicy scenes. I appreciate your page-by-page text updates, covert relocations of my books to the best tables in the bookstore, and every selfie when you spot my book out in the wild. Love you all. xo