

The crowd at Times Square began counting down the final seconds left in the old year. Ten, nine, eight, seven…

In the Restoration Studio of the museum, Janosz also watched the large wall clock while painting the last of the mystical symbols on the levitated baby’s chest.

Soon the world would be his… well, partly his.

He glanced at the portrait of Vigo. A strange aura began to spread over the painting. Vigo’s eyes glowed. His entire body seemed to radiate energy. The figure in the painting began to spread its arms wide. Slowly but powerfully, Vigo’s mighty torso began to assume three dimensions. Vigo was pulling himself out of the painting.

His long-dead lungs emitted a mighty, stagnant breath of long-rotting air. “Soon,” Vigo intoned, “my life begins! Then, woe to the weak! All power to me. The world is mine.”

Vigo extended a bloodstained hand toward baby Oscar. The baby’s body began to glow eerily as Vigo’s hand approached it. Dana let out a sob. She had lost. She had lost everything that had ever mattered to her.

Janosz emitted a wheezing laugh.

He was caught in mid-wheeze as a large shadow fell over the room. He gaped up through the skylight.

The Statue of Liberty stood towering above the museum, a look of righteous anger on her freedom-loving face.

The statue knelt down next to the museum and, drawing back its titanic right arm, smashed into the ceiling with its torch of freedom.

Janosz let out a feral screech and skittered away, hiding his head from the shower of broken glass and debris. From out of the sky, the four Ghostbusters swung into the room on ropes attached to Lady Liberty’s crown.

Stantz, Venkman, Spengler, and Winston trained their slime blowers on Janosz.

The wiry artist tried to retreat.

Dana leapt into action, running across the studio and diving at her child, effectively snatching floating Oscar from Vigo’s outstretched, murderous hand.

Dana and her child tumbled onto the floor safely.

Venkman sneered at Janosz. “Happy New Year.” Janosz trotted in front of Vigo’s animated portrait. His master would save him. Vigo bellowed in rage.

Spengler found himself grinning at both the ghoul and his human henchman. “Feel free to try something stupid.”

With Vigo to back him up, Janosz now felt powerful. “You pitiful miserable creatures! “You dare to challenge the power of Darkness?”

Janosz emitted a harsh cackle. “Don’t you realize what you are dealing with? He’s Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!”

Venkman shook his head sadly. “Oh, Johnny, did you back the wrong horse.”

With that the four Ghostbusters let loose with their slime blowers, hosing down Janosz from head to toe. The force of the flying mood slime knocked Janosz across the room.

The four men then turned to the twitching, roaring portrait of Vigo. Vigo was now almost completely solid, almost free of his prison. He was now held in the portrait only from his knees down. He spat and bellowed at the Ghostbusters, trying to unleash his black-magical powers full tilt.

The Ghostbusters stood firm, secure in the knowledge that the source of Vigo’s power had been neutralized by the love and goodwill of the people of New York.

“You will be destroyed!” Vigo roared.

Stantz walked forward. “Viggy, Viggy, Viggy, you have been a bad little monkey.”

Venkman smiled at the sputtering painting. “The whole city’s together on this one, Your Rottenness. We took a vote. Everybody’s down on you. The people have spoken.”

“So”—Winston smiled, raising his slime blower—“say good night now.”

Vigo roared and, focusing his magic directly down on Stantz, transformed the stunned Ray into a sputtering, wild-eyed demon. Demon Ray leapt in front of the painting. “The power of Vigo is greater than anything you wield,” demon Ray howled. “We will destroy you!”

“Don’t shoot!” Spengler yelled. “You’ll hit Ray!”

Winston, the nearest to the portrait, inhaled and, gritting his teeth, fired the slime blower. Both Ray and Vigo were coated with a thick layer of ooze.

Vigo bellowed and howled at the sky. His body began to quiver and shake. He felt his strength ebbing. His hands went numb. Ray Stantz was sent tumbling onto the floor. Vigo emitted one last primal howl and then fell back onto the canvas, solidly one-dimensional and harmless.

The paint on the canvas began to bubble and melt. It dribbled slowly down the portrait and onto the floor. Parts of another painting, one done years earlier on the same canvas, began to reveal itself.

Venkman, Spengler, and Winston rushed over to Ray and knelt beside him. Stantz was completely inundated with slime.

“He’s breathing,” Spengler said.

Winston wiped the mood slime off Ray’s face. Stantz blinked and stared at his three friends.

“Ray,” Winston whispered. “Ray! How do you feel?”

Stantz smiled beatifically. “Groovy. I’ve never felt better in my life, man.”

Venkman rolled his eyes skyward. “Oh, no. We’ve got to live with this?”

The Ghostbusters helped Ray to his feet. Stantz beamed at them all. “I love you guys. You’re the best friends I’ve ever had.”

Stantz hugged each one of his buddies, leaving a residue of slime on them all. Venkman pushed him away. “Hey, I just had this suit cleaned!”

From across the room Janosz emitted a low moan. Venkman turned to Winston and Spengler. “Take care of the wiggler, will you?”

Venkman walked over to Dana. She cradled Oscar in her arms and gave Venkman a big hug. “What is this?” he asked. “A love-in?”

Venkman smiled down at little Oscar, noting the symbols painted on the child’s body. “Hey, sailor, I think that tattoos are a little much, don’t you?”

He picked up the child and hugged him.

Dana smiled at them both. “I think he likes you. I think I do too.”

Venkman winked at her. “Finally came to your senses, huh?”

Across the room, Spengler, Winston, and Stantz helped the slimed Janosz to his feet. The wiry artist shook his head. “What happened?”

“Sir,” Stantz intoned, “you’ve had a violent, prolonged, transformative psychic episode. But it’s over now. Want a coffee?”

Janosz shook Ray’s hand sincerely. “That’s very kind of you.”

Spengler examined the artist quickly. “He’s fine, Ray. Physically intact, psychomagnetherically neutral.”

Janosz blinked. “Is that good?”

“It’s where you want to be.” Winston smiled.

Janosz, the Ghostbusters, and Dana, with Oscar, walked out of the studio, passing by what had been the portrait of Vigo. The original scene, painted on the old canvas, now shone through clearly. It was a beautiful painting in the high Renaissance style depicting four archangels hovering protectively over a cherubic baby. One held a harp. One held an olive branch. The third, a book. The last, a sword.

“Late Renaissance, I think,” Spengler noted. “Caravaggio or Brunelleschi.”

Winston stared at the painting. “There’s something very familiar about that.”

He shrugged and left the room with his comrades.

A full moon shone down on the painting.

The faces of the four angels bore an uncanny resemblance to those of Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, and Winston.

The Ghostbusters exited the de-slimed museum and were greeted with cheers from the massive crowd. Venkman pointed to Dana and her baby. The crowd spontaneously broke out into “Auld Lang Syne.”

Someone handed Stantz a bottle of champagne. He held it up for the crowd’s approval.

At that point a city bus pulled up in front of the museum. Louis skittered out, in full uniform lugging the oversize proton pack. He turned back to the smiling Slimer in the driver’s seat.

“Okay, so Monday night we’ll get something to eat and maybe go bowling? Can you bowl with those little arms?”

Slimer grunted and slobbered a reply, flexing his rubber-band biceps.

“Okay.” Louis nodded. “I have to go save Dana. I’ll see you later.”

Slimer howled and sent the bus zigzagging off. Louis struggled through the celebrating crowd and stumbled up to the Ghostbusters.

“Am I too late?” he whined.

Stantz smiled at the diminutive fellow. “No, Louis. You’re right on time.”

Stantz popped the cork on the champagne bottle and handed it to Louis as the crowd continued to sing.