1. Kāmākhyā temple today

2. Possible Yoginī, Kāmākhyā temple grounds, ca. twelfth century

3. Bala Bhairavī, ruins behind the Bhairavī temple, ca. twelfth century

4. Siddha with female consort or disciple, Assam State Museum, twelfth to fourteenth centuries

5. Contemporary popular poster of Kāmākhyā

6. Kāmeśvarī, Kāmākhyā temple

7. Cāmuṇḍā, Kāmākhyā temple ruins, ca. twelfth century

8. Female figure with severed head, Sixty-Four Yoginī temple, Hirapur, Orissa

9. Menstruating figure, Kāmākhyā temple outer wall

10. Śākta Tantric guru, Kāmākhyā temple

11. Bhairava, Deopahar ruins, central Assam, tenth to eleventh centuries

12. Sacrificial post for goats, pigeons, and fish, Kāmākhyā temple

13. Sacrificial post for buffaloes, Kāmākhyā temple

14. Mahiṣamardinī with severed head, Kalipahara, Guwahati, tenth to eleventh centuries

15. Buffalo skull, Ugratārā temple, Guwahati

16. Severed buffalo head, Kāmākhyā temple

17. Mask worn by sacrificial victims, Jaintia Durgā temple

18. Śākta priest ladling offerings into the fire, Tārāpīṭh, West Bengal

19. Couple in viparīta-rati, Madana Kāmadeva temple, Assam, tenth to twelfth centuries

20. Female Śākta, Kāmākhyā temple

21. Female Śaivite, Kāmākhyā temple

22. Cover image for Kāmākhyā Tantrasāra

23. Shree Maa of Kāmākhyā

24. The “White Sadhu” and Shree Maa