Abe Shigetaka

aborigines, Taiwanese (Takasago zoku); education of; folklore of; land rights of; languages of; military conscription of; and missionaries; Musha uprising by; studies of; subjugation of; and Taiwanese identity. See also The Bell of Sayon

acculturation. See assimilation

activism (kōdō shugi)


agriculture; and folklore studies; Japanese; and KMT takeover; and local administration; modernization of; and postsurrender violence

Agriculture and Forest, Ministry of (Japan)

Ahen (Opium; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Akashi Motojirō

Akiba Takashi

Akiyama coal mines

Akiyama Giichi

Alliance for the Acculturation of Taiwan (Taiwan kyōka rengōkai)

Allied Occupation

Amaterasu (sun goddess)

The Ambassadors (painting; Holbein)


ancestor worship; vs. assimilation; and fengshui

Anderson, Benedict; on media

Annals of the Three Kingdoms

anthropology. See ethnology

anti-Japanese sentiment; and Lim Bo-seng; in literature; and New-Old Literatures Debate; and postsurrender violence. See also resistance

“Ant’s work” (Ari ippiki no shigoto; Yang Kui)

Aoyama College (Tokyo)

Appadurai, Arjun

“Appreciating the Landscape of the Taiwan Region” (Ishikawa Kinichirō)


arts; associations for; and colonial government; exhibitions of; folk; and journals; and politics

Asahi Shinbun

Asayoshi Hakusei

Asia. See also Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; particular countries

assimilation; and class; cultural; economic; and education; and emperor; and identity; intentional; limited; linguistic (kokugo katei); and literature; and mobilization; and nationalism; and newspapers; religious; vs. tradition. See also Chinese language; Japanese language; Japanization; kōmin bungaku; kōminka


Avicenna, S.

Baber, Zaheer

“bamboo branch” (zhuzhi ci) structure

bandits. See also crime; violence

Barclay, George W.

Barclay, Paul

Barclay, Thomas

Baudelaire, Charles

Beijing huawen/Taiwan huawen (Beijing vernacular/Taiwanese vernacular) debate

Beijing School

The Bell of Sayon (Shayang de zhong; Wu Man-sha); and Murakami’s play

Benjamin, Walter

Bhabha, Homi


Book of Songs (Shijing)

The Book of the Alert Heart (Jingxinpian)


Bourdieu, Pierre

bourgeoisie; and dandyism; and popular taste; Taiwanese native landed

Boxer Rebellion (China; 1900)

Braibanti, Ralph

Brown, Melissa


Budget Committee (Japanese Lower House)

Bunten (Ministry of Education art exhibition)

bundan (literary circles)

Bungakkai (journal)

Bungaku hyōron (journal)

Bungakuza (theater group)

“Bungei hihyō no hyōjun” (The criteria of art criticism; Yang Kui)

Bungei Taiwan (Literary Taiwan; journal); and Nishikawa Mitsuru; and Taiwan bungaku

buraku (hamlets, natural villages)

buraku shinkōkai (sub-village revival associations)

burakumin (hamlet people)

bureaucracy; and banning of Chinese; civil vs. military; education; extra-; Japanese; modernization of; and postsurrender violence; provincial. See also government, local

The Butcher’s Wife (Shafu; Li Ang)

Cai Huiru

Cai Peihuo

Cairo Declaration (1943)

Caius Secundus

Cao Yonghe

capitalism; global; and Japanese rule; and literature; print

cartoons, political

Cazalet, Lucy

censorship; in education; of literary journals; of media; of Minzoku Taiwan; and police; and postsurrender social control

censuses; British; enumerators in; first Taiwanese; and hybridity; and knowledge; second Taiwanese

Central Drama Group (Chūō butai)

Chan Hong (Hong Tietao)

Chatterjee, Partha

Chen Bao (Morning post)

Chen Cangyu

Chen Chi-nan

Chen Huoquan

Chen Li-fu

Chen Mingtai

Chen Peifeng

Chen Shaoxin

Chen Xin

Chen Xugu

Chen Yi

Chen Yingzhen

Chen Zaoxiang

Chiang Kai-shek

Chie Tarumi

Chin, Leo

Chin fujin (play; Shōzi Sōichi)

China: culture of; local government in; Ming-dynasty; and New-Old Literatures Debate; and Taiwanese identity; vernacular language in

China, nationalist (Republic of China; ROC): civil war in; and economic development; and Japanese statistics; Japanese war with (1937); and language; and local administration; and postsurrender violence; and re-sinification; recovery of Taiwan by; resistance to; in Shanghai; and Taiwanese culture; and Taiwanese identity; and Tanaka Collection

China, People’s Republic of (PRC)

China, Qing; and 1911 revolution; Boxer Rebellion in (1900); censuses in; control mechanisms in; education in; and enslavement; examination system in; land ownership in; land surveys in; literacy in; local administration in; media in; and native landed bourgeoisie; rebellion against; as semicolony; and Taiwan

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Chinese language: and assimilation; banning of; classical (wenyan); and identity; under KMT; literacy in; in literature; in media; and re-sinification; written. See also dialects, Chinese; vernacular Chinese

Chinese revolution (1911)

Ching, Leo

chōson (villages and towns)

Christianity. See also missionaries

“The Chronicle of the Red Fort” (Sekikan ki; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

chūkun aikoku (Be loyal to the Emperor and patriotic to the state)

Chun Guang-yuan

Chūō butai. See Central Drama Group

“The circumstances surrounding adopted daughters-in-law” (Lu Heruo)

civil rights movement, Taiwanese

civil society


class; and dandyism; and identity; and land ownership; and literature; and local administration; and postsurrender violence; and taste; working. See also bourgeoisie; elites; lower classes

Classical Chinese Poetry, Society for Research in


Cohn, Bernard

cold war

collaboration; of native landed bourgeoisie; in New-Old Literatures Debate

A Collection of Taiwanese Fiction (Taiwan shōsetsu sen; Li Xianzhang)

A Collection of Taiwanese Folk Literature (Li Xianzhang)

“Colonial Literature Under the New System” (Shintaiseika no gaichi bungaku; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

colonial policies; chūkun aikoku (loyalty to the Emperor); “civilizing barbarians,”; on education; extension of homeland law (naichi enchō shugi); “improved treatment” of colonized; and Japanese politics; on language (kokugo katei); naitai itchi (Japan and Taiwan are one); national unity (kyokoku-itchi); and New-Old Literatures Debate; new structure (shin taisei); opposition to; readjustment of; on religion. See also assimilation; kōminka (imperial subjectification) movement

colonialism; British; Dutch; French; Japanese historiography of; Japanese vs. Western; and knowledge; and print culture; and quantification; and sexualization; temporal dimension of; Western

Columbia University

Comaroff, John

Commercial Lane (painting; Lan Ying-ting)


Communist parties: Chinese (CCP); Japanese; Taiwanese

community, imagined

Companion (magazine)



Confucius’ Teachings (Kongjiao bao; journal)

conservatism, Taiwanese

Cooper, Frederick


cosmopolitanism; and anamorphosis; and colonial modernity; of Shanghai

Council for Promoting Good Citizenship (Minfu sakkō kyogikai)

counties (gun); in Japan

“Craven ‘A’” (Mu Shiying)

Creation writers

Crescenzi, Pietro de

crime; banditry; economic; and postsurrender violence

Cultural Association Movement

Cultural Research Association

culture: Asian; Chinese; Chinese in Japan; Chinese vs. Japanese; Chinese vs. Taiwanese; and class consciousness; and colonialism; commodification of; and counterhegemony; dichotomies in; in education; and ethnicity; Han vs. aborigine; Higashiyama; Japanese; Korean; and landscape; Lim Bo-seng on; literacy in; in literature; local; local vs. urban; and media; modern; modern vs. traditional; and morality; and nationalism; new; and new literature movement; and New-Old Literatures Debate; Nishikawa Mitsuru on; and politics; popular; print; of Shanghai; Southern; and statistics; transnational; and urbanization; Western

culture, Taiwanese: assimilation of; vs. Chinese; and colonial government; and colonialism; conservatism in; in history; intellectual; vs. Japanese; and language; re-sinification of; traditional. See also folk culture

Culture and Education, Bureau of

Culture and Education Ministry

customs-improvement movement

Dagongbao (Grand justice daily)

Dai Wangshu




Dean, Mitchell

Deane, Seamus


democracy; Taishō

Democratic Progessive Party (Taiwan)

Den Kenjirō

Dewey, John

dialects, Chinese; Amoy (Xiamen) Beijing vs. Taiwan; Fukienese; Hakka; and local culture; Minnan; Taiwanese; Xinkang

diaspora, Taiwanese

Dichao (newspaper)

Dōkaron (On assimilation; Nakanishi Ushio)

Dokuritsu Bijutsukyōkai (Association of Independent Artists)


Donghai Garden

Dongyinshe (Reciting in the East; literary society)

Douglas, Mary

Drama Volunteer Corps

Du Heng

Du Yuesheng

Duara, Prasenjit


Dutch East India Company

Eagleton, Terry

economy; and assimilation; under Chinese rule; and colonial modernity; controlled; crimes against; and infrastructure; Japanese; and land ownership; and local administration; new vocabulary in; and social control. See also industrialization

Edict for Taiwanese Newspapers (Taiwan shinbun rei)

Edney, Matthew

education; and assimilation; and biological politics; bureaucracy of; censorship in; in China; Chinese language in; under Chinese rule; and class consciousness; colonial; Confucianism in; and control mechanisms; cultural; under Dutch; elite; Imperial Rescript on; and imperialism; in Japan vs. colonies; Japanese; Japanese language in; under KMT; in Korea; Lim Bo-seng on; and local culture; missionary; modern; in Philippines; and postsurrender violence; progressive; public; racial discrimination in; scientific; “slavery,”; social; Taiwanese conservatism in; and Tanaka Collection; and women; under Zheng rule

Education, Japanese Ministry of

Educational Yearbook (ed. Kandel)

Eisha (poetry society)


elites: colonial; and colonial modernity; and control mechanisms; cultural; and dandyism; education of; and examination system; and identity; Japanization of; as moderns; and poetry; and popular culture; and postsurrender violence; Shanghai; and Taiwanese Democratic Nation; and tourism; vs. underclass

Ema Tsunekichi

Embree, John

emperor, Chinese

emperor, Japanese; and assimilation; the gaze of; loyalty to; vs. mandate of heaven; Meiji; Taishō

engineering, colonial

English language


Erenburg, Il’ya Grigorevich

ethnicity; in censuses; and control systems; and kōminka policy; and nation-building; and New Literature; and postsurrender violence. See also aborigines, Taiwanese

ethnology; amateur; and colonialism; comparative; of fengshui; gender in; Greater East Asian; and Lu Heruo; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; of Taiwanese aborigines

Etzioni, Amitai

examination system; and poetry

exchange mechanisms, political

exoticism; eroticization of; and gender

Farmers’ Union (Nōmin Kumiai)



February 26 Incident (1936)

February 28 Incident (1947); and re-sinification; and recolonization of Taiwan; and Taiwanese identity

feminization. See also gender

Feng Xuefeng

fengshui (fūsui): in literature; Lu Heruo on; Nishikawa Mitsuru on; types of

Fenggyuebao (Wind and noon news)

Fieldhouse, D.K.

filial piety

film: The Bell of Sayon as; censorship of; foreign; hard vs. soft

Finnemore, John

First Volunteer Drama Troupe (Dai ikki engeki teishintai)

Five Virtues (gorin)

Fix, Douglas L.


folk culture; aborigine; in arts; Han Chinese; Korean; in literature; and modernization; in religion; in songs

folklore studies (minzokugaku); in Manchuria; and Minzoku Taiwan

Fong Shiaw-Chian


Foucault, Michel; on dandyism; on governmentalisation of state; on governmentality

France; colonialism of

freedom of speech

Fu Xiqi

Fuji, Mount

Fujian province

Fujianese. See Fukienese language

Fujii Shōzō

Fujimori Kiyoshi

Fujita Takao

Fukagawa (Culture and Education Ministry head)

Fukao Sumako

Fukienese language (Minnan Fujianese)

Funahashi Seiichi

Furen huabao (Women’s pictorial)

Furushō Mikio

fūsui. See fengshui

“Fūsui” (Fengshui; Lu Heruo)

Futami Naozō

“Futanin no doitsujin gishi,”

fūzoku fiction

gaishō (towns and villages)

gaishōmin (people of towns and villages)

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gann, Lewis H.

the gaze; of emperor; in neo-sensationism; and Nishikawa Mitsuru

“Geijutsu ni okeru ‘Taiwan rashii mono’ ni tsuite” (On the Taiwanese flavor in art; Yang Kui)

“Geijutsu wa daishū no mono de aru” (Art belongs to the people; Yang Kui)

genbun itchi (unity of spoken and written languages) movement

gender; and colonialism; and ethnology; and exoticism; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; and Seiraian rebels

Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji)


Gide, André

gods: Japanese; Taiwanese

“Gōka heian” (Lu Heruo)

Gotō Shimpei; and assimilation; on biological politics; and Japanese politics; and land surveys

government, Japanese central: bureaucracy of; cabinets in; and colonial policies; oligarchy vs. party-based democracy in. See also Imperial Diet

government, Japanese colonial (sōtokufu): and aborigines; and arts; and assimilation; and banditry; and biological politics; civil vs. military; cost of; and education; and Japanese politics; and land surveys; and literature; and Minzoku Taiwan; and mobilization; and name-changing movement; and newspapers; on-site; and petitions for Taiwanese home rule; and postsurrender violence; in Shanghai; staff of; stages of occupation by; and statistics; suppression by; and Taiwanese culture; and Yang Kui

government, local; in China; and colonial administration; in Japan; and literary groups; and mobilization; and native landed bourgeoisie; officials in; and police; provincial; three levels of

government assistance movement


governor-general, Japanese: civilian vs. military; and education; and Japanese language; and Japanese politics; Kobayashi Seizō as; Lim Bo-seng on; and Taiwanese elites

Graduate Institute of Western Painting (art association)

Gramsci, Antonio

Great Britain; in China; colonialism of; in India; missionaries from

Great Depression

Great Tokyo Earthquake

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; ethnology of; and literature; and race

Gu Hongming

Gu Jiegang

Guangdong province

Guo Jianying

Guo Qiusheng

Guo Shuitan

Guomin xinwenshe (National subjects’ daily)

“Gyūsha” (Lu Heruo)

Habermas, Jürgen

Hacking, Ian

haipai (Shanghai types) controversy


Hakka language

Halliday, Jon

Hamada Hayao

Hamada Hidesaburō

Hamada Yahei

Hamaguchi Osachi

Hannah, Matthew G.

Hara Takashi (Hara Kei)

hard films/soft films debate

Haruyama Meitetsu

Hasegawa Kiyoshi

Hasegawa Shin

Hashitsume Kiyoto

Hashiura Yasuo

Hata Shunroku

Hayashi Fusao

“Hayashi Fusao e’no Tegami” (Hirabayashi Hyogo)

Hayashi Fusao ron (Mishima Yukio)

Heesterman, J.C.

hegemony: and counterhegemony; and identity; weak

Heidegger, Martin

“Heping xuanyan” (Manifesto of peace; Yang Kui)

Higashi Taiwan shinpō (newspaper)

Higashiyama culture

Hirabayashi Hyogo

Hiratsuka (chief of general affairs)

Hirohito, Emperor

historiography: binary opposition in; of Japanese colonial rule; and national vs. area studies; of Nishikawa Mitsuru; and power

history: Japanese; military; Taiwanese

hokō (hamlets). See also villages

hokō (neighbor-watching) system; and control mechanisms

“Hōkoku bungaku mondō” (Reportage: questions and answers; Yang Kui)

“Hōkoku bungaku ni tsuite” (On Reportage; Yang Kui)

Hokumon (Beimen)

Holbein, Hans

Honan jiho (Southern times)

Hong Kong

Horiguchi Daigaku

Hoshina Hironobu

Hou Hsiao-hsien

Hsinchu prefecture

Hu Shih


Huang Chaoqin

Huang Chengcong

Huang Chunchao

Huang Chunqing

Huang Deshi

Huang Jiamo

Huang Maoshen

Huang Mei-er

Huang Meiling

Huang Shihui

Huang T’u-shui

Huang Wenhu (Yuanyuan ke)

Huang Xi

Huang Ying-che

Huang Zhaotang

Huang Zongque

Huart Collection

Huibao (newspaper)

Humanism (journal)

Hung Rui-lin


Ibrahim, Abdullahi Ali

identity, national; ambiguity of; and assimilation; and China; Chinese vs. Japanese; Chinese vs. modern; and class; and education; and February 28 Incident; Han Chinese; Japanese; Japanese vs. Taiwanese; and language; and literature; local; and modernity; and narrative; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; polarized; and re-sinification; in Shanghai; sub-Japanese; and Taiwanese diaspora; and travel

Ikeda Toshio

Ikeda Yasaburō

Imperial Assistance Association movement

imperial building movement (kōmin rensei undō)

Imperial Diet (Teikoku Gikai)

Imperial Edict for Promoting National Spirit

Imperial Rescript on Education

Imperial Rule Assistance Association (taisei yokusankai; IRAA)

Imperial Service Association (kōmin hōkōkai)

Imperial Subjects for Patriotic Services (kōmin hōkō; ISPS) movement

“The Imperial Visit of the Crown Prince to Taiwan in 1923” (Wakabayashi)


incorporation (ichigenka)

India; British colonialism in; censuses in




Inō Collection

Inō Kanori

Inoue Ei

integration. See also assimilation

intellectuals: colonial; Han; Italian; Japanese; Korean; in literature

intellectuals, Taiwanese; collaboration of; culture of; and identity; on Japanese education; and local culture; and May Fourth movement; and Minzoku Taiwan; new; and newspapers; and re-sinification; resistance by; and Taiwanese Democratic Nation; and transnational culture; and vernacular

Interior, Japanese Ministry of the

Inukai Tsuyoshi

IRAA. See Imperial Rule Assistance Association

Irako Seihaku


Irie Kaihei

Ishikawa Kinichirō; and watercolor painting

Isidorus Hispalensis


Itagaki Taisuke


Ito Hirobumi

Itō Kiyoshi

Iwamatsu (security chief)

Izawa Shuji

Izumi Furō

Izumi Kyōka

Jade, Mount (Taiwan)

Jameson, Fredric

Japan: The Bell of Sayon in; censuses in; in China; Chinese culture in; colonialism of; Communist Party of; culture of; economy of; education in; ethnology of; history of; in Korea; landscape of; literature in; local administration in; in Manchuria; media in; mobilization in; modernity of; national essence (kokutai) of; nationalism of; newspapers published in; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; and Okinawa; politics in; public opinion in; religion of; rural revival movement in; students in; Taiwan studies in; Taiwanese attitudes towards; and Taiwanese identity; Taiwanese students in; theater in; tourism in; Western-style painting in; women in. See also emperor, Japanese; government, Japanese central; government, Japanese colonial; Sino-Japanese War

Japanese language: and assimilation; banning of; and banning of Chinese; and The Bell of Sayon; and Chinese; in education; and enslavement; and ethnology; everyday use of; Japanese national system of; and kōminka; literacy in; literature in; and name-changing movement; in newspapers; official; as official language; reading market for; in schools; and Taiwanese; and Taiwanese culture; and Taiwanese dialect; Taiwanese literature in; and Yang Kui

Japanese language families (kokugo jōyō katei)

Japanese people: ethnographers; intellectuals; and local culture movement; and national identity; and new culture; postsurrender violence against; in schools; and Taiwanese people

Japanese Proletariat Writers’ League (NALP)

Japanese Romanticists/People’s Literature (Nihon rōmanha/Jinminbunko) debate

Japanism (nihonshugi)

Japanization; as enslavement; and language; and New-Old Literatures Debate; vs. re-sinification; and Sino-Japanese War (1937); of Taiwanese elites; and Westernization. See also assimilation; kōminka (imperial subjectification) movement

Jiang Kanghu

Jiang Weishui

Jiboyin poetry reading societies


Jitsugyo no Taiwan (newspaper)

“Jiyū rōdōsha no seikatsu danmen” (Profile of a free laborer’s life; Yang Kui)

journals, literary; and the arts; banning of Chinese in; censorship of; Chinese language in; and modernization; and New-Old Literatures Debate; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; popular; and reading market. See also Bungei Taiwan; Minzoku Taiwan; Taiwan bungaku

Journey to the West (Xiyouji)

Junjō monogatari aikoku otome: Sayon no kane (Nagao Kazuo)

Kaizō (journal)

Kamiizumi Hidenobu

Kanaseki Takeo; and Greater East Asian ethnology

Kanbun Taiwan nichinichi shinpō (Taiwan daily news; Chinese language newspaper). See also Taiwan nichinichi shinpō

Kandel, I.L.

Kangxi, Emperor (China)

Kaohsiung prefecture; postsurrender violence in

Kaoshi Houren


Kareitō kenpūroku (A record of prominent customs of the beautiful isle; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Kareitō minwashū (Folktales of the beautiful isle; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Kareitō shōka (A paean to the beautiful isle; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Kataoka Iwao

Kawahara Isao

Kawamori Kōzō

Kawamura Minato

Kawamura Takeji

Kawamura Tōoru

keisei gōichi (unification of police with general administration)

Kerr, George

Kiahita Kunio

Kikuoka Hisatoshi

Kinnō Urakaidō (play; The dark side of the loyalists)

Kinoshita Shinsaburō

Kisch, Egon Erwin

Kishida Kunio

Kishita Seigai

Kleeman, Faye Yuan

KMT (Kuomintang). See China, nationalist

knowledge; and biological politics; and censuses; colonial; imaginary; and imperialism; and land surveys; and power

Koabayashi Takiji

Kobayashi Seizō; and kōminka

Kodama Gentarō

kōdō shugi (activism)

“Kōdō shugi kentō” (Examining activism; Yang Kui)

Koiso Kuniaki

Kokubu Naoichi

Kokumin engeki (National performance; journal)

kokutai (Japanese national essence)

Komagome Takeshi

Komatsu Kiyoshii

kōmin bungaku (imperial subject literature)

kōminka (imperial subjectification) movement; and banning of Chinese; and Bungei Taiwan; and class; as enslavement; and Greater East Asian ethnology; and Japanese language; and Kobayashi Seizō; and literature; and local culture; and Lu Heruo; and Marco Polo Bridge incident; and Minzoku Taiwan; origins of; and postsurrender violence; readjustment of; and religion; and Taiwanese identity; and WWII

Kōnan shinbun (Southern reconstruction daily)

Konoe Fumimaro

Korea: colonial modernity in; education in; ethnology of; folk culture of; Han culture of; Japanese occupation of; and Japanese politics; local administration in; March 1 Independence movement in; mobilization in; tourism in

Koxinga. See Zheng Chenggong

Koyama Matsutoshi

Kōzan koku (High Mt. Nation; newspaper)

Krishnaswamy, Revathi

Kubokawa Tsurujirō

“Kumpūta” (The South Chair; Ishikawa)

Kuomintang (KMT; Nationalist Party). See China, nationalist

Kuprin, Alexandre

Kurogane idō butai (Kurogane Traveling Stage)

kuso realism debate; background to; and fūzoku fiction; in Japan; Nishikawa Mitsuru on

“Kuso riarizumu no yōgo” (In defense of kuso realism; Yang Kui)

labor: mobilization of; and postsurrender violence

Lacan, Jacques

Lai Ho

Lai Ziqing

Lan-tin Tea Klatch

Lan Ying (Lin Jingnan)

Lan Ying-ting

Lan Yin-ting

land ownership: and aborigines; and land surveys; multilayered Taiwanese; and native landed bourgeoisie

Land Survey Bureau, Temporary

land surveys; and censuses; in China; in India; and knowledge; and maps; and native landed bourgeoisie; and taxation

landscape; of Japan; Taiwanese; Taiwanese vs. Japanese

The Landscape of Japan (Shiga Shigetaka)

Landscape of the South (relief; Huang T’u-shui)

landscape painting; English; mountains in; trees in; Western

language: aborigine; assimilation (kokugo katei) policy on; and colonialism; in education; English; and enslavement; foreign; Fukienese; Hakka; and identity; and KMT; and kōminka; and media; and national identity; and nationalism; and re-sinification; and Taiwanese culture; unity of spoken and written (genbun itchi). See also Chinese language; dialects, Chinese; Japanese language; vernacular Chinese

Laosheng Changtan

Lapidus, Iosif Abramovich

Laqing and baguashi—a history of marriage customs” (Lu Heruo)

Large Southern Gate (painting; Lin Yüshan)

Latour, Bruno

law, extension of homeland (naichi enchō shugi)

Law Title

Law Title

League of Nations

Lee Tenghui

“A Letter to Taiwan’s Youth” (Zhang Wojun)

Li Ang

Li Cheng-chi

Li Chunsheng

Li Xianzhang

Li Yu-hui

Li Yuanhui

Lian Heng

Lian Wenqing

Lian Yatang

Liang Qichao

Liao Hanchen

Liao Ping-hui

Liaodong Peninsula


Lim Bo-seng; background of; dissertation of

Lim Ian-sin

Lin Chengshui

Lin Demo

Lin Jingnan (Lan Ying)

Lin Kefu

Lin Shaoying

Lin Shiyai

Lin Tsung-yi

Lin Xiangyuan

Lin Xiantang

Lin Xiaomei

Lin Youchun

Lin Yü-shan

Linnaeus, Carolus

Lisao (Qu Yuan)

literacy; cultural; in Japanese language; and newspapers; and poetry societies; and print culture; under Qing

literary canon; defense of classical; and New-Old Literatures Debate

literature; anti-Japanese sentiment in; and assimilation; awards in; banning of Chinese in; The Bell of Sayon as; Chinese; Chinese classical; Chinese vs. Taiwanese; and class; colonial; and colonial representation; commercialization of; conversion; and culture; fiction; folk culture in; foreign; form vs. content in; fūzoku fiction; and Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; Imperial (kōkoku bungaku); imperial subject (kōmin bungaku); in Japan; Japanese; Japanese vs. Taiwanese; kuso realism in; and landscape painting; lower classes in; metropolitan; modernism in; and national identity; national-policy; and nationalism; native (xiangtu wenxue); nativist; naturalist; and New-Old Literatures Debate; police in; popular; psychology in; realism in; reforms in; reportage; resistance; social function of; Southern; Taiwanese; Taiwanese in Japanese language; in Taiwanese newspapers; taste in; travel; vernacular; Western; women in; and World War II. See also New Literature movement; proletarian literature

Little Stream (painting; Ishikawa Kinichirō)

“The Little Town with Papaya Trees” (Long Yingzong)

Liu Ming-chuan

Liu Na’ou; dandyism of; and film; friends of; life of; murder of; in Shanghai; and women

Liu Shuqing

Liu Zhu

Liuhe congtan (newspaper)

Long Yingzong

“Lost Lamb” (Yu Dafu)

lower classes; and postsurrender violence; rebellion of; and Taiwanese identity


Lu Heruo; attacks on; and colonialism; on fengshui; and kuso realism; and Zhang Wenhuan

Lu Shao-li

Lu Xun

Ludden, David

Luku incident

mainlanders. See also Taiwanese people

Malraux, André

Manchuria; ethnology of; folklore studies in; Japanese occupation of; return to China of

Manchurian incident (1931)

Manchus. See also China, Qing

mandate of heaven

Manzōji Ryu

Mao Dun


March 1 Independence movement (Korea)

Marco Polo Bridge incident (1937)

marriage; adoptive

Maruyama Banka

Marx, Karl

Masosai (The Mazu festival; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Matsuda Takechiyo

Matsuoka Tomio

Matsuyama Kenzō

May Fourth movement

Mazu (Matsu; goddess)

media; banning of Chinese language in; censorship of; Chinese language in; and colonial modernity; in Japan; under KMT; and local culture; and military; and missionaries; and narrative; under Qing; and re-sinification; and resistance; transcolonial. See also film; journals, literary; newspapers


Meiji Emperor

Meiji Fine Arts Society

Meiji period

Meiji Restoration

Memmi, Albert

Men Hulu Sheng


“Michi” (Chen Huoquan)

middle class. See bourgeoisie

Miki Kiyoshi


military; and banning of Chinese; vs. civilian officials; and colonial modernity; conscription into; and control mechanisms; laborers for; and postsurrender looting; voluntary enlistment in. See also mobilization, wartime



Miller, Peter


Minami nippon (newspaper)

Minami Yasunobu

Minbao (newspaper)

Minfu sakkō kyogikai (Council for Promoting Good Citizenship)

Ming dynasty (China)

Minkan denshō (journal)

Minnan dialect

Minsei Party (Japan)

Minzoku Taiwan (Folklore Taiwan; journal); and colonial politics; and colonialism; first publication of; and Greater East Asian ethnology; and kōminka movement; and local culture

Mishima Itaru

Mishima Yukio

missionaries; British; Dutch; and education

Mistral, Frédéric

Mitchell, Timothy

Miyamoto Ichigaku

Miyoshi Tokusaburō

Mizue (Watercolor; journal)

mobilization, wartime; and assimilation; in Japan; of labor; and literature; and local administration; and neighborhood organizations; and postsurrender violence; spiritual; total-war

modernism, literary: and dandyism; and nationalism; vs. proletarianism

modernity: alternative; and assimilation; in bureaucracy; Chinese; colonial; and dandyism; in education; and elites; Japanese; and Japanese language; and national identity; and New-Old Literatures Debate; and the West; and women

modernization: of agriculture; and colonial modernity; and colonialism; and folk culture; and Japanization vs. Westernization; in literature; and media; and native landed bourgeoisie; and overseas students; and social movements; of Taiwan; vs. tradition

“Momo de yuanding” (The silent gardener; Yang Kui)

Momoki Collection

Mona Rudao

Monroe, Paul

Moral Suasion movement

morality books (shanshu)

Mori Itaru

Mori Kenji

Mori Ōgai

Mori Oto

Mori Ushinosuke

Morioka Jirō

Morita Shunsuke

mountain painters (sangaku gaka)

Mu Shiying

Muneta Hiroshi

Murakami Genzō

Murdoch, Jonathan

Muromachi period (Japan)

Musha aboriginal uprising (1930)

Mutsu Kojō

My Abridged History (Hisha no ryakureki; Kobayashi Seizō)

Nabeyama Sadachika

Nagai Kafū

Nagao Kazuo

Nagasawa Collection

naichi enchō shugi (extension of homeland law)

naitai itchi (Japan and Taiwan are one)

Nakagawa Kenzō

Nakai Tadashi

Nakajima Toshio

Nakama Kazuhiro

Nakamura Akira

Nakamura Hirotoshi

Nakanishi Ushio

Nakatsuka Akira

name-changing movement (kaiseimei)

Nampō minzoku (journal)

Nanei shinpō (newspaper)

Nanfang. See Southern

Nanfang shiji (Southern poetry; journal)


Nanpō shinbun (newspaper)

Nansha (poetry society)

Nanshin-za Drama Troupe

Nanyin (Southern sound; journal)


National Taiwan University (NTU)

nationalism; ambiguous; and assimilation; and colonial modernity; and colonialism; cultural; Japanese; and knowledge; and landscape painting; and language; and Lim Bo-seng; and literature; and native landed bourgeoisie; and postsurrender violence; vs. proletarianism; Taiwanese; and tourism; vs. universalism


Naturalis Historiae (Caius Secundus)


neighborhood associations


Netherlands. See Dutch

New Literature movement; and ban on Chinese language; bias towards; and culture; and language; and local culture; and Western literature

New-Old Literatures Debate; collaboration in; first phase of; second phase of; third phase of

New Order movement

New People’s Society

new polity (shitaisei) movement

New Taiwan (newspaper)

New Taiwanese Literature (Taiwan Shinbungaku)

New Woman

newspapers: advertising in; banning of Chinese in; banning of Japanese in; Chinese language sections in; circulation of; criticism in; development of; Japanese-language; literature in; and New-Old Literatures Debate; on postsurrender violence; in Qing China; and re-sinification; and Taiwanese Democratic Nation; and transportation infrastructure; universality of; yellow. See also particular publications

Nihon gakugei shinbun (newspaper)

Nihon honkokumin ni ataeru (To Japanese compatriots; Cai Peihuo)

Nihon rōmanha debate

“Nihon rōmanha kōkoku,”

Nihon shojo kageki (Japanese Maidens’ Review)

Niitaka shinpō (newspaper)

Nishikawa Jun

Nishikawa Mitsuru; background of; on fengshui; and gender; and Japanese writers; on kuso realism; on Lu Heruo; works by

Nisshōki no moto ni (play; Beneath the Japanese flag; Takizawa Chieko)

nō drama

Nogi Maresuke

Northern Expedition (China)

“Number in the Colonial Imagination” (Appadurai)

Oak Club (Lishe)

ōaza (mura). See also villages

Ōbayashi Kiyoshi

Ogisu (army chief of staff)

Okada Yuzuru

Oki (head of military police)


Old City (painting; Ishikawa Kinichirō)

Old Literature. See New-Old Literatures Debate

Ōmachi Tokuzō

“one state, two systems,”

Orientalism, Japanese

Orientalism (Said)

Origuchi Shinobu

Osaka Asahi News

Ōsawa Sadakichi

Ōsawa Teikichi

Osterhammel, Jurgen

Ostrovitianov, Konstantin

Ota Masahiro

the Other; Nishikawa Mitsuru on

“Overload” (Zhang Wenhuan)

Pacific War. See World War II

painting: in Literary Taiwan; local-color souvenir; watercolor; Western-style. See also landscape painting

Pan Naizhen

Pangguan Sheng

parliament, Taiwanese, petitions for

Pearl Harbor incident (1941)

Peking opera

Peng Ge

Peng Hsiao-yen


Penzig, Otto

Penzig Collection

Peony Poetry Society (Mudanshe)

People’s Association (Renmin xiehui)

People’s Literature (journal)

People’s Republic of China (PRC)



Phillips, Anne

“Pinnong de biansi” (The unfortunate death of a poor farmer; Yang Kui)


poetry: Chinese (kanshi); classical vs. folk; and examination system; in journals; and New-Old Literatures Debate; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; reforms in; and schools; and social reform; societies for reading; southbound vs. northbound imagination in; under Zhengs

Poetry News (Shibao)

poetry societies (shishe); and New-Old Literatures Debate

police force: brutality of; and censorship; centralization of; and colonial government; and colonial knowledge; and control mechanisms; economic; and extra-bureaucratic system; and local administration; and mobilization; and native landed bourgeoisie; officials in; and postsurrender violence; and social reform movements; in Taiwanese history

political parties: Japanese; Taiwanese. See also Communist parties

politics; and art; biological; and colonial modernity; and culture; exchange mechanisms in; and folklore studies; and literature; and Minzoku Taiwan; new vocabulary in; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; racial; vs. statistics

politics, Japanese: and banning of Chinese; and colonial government

“Pomegranate” (Lu Heruo)

Poovey, Mary

population; and census; growth of

Porter, Theodore


postcolonial period. See also China, nationalist

postcolonial theory; and censuses; and ethnology; on “real” vs. “imaginary,”

prefectures (shū)

print culture


problem consciousness

proletarian literature; and capitalism; in Japan; and kuso realism; and Liu Na’ou; vs. modernism; and universalism; and women

“Prospects for the Taiwanese Literary Scene” (Taiwan bungeikai no tenbō; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Provincial Administrative Bureau, Taiwan

“Public Education in Formosa Under Japanese Administration” (Lim Bo-seng)

public health. See also medicine

public opinion

public safety. See also violence

public sphere

Puerto Rico

Python, Monty

Qifahui (Enlightenment Society)

Qing dynasty. See China, Qing

Qiu Fengjia

Qiu Ruoshan

Qu Yuan

Rabinow, Paul

Raccoon (play)

race; and censuses; in colonial government; sexualization of

racial discrimination; in education; and Japanese ethnographers

railroads; in fiction

rationing; and postsurrender violence

re-sinification; vs. Japanization; and language; and newspapers

realism; kuso (feces); social

rebellion; anti-Qing; of lower classes

reforms; in Japan; in literature; in local administration; and mobilization; social

Regimen sanitatis salernitanum (Arnaldi de Villanova)

“Regulations concerning Taiwan public schools,”

Rekisha (poetry society)

“Rekishi no aru Taiwan” (The Taiwan with a history; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

rekishi shōsetsu (historical tale)

religion: and assimilation; and dandyism; ethnology of; folk; Japanese; and Kobayashi; and kōminka; reorganization of; sexualization of; spheres of worship in; Taiwanese

“remake local customs” movement (Taiwan; 1936)


Renmin daobao (People’s report)

“Renpai ni yosu” (poem; Hayashi Fusao)



Republic of China. See China, nationalist

resistance; acceptance as; armed; to banning of Chinese; historiography of; by intellectuals; vs. intentional assimilation; to KMT; and land surveys; literature of; and media; to name-changing movement; and narrative; and native landed bourgeoisie; and postsurrender violence; of Yang Kui

Ressenden (Biographies of immortals; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Ricoeur, Paul

Rikken Seiyukai (political party)

Rin Teiroku

“Rinkyō” (Lu Heruo)

Robinson, Michael

ROC. See China, nationalist

“Rōman” (Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Rōmanha debate

“Rōmantekiseishin to Rōmantekidōkō” (Takami Jun)

romanticism; in ethnology; French; in landscape painting; vs. proletarianism

Rong Hong

Rose, Nikolas

Rouge Chamber (Fenzhuang Lou)

Ruan Lingyu

Rui Feng

Rules and Regulations for Publications in Taiwan (Taiwan shuppan kisoku)

Runhui sheng

rural revival movement (Japan; nōsan gyōson keizai kōsei undō)


Russo-Japanese War (1904–5)

Ryūkyū Islands

“Ryūmyakuki” (Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Said, Edward W.; on Orientalism; on representation

Saitō (supreme court judge)

Sakaguchi Reiko

Sakai (naval officer)

Sakai Saburo

“Sakka, seikatsu, shakai” (Writers, life, and society; Yang Kui)

Sakujirō Shimomura

Sakuma Samata

Sano Manabu

Satō Haruo

Saturday School writers

Sayon Hayon

Sayon no kane (play; Murakami Genzō); performance of; and Wu’s book

Schneiberg, Marc

schools; banning of Chinese in; banning of Japanese in; Chinese in; Japanese-language; Japanese language in; Japanese regulations on; middle; missionary; under Qing; racial discrimination in; types of. See also education


Sein und Zeit (Heidegger)

Seiraian Incident (1915)

Seiyūkai faction


“The Seven Maladies of Taiwan’s Poets” (Huang Wenhu)

Seventh Mother (Qiniang masheng; goddess)

sexuality; and dandyism; in ethnology; and Seiraian rebels

Shafu (The Butcher’s Wife; Li Ang)

Shanghai; civil war in; foreign culture in; governments of; literary salons in; New Woman in; Taiwanese students in

Shanghai School

Shao Xunmei

Shayang zhi zhong. See The Bell of Sayon

Shen Bao-jen

Shen Congwen

Shen Guanwen

Shenbao (newspaper)

Shepherd, John

Shi Wenqi

Shi Zhecun

Shiba Ryōtarō

Shibata Sunao

Shidehara Hiroshi (pres. Taipei Imperial University)

Shiga Shigetaka

Shiganhei (play; Volunteer soldier; Ōbayashi Kiyoshi)

“Shiganhei” (Zhou Jinbo)

Shih Tien-fu

Shimada Shōsei

Shimazaki Tōson

Shimonoseki, Treaty of (1895)

Shin, Gi-wook

Shinminpō (New people’s journal); banning of Chinese sections in

Shinsei shinpa (theater group)


Shiotsuki Tōhō

Shirin Association of Like-minded Shirinites

“Shitaiseika no gaichi bunka,”

Shoseki kabushikikaisha (Tokyo)

Shouyang Garden

“Shouzhi” (Fingers; Mu Shiying)

Shōwa Kenkyūkai (research organization)

Showa shinpō (newspaper)

Shōzi Sōichi

shufang (private schools)

“Shūyōen zakkan” (Random notes on Shouyang Garden; Yang Kui)

shuyuan (private academies)

“Si” (Death; Yang Kui)


Sino-Japanese War (1894–95)

Sino-Japanese War (1937); and Japanization

social control; and census; and local administration; and statistics

social control mechanisms: and crown prince’s visit; disciplining and training; exchange and mediation; and native landed bourgeoisie; punishment and threat

social education, office of (shakaika)

social grafting

socialism; and literature; of Yang Kui

Solomon Islands


South Advance Project; and Minzoku Taiwan; Taiwan’s role in

South Gate Street (painting; Ishikawa Kinichirō)

Southeast Asia

southern barbarian (nanban) tradition

Southern (Nanfang; journal)

Southern Sound (Nanyin; journal)


spiritual mobilization campaign (kokumin seishin sōdōin)

Spivak, Gayatri

Star Society (Xingshe)

the state: governmentalization of; and literary movements; and local administration; metropolitan vs. colonial; and postsurrender violence; and society; and statistics

Statistical Summaries of Taiwan Province in the Past Fifty-One Years

statistics. See also censuses; land surveys

“A Steelyard” (Lai Ho)

Stoler, Ann Laura

students; in Japan; overseas; in Shanghai; in U.S.

Studies in Taiwan Art (art association)

Su Hsin-i


Sudō Toshiichi

sugar industry

Sun Yat-sen


Suye village (Japan)

Suzuki Mitsuo

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tai, Mount (China)

Tai oan chheng lian (Taiwan youth; journal)

Taichu Public Middle School

Taichung; postsurrender violence in

Taichung Middle School

Taihō (Taiwan report)

Tainan; postsurrender violence in

Tainan Commercial College

Tainan mainichi shinbun (Tainan daily news)

Tainan News

Tainan Presbyterian Middle School

Tainan shinpō (Tainan news report)

Taipei; newspapers in; paintings of; postsurrender violence in

Taipei Imperial University (TIU)

Taipei Middle School

Taipei Normal School

Taiping Rebellion

Taisei shinpō (Taiwan politics report)

taisei yokusankai. See Imperial Rule Assistance Association

Taishō, Emperor

Taishō Democracy


Taiwan: aboriginality in; history of; Japanese research on; marginality of; martial law in; as nation; return to China of; stages of colonialism in; “three divisions” of; wartime role of

Taiwan Art Exhibitions

Taiwan Arts Garden (Taiwan yiyuan)

Taiwan Arts (Taiwan yishu; journal)

Taiwan bungaku (Taiwanese literature; journal); and Bungei Taiwan; and Lu Heruo

Taiwan bungei (journal)

Taiwan Business News (Taiwan shohō)

Taiwan Cross-Island Railway (Taiwan sōkan tetsudō; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Taiwan Cultural Association

Taiwan Daily News. See Taiwan mainichi shinbun; Taiwan nichinichi shinpō

Taiwan dōkasaku ron (On the assimilative policy in Taiwan; Shibata Sunao)

Taiwan Drama Society (Taiwan engeki kyōkai)

Taiwan Economic Times (newspaper)

Taiwan ehon (Taiwan pictorial; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Taiwan fengwu (Taiwan folkways; journal)

Taiwan fudoki (A record of Taiwanese customs and lands; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Taiwan Investigation Committee

Taiwan jihō (Taiwan times)

Taiwan jyūkantetsudō (Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Taiwan keisei shinpō (Taiwan government news)

Taiwan kenpūroku (The prominent folk customs of Taiwan; Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Taiwan kyōiku (Taiwan education)

Taiwan Literature Association (Taiwan wenshe)

Taiwan Literature Collective Journals (Taiwan wenyi congzhi)

Taiwan literature (Taiwan wenxue; journal)

Taiwan Literatus Association (Taiwan bungeika kyōkai)

Taiwan mainichi shinbun (Taiwan daily news)

Taiwan minpō (Taiwan people’s daily)

Taiwan New Civil News

Taiwan News (Taiwan shinbun; Taiwan shinpō)

Taiwan nichinichi shinpō (Taiwan daily news); on aborigines; and banning of Chinese language; circulation of; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; on painting

Taiwan nippō (newspaper)

“Taiwan no kisha,”

Taiwan no shakai kyōiku (The social education of Taiwan)

Taiwan People’s Daily (Taiwan minpō)

Taiwan Poetry Collection (Taiwan shihui)

Taiwan Poetry News (Taiwan shinpō)

Taiwan Populist Party

Taiwan puck (newspaper)

Taiwan retsushin den

Taiwan shohō (Taiwan business news)

Taiwan Shuppan keisatsuhō

Taiwan Street (painting; Ishikawa Kinichirō)

Taiwan Traveling Drama Troupe

Taiwan Watercolor Society

Taiwan Watercolors (art association)

Taiwan wenxue (Taiwan literature; journal)

Taiwan Writers’ Association

Taiwan Xinminbao (Taiwan new people daily)

Taiwan xinwenxue (Taiwan new literature; journal)

Taiwan Youth. See Tai oan chheng lian

Taiwanese Affairs, Bureau of

Taiwanese Democratic Nation

Taiwanese people (hontōjin); in colonial government; equal treatment of; immigration of; as imperial subjects; and local culture movement; military conscription of; nativization of; overseas. See also aborigines, Taiwanese; identity, national

Taiwanization movement

“Taiwan’s Landscape” (Ishikawa Kinichirō)

Takabayashi, Abbot

Takami Jun

Takao shinpō (newspaper)

Takasago puck (newspaper)

Takasago Theater Group

Takasago zoku. See aborigines, Taiwanese

Takashi Fujitani

Takata Yasuma

Takeda Rintarō

Takekoshi Yosaburo

Takeuchi Osamu

Taki Kōji

Takita Masaki

Takita Sadaharu

Takizawa Chieko

“Tale of Fort Orange” (Nishikawa Mitsuru)

Tanaka Collection

Tanaka Tashichirō

Tanaka Tyozaburo

Tang Jingsong

Tang Na

Tanimoto Seishin

Tanki isuiko e iku (play; Where are you going shaman?; Takeuchi Osamu)

Tarumi Chie


Tateishi Tetsuomi

Tatsuishi Tesshin

taxation; and land surveys; and postsurrender violence

Tayama Katai

tea ceremony

technology; and colonial modernity

temple/shrine reorganization (jibyō seiri) policy

theater; The Bell of Sayon as; nō drama; Taiwanese traveling

369 Journal

Three Peoples Principle Youth Corps

Three Principles of the People

To the Three Gorges (painting; Su Hsin-i)

“Tōen’no kyaku,”

Togawa Hayao

Tōhō performance troop

Tokiomi Kaigo

Tokunaga Sunao


Tokyo Anthropology Magazine (Tōkyō jinruigaku zasshi)

Tokyo Imperial University

Tokyo School of Fine Art

Tolstoy, Leo

“Tomoshibi” (Lamp; Sakaguchi Reiko)

tonarigumi (neighborhood organizations)

Torii Ryūzō

“Torrent” (Wang Changxiong)


Traditional Customs, Temporary Bureau for Investigation of


Ts’ai, Caroline Hui-yu

Tsurumi, E. Patricia

Tu Ts’ung-ming

Tu Zhaoyan

U-shih-shan-fang Collection

Ueta Collection

United States (U.S.); censuses in; imperialism of; and Pearl Harbor; Taiwanese students in



Utsushikawa Nenozo

vernacular Chinese (baihua); vs. classical; criticism of; literature in; and Minzoku Taiwan; in Taiwan; vs. Taiwanese dialect

village revival (minfū sakkō) movement

villages; administrative; in Japan; natural; people of. See also government, local

Villanova, Arnaldi de

violence: causes of; chronological analysis of; in colonies; large-scale; perpetrators of; popular; postsurrender; regional analysis of; in riots; state monopoly on; victims of

“Voluntary Soldiers” (Zhou Jinbo)

Wakabayashi Masahiro

Wang Baiyuan

Wang Bijiao

Wang Changxiong

Wang Der-wei, David

Wang Jingwei regime

Wang Shilang

Wang Yang-ming

Wang Zhiting

Ward, Neil

ward (ku) system

Washizu Atsushiya

Watanabe Yoshio

“Watercolor Painting and Taiwan’s Scenery” (Ishikawa Kinichirō)

“The Way” (Chen Huoquan)

“Wealth, Sons, and Longevity” (Lu Heruo)

Wei Qingde

the West: colonialism of; culture of; and gender; literature of; and modernity; painting from; and statistics

Westernization; and Japanization; and popular taste; and print culture; vs. re-sinification; in Shanghai

White, Hayden

White Birch School (Shirakaba-ha)

White Terror

Wilde, Oscar

Williams, Raymond

Wilson, L.M.

Wind and Moon News. See Fenggyuebao

Wind and Rain (painting; Kishita Seigai)

“Wo de xiao xiansheng” (My little teacher; Yang Kui)

“Wo you yikuai zhuan” (I have a brick; Yang Kui)

women: Caucasian; and dandyism; in film; Japanese; in literature; and modernity; and neighborhood organizations; and neo-sensationism; New; patriotic; religious practices of; sexuality of; and Shanghai types controversy

Women’s Pictorial (Furen huabao)

Woolf, Stuart

working class. See also lower classes

World War II; and The Bell of Sayon; and colonial administration; conscription for; and kōminka; and literature; and local administration; and Minzoku Taiwan; and national identity; and Nishikawa Mitsuru; and Pearl Harbor; and postsurrender violence; and Taiwan’s military status; Taiwan’s role in. See also Sino-Japanese War (1937)

Wu Chuo-liu

Wu Feng

Wu Man-sha

Wu Micha

Wu Nien-chen

Wu Wen-shing

Wu Xinrong

Wu Xiuqi

Wu Ying-tao

Wu Zhuoliu

“Wude kurabe” (A wrist wrestling; Yang Kui)

Wugui lieche (Trackless train; journal)

Xi Yufu

Xiaer guanzhen (newspaper)

Xiandai dianying (Modern screen; journal)

Xiao Jingyun

Xiao Yongdong

Xie Chunmu

Xie Xuehong

Xie Xueyu

Xin nüxing (The new woman; film)

Xin shenghuo bibao (New life bulletin)

Xindazhong (journal)

Xinsheng yuekan (New life monthly)

Xinshengbao (newspaper)

Xinxin (magazine)

Xiu Chao

Xu Beihong

Xu Sanlang

Xu Shoushang

Xu Zhimo

Xu Ziwen

“Ya bubian de meiguihua” (The indomitable rose; Yang Kui)

Yabe Teiji

Yaji Kita bōchō dōchūki (play; The travel diaries of Mr. Yaji and Mr. Kita’s prevention of espionage; Kikuoka Hisatoshi)

Yamada Kenjirō

Yamamoto Shimpei


Yanagi Muneyoshi

Yanagita Kunio; and Greater East Asian ethnology

Yanaihara Tadao

Yang Kui; anti-colonialism of; on form vs. content; gardens of; imprisonments of; and kuso realism; life of; works by

Yang Lu

Yang Shouyu

Yang Yunping

Yano Hōjin

Yao Jen-to

Yashi no shima (play; Palm tree island; Yata Yahachi)

Yata Yahachi

Ye Lingfeng

Ye Rongzhong

Ye Shitao

Ye Tao

Yen Chuan-ying

Yi Zu

Yin Chang-yi

Ying Society (Yingshe)

Yōbunkai (Gathering to promote literature; poetry society)


Yokohama Daily

Yoshie Takamatsu

“Youxi” (Game; Liu Na’ou)

Yu Dafu

Yu Qingfang

“Yuanding riji” (The gardener’s diary; Yang Kui)

Yuanyuan ke (Huang Wenhu)

“Zaishiju” (Lu Heruo)

“Zakuro” (Lu Heruo)

Zeng Jinke

Zhang Chunfu

Zhang Lijun

Zhang Ruogu

Zhang Wenhuan; and kuso realism; and Lu Heruo

Zhang Wenxun

Zhang Wojun

Zhang Yuan-fu

Zhang Ziping

Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga)

Zheng Kunwu

Zhenjingbao (newspaper)

Zhou Jinbo

Zhu Dianren

Ziye (Midnight; Mao Dun)