Discussion Questions
1. Readers are quickly thrust into the act of a cruel and insensitive prank on the first page of The Goats. Brock Cole’s story vividly conveys Howie and Laura’s physical discomfort and embarrassment once they are alone. During the first few chapters, was it easy to empathize with Howie and Laura’s situation?
2. Have you ever witnessed a brutal act of bullying or hazing? How did that experience compare to what Howie and Laura went through?
3. The author crafts a story of a tender and innocent relationship that evolves between Howie and Laura, without becoming sexual. The bond they form is a positive and meaningful relationship as a result of their frightening experience. How do their feelings change for each other from the beginning of the story to the end?
4. Humor can ease an uncomfortable and sometimes horrible situation. Discuss some examples in The Goats where the author used humor to diffuse a situation while keeping the events true-to-life for these young teens.
5. Bullying and hazing are perpetuated as a tradition at the camp in this story. Howie and Laura were specifically chosen as the victims by their peers. Why is there such a tendency to single out those who are labeled as different? What are some of the emotional and physical effects of bullying?
6. Why have Howie and Laura been labeled as social outcasts? Laura seems to embrace it when she says, “I’m socially retarded for my age.” Do Howie and Laura really embrace their status as outcasts or reject it?
7. Howie and Laura commit petty crimes to survive as they run away from their tormentors. They consciously mention that they will replace what they used or stole. Howie says, “We’ll pay them back. We’ll pay them back for everything.” Is Howie just talking about repaying the thefts? How do you feel about their decisions and actions while on the run?
8. Howie wants to “walk away forever from camps, roads, motels, the sound of human voices.” He is tempted to try and live in the woods and never be found. Why do you think he dreams about this throughout the story? Why does he include Laura in his dream of escape?
9. The adults in this story seem imperfect despite the fact that they should know better as figures of authority. Those in charge of the campers turn a blind eye to the annual Goat Island prank. In some ways Laura and Howie are more mature in their words and actions than the adults portrayed in The Goats. Discuss some of the other times the adults in the story show more vulnerability and poor judgment than the two teens.
10. Why do you think the author chose not to give the names of Howie and Laura in the beginning of the story?
11. Laura has two names in the story, Laura Golden and Shadow Golden. She goes by Laura so she can better fit in with her peers socially. Do you think changing her name helped her or scarred her? What are some changes kids make to fit in better?
12. The word goat has more than one meaning in the English language. What are some of the other ways the word goat is used? Why is Goat Island an appropriate name for the place where the story begins?
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