
Page numbers refer to the print edition of this book. Use the search feature of your device to access the listings in this index.

Abecedarian project, 32, 307, 349

Abstract concepts, 210–11

Activity adaptability characteristic, 139

Adam, 73–74

Advice on raising children in 1928, 96

Affiliativeness, 152–54

African Americans:

crime and, 11

as fathers, 239–40

incarceration of, 264–65

“After care” programs, 271–72

Aggressive behavior, 115–17

encoding of, in genes, 177

head injuries and, 177–81

peer rejection and, 172

regulation of emotions and, 207–10

temperament and, 151–53

violence, see Violence

see also Conduct disorder (CD); Oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD)

Agreeableness, 152, 154–55

Ainsworth, Dr. Mary, 197–99

A. J., 242

Alarm hormone, 47–48

Alarm system, 37–40

Alcohol, 67, 174, 276–77

heritability of alcoholism, 72, 237

neurochemicals and, 48–49

paternal consumption of, 237–39

prenatal exposure to, 14, 53, 62–63

ADHD and, 122–23

see also Fetal alcohol syndrome

Alcohol Health and Research World, 66

“All Is Silent,” 299

Altruism, 196, 210

“Ambivalent” babies, 214

Ambulance mentality, 260–62

American Humane Association, 259

American Psychologist, 236

Amino acids:

aggression and, 47

malnutrition, 82–85

Amniocentesis, 57

Amygdala, 41, 146

limbic system and, 38–39

memory and, 43–44

Analytical thinking, bypassing, 37–40

“And a Little Child Shall Lead Us,” 315

Anemia, 82


obstetrical, 81–82

for premature babies, 96–97

Anger, 209

Jeffrey on, 160

Anthony, 140–42, 143, 149

Approach/withdrawal characteristic, 139

Arcus, Doreen, 144

Army boot camp, 37

Arson, 263

Asberg, Marie, 47

Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 46, 97, 102, 314

Atlantic Monthly, 96

“At-risk behavior profiles,” 127–28

Attachment relationships:

biology of, 202–207

fathers and, 249

foundation of protective factors and, 192

mother-child, see Mother-child relationships

schooling and, 214

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 37, 40, 61, 109, 174, 189

as brain-based condition, 116

continuity of attention and, 114

discipline and, 225–26

distraction and, 114

drugs and, 81

familial environments and, 115, 116

fetal alcohol and, 70–73

genetics and, 86, 116, 122–23

impact of, 119–20

longitudinal study of, 118–19

multimodal treatment of, 119

planning and, 113–14

research into causes of, 122–24

selectivity and, 114

self-monitoring and, 114–15

statistics on, 118–19

trauma and, 116, 123, 125–26

types of, 113

“Avoidant” babies, 198, 214

Babies in our culture, 54, 259, 290, 300–21

barriers to preventing violence, 302–303

biological and emotional needs, 315–17

comparison of, 311–14

costs of, 304–305

cultural transformation and, 309–11

current attitudes, 307–308

dependence on, 319

deteriorating mental health, 308

“devolution” and, 308

emotional communication, 311

family-centered policies, 303–305

industrial revolution and, 314–18

isolating infants for sleep, 316

lack of funding for programs, 309

lack of supervision, 305–307

mortality rates, 316

needs of, 314–15, 317–18

top-down/bottom-up solutions, 310

two-income families, 304–306

Barnard, Dr. Kathryn, 288, 306–307

Baum, L. Frank, 21, 24

Begley, Sharon, 30

Bendectin, 81

Bennett, William, 249

Bermudez, Ignacio, Jr., 120

Birth, 94–95

complications at, 97–98

maternal rejection and, 98–99

first love, 192–95

premature, 96–97

routine treatment at, 96–97

“Blood brain” barrier, 63

Body Count (DiIulio and Walters), 249

“Bonding,” 192–94

Bornstein, Dr. Marc, 213–14

Bowlby, John, 192, 194, 198

Brain, the:

adult violence and, 16, 58

see also Early brain anatomy and violence

cautiousness/boldness and, 142–45

development of, 27–28, 301

frontal lobes, 124–25

neurons in, 55, 57–58

stages of, 30

empathy and, 202–207

growth of, 35

injury to, see Trauma

IQ, 31–33

myths about, 333

parts of, 36

prefrontal lobes, 39, 40

disruptive behavior disorders and, 124–25

emotions and, 221–22

modulating distress, 146

temperament and, 150, 153

primary goal of, 28–29

revolution in thinking about, 300–301

trauma and, 166–77

weight of, 31

Brain stem, 36, 41, 167

Branch Davidians, 171

Brazelton, Dr. T. Berry, 56, 194, 219–21, 245, 287, 303

Bremner, Dr. J. Douglas, 42–43

Brennan, Dr. Patricia, 98, 210

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75–76

British Journal of Psychotherapy, 57

Broken Cord, The (Dorris), 73–74

Cairns, Dr. Robert, 177

Campbell, Dr. Frances, 32

Carroll, Lewis, 51

Carson, Rachel, 15–16, 321

“Cellular” memories, 43–46, 57

Cerebral palsy, 80

Chamberlain, Dr. David, 46, 57, 97, 102, 314–15

Chelsea, 24

Chess, Dr. Stella, 138–40

Chicago Tribune, 29, 33, 238–39

Child abuse, 189

as barrier to success in school, 171–72

“cortical map” and, 126

devolution and, 308–309

head injury and, 177–81

increase in, 281–82

shame-humiliation and, 206

trauma, see Trauma

type D babies and, 199–202

Children First (Leach), 304–305

Children’s Defense Fund, 17, 309, 318

Child welfare system, 281–90

abuse and, 281–82

correct diagnosis and, 284–87

early intervention and, 284

homicidal children and, 281–83

Jeffrey and, 185–86, 233–34, 255–58, 282–84

litigation against, 283

outreach programs, 287–89

poverty and, 289–90

reform of, 283

solutions to problems of, 290

successful intervention by, 284

Cholera, 301–302

Chowchilla, California, kidnapping, 161–64

Chronic fear response, 174–75

Chugani, Dr. Harvey, 30, 212

Cicchetti, Dr. Dante, 171–72

Circumcisions, 97

Clarke, Dr. Susan, 99–100

Clifton, Dr. Rachel, 45–46

Cloninger, Dr. C. Robert, 143

Cocaine, 66–67, 77–80

first trimester and, 77–78

other problems and, 78–79

Cognitive learning, foundation for, 192, 210–14

“Cold-blooded” premeditated violence, 18

neurochemicals and, 48

Conduct disorder (CD), 112–13, 122

antisocial behavior later in life and, 128, 161

described, 115–16, 127–28

familial environments, ADHD and, 115

Conscience, 151, 152

Continuity of attention, ADHD and, 114

Corriero, Michael, 272

Cortex, 36, 37, 167

“Cortical map,” 124, 126

Cortisol, 176, 223–24

Costs of raising children, 304–305

Crack babies, 65, 66

“Crime gene,” 14

Crime rates, 7

for juveniles, 263–64

projected, 8–9

in the U.S., 8–9

Criminal behavior:

affectionate mothers and, 245

characteristics common to, 58

divorce and, 243

juvenile, 264–68

parental criminality and, 243–44

parental discord and, 244–45

sources of, 13–14

victims of, 262–63

see also Violence

Criminal justice system, 79

cost of, 9

cycle of violence and, 260–61

“get tough on crime” and, 274–75

juvenile offenders and, 264–65

Critical periods, 25, 36

defined, 26

graphic-imaging techniques and, 27

for spoken language, 24, 26–27

for vision, 26

Crystal, 3

Cues, 39

Damasio, Antonio, 206

Danish National Criminal Register, 98

David, Dr. Ronald, 262

Davidson, Dr. Richard, 150

Dawson, Dr. Geraldine, 30, 220–23

Day care, early enrollment in, 31–33

DDT, 16

DeCasper, Dr. Anthony, 56

DeFord, Ray, 188–90

Dendrites, 28

pruning, 30, 33

Denno, Deborah, 77

Department of Justice, Rochester, New York, 244–45

Depression, maternal, 219–24

father’s mitigating of, 246

Derrick, 59–61, 87

DES, 81

Descartes’ Error (Damasio), 206

Devolution, 176–77, 308

“Difficult” children, 139

case study of, 140–42

inhibited behavior and, 101

DiIulio, John, 7, 249


packaged approaches to, 224–26

problems with, 109–11

Disruptive behavior disorders, 107–156

amelioration of, 130–31

case history of, 109–11

common variables in development of, 126–27

described, 111–13

diagnosis of, 118, 128–29

frontal lobes of the brain and, 124–26

homicidal youths and, 126

impulsivity and, 118

parents of children with, 117–18

behavior of, 128–29

six-year-old charged with attempted murder, 112, 120–21

types of, 113–18

see also specific disorder

Dissociation, 170–76

neurochemicals and, 176

Distractibility characteristic, 139

Distraction from competing stimulation, ADHD and, 114


delinquency and, 243–44

rates of, 239–40

see also Single-parent households

Doctors Without Borders, 213

Dodge, Mary Mapes, 178

Dopamine, 82–83, 86

Dorris, Michael, 73–74

Drugs, 272–73

Jeffrey’s mother and, 186–87

prenatal exposure to, see Prenatal exposure to drugs

Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Developmental Study, 128

Earls, Dr. Felton, 143

Early brain anatomy and violence, 21–49

amygdala and memory, 43–44

behavioral milestones, 29–30

from the bottom up, 36–38

critical periods, see Critical periods

environment and, 28–36

“fight or flight” and, 37–40

Humpty Dumpty years, 24–30

“information capture mechanism,” 33–34

limbic system, 38–40

neurochemicals, 46–49

orbitofrontal cortex, 40–43

proliferation and pruning of connections, 30, 33

sensitive periods, see Sensitive periods

“use-dependent development,” 29

what you see is what you get, 30–36

Early Head Start, 284, 288

Eastern cultures, pregnancy in, 54–55

“Easy” children, 139

Echoes from the Womb (Janus), 104–105

Edelman, Marian Wright, 318

Education system, 277–80

failure of, 283–84

Effortful control, 152–54

Einstein, Albert, 309

Electroencephalogram (EEG), 144, 150

emotions and, 221–22

Elizabeth, 140–42

Embryonic period, 64

Emotional attachment, see Empathy

Emotional attunement, 197

misattunement, 204–207

Emotional deprivation, 41–42, 183–227

case histories:

DeFord, Ray, 188–90

John and Jeffrey, 185–88

Emotional deprivation (continued)

cognitive learning and, 210–14

discipline and, 224–26

empathy and, 195–207

first love, 192–95, 226–27

impact of, 215–18

maternal depression and, 219–24

parenting skills, discipline techniques and, 224–26

regulation of emotions and, 207–10

“Emotional guardian,” 38

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 38, 147

Emotional memory, 44

Emotions, 310–11

expressions of, on the human face, 41

negative early relationships, 41–42

regulation of, see Regulation of emotions

Empathy, 163, 195–207

altruism and, 196

biological basis of, 202–203

cognitive processes involved in, 196

examples of early, 195–96

foundation of, 192, 197

homicide and, 206–207

mother-child relationships and, 197–99

as protective factor, 210

Rachel, 199–202

Engel, Dr. George, 44

Epilepsy, 61

Episodic binge drinking, 70–71

Episodic dyscontrol, 180

Erdrich, Louise, 74

Esophagus, 44–45

Evolution, 176–77

“Excitable limbic physiology,” 143

“Excitatory” circuit, 205

Executive attentional system, 162

Externalizing/internalizing behavior, 147–50

Failure to thrive, 41, 44

Familial relationships, replication of, 192–95

“Family-centered” policies, 303–305

Farrington, Dr. David, 151

Fatherhood Initiative, 246, 247

Fathers, 231–51

absent, see Single-parent households

alcoholic, 233–34

attachment process and, 249

case history, 233–35

genetic influence of, 236–39

high-risk children and, 248

lack of research on role of, 236

parenting styles, 245–49

preventing later violence, 246–47

sins of, 236–39

“stay-at-home,” 247

FBI, 8

Fearful/fearless temperament, 142–45

emotional regulation and, 209–10

impulsivity and, 151–52

Fear system, 151–52

Feldmar, Andrew, 103

Fetal alcohol effects (FAE), 67–68

detection of, 71–72

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 67–68

effects of, 69–70, 73

as children mature, 74–75

detection of, 64–65, 66, 71–73

learning disability, 72–74

social, 73

father’s alcohol consumption and, 71–72, 238

incidence of, 71–72

mother’s alcohol consumption and, 69–71

Fetal growth period, 64

Field, Dr. Tiffany, 221–24

“Fight or flight,” 37–40

trauma and, 170–76

First love, 192–95, 226–27, 249

First thirty-three months of life, 13, 16–17

drugs and, see Prenatal exposure to drugs

maltreatment during, 18–19, 49

trauma during, 46

violence and, see Early brain anatomy and violence

Fischer, Dr. Kurt, 30

Foster care, 79–80, 282

Fox, Dr. Nathan, 150

“Freedom,” 306–307

Fresno Bee, 163

Freud, Sigmund, 104

Frishman, Ronny, 61

Frontal lobe injuries, 180

Galen, 137

Galen’s Prophecy (Kagan), 136, 143

Gangs, 173–74

in the armed services, 266

Gangster Disciples, 242–43

younger children in, 265–66

Genetics, 85–86

ADHD and, 85, 116, 122–23

paternal influence and, 236–39

prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol, 14, 123

serotonin levels and, 48–49

trauma and, 177

violence and, 190–91

Gestation, 54–55

Glaucoma, 53

Glucose, 82

metabolism of, 30, 43

Golden, Dr. Charles, 180, 306

Goleman, Daniel, 38–39, 147

“Goodness of fit” with parental responses, 140–42

Greenough, Dr. William, 31, 33–34

“Gut reactions,” 40

Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates (Dodge), 177–78

Harlow, Dr. H. F., 33–34

Harlow Primate Laboratory, 71

Harris, Robert, 102

Head injuries, 177–81, 189

Head Start, 31–32, 284

Health care system, 262

Healthy Start, 288–89

Hean, Jazmine, 281–82

Hearing, sense of, 56

Helfgott, David, 319–20

Heroin, 80–81

High-risk behaviors, 48

Hippocampus, 43, 100

Hispanic Americans, 9–10

Hofer, Dr. Myron, 215–18

Homeostatic balance, 215–18

Homicidal children, 126

background of, 281–82

empathy and, 206–207

gangs and, 242–43

Ray, 188–90

statistics on, 190

see also Jeffrey

Horn, Wade, 246–47

Horton, Mickey, 282

“Hot-blooded” impulsive violence, 18

neurochemicals and, 48

Hubel, Dr. David, 26

Humiliation, 206

Humpty Dumpty years, 24–30

Huttenlocher, Dr. Janellen, 34, 35

Hyperactive children, 113

Hyperarousal, 170–76

Hyperkinetic children, 113

Hypervigilance, 39

“Hypo-arousal,” 205–206

Hypothalamus, 41

“Imprinting,” 192–93


fearfulness and, 151

Jeffrey on, 160

Industrial revolution, 315–17

Infant home-visitation programs, 287–89

Infant memory, 43–46, 104–105

Infant Mind, The (Restak), 55, 95–96

“Information capture mechanism,” 33–34

“Inhibited” behavior, 101

Inhibited/uninhibited temperament, 142–44

“Inhibitory” mechanisms, 152–53, 205, 206

Insecticides, 15–16

Intensity characteristic, 139

Intergenerational transfer of behaviors, 194–95

“Intermittent explosive disorder,” 61

“Internal working model,” 192–95

Intervention with predelinquent children, 128–32

IQ, 31–33

father’s influence on, 248

malnutrtion and, 82–83

smoking and, 75

teachers’ expectations and, 214

Iron, 82

Jacobson, Dr. Bertel, 82

James, 258–59

Janus, Dr. Ludwig, 104

Jarriel, Tom, 211

Jason, 195

Jed, 189

Jeffrey, 3–5, 19

“All Is Silent,” 299

anger and, 160

beatings of, 110, 258

by brother, 111

by mother, 159–60

police report on, 159

birth and childhood of, 93–94, 109–111, 122, 185–88

child welfare system and, 185–86, 235, 265–66, 282–83

factors needed for successful intervention, 284

crime committed by, 3, 319–20

described, 3–4, 174

by brother, 300

“last words” of, 253

medication of, 109, 111, 119

mother’s drug abuse during pregnancy, 53–54

oppositional-defiant disorder and, 115

parents of, 233–34, 235

school assessment report on, 111

temperament of, 135–36, 153–55

testimony of forensic psychologist about, 23

John, 94, 110–11, 164, 282

on beatings, 159–60

on brother, 300

childhood of, 185–88, 234–35, 256–57

temperament of, 135–36, 153–55

Joyfulness, 209

Julie, 153, 282

Juvenile justice system, 264

bridge back into the community and, 271–72

failure of, 283–84

grouping antisocial offenders, 269

incarceration, 270

parental responsibility and, 272

schools and, 277–78

Kagan, Dr. Jerome, 136, 143, 145

Kaiser Permanente, 139, 274

Karen, 284–287

Karr-Morse, Robin, xxiii–xxiv

Kiana, 195

Kiel, Dr. Frank, 28

Kinnell, Galway, 91

Kochanska, Dr. Grazyna, 152–53, 161

Kolko, David, 209

Koresh, David, 171

Kotulak, Ronald, 29, 33, 49, 238

Kraemer, Dr. Gary, 217218

Ladies’ Home Journal, 61

Leach, Dr. Penelope, 241, 304

Lead, 62, 76

sperm abnormalities and, 220–21

LeDoux, Joseph, 38, 43–44

Lee, Karen, 258

Lemmon, Jack, 143

Lemoine, Dr. Paul, 71, 74

Lester, Dr. Barry, 83

Lewis, Dorothy, 14–15, 169, 270

Limbic memory, 46, 95

Limbic system, 36, 38–41, 146, 149, 179

excitable, 143

shaping of, 208

Lobotomy, 42

Locke, John, 54

Lorenz, Konrad, 192–93

Los Angeles Times, 121

“Low arousal,” 85

Lykken, Dr. David, 86

McKenna, Dr. James, 315–17

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), 24, 286

Malnutrition, 82–84

Marijuana, 53, 80

Massages, 224

Matthau, Walter, 143

Mayes, Dr. Linda, 78–79


coverage of violence, 13, 112

newsworthy young criminals, 3–6

Mednick, Dr. Sarnoff, 86, 98

Melmed, Matthew, 305


amygdala and, 43–44

primitive emotions and, 57

Methylphenidate, 119

Michael, 285–87

Microcephaly, 80

Midbrain, 36–37

Milne, A. A., 107, 183

Minimal brain dysfunction, 113

Minnerbrook, Scott, 242

Minor physical anomalies, 87

Smith and, 59–61

Monica, 44–45

Mood characteristic, 139

Moral behavior, 196–97

Morris, Bill, 258

Morse, Eric, 242

Mother-child relationships, 197–99, 208

attachments, 197–99, 214

cognitive learning and, 210–214

emotional regulation and, 207–10

empathy and, see Empathy

homeostatic balance and, 215–18

interactive “games” and, 213

maternal depression and, 219–24

misattunement in, 204–207

Romanian orphans and, 211–13

Mother Goose rhyme, 167


depressed, 125–26, 246

intelligence of, 32

parenting styles, 245–49

talkative, 34

see also Emotional deprivation; Mother-child relationship

Motor development, 56–57

Murphy, Patrick, 6, 164

Myers, Dr. Nancy, 45–46

National Institute of Justice, 281

National Public Radio, 77

“Nature-nurture” debate, 13, 138

genetics, see Genetics

temperament and, 137–38

violence and, 190–91

Needleman, Dr. Herbert, 76

Nelson, Dr. Charles, 33–34


bypassing, 38–39

lead and, 77

Neural alarm system, 40

“Neural maps,” 124, 126

“Neural thermostat,” 39

Neurological injuries, 177–81

Neurons, 167

Neurotransmitters, 68, 78, 82

dissociation/hyperarousal and, 176

malnutrition and, 82–83

maternal deprivation and, 217–18

regulating emotions, 207–208

stress-related, 146–50

Newborns, 94–97

birth, see Birth

discounting sentience of, 95–97

traumatized, 97–98

maternal rejection and, 98–99

New skills, 34

Newsweek, 30

New Yorker, the, 9, 43

New York Longitudinal Study, 138–39

New York Times, the, 7, 227–28, 270

Nicotine, 62–64, 75, 123

alcohol and, 68–71, 122–23

Nobel Prize, 26

Noradrenaline, 47–49

trauma and, 164, 170–72

Norepinephrine, 86, 144

externalizing/internalizing behavior and, 148–50

trauma and, 170

Nurse-Family Partnership, 289, 292

Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST), 288–89

Obsessive-compulsive behavior, 48

O’Connor, Michael, 189

Odd Couple, The, 143

Olds, Dr. David, 75, 289, 293

Oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD), 112, 115, 118, 137, 149

described, 115

emergence of, during preschool years, 128–29

familial environments, ADHD and, 115

Orbitofrontal cortex, 40–43

modulating distress and, 146

Oregon Children’s Care Team, xiii–xiv

Oregon Children’s Services Division, 258

Oregon Humane Society, 259

Oregonian, 189, 258

Oregon Social Learning Center, 128

Organogenesis, 64

“Orienting reactivity,” 210

Ottawa Prenatal Prospective Study, 75, 80

Out-of-wedlock births, 239

Pappajohn, George, 165–66

Parasympathetic nervous system, 41

Parental responsibility for children’s delinquency, 271–73

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.), 225

Parenting styles, differences in, 245–49

Passive poisons, 61–82

alcohol, 64–74

behavioral effects of, 335

bridge to violent behavior, 63

cocaine, 64–65, 77–80

heroin, 80–81

lead, 61, 76–77

marijuana, 80

nicotine, 62–63, 75–76

prescribed legal drugs, 81–82

timing of the development processes and, 64

Patterson, Dr. Gerry, 128–29, 305–306

Peer rejection, 172

Perry, Dr. Bruce, xi, 15, 29, 36–37, 168–71, 173, 177, 206

Persistence characteristic, 139

“Personality,” 42

temperament and, 137

Phares, Dr. Vicky, 236

Phelps, Dr. Michael, 36

Planning capacity, ADHD and, 113–14

Positron-emission tomography (PET) scan, 24, 30, 36, 124

glucose metabolism and, 30, 43

of Romanian orphans, 212

Posner, Dr. Michael, 150

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 42–43

chemical signature of, 170–71

overuse of alarm response and, 176–77

Poverty, 289–90, 308

P.R., 242

Preconscious memories, 45–46, 95

Premature birth, 96–97

ADHD and, 123

Prenatal environment, 99–105

emotions of mother, 99–100

influence of, 103–105

stress, 61, 100–102

alcohol exposure and, 71

unwanted babies, 102–103

Prenatal exposure to drugs, 14, 61–82, 122–23

behavioral effects of, 335

timing of the developmental processes and, 63–64

see also Passive poisons

Preschool, 35–36

Prescribed legal drugs, 81–82

Prime Time Live, 36

Prison population, 11

Protein, 82

Pruneda, Emilio, 5

Psychological Care of Infant and Child, The (Watson), 96

Psychopathology of Crime, The (Raine), 85

Pulitzer Prize, 29

Rachel, 197, 199–202, 204, 207

Rage, 209

Raine, Dr. Adrian, 39, 85, 98, 243, 246

Ramey, Dr. Craig, 31–33, 307

Reciprocal contact with a parent, 25

Reflexive movements, 57

Reflux, 285–86

Regulation of emotions, 40–43, 124–25, 216

ADHD and, 114–15

aspects of, 208–10

foundation of, 192

learning, 207–10

temperament and, 146–50

Resiliency, 153–55

Resources, 353–55

Restak, Dr. Richard, 55, 58, 95

Rhythmicity characteristic, 139

Ritalin, 109, 111, 112, 119, 132, 279

Rockefeller University, 36

Roger, 3

Romanian orphans, 211–13

“Roots of Violence, The,” 238–39

Rothbart, Dr. Mary, 150–52, 154–55

Rowe, Dr. Jeffrey, 127

Ryan, 24–25

Sandifer, Robert (Yummy), 6

background of, 164–65

psychological examination of, 165–66

Satterfield, Breena, 119–20

Satterfield, Dr. Jim, 118–19

Sawyer, Diane, 36, 211

Scerbo, Dr. Angela Scarpa, 209

Schizophrenia, 86

Schneider, Dr. Mary, 71, 100

School readiness, 211

Schools and the juvenile justice system, 277–80

failure of, 283–84

Schore, Dr. Allan, 40–42, 202–203, 205–206, 208

Schorr, Dr. Lisbeth, 309

“Securely attached” children, 198, 214

Selectivity capacity, ADHD and, 114

Self, the, 203–204

Self-expectations, 211

Self-regulation, see Regulation of emotions

Self-reliance, 314, 318

Sensate development, 56

Sensitive periods, 25

defined, 26

longitudinal studies and, 27

Sensory threshold characteristic, 139

Sensual experience, 44

Serotonin, 47–49, 82–83, 164

alcohol and, 239

trauma and, 164

Serotonin (5HT) system function, 86

Services for children, 261–62

Severely emotionally disabled (S.E.D.), 111

Shame, 205–206

Shine, 319

Silent Spring (Carson), 15–16

Single-parent households, 239–49

affectionate mothers and, 245

African American, 241–42

children raised in, 241–42

divorce rates, 239–40

life without father, 242–45

out-of-wedlock births, 240

Slave prayer, 1

“Slow to warm up” children, 139

Smelling the roses, 317

Smith, Eric, 59–61, 87

Snow, John, 301–302

Social isolation, 34

Social personality, 154–55

Social policies, 303–305

“Society Which Mistook Its Children for Bats, The,” 315–16

Sontag, Dr. L. W., 99

Special education, 277–78

Specific learning disorders (SLD), 278

Sperm abnormalities, 236–39

Spoken language:

critical period for, 24, 26–27

second language, 35

talkative mothers and, 34

Stafford, William, 329

State of America’s Children, The (Children’s Defense Fund), 17

Stein, Andrew, 269

Stevens, Jane, 301–302

“Strange situation,” 198

Stress hormones, 37

Stress response system, 37–40, 170–71, 176

depressed mothers and, 222–23

Stroop task, 152

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 76, 315–16

Suicide, 102–103, 148

“Surrender” or dissociative response, 39

Sympathetic nervous system, 41, 170

Synapses, 27–28

cocaine and, 78

destruction of, 176

production of, 35

pruning of, 30, 33

reorganization of, 34

Taste, sense of, 56

Temperament, 133–55

affiliativeness and, 152–53

biological basis of, 149–50

categories of, 139–42

“difficult,” 139, 140–42

“easy,” 139

“slow to warm up,” 139

characteristics of, 139

differences in, 136–38, 153–55

executive attentional system and, 152

fear system and, 150–51

Jeffrey and John, 135–36

nature-nurture debate and, 137, 138

parental responses and, 144–45

externalizing/internalizing, 148–50

fearful/fearless, 143–45

“goodness of fit,” 140–42

“poorness of fit,” 145–47

personality and, 137

resiliency and, 154–55

self-regulation and, 146–50

studies of, 138–40

Template for relationships, 192–95

Temporal lobe injuries, 180

Teratogens, 61–62

case histories of, 53–54

see also Passive poisons

Terr, Dr. Lenore, 46, 163

Thalidomide, 62, 80–81

effects of, 64

Thomas, Dr. Alexander, 138–40

Thomas, Evan, 215

Threshold characteristic, 139

Time, 6

Tobacco, see Nicotine

Tom, 189

Tony, 170–71

Toronto Star, 165

Touch, sense of, 56

Touchpoints, 287–89

“Tough on crime,” 10

Toxic experiences, 16

Trauma, 157–81

ADHD and, 116, 122–23, 126

brain and, 166–77

Chowchilla kidnapping and, 161–64

devolution and, 177–78

dissociation and, 170–76

effects of, 164

fight or flight, 170–76

head injury, 177–81

hyperarousal and, 170–76

Tray, 195

Treaster, Joseph, 271

“Treating Violence as an Epidemic,” 301–302

Trimethadione, 61

Tronick, Dr. Ed, 221, 287, 311

Tryptophan, 47, 48, 82

Turning Point, 211

Twins, 85, 86

“Type D” children, 199

Rachel, 199–202, 204, 207

Tyrosine, 82

Ultrasound, 55, 57

Uniform Crime Report, 8

Unwanted babies, 102–103

“Use-dependent development,” 29

U.S. News & World Report, 242–43

Vagus nerve, 146

Vietnam veterans, 42


background tracing of, 130–31

barriers to preventing, 302–303

brain and, see Brain, the

common continuum preceding, 268–69

cultural transformation and, 310

defined, 18

delivery complications and, 98–99

factors associated with, 331–32

head injury and, 177–79

homicide, see Homicidal children

intergenerational transmission of, 169

mental illness of parent and, 99

nature/nurture and, 190–91

neurochemicals and, 48–49

paternal role in, 236, 242–43

as mitigating influence, 246–47

poverty and, 289–90

statistics on, 290–91

study of genesis of, 14–15

tracing the cycle of, 260–61

trauma and, 168–77

typical background of offenders, 116

as unregulated aggression, 217

victims of, 262–63

Vision, sense of, 56

critical period for, 26

Visual cortex, 26–27

Wallace, Dr. Robert F., 99

Walt, 234–35

Walters, John, 249

Watson, Dr. John B., 96

“When Trouble Starts Young,” 270

White, E. B., 297

Widom, Cathy Spatz, 169

Wiesel, Dr. Torsten, 26

Wiley, Meredith, xxiii–xxiv

Winfrey, Oprah, 6

Within Our Reach: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage (Schorr), 309

Womb, see Prenatal environment

Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The (Baum), 21, 24

Wood, Dr. Frank, 39

Working parents, 304–306

Wynne, Jack, 162

Zero to Three, 305