I couldn’t have written this book without the help of my talented writing and critique partner, Laura Harper, who helped me see the wood for the trees when I was getting lost. Nor would Between the Lines be in the shape it is without the insightful notes and suggestions from my wonderful editor, Kerri Buckley. Huge thanks go to her and to all the creative people at Carina Press who have turned my words into a beautiful book with a cover I adore.
Without my agent, Deidre Knight, Between the Lines might never have been written at all and I can’t thank her enough for helping to make it happen.
I’d also like to say a heartfelt thank-you to my husband and son for their constant support and cheerleading even when all my spare time is taken up with writing. And, finally, I must acknowledge the contribution of my daughter who not only encouraged me to write a character with dyspraxia, but allowed me to base Theo’s experience of the condition on her own. You’re awesome, and this book is for you.