Appendix N Sworn Statement of Capt. Edward L. Hamilton, Camp Prison Officer, Camp Hood, Texas, 7 July 1944

At approximately 0100, 7 July 1944, as Duty Officer, Provost Marshal Branch, I was in the MP Orderly Room, Camp Hood, Texas, along with Captain Peelor L. Wigginton, Camp Duty Officer, and First Lt. George Criberi, MC, Camp Hood, Texas. We were witnessing 2nd Lt. Jack R. Robinson giving his statement to Captain Gerald M. Bear, Assistant Provost Marshal, concerning an incident which occurred a few hours previous to that time at the Central Bus Station. While making his statement Lt. Robinson was very disrespectful and discourteous to Capt. Bear in his attempts to be facetious. During his statement, while referring to a Pfc calling him a “nigger,” Lt. Robinson turned to Captain Wigginton and stated the “If you, Captain,” and pointed to me and Lt. Criberi, “or you, or you, should call me a nigger, I would break you in two.” He went ahead to state that any General or anyone else who called him a nigger, he would break them into. This threat was made in the presence of four officers, one enlisted man, Sgt. Howard C Hyatt, MP, and Miss Wilson, stenographer. This was very unbecoming, and his manner of conversation was very unbecoming to an Officer of the United States Army.