Chapter 12
Sam eyed Blake curiously. During the twenty minute hike in search of the perfect campsite, they didn’t speak of what happened at the cabin.
She wasn’t sure she wanted to know anyway.
The vulnerability she’d witnessed had been heartbreaking. Not to mention the way she’d responded. Floored by the intense need to comfort the man, she’d only wanted to take away his pain. No matter the cost.
The foreign emotion had been so natural, she had to question her reaction. Up until now, she’d only felt desire. This—whatever this was—was new territory. And scary as hell.
Blake stopped and laid his pack down. “Should be a good spot to camp.”
The open area was flat with enough level ground for a perfect campsite. He stared past her for a moment before lowering his gaze and kicking at a rock on the ground.
Sam glanced over her shoulder at the cabin in the distance. Only the tip of the roof could be seen now, and somehow, she knew he’d spent many a night camped out here in this very spot. A mere child. Alone. The thought was devastating. How could a mother walk away from her own son? How many nights had he waited for her to return before Denali’s family took him in?
“You hungry?” Blake settled on the hard ground. Unzipping his backpack, he rifled through and pulled out a vacuum packed baggie containing dark burgundy strips of meat.
Sam nodded, seeking some kind of emotion in his expressionless face. Unable to read him, she dropped her pack and sat on the ground, using the heavy tote as a backrest.
“What is it?” she asked as he withdrew a pocket knife and cut into the bag. Immediately, a rich, smoky scent filled the air.
“Dinner. Smoked salmon jerky. It’s good.” Blake held the bag open so she could grab a piece. “Some call it squaw candy. I’m sure you’ll find offense to the name. It’s not exactly considered socially acceptable.”
Sam hesitated, eyeing the food warily before reaching in and picking a solid square. “What happened to the MRE’s?” She rolled the chunk in her fingers and then cautiously tasted the fish with the tip of her tongue. Deciding it was safe to eat, she nibbled an end before taking a larger bite. “Wow, this is really good,” she admitted, seizing the bag he held and retrieving a long strip.
Relishing a healthy bite, she closed her eyes and savored the tangy meat as it melted in her mouth. Opening her eyes, she caught Blake’s intense gaze. Flustered by the embarrassing display of wanton gluttony, she glanced away as a warm rush crawled up her neck and heated her cheeks.
“I’m glad you like it. I figured it was better than a powdered meal. Try the moose now.”
He withdrew another vacuum sealed bag from his pack, which held a dark brown version of meat strips. Slicing the bag open, he held out a piece.
Sam shook her head and reached for more dried salmon instead. “Not yet. I’m still enjoying this.”
Blake shrugged and took a bite of the moose jerky. “After this, we can put up the tents and then maybe go for a swim?” He pointed in the direction of the small body of water running alongside their campsite.
“In the creek?”
“Yeah. There’s a spot down the way which opens into a decent sized pool. The water might even be bearable, considering how nice it’s been today.”
It had been a hot day, but the sudden warmth rushing under her skin wasn’t from the weather. In response, Sam cooled off by fanning herself with her hand. A vision of Blake’s half-naked physique swimming in a body of water flashed before her mind’s eye. She swallowed hard against the sudden lump lodged in her throat.
Clothed in a white tank, his muscles were on display. She had been trying not to notice, but with the swimming comment it was nearly impossible. Her stare was drawn to the way the thin material clung to his body in all the right places, showcasing not only his large biceps, but the chiseled six pack usually hidden beneath his trademark flannel. For a moment, she lost all train of thought.
Sam sucked in a deep lungful of air and abruptly got to her feet. She brushed off her backside in an attempt to clear the decadent vision. “Where should I set up my tent?” She dumped the contents of her backpack onto the ground.
“Right there looks good.” Blake wiped his hands on his pant leg and stood. He gathered the food, placed it in a zip-locked baggie and put it back into his pack.
Without a word, they began setting up the tents. Sam was determined to attempt the feat on her own. She managed to get the tent rods snapped together correctly, but struggled when it came to which pole went where. Exasperated, she stole a peek in Blake’s direction.
His pavilion stood tall, a distinct opposite of the fiasco lying in a colorful heap of red, yellow, and blue before her. During the time it had taken her to figure out the pieces, he had already had his camp set up, including his sleeping bag in its rightful place inside the tent.
Chuckling, he came over to help. With the same practiced detail as last night, the strength of his sturdy arms wound around her. His knowing fingers guided her hands, placing the tent rods in the correct places.
The heat of his breath warmed her neck, and she fought against the lustful shiver it caused.
Yeah, a nice swim was exactly what she needed now. Hopefully, the water was ice cold.
Sam quirked an eyebrow as she swam to Blake’s side. “Invigorating, isn’t it?”
It was freezing, but he was used to this. After the initial shock, his body adjusted to the frigid water. What he wasn’t used to, however, was the fact the woman before him seemed so at ease.
Samantha Held was a mystery. She hadn’t hesitated. Not even a toe dip to test the temperature. No, she dived right in without even a second thought. Not so different from the way she’d comforted him earlier.
“You have to keep your body moving,” she commanded, as if swimming in ice cold water was second nature.
She was only an inch away, and the heat from her body warmed the glacial barrier between them in an exciting blend of fire and ice. Ironically, it was the same way he thought of her.
“I love to swim,” she confessed with a guilty grin.
The creamy white skin of her breast dipped in and out of the water, exposing a dark rose outline of her nipple through the thin, nude color lace of her bra. An instantaneous surge of desire rushed through him, but he managed to resist the urge to place his mouth over the tasty morsel and suckle until she cried out in passion.
“There you go,” she continued. “If you move your body, it won’t be so cold.”
It didn’t help the water nymph was so damn inviting. With a gleeful smile and her hair slicked back, she was quite the tempting mermaid, a perfect rendition of a sailor’s dream.
Consumed by lust, he fought the need to touch her and swam a few feet away, the distance not just a necessity…an emergency.
“Are you warming up yet?”
Blake spun around, the arctic water cooling his ardor enough so he could face her again. Unfortunately, the wanton lust returned full force as the water lapped at her bared skin.
An impetuous smile lit her face, showcasing two little dimples in her cheeks he hadn’t noticed before. She appeared…uninhibited.
Completely, painfully, uninhibited.
Groaning out loud, he closed his eyes, but the image refused to budge as desire slammed into him like a freight train. Yeah, he was warmed up all right.
Without explanation, he swam to the bank and got out. Slipping into his jeans, he turned back in time to see her nearly bare backside as she dove underneath the water.
Sam emerged close to the bank. “Too cold for you, sport?” she teased.
The woman was a vision he’d never forget as she walked up the bank and out of the water.
A strong wave of lust pulled at him from the inside out as he watched small beads of liquid trickle down her satin skin. What he wouldn’t do to catch a trail with his tongue.
“Yeah,” he said through gritted teeth. “A little cold.” He tossed Sam the flannel he’d grabbed before leaving camp, hoping she would cover up quickly.
“Thanks.” Sam flashed a smile as she slipped an arm into the shirt. “I think it may be colder out of the water,” she stated with chattering teeth, sliding her other arm through and shakily attempting to button the garment. The effort was taking much longer than Blake could stand. To help himself more than her, he pulled the article of clothing closed and swiftly fastened the remaining buttons.
Even though she was covered, the woman continued to push him over the brink. The oversized flannel stopped at mid-thigh, leaving more to his overly active imagination than needed as long, shapely legs grabbed his attention. Decadent images of those extremities wrapped around his body enticed him. With a trembling hand, he picked up her jeans and tossed them to her. As he waited for her to finish dressing, Blake considered jumping back into the pool, although he had his doubts the cold water would help at this point.
After building a fire and sharing a quick meal of jerky, Blake suggested turning in so they could get an early start. Sam agreed with a slight tilt of her head, however, he wasn’t sure she believed the flimsy excuse. He certainly didn’t. But he couldn’t take any more. For Pete’s sake, he couldn’t even think straight since the swim. Unable to blink away the seductive vision of Sam emerging from the creek, skin slick with droplets of water, he could barely manage a conversation. Sleep was the most logical thought he could form.