(See bibliography for full publication information on cited sources.)
Cornell: | E. B. White Papers, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Kroch Library, Cornell University |
Charlotte: | Charlotte’s Web, by E. B. White |
Davis: | Onward and Upward: A Biography of Katharine S. White, by Linda H. Davis |
EBW: | E. B. White |
Elledge: | E. B. White: A Biography, by Scott Elledge |
Every Day: | Every Day Is Saturday, brief New Yorker pieces by E. B. White |
KSW: | Katharine Sergeant White, although at various times in the book she is known as Katharine Sergeant, Katharine S. Angell, or Katharine White |
Kunkel: | Genius in Disguise: Harold Ross of The New Yorker, by Thomas Kunkel |
Letters: | Letters of E. B. White. Because of various editions, including a revised 2006 edition containing letters absent from the 1976 first edition, citations of letters are by date, not page number. |
Neumeyer: | The Annotated Charlotte’s Web, by Peter F. Neumeyer |
NY: | The New Yorker |
Nordstrom: | Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom, edited by Leonard S. Marcus |
OMM: | One Man’s Meat, essay collection by E. B. White |
Points: | The Points of My Compass, essay collection by E. B. White |
Second Tree: | The Second Tree from the Corner, essay collection by E. B. White |
Stuart: | Stuart Little, by E. B. White |
Wild Flag: | The Wild Flag: Editorials from The New Yorker on Federal World Government and Other Matters, by E. B. White |
Writings: | Writings from The New Yorker, 1927–1976, brief pieces by E. B. White |