(Turdus migratorius)
HABITAT: Everywhere, from mountain wilderness to city parks with some trees or shrubs where open ground or lawns permit foraging
DESCRIPTION: Familiar worm-puller on suburban lawns; male with orange-red breast, grayish back and wings, and black head; white eye spots and streaked throat; female slightly paler
Find a daytime singer and listen to his series of low, caroled phrases: cheerily, cheer up, cheerio. Close your eyes to concentrate on feeling the robin’s tempo, several phrases and a brief pause, several more and another brief pause. If you label each different kind of “cheery” phrase as a letter, the robin may sing in a pattern something like ABCD ABCEC CFFCGH FCHGC, and so on. Concentrate again and try next to pick out an especially distinctive phrase that stands out from the others; listen for it to recur, and you’ll probably hear that he sings it every third or fourth phrase for, say, half a minute, and then it’ll disappear for a minute or so before he returns to it. In all, he has fifteen to twenty different caroled phrases, emphasizing some for a while, then others, as he cycles through his repertoire.
At dawn—and he is one of the first birds to sing in the morning, especially by streetlights—he punctuates strings of his low, caroled notes with a high-pitched, fluty note, dubbed a “hisselly” by an early naturalist, though often sounding more like a brief, high shriek, an ear-raking e-e-k. In his cheerily, cheer up, cheerio hisselly there’s exquisite detail in the softer, higher hisselly, but it’s detail that our ears can pick up only when the sound is slowed down.
Robins are also expressive with their calls and are often heard “complaining” with soft tut tut notes, sharper piik piik notes, sometimes a rolling quiquiquiquiqui. With so much calling and singing from well before sunrise to well after sunset, this most common of songbirds provides some of the finest listening.