(Junco hyemalis)
HABITAT: In winter, open fields and brushy areas; in summer, boreal coniferous or mixed woodlands with dense understory
DESCRIPTION: Gray to blackish hood and dark back contrast with lighter breast and belly; white outer tail feathers flash in flight; colors of hood and back vary continentwide, from slate- or brownish-gray in the East to reddish-brown back and flanks in the West
A “snowbird” throughout much of the continent, the junco forages in winter flocks on the ground, ranging from open windswept fields with little cover to the suburbs, where it is a frequent feeder bird. During this time, they call, sometimes a light smack, sometimes a sharp, clicking tick, sometimes a short, rapid twitter. As spring approaches, a few birds begin their singing practice, and by early spring, there’s no finer sound than a flock of juncos having risen to the trees. A dozen or more of them practicing has the overall effect of a tinkling chorus, all of them singing at once, each on a different wavering key, each with its own unique musical voice.
Find them on their summer territory and their songs are now perfected, each a loud, sweet, musical trill with a series of phrases repeated over about two seconds. It is typically described as a ringing, jingling, musical series, more lyrical than that of the Chipping Sparrow and usually shorter, too. Listen to a male sing, concentrating on the quality of his song, and hear him repeat his song over and over, about thirty or more times before switching to another of his five or six songs. Each male has songs that are unique to him, as neighbors share few of their songs with one another.
This loud song is easily heard one hundred to two hundred yards away, but both male and female also have an intriguing softer song (audible only ten or so yards away) that they use in close interactions with other juncos. This song, which rambles on for six seconds or more, consists of a variety of short whistles, trills, warbles, and call notes. If you hear it, be happy, because not many people have!