SAMUEL AND JOSHUA returned to the complex Cynthia lived in. They parked outside the entrance and walked to the area Ryan used as a stakeout. Behind the cover of the trees, the three discussed the situation.
“What do we have?” Samuel asked
“A total of six,” she replied as she looked at the brother in the suit, Kenneth Cole dress coat, and boots.
Joshua appreciated being admired. “Like what you see?”
“Not particularly,” Ryan replied. “I’m wondering how you are going to feel when your suit gets wrinkled?”
Samuel cleared his throat to cover his laugh. “Six of them—three of us. Seems a little lopsided,” Ryan continued.
“Yeah, for them,” Joshua said as he boldly walked over to the car where the men were watching the condo and knocked on the window.
“What the hell is he doing?” Ryan asked in an angry whisper.
“Evening out the numbers,” Samuel smiled and walked around the back, knowing Joshua would handle the men out front. As he walked by he heard the painful moan of one of the men Joshua approached. Ryan went in the opposite direction towards the back of the condo and entered through the patio door.
The first man Samuel reached turned just as he approached. The first punch dazed the man, the second pushed his nose back towards his brain. Samuel wasn’t sure if the man was dead or alive and didn’t care, he wanted this ordeal over with. Satisfied, Samuel move on forward. He stepped over the body and proceeded to the next target. Reaching the corner of the condo, Samuel saw a lone figure standing just outside the door Ryan walked through. The man was about to fire his weapon, which was pointing at the back of Ryan’s head. Samuel kicked him in the middle of his back with so much force, his spinal cord gave way. The man’s yell caught Ryan’s attention. She turned back and saw the man on the ground by the door and Samuel walking through. She looked up and nodded her appreciation then pointed up the stairs.
Following her lead, Samuel covered her from the back as she climbed the stairs to the next level. Once they reached the top he pointed to the right and then walked in the opposite direction through the kitchen.
They circled the room with weapons drawn to make sure the floor was clear. From there he could hear someone upstairs searching the rooms. The two met at the bottom of the steps leading to the third level of the home.
This time Samuel took the lead. They soundlessly walked slowly up the steps. At the top, he peered into the room he was using to make sure it was clear. Down the other end of the hallway, he could see movement in Cynthia’s room. Ryan looked to make sure there were no surprises. She tapped him on the back to signal all was clear. A quick look into the other room and bathroom indicated the predator was only in Cynthia’s bedroom. Samuel put his gun in the back of his pants and simply walked into the room.
“Good evening,” he said to the man searching the place.
“Don’t do it,” Ryan yelled at the man that went for his weapon.
“I’m a cop.” The man said as he reached for his badge.
Two rounds left Ryan’s gun before his hand made it to his pocket. He yelled, grabbed his knees, and fell backward in pain.
Samuel turned and gave her an exasperated look. “Why did you shoot?”
She didn’t say anything as she walked by him to the man and pulled the gun from the inside pocket of his coat, broke it down with one hand, and threw the pieces on the bed. “I know the butt of a gun when I see it.”
“I’m impressed. But you are going to explain the bloodstains on her white carpet.”
Ryan looked at him and smiled, “Man you are so gone.”
“And loving every minute of it,” he replied standing over the man that was bleeding. He applied pressure to one leg by stepping on it. “Tell me what I need to know.”
“I know you’re going to jail for shooting a cop,” he chuckled in pain.
The chuckle turned into a loud squall when Samuel stomped harder on the leg. “Give me a name.”
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Officer Sanchez asked standing in the doorway with a gun in each hand. “Payday,” he grinned as they turned towards him. “I get to please the Chief by taking in Lassiter and get to piss Detective Williams off by taking in his little sister. Hey Ryan,” he looked her up and down. “You’re still looking good.” Taking a moment to survey the room, “You took out all my men. Don’t matter—there’s more where they came from. Now I saw you take out the men out back, but I missed the two in the car. Did you kill them too? I hope so, that’s more time in the slammer. They are going to love a big boy like you in the pen” He smiled. Ryan smiled. “You glad to see me, Ryan?”
“Not you—him.” She replied with a nod of her head. She watched the man behind him leaning against the doorjamb checking her out from head to toe and wondered what he was waiting for.
“Sorry kid, I’m not falling for it. Break the gun down and throw it on the bed.
Ryan shrugged her shoulder, “Okay.” She did and dropped the pieces to the floor.
Sanchez put one gun back into his holster then pulled out his handcuffs and threw them at her feet. “Cuff him.”
She smiled then turned her back to him. Bending over slowly, the tight jean material stretched across her behind showing the curves of her body. Taking her time standing, she pushed her behind out for emphasis.
“Mmm, you are packing girl.” Sanchez moaned. “I think you and I are going to make a pit stop before I turn you in.”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth Joshua took his Kenneth Cole booted foot and kicked Sanchez between the legs from the back.
Sanchez's eyes bulged and mouth flew open. Not a sound escaped his throat when the point of Joshua's boots connected with his jewels. Samuel grabbed the gun from his hand before he hit the floor.
“Nice move,” Joshua smiled at Ryan.
“I thought you would enjoy that.”
“You want me—don’t you?” Joshua smirked.
“Keep dreaming,” she replied and walked out of the room.
* * *
The sun was rising when Samuel returned home. The information they received from the two living perpetrators was more than they could have hoped. The two were taken into protective custody by Joshua. Samuel hoped his brother understood it was his job to keep the two from further harm, even by him. Now he had the uncomfortable task of telling Brian the details of James Harrison’s death and advised him, the justice for it will have to wait. It seems Chief Munford has more under his control then they knew.
Brian was stretched out in the chair in front of the patio doors with his weapon on the table and his coat over his body. Samuel tapped him on the shoulder as he sat in the chair opposite him and exhaled. He laid his head back and closed his eyes.
“Long night,” Brian yawned. “I received an anonymous call stating the girl and Governor were in the clear.” He raised an eyebrow, “Interesting turn of events.” He sat up, “What did you find?”
Samuel sat the overnight bag he was carrying on the floor next to his chair and sat up. He looked over at the man who had been his contact when he was undercover and saved his hide more than once. “You are not going to like what they told us.”
“Still has to be said.”
Nodding his head in agreement Samuel began. “It’s going to take a minute. Let me get Sleeping Beauty situated.”
He turned to walk towards the bedroom with the knowledge that the woman on the other side of the door will be his wife. Walking into his bedroom, a smile touched his lips. She was exactly where she was supposed to be, curled up in his bed. He walked over, set the overnight bag with her clothes inside next to the bed, and looked down at her. Her silky curly hair was spread out across the pillow and her arms were hugging the other. She appeared to be wearing his Alex Rodriquez jersey, his favorite Yankee. He sat on the bed next to her, and then kissed her cheek. “Wake up Sleeping Beauty.” He pushed her hair from her neck and gently kissed there.
Those were the lips she was waiting to feel and for a second she thought it was still a part of her dream. Then she felt his fingers touching her neck and the second kiss she knew was real. Secure in the knowledge he would not disappear she opened her eyes to him smiling down at her. “Good Morning,” she smiled.
“Good morning,” he replied with the sexiest smirked she had ever seen. “This nightmare is over and you are now free to roam. I stopped by your place and picked up some clothes and toiletries.”
“That was very sweet for a tough guy,” she replied as she stretched gracefully placing her arms around his neck and succulently kissed him.
“What were you dreaming about?” He teased her with kisses down her throat as he held her close.
“If I tell you, that Lassiter head of yours may not fit under your hat.” Her cell phone sounded from within her purse. “Today is a busy day. I have to get that,” she stated, but made no effort to move from his embrace. He reached down, picked up the purse, and gave it to her as he continued to cover her in kisses. She reached inside the purse, withdrew the phone, and answered it without looking at the number. “Hello,” she purred into the phone. She jumped to her knees, “LaVere’, are you alright. Where are you? I was worried sick about you.”
Not sure he liked her reaction to the call, Samuel pulled away from their embrace. She reached out and held his arm begging him with her eyes not to leave. “I’m glad you’re safe. You and I need to talk, this morning, if possible. Is it okay if I come by now?”
She completed her call and looked at the man she planned to spend the rest of her life with. “I have to do this before we can go any further.” She placed her hand on his cheek, “Have no doubts, I’m coming back to you.”
He kissed the inside of her palm. “Take care of your business.” She smiled and climbed out of the bed. As she crossed the room to his bathroom Samuel could not help admiring his shirt. “A-Rod never looked so good.”
Smiling she looked back over her shoulder, “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” then disappeared into the bathroom.
Samuel stood and walked over to the door. He stopped for a moment when he realized Cynthia had his heart in her hands. Looking at the door to the bathroom, he remembered the night his last love that left him to talk with her family; she never returned. Shaking the thought from his head, he stepped out of the room, different place, different time.