images  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  images


My wonderful family! Dearest Ola, thanks for all the support and for always being there. You sought out all sorts of fine props and helped with a ton of other things I could never have managed on my own. Nora and Siri, my beautiful girls who love making food and are always ready to help in the kitchen. You two make the cutest models, too.


Mom, dad, and my little brother, Karim. What great food we always ate that I’m now using for inspiration! Thanks for that!


Dearest Åsa! The worst best photographer. You’re like an injection of vitamins to me. Without you, this book would have never taken off. It’s been so much fun! And what an amazing start we had to the book in Paris—that was wonderful. Oh là là, what beautiful pictures!


François, Laurent and Helen, Anita, Jill and Sebastian, Anna and Agnes. Thank you all very much for letting me use your homes and items—and for being my extras, helping me to make the book so beautiful!


My Swedish publisher Semic: such pep and support! Eva Holmberg, the best editor, and my publisher, Annelie Lindqvist, who believed in me. Monica Sundberg, what design! I’m so incredibly happy to have gotten the chance to make this book. It’s been a fantastic trip!


Thank you for the impeccably fine ingredients: La Maison Française.

Everts Sjöbod (Per, your oysters are world-class . . .).

Boulangerie Ducoin. Rökeriet i Strömstad. Gudagott and


Everyone who’s been a treasure trove of wonderful props: Logen’s Antikt och Vintage. Herbret Antikt. Atmosphere. Majorna’s Things from Before. Grandma’s. Bagaren och Kocken. François Augier and Tröts i Strömstad—thank you for the wonderful children’s clothes!