All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.
Pages with bold numbers contain illustrations.
Abu Garab in Egypt, 25–26, 27, plate 7
Abu Rowash pyramid, 21–23, plate 6
Abusir pyramid field, 28
Abydos, 68, 81, 253–54, plate 13
Adam and Eve story, 97–99
Aegyptiaca, 79
afterlife and rebirth, 209–11, 214–15
Akhenaten, 121, 127, 131, 136, 137, 140
as Amenhotep IV, 122, 125–26
Amun priesthood challenged by,
126–27, 128–29, 132–33
Armana temple building by, 128
Aten cult established by, 129
death of, 138
disinformation about, 2, 121
Egypt bankrupted by, 133
elongated skull of, 135–36
elongated skull of daughters, 143–
44, 145, plates 24–26
end of his reign, 134–35, 138–39
generals in cabinet of, 130–31
Golden Age secrets imparted by,
129–30, 138
last statues of, 135–36, 137, 138, 140
legacy of, 139
as man out of time, 137–38
matriarchal sympathies of, 122
military actions by, 132
move to Amarna, 127
mysterious change of mind by, 125–26
name change by, 126
Obama cloned from, 122
poetry of, 133–34
relationship with Nefertiti, 125, 134
rise and early reign of, 125, 126
as Shemsu Hor descendent, 136–37
tumult during reign of, 130, 131–32
youth of, 122
Aldrin, Buzz, 198, 230, 232
Alexander the Great, 154, 156
Alien Encounters from New
Tomorrowland, 168–70, plate 35 aliens
Bruno’s belief in, 159–60
as Chinese pyramid builders, 251, 253
NASA’s contact with, 199
negative portrayals of, 45
Pentagon mission patches and,
239–40, plates 51a–c
in popular culture, 44, 45
Syrian sighting of (2012), 161–62
Thoth descended from, 15
U.S. presidents briefed about, 237
See also astronauts in antiquity;
elongated skulls; reptoids; slow
disclosure; UFOs
Amenhotep III, 122–23
Amenhotep IV. See Akhenaten
Amun priesthood, 126–27, 128–29,
132–33, 139
hybrid gods, 220–21, 222, 223–25,
plate 50
modern cloning of, 226
mummified, 220, plate 49
Annunciation with Saint Emidius, 46
antigravity propulsion, 237
apes, divine, 65–66
Apollo 11 Moon landing
Aldrin interview about, 232
anomalies surrounding, 230–31
astronauts’ memories tampered
with, 229–30, 231
classified files from, 233–34
filmed by Kubrick, 196
Moon rocks supposedly from,
secret program for faking, 234–35
Van Allen radiation belt and, 231–32
Ares, Mars associated with, 249
Armana, 127–28, 139
Armana Letters, 135
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
, 189
astronauts in antiquity
Biblical references to, 47–52
Egyptian references to, 59–68, plate 10
Hathor and Ra, 69, 71, 72–73
helicopters, 51–52, 85–86
Hindu records of, 52–54
popularizers of, 42–43
sun disks (spaceships) of, 66, 67, 69,
71, 72–73, 112–14, 129, 144
Thutmose III’s flight, 113–15
Atlantean Empire, 15
ayahuasca, 100–101, plate 15
Babylon, 220–21, 222, 223
Baghdad Battery, 35
Baltic Sea UFO, 172
Band of Peace, 21, 23, plate 5
Barsoum, Michel, 245
Basiago, Andrew, 190–93, 194
Bent Pyramid, 29–30
Bible, the
Book of Ezekiel, 49, 50–52, 115
helicopters in, 51–52
popularity of, 45
space-age technology in, 47–52
Black Pyramid, 30, 31
blue skies on Mars, 200–203, plates 42–44
Blumrich, J. F., 50–51
Book of Ezekiel, 49, 50–52, 115
Brotherhood of the Snake
currently existing marks of, 120
domination of Egypt by, 117
formed by Shemsu Hor, 109
governing before Akhenaten, 118, 121
power regained after Akhenaten’s
death, 139
secret orders spawned by, 140–41
Sobek representing, 118
temples shut down by Akhenaten, 126–27
See also Amun priesthood; Shemsu
Bruno, Giordano, 159–60
Budge, E. A. Wallis, 59–62, 64–66,
132, 219–20
Bushman, Boyd, antigravity
explanation by, 175
Byron, Lord, 153
cannabis, 98–100, 99
carbon-14 dating, 9–10
cargo cults, South Pacific, 55–57
Chadwell, Marshall, 1952 memo of, 166
chariots of fire, 49, 50, 53, plate 9
Chinese pyramids, 251, 253
Christianity, Egyptian beliefs lost or
changed by, 210–12
Circles of Fire, 112–14
ancient Egyptian references to,
60–62, 64–65
of ancient species, 225–26
Hathor Temple glyphs and, 219–20
mummification linked to, 216
of mummified Egyptians, 227
of Obama from Akhenaten, 122
possible in ancient Egypt, 227–28
scientific breakthroughs in, 225, 226
clouds (spaceship references), 47–49, 50
Colossi of Memnon, 123, 124, 125
comic books, reptoids in, 103–4
“concrete” pyramid blocks, 242–47
Council of Nicaea, 211–12
Crecrops I, 94–95
crystal bowls at Abu Garab, 25, 26, 27
Curiosity rover, 205–6
Dames, Ed, 192–93
dark energy, 178–79
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency)
formation of, 189
immense budget of, 189
Moon landing faked by, 235
Project Pegasus, 190–92
QuEST project, 188
robots, 189, plate 39
dates and dating
beginnings of Egyptian civilization, 6
carbon-14 limitations for, 9–10
precessional astronomy for, 10
pyramid construction, 6, 21
Davidovites, Joseph, 242–43, 244–45
death, Egyptians lacking word for, 209
Death Star, 180–81
DeLorean time machine, 185, 186
deluge, the, 17–18, 20–21, 88, 107,
plate 4
Dendera temple. See Hathor Temple at
Dendera zodiac, plate 12
Denisovans, 148–49
devils and demons, 152–53
Dinosaurs (TV show), 101–2
Djoser step pyramid, 29
DMT (dimethyltryptamine), 100
in California lake, 147
of Denisovans, 148
genetic memory in, 197–98
Hathor Temple tubes as, 217–18, 219
made in space, 227
mummified, 214, 216, 219–20, 227
of Starchild skull, 146, 147–48
dolichocephalic skulls. See elongated
D’Oyley Torrens, Henry, 95–96
Egyptian Book of the Dead, The, 57–59
Eisenhower, Laura Magdalene, 193
crude diagrams discovered, 36
generated by artifacts, 35
light source at Hathor Temple, 73,
216, 217–19
elongated skulls, 143–58
of Akhenaten, 135–36
of Akhenaten’s daughters, 143–44,
145, plates 24–26
in art from Akhenaten’s reign, 143–44
in the Daily Mail, 158
Inca binding, 158, plate 34
of King Tut, 144
on Malta, 157–58
Marfan syndrome and, 135, 144
in Peruvian highlands, 158, plates 31–33
of Shemsu Hor, 142
in Ubaid cemetery, 142, plate 23
Emery, Walter, 141–42
explosion energy, 38
explosion evidence at pyramids, 22–23,
32–33, 38
Ezekiel, 49, 50–52, 115
fish-headed god, 220–21
flood, the. See deluge, the
flying saucers. See sun disks
Followers of Horus, 142
fossil fuel-based energies, 37–38
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
163, 173
Freeman (conspiracy theorist), 122
Frum, John, 56–57
Garden of Eden story, 97–99
geopolymer in pyramids, 242–47
Gettysburg address, 191
giants, 250–51
Giza pyramids, 7
age of, Nile migration and, 12–14
aligned like Martian volcanoes, 249,
guards and walls around, 33–34
See also specific ones
glider airplanes in Egyptian tombs,
Göbekli Tepe, 251, 252
Golden Age in Egypt
advanced nature of, 1–2
almost-divine state of people in, 16
divine lineages in, 78
interstellar exchange in, 12
pillars created to preserve
knowledge, 248–49
secrets imparted by Akhenaten,
129–30, 138
Good, Timothy, 236–37
Grateful Dead, 28
Great Pyramid, 24, 246–47
alignment with Orion, 8, 82
angle of causeway for, 23
“concrete” blocks used for, 242–47
explosion evidence in, 32–33
at geodesic center of the world,
massiveness of, 23
Grimsley, Ed, 236
Haggadah, 96
Hakim Awyan, 25–26, 28, 30
Hathor, 63, 70, 71
antiquity of, 69
as fertility and procreation goddess,
Pleiades as homeland of, 72
sun disk (spaceship) of, 69, 71,
Hathor Temple at Dendera, 73–75,
plate 12
cloning and glyphs in, 219–20
djed pillar in, 219, plate 48
hybrid gods depicted in, 222, 223–
25, plate 50
light source at, 73, 216, 217–19
Hatshepsut, Queen, 109, 110
in Ezekiel, 51–52
hieroglyphs of, 85–86
Heliopolis, 80, 81
Hendrix, Jimi, UFO sighting by, 167–68
Henson, Jim, 101, 102
Herodotus, 21, 33
cannabis, 99–100
helicopter, submarine, and tank, 85–86
Hindu records of ancient astronauts,
Hoagland, Richard, 194–97, 229, 230
Hobbits, 156–57
Homo Floresiensis, 156–57
horned persons, 151–56, 152, 154–55
Horus, Mars associated with, 249, 251
Hug, Gilles, 245
Huns, 154
hybrid gods, 220–21, 222, 223–25,
plate 50
Icke, David, 88
Illuminati, 141
implosion energy, 38
Indian Moon probe, 235
interventionism, 147
Johnson, Lyndon B., 233, 234
Judgment Day, 210–11
Kennedy, John F., 172–73, 174
Kubrick, Stanley, 172, 196, 229
Lee, Noriyuki, 186
Levin, Gilbert V., 202–3
ley lines, 35–36
life on Mars, 203, 206, plate 46a
light source at Hathor Temple, 73, 216,
Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, 191
Litany of Ra, 66–68
Lucas, George, 179–81
Luther, Martin, 126
Mahabharata, The, 53, 96, plate 9
Maidum Pyramid, 31–32
Malta, elongated skulls on, 157–58
Manetho, high priest, 78–79
Marfan syndrome, 135, 144
marijuana, 98–100, 99
Basiago’s visits to colony on, 192, 194
blue skies on, 200–203, plates 42–44
civilizations known by NASA, 199
Curiosity rover, 205–6
Earth-like conditions on, 201, 240–41
face on, 194, 195, 196
five-sided pyramid on, 194, 196
genetic memories of, 198
gods associated with, 249, 251
life on, 203, 206, plate 46a
L. M. Eisenhower’s visits to colony
on, 193
megalithic blocks on, 241
methane on, 206
monolith on moon of, 198
NASA colonies on, 208
Phobos moon expedition, 198–99
pyramids aligned like volcanoes on,
249, 250
seashells on, 207, plate 46a
silica in pyramid “concrete,” 246–
47, plate 38
spherules on, 248, plate 46b
water on, 203, 204–5, 240, plate 38,
plate 45
Masons, 229–30, 231
McKinnon, Gary, 237–39
Meketaten (Akhenaten’s daughter),
144, plate 26
memory tampering in astronauts,
229–30, 231
Menes-Narmer, pharaoh, 77
Meritaten (Akhenaten’s daughter),
143–44, plates 24–25
messiah, word root of, 118
Meyer, Michael, 203
Miklouho-Maclay, Nikolai, 56
Mitchell, Edgar, UFO claims by,
175–76, 177
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 148,
Moon landing. See Apollo 11 Moon landing
Moon rocks, 232–33
Morrison, Jim, 105–6
Moses with horns, 154, 155, 156
movies. See popular culture
mummification, 215
of animals in Egypt, 220, plate 49
Christian, 210
cloning linked to, 216
cloning of mummified Egyptians, 227
of giants, 250
hybrid butterflies and, 215–16
as preparation for afterlife, 209–10
as preparation for physical rebirth,
214–15, plate 47
Mummy, The, 213
Naga of ancient India, 96, 97
Nag Hammadi Texts, 97–98
alien contact by, 199
astronauts’ memories wiped by, 229–30
blue skies on Mars and, 201, 202, 203
foreign space program worries of, 235–36
Hoagland’s claims denied by, 196
life on Mars known by, 206
Martian civilizations known by, 199
Martian colonies of, 208
Masons running, 229
Moon landing faked by, 234–35
Phobos expedition planned by, 198–99
Pleiades supercomputer, 72
SETI project funding canceled by, 199
Space Launch System, 181–82
UFOs airbrushed out of satellite
images by, 238
water on Mars known by, 203, 205
National Security Agency (NSA) leak, 171
Nefertiti, 125, 131, 134, plate 22, plate 26
Nibiru (12th planet), 43
Nile River, 12–14, 23, plates 2–3
nuclear DNA (nuDNA), 148
number 72, 10–11
Oannes (fish-headed god), 220–21
Obama, Barack, 122, 192, 194
obelisk at Aswan, 123, 124
Olson, Jay, 185–86
orbs of subtle energy, 36
Orion, 9, 82
Osirian temple, 82, 84, 85–86, plate 14
Osiris, 61, 83
as ancient astronaut, 59
in chamber for cloning, 60–61
death and resurrection of, 81–82, 83
in Litany of Ra, 67
related to Orion, 82
Palermo stone, 7, 8, 77, 79
Pennsylvania skull, 151–52
Pentagon approval of movies, 169
Pentagon mission patches, 239–40,
plates 51a–c
Pergamon Altar, 94
Peruvian skulls, elongated, 158, plates 31–33
Palermo stone list of, 8, 77, 79
predynastic epochs and, 79
See also specific ones
Phobos, moon of Mars, 198–99
Platonic year, 10
Pleiades, 28, 72, plate 11
popular culture
aliens in, 44, 45
Pentagon approval of movies, 169
reptoids in, 101–6, plates 16–19
UFOs in, 161
precessional astronomy, 10–11
Princesses of Armana, 143–44
Project Pegasus, 190–92
“Protection of Vital Installations” memo, 164
Psalm 104, 133
Ptah, 9
purposes of the pyramids
energy transmission, 3, 16, 39
expanding consciousness, 39
sound technology, 29, 30, 39
subtle energy concentration, 36
tomb theory, 23, 29
war machines, 38
Pye, Lloyd, 146, plate 27
pyramids, 19
Chinese, 251, 253
construction theories of, 22
date of construction of, 6, 16, 21
explosion evidence, 22–23, 32–33, 38
at geodesic center of the world, 21, 23–24
inscriptions on casing stones of, 21
marine fossils and shells in and
around, 18
on Mars, five-sided, 194, 196
Mars silica used in, 246–47
meaning of the term, 17
not built by Egyptians, 16
salt incrustations within and on, 19–20
salt sediment at base of, 18
satellite discovery of, 34
water marks from deluge on, 17–18, 20–21
See also purposes of the pyramids;
specific ones
Quaid, Dennis, 102–3
quantum teleportation, 185–87
quartz crystal in technology, 38
Ra, 69, 72
Rachewiltz, Boris de, 110–11, 113
Ralph, Timothy, 185–86
Ramayana, the, 53–54
Red Pyramid, 30, 31, 32
reptilian brain, 91
Adam and Eve story, 97–99
from Alpha-Draconis, 88
ancient Hindu battle with, 95–96
in ancient Indian scriptures, 96, 97
Crecrops I, 94–95
drug visions of, 100–101
fear of snakes, 106
genetic memories of, 92, 94, 101
myths worldwide of, 88, 89–90, 94,
in popular culture, 101–6, plates
possible evolution on Earth, 88,
91–92, 93
Shemsu Hor as, 88, 106
See also Shemsu Hor
Rich, Ben, deathbed confession of,
Rife, Raymond, 29
Russell, Dale, 91–92
Rx tag, 120
Salas, Robert, 164–65
Sanchuniathon, 14
Sa-Ptah (Sirius), 9
Saqqara complex, 29–32
Sarpa of India, 96
satellite discovery of Egyptian sites,
scriptures and ancient writings
Bible, 45, 47–52
The Egyptian Book of the Dead,
Haggadah, 96
Hindu, 52–54, 96
Litany of Ra, 66–68
modern disbelief in, 41
reptoids in, 96–98
Sumerian, 44
technological explanations for, 41
serpent beings. See reptoids
Serpentor, 104–5, plates 18–19
Seshat, goddess, 99–100
Sethos I Temple, 68
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence), 199
Seti I temple complex, 85
Shemsu Hor
Akhenaten as descendent of,
ancient Egyptian cities maintained
by, 80
archaeological evidence of,
banking system established by, 117
coining of the term, 80
deluge survived by, 88, 107
domination of Egypt by, 117
elongated skulls of, 142
Hathor Temple tubes and, 219
infiltration by, 3, 109
rebuilding after the flood by, 107–9
as reptoids, 88, 106
as semidivine kings, 79
Thutmose III aided by, 116–17
Thutmose III flown by, 113–15
Thutmose III subjugated by, 109,
See also Brotherhood of the Snake
Sibrel, Bart, 232
Sinclair family, 101–2
Sirius (Sa-Ptah), 9
Sitchin, Zecharia, 43–44, 45, 114
horned, 151–56, 152, 154–55
Starchild, 144–48, 149–51, plates
See also elongated skulls
sky cults, South Pacific, 55–57
slow disclosure, 159–81
Bushman’s antigravity explanation,
Chadwell memo (1952), 166
current times as start of, 161
Freedom of Information Act and,
162–63, 173
Hellyer’s whistle-blowing, 172
Kennedy’s Secret Memos (1963,
released 2011), 172–73, 174
Mitchell’s claims (2008), 175–76
NSA leak (2011), 171
“Protection of Vital Installations”
memo, 164
Rich’s deathbed confession (1995),
Twining memo (1947), 163
See also UFOs
Smenkhkare, Nubian Prince, 144
smoke (spaceship references), 48–49,
Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 18–20
Sneferu, pharaoh, 29, 30
SN Primo supernova, 178
Sobek (crocodile-headed god), 118–19,
sound technology, pyramids used for,
29, 30, 39
Space Launch System (SLS), 181–82,
plates 36–37
space missions
NASA’s worries about foreign,
Pentagon mission patches and,
239–40, plates 51a–c
secret, documentary about, 236
See also Apollo 11 Moon landing
spaceships. See sun disks
Sphinx, 12, 13, 20–21, plate 1
Starchild skull, 145–48, 149–51, plates
Star Wars saga, 179–81, 180
Stele of Tutankhamen, 132
submarine hieroglyph, 85, 86
subtle energy, 3, 16, 35–37, 39. See also
Sumerian texts, 44
sun disks (spaceships)
in The Egyptian Book of the Dead,
66, 67
of Hathor and Ra, 69, 71, 72–73
logo of Akhenaten cult, 129
on Meketaten bust, 144
seen by Thutmose III, 112–14
supernovae, 178
Syria, UFO sighting in, 161–62
Syrictae of India, 96
Tahmurath, King of Persia, 18
tank hieroglyph, 85, 86
Tassili n’Ajjer cave drawings, 107, 108
teleportation, 184–88, 191–93
Tell Arpachiyah, 142
Temple of Aten, 129
Tesla, Nikola, 37
Tesla Tower, 37
Thoth, 14–15
Thulsa Doom, 103, plate 16
thunder and lightning, 48–49
Thutmose III, plates 20–21
banking system and, 117
cultural advances due to, 116–17
empire created by, 116
flight with Shemsu Hor by, 113–15
Hatshepsut replaced by, 109
Shemsu Hor’s aid to, 116–17
Shemsu Hor’s subjugation of, 109,
warmongering by, 116
Thutmoses, 125
time travel, 185–86, 187–88, 191–93
Titan, Earth-like nature of, 176–78
torsion field physics, 197
Total Recall (film), 190, plate 40
TR3 black mantra craft, 200, plate 41b
tree of life, 98–99
tri-lobed “schist” bowl, 141
Troodon evolution into sapience,
91–92, 93
Tulli Papyrus, 109–14, 115
Tut, King, 144
TV shows, reptoids in, 101–2, 104–5
Twining, Nathan, 1947 memo of, 163
UFOs, 162, 163, 165, 167
airbrushed out of satellite images,
back-engineered by military, 199–
200, plates 41a–b
Baltic Sea (in Kubrick’s 2001), 172
Disney documentary (1995),
habitable planets and, 179–80
Hendrix sighting (1970), 167–68
missiles deactivated by, 164–65
night-vision goggles revealing, 236
nuclear supply tampering by, 164
on ocean floor (2011), 171–72
pilot’s encounter (1951), 165–66
secret space missions and, 236, 237
in Tehran (1967), 166–67
wide range of beliefs about, 160–61
See also slow disclosure
V (TV show), 103, plate 17
Van Allen radiation belt, 206, 231–32
Vatican telescope Lucifer, 204
von Däniken, Erich, 42–43, 45, 50–51
on Mars, 203, 204–5, 240, plate 38,
plate 45
on the Moon, 235
Watkins, Alfred, 35, plate 8
West, John Anthony, 6–7, 8
wooly mammoths, 225, 227
wormholes, 182–84, 188
Zep Tepi (first time), 7