The pyramids themselves, doting with age, have forgotten the names of their founders.
THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT have been mysterious and curious monuments for some time now. Alexander the Great saw them; so did Julius Caesar and Napoleon. Neither the pyramids nor the Sphinx contain hieroglyphs. There are no markings anywhere, in any structure of the Giza Plateau, that point to their origin or purpose, and they appear to be so old as to have been built before the biblical Flood. Arab historians contend that the pyramids were meant to house the accumulated knowledge of a lost civilization. The word pyramid in Arabic means “ultimate age or size,”1 recalling the Golden Age and once again offering evidence that a flood may have been responsible for bringing an end to this era.
Arab historian Muhammad ibn Ahmad Biruni writes in The Chronology of Ancient Nations, “People are of the opinion that the traces of the water of the Deluge and the effects of the waves are still visible on these two pyramids halfway up, above which the water did not rise.”2 Add to this the curious history of an ancient city in Iran also dealing with a post-deluge world (see plate 4).
King Tahmurath of Persia, a mythical figure who was the third shah of Iran and ruled in a time before the deluge, was warned in a dream to build a safe haven for all scientific books that might be destroyed during the coming floods. This myth turned into reality as strange monuments were uncovered in Isfahan, exactly the site where Tahmurath had decided to build. In The Chronology of Ancient Nations, Muhammad ibn Ahmad Biruni writes:
In favour of this report we may state that in our time in Jay, the city of Ispahan, there have been discovered hills, which, upon being excavated, disclosed houses filled with many loads of that tree-bark, with which arrows and shields are covered . . . bearing inscriptions of which no one was able to say what they are, and what they mean.3
Observations made by researchers over the years point out the hundreds of thousands of marine fossils and seashells preserved in the walls of the pyramids and surrounding the base of the monuments.4 Joseph Jochmans writes in an issue of Atlantis Rising, “Legends and records likewise speak of the fact that, before the Arabs removed the pyramid’s outer casing stones, one could see water marks on the stones halfway up the pyramid’s height, in about the 240-foot level, which would be 400 feet above the present Nile level.”5 He adds that geologists, “are hard pressed to explain why there existed a fourteen-foot layer of salt sediment around the base of the pyramid, a layer which also contained many seashells, and the fossil of a sea cow, all of which were dated by radiocarbon methods to 11,600 B.P. [Before Present] plus or minus 300 years.”6
Charles Piazzi Smyth was an astronomer royal for Scotland in the mid-1800s, and a pioneer in the field of pyramidological research. In 1867, Smyth published Life and Work at the Great Pyramid During the Months of January, February, March, and April, A.D. 1865. Based on his firsthand experience, he cites clues pertaining to the extreme age of the pyramids. In a chapter detailing materials found inside the pyramids, Smyth writes at length about the amount of salt discovered:
Figure 2.1. Scrapbook page with one photograph showing the Egyptian pyramids during a flood, annotated with information about the pyramids. Courtesy of William Vaughn Tupper.
This substance is so abundant, i.e., in dense plates, an inch thick often in the horizontal passage and Queen’s chamber and so scanty everywhere else that the Arabs believe both that it exists nowhere throughout the pyramid except in these two named localities, and that it is to be found there simply because the builders put “salt stones” into that particular part of the building. Yet there are incrustations of salt in large superficial extents, through to small thickness, developed on the walls of the grand gallery.7
Smyth goes on to describe discoveries of sea salt incrustations on other pyramids, notably made by his colleague Sir William R. Wilde, the eminent Irish surgeon and polymath. Although now overshadowed by his son Oscar’s fame, W. R. Wilde was one of the most respected historians of folklore and ancient myths of his time. He helped establish the museum of the Royal Irish Academy and wrote the catalogues of its collection.8 He traveled the world, writing splendid accounts of his voyages.
Wilde discovered what he hoped was monatomic gold in what we refer to as the second pyramid, but after having the substance analyzed by scientists he was disappointed that it was nothing more than common sea salt.9
No one has found signs of water erosion within the pyramids, yet there is proof of marine life and salt. This means the pyramids were not completely submerged. Water erosion around the Sphinx has been attributed to rain, but considering ancient records that describe water marks halfway up the pyramids, it seems more likely that the Sphinx was completely underwater for a long period, and that the evidence of sea life within the pyramids is the result of waves lapping at its highly protective casing. If the floods of 9000 BCE were the last catastrophic water events in Egypt, and the pyramids exhibit signs of having survived them, it must mean that the pyramids and the overall Giza complex must date from a period before the flooding occurred.
Figure 2.2. Several native men stand in a flooded palm grove. From A. B. De Guerville, New Egypt, 1906.
Researcher David Wilcock adds more intrigue to the antiquity of the pyramids, noting that:
In approximately 440 B.C., Herodotus wrote that the pyramids’ casing stones were highly polished—with joints so fine they could scarcely even be seen with the naked eye. The thirteenth century Arab historian Abd-al-Latif said that despite their polished appearance, these stones were inscribed with mysterious, unintelligible characters—enough to fill ten thousand pages. . . . William of Baldensal visited the pyramid in the early 1300s and described these strange inscriptions as being all arranged in long, careful rows of strange symbols.10
Unfortunately, the casing stones have been reused, stolen, destroyed, and eventually lost in the cruel march of time.
This desert pyramid field is situated at the geodesic center of the world and rests at the mouth of the Nile Delta, clustering at six distinct sites known as the Band of Peace. Most people are familiar with the Giza Plateau and the Sphinx but are not aware of their connection to the other sites that run parallel to the fertile band of the Nile. Some sites are unknown, isolated in the middle of the desert; other sites are known but are only partially excavated. This leaves much history still buried in the sand. The sheer, grand scope of the area is hypnotic and stimulates our wonder and curiosity. All the sites show evidence of sophisticated engineering, advanced technology, and monumental architecture (see plate 5).
The ruined Abu Rawash pyramid is located five miles north of the Giza Plateau and built on top of a mountain. Abu Rawash is almost never visited. It is easy to see why. One look at this pyramid and the theory of pulling stones with a rope to get them up on top of a pyramid is debunked, in that the stones would first have to come up a sizable mountain, before being hauled up a pyramid. This site is somewhat isolated and abandoned, and many people do not even know it is there. There’s no gatehouse, there’s no guard, there’s nobody there at all. It is meant to be largely forgotten because it undermines the theory about how the pyramids were built.11 Inspecting the site, one can see clear evidence of small stones that are newer, medium stones, and then the ancient large stones. It is a familiar pattern in the ancient Egyptian sites (see plate 6).
The builders of the pyramids used a combination of limestone and granite, both important stones in the ancient world. Although very little granite remains at Abu Rawash, a stunning artifact does exist. A square slab of pink granite is propped up by a few smaller stones. This unbelievably smooth granite slab is four feet long and three feet wide and arcs upward toward the top of the stone. Looking closely, one can clearly see evidence of cutting marks produced by what had to have been a sophisticated cutting tool.12 Granite is the hardest rock on Earth, and it is impossible to cut it without diamond-tipped tools. It is therefore inconceivable to maintain, as modern Egyptologists do, that this great complex was built with nothing more than copper chisels, stone hammers, dolerite pounding rocks, and human-man brute strength. It is hard to imagine Stone Age tools constructing the Giza acropolis, especially when visiting the so-called unfinished pyramid. The megalithic remains are mind-boggling.
The experience of walking into this hollowed-out pyramid with no top is both spooky and fascinating. Strangely, the stones have been blackened. This makes one wonder whether it was truly unfinished or the top was blown off. The evidence points to high heat of some kind. At the bottom of the pyramid is a large circular pit, dug into the ground. Chunks of massive limestone blocks are scattered around the pit. It seems as if this area was used as a smelting facility. In 1995 a joint team of French and Swiss archaeologists began excavations at Abu Rawash. This team, led by Michel Valloggia, discovered a copper axe blade while drilling deep in the deposit foundations.13
The necropolis at Abu Rawash is the farthest northern point in the Band of Peace. The Band of Peace refers to an area consisting of twenty-two pyramids that go from north to south within the vicinity of the Giza Plateau. All the pyramids along the Band of Peace trace the shape of the River Nile. As recent discoveries prove, the Nile once flowed right in front of the pyramids and the causeways of all the sites touched the river itself. Considering that the Nile is the lifeblood of Egypt, just as rivers all around the world are vital to the cultures living alongside them, it seems obvious that important sacred structures would be built directly on the river, not eight miles away from it.
The pyramids of the Giza Plateau astonish us to this day. The Great Pyramid covers thirteen acres, and was constructed of 2.3 million stones, weighing up to two hundred tons each.14 Why was this massive, megalithic complex even built? We may need to reconsider what we’ve been told about the pyramids and what we think we’ve seen. For example, instead of thinking that the Egyptians put the causeway at an angle because the Sphinx was in the way, let’s consider another reason. At summer solstice, the Sun rises along the causeway in front of the Great Pyramid and moves across the sky, setting between the second and the Great Pyramid, making it hotter in the summertime. In the winter, the Sun rises in line with the grand causeway by the second pyramid and sets between the second and third pyramids, making a short trajectory, resulting in cooler weather. It appears that the causeways are deliberately pointing toward the rising Sun on the summer and winter solstices.15
Orthodox Egyptologists insist that the pyramids were tombs, despite never once finding any mummies buried in a pyramid. They just chalk it up dismissively to ancient grave robbers. The Great Pyramid stands exactly at the center of the largest landmass on the planet, yet we had no idea of the position of continents until six hundred years ago. It is impossible to have known this with the use of rudimentary tools and, therefore, laughable to accept that a pharoah would have had the means to measure the world, find the geodesic center, and build his tomb there.
Figure 2.3. People gathered at the base of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Courtesy of Félix Bonfils.
A quick Google search of the words Abu Garab would likely yield a bunch of links and pictures of the infamous prison in Iraq. This is a shame because the real Abu Garab in Egypt is one of the most amazing places in the world. It makes one wonder if the powers that be intentionally did this to confuse us. Abu Garab in Egypt is an isolated area off the beaten path. Taking a camel ride south from the Giza Plateau, one would come up over a sand dune and see these other crumbled pyramids that are now a pile of rubble.
Abu Garab was once home to Egypt’s largest obelisk, but nothing remains now except a fractured base. There is something here that, thankfully, couldn’t be carried away—an awe-inspiring and mystical crystal altar made of quartz.16 A magnifying glass reveals little bits of crystal flaking right off it. This altar is highlighted by what seems to be the precise laser slice on the side of the solid piece of quartz. The whole thing looks like a giant crystal compass (see plate 7).
Short distances away are huge crystal basins that have perfectly drilled holes in them (see figure 2.4). The Egyptian Department of Antiquities lined these up with the idea of bringing them to the Cairo Museum, but they didn’t know what they were, so they decided just to leave them in place. They claim the perfectly drilled holes are insignificant and the basins were used for animal sacrifices. But quartz crystal emits natural harmonic energy, so it seems highly unlikely that these basins were used for blood sacrifice. A much more logical explanation would hold that they served as a source of energy in ancient times.
It is unlikely that anyone knew more about this area than Hakim Awyan, an indigenous wisdom keeper, born near the village of Abusir, located practically at the base of the pyramids. Hakim was trained in Europe as an archaeologist; he was a certified Egyptologist and a tour guide. His unparalleled passion and knowledge of the area were reflected in the documentary series The Pyramid Code. Hakim lived his whole life (1928–2008) in the area known as the Band of Peace. The Giza Plateau was his front yard, and he describes it wonderfully:
Figure 2.4. Mysterious large crystal bowls. Courtesy of Soundofallthings.com.
1936–37 the Sphinx was covered in sand up to the neck and there was my playing yard. There are tunnels. I used to walk in these tunnels. In water, I used to crawl sometimes because it is narrow. At Abu Garab we have a crystal altar—a round disk in the middle of four—a symbol of Hotep and the word Hotep means “peace” and “food.” This round disk, it is a lid on a shaft about 180 feet deep to the level of the ocean. And there is still running water in there. You can feel it while you’re in the area. These instruments were not found in a line like you see today, the nine of them, but they were found around the area and there are still some more to be found.17
Hakim was unique among Egyptian tour guides in that he spoke conversational English. When the first wave of new age hippies began to descend upon Egypt in the late 1960s, Hakim was there to greet them, not with traditional academic mumbo jumbo, but with the real wisdom of the indigenous Egyptians. Stressing the importance of meditation and teaching about the inherent energies of sound and water, Hakim led these tours for over fifty years and was known as the father of meditation, a title that was at first meant to slander and discredit him.
Figure 2.5. Perfect hole drilled in a crystal basin at Abu Garab. Courtesy of Soundofallthings.com.
Figure 2.6. Strange rock floor with indented features at Abu Garab. Courtesy of Soundofallthings.com.
Despite Hakim’s illustrious credentials, the Egyptian Antiquity Council, fearing he was teaching sacred indigenous customs to Westerners, shunned him. Hakim courageously continued these teachings as part of a world heritage, not a heritage solely belonging to Egypt. Over the years, Hakim became the most respected source in the study of the pyramids. His influence was so far-reaching that in the late seventies even the iconic rock group the Grateful Dead paid him a visit when they came to Egypt to play in front of the Great Pyramid. The fortunate rockers were even allowed to spend a night in the king’s chamber. While inside the king’s chamber, the zoned-out musical vagabonds recorded themselves singing and were afterward astonished by the acoustics produced.18
The ancient village of Abusir, where Hakim grew up, is a place where the specter of ancient priests and priestesses training as high-level initiates can easily be imagined. Just as we have monks, nuns, and priests nowadays, the ancients trained initiates in ritual practices that served the highest good of humankind. Hakim’s teachings followed this tradition, and his knowledge of the pyramids was vast. The pyramid field at Abusir has black granite floors.19 Similarly, the temple to the east of the Great Pyramid also has this same kind of beautiful black floor. There are also massive red granite blocks, perfectly cut and situated all over, not to mention rows of mighty granite pillars. It appears that Abusir played a role in relation to the stars, as its layout is directly linked to the star system Pleiades.20 Corresponding exactly with the seven stars are the seven sun temples found in the Abusir pyramid complex. The Pleiades also provide clues to where to look concerning possible interstellar starseed contact. This is a topic we will discuss at length in future chapters.
Saqqara is home to the famous step pyramid of Djoser, which is flanked by large chunks of quartz crystals and an ancient courtyard with a quartz floor. The remains of a quartz floor can also be found at Giza in the temple to the east of the second pyramid. Traditional Egyptology tells us that Sneferu built the entire site.21 At Dahshur, for example, there are three pyramids with three “burial chambers” in each—nine in all. Assuming that the established story that the pyramids are tombs were correct, why would Sneferu have needed so many of them? Sneferu would have had nine different possibilities and options for where he would have been buried, which makes no sense.
But if we set aside the notion that these pyramid sites along the Band of Peace were tombs, a more sensible, uplifting, and appropriate explanation emerges. Let’s consider an explanation based on visible evidence of their construction. The pyramids would be impossible for us to duplicate, even with today’s tools and materials. The chambers in the pyramids are harmonically tuned to a specific frequency or musical tone. It has been documented that sound healing techniques can restore the body to the correct harmony, meaning that these pyramid cavities could be used for healing. These theories dovetail with the claims of Raymond Rife, an early twentieth-century scientist and inventor. Rife proved that by using harmonic frequencies, cancer-causing agents can be destroyed by locating the unique frequency of that agent.22 Because his discoveries were not profitable for the pharmaceutical and medical industrial complexes, his work was suppressed. Unfortunately for humankind, Rife is a forgotten man, but his amazing research validates what the ancient Egyptians seemed to know about healing thousands of years ago.
Another outstanding feature of the Saqqara complex is the famous Bent Pyramid. This intriguing structure has two angles and the best-preserved limestone outer sheath of any pyramid in Egypt.23 The casings of the other pyramids were looted by later generations, who took the materials to build their own temples. The official line about this curious oddity among traditional Egyptologists is that the Egyptians were “practicing” building pyramids, and they started building at one angle and changed their minds partway through.
Figure 2.7. Pharaoh Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt. Courtesy of Ivrienen.
Indigenous wisdom keeper Hakim makes sense of the situation by explaining, “Now, when you come to the word Sneferu, sne means ‘double’ and nefer is ‘harmony,’ so it is double harmony. It is not a name of a person but it is the energy we get from these constructions.”24 Hakim believes the chambers in the pyramids were harmonically tuned to different frequencies or musical tones and teaches, “The Bent pyramid has two chambers for two different sounds.” 25 Each chamber in each pyramid, then, could be exemplifying sound technology with distinctive tones, creating huge fields of harmonic resonance capable of reaching far distances.
At Dahshur, we have the Red Pyramid, the Black Pyramid, and the Bent Pyramid, each of which is covered in white tura limestone—red, white, and black. The second pyramid still glimmers red, and the third pyramid has remnants of black stones. These outer casings covered the entire surface of the pyramids. The stone construction we see today is the inner structure of the monuments. The sight of these pyramids at the height of their splendor must have been breathtaking. With respect to the odd-shaped and crumbled Black Pyramid, Egyptologists say that the pyramid builders were experimenting and they miscalculated, so the pyramid broke apart. Another pyramid with similar construction a hundred kilometers south of the Band of Peace is known as the Maidum Pyramid.
Figure 2.8. Corbeled ceiling in a chamber of the Red Pyramid. Courtesy of Jon Bodsworth.
Figure 2.9. Passage from the second back to the first chamber in the Red Pyramid. Courtesy of Jon Bodsworth.
Figure 2.10. Maidum Pyramid. Courtesy of Jon Bodsworth.
Known in Arabic as the “false pyramid,” the Maidum Pyramid26 is instantly recognizable as being odd. Near the pyramid is a mastaba belonging to an unknown noble. A mastaba is a type of ancient Egyptian stone tomb. Following a narrow tunnel deep in this particular mastaba leads to a more spacious opening, where we find what the Egyptologists claim is the world’s oldest red-granite sarcophagus. No official further explorations have been documented. Examining the desert grounds outside the pyramid, one can see specs of black decorating the sand surrounding the entire area, like glittering bits that survived an ancient catastrophe. The ground is coated with black-colored flints; a closer inspection shows them to be blackened on the top, but when they are flipped over, the bottom is a different color.
Maidum is not the only place that looks as though it had withstood an explosion. There is a giant crack in the solid stone of the Red Pyramid.27 It would have taken a huge force to crack the solid rock. There is also a crack in the subterranean chamber of the Great Pyramid, and there is another one in the Grand Gallery, near the entrance to the king’s chamber, as well as chemical burns staining the walls in the Red Pyramid.28 Old photos of the king’s chamber in the Great Pyramid show the stone black, but after the room was cleaned and restored the walls are now pink granite. The granite sarcophagus has a broken corner, and the wall next to it has a giant crack. There is evidence that a great force or explosion occurred there. Is the Department of Antiquities erasing evidence under the guise of restoration? Our history of Egypt comes to us from Herodotus, a Greek historian in the fifth century BCE. He wrote from his perspective with help from local people, and we have been repeating his story ever since.29 For Egyptology to survive the surge of irrefutable evidence that describes the potent and advanced technology at play in ancient times, Egyptologists must hitch their wagon to the more sensible and accurate theories that have been progressively proposed over the last fifty years.
For thousands of years, the pyramids and the Sphinx stood as sentinels in the open desert. Yet, in the last couple of years, a twenty-mile wall, fourteen feet high, has been installed around the enormous site of the Giza Plateau. Visitors to the famous pyramids of Giza will find about a hundred armed guards patrolling the pyramids at night, and applications to conduct academic research on site, while appearing to be initially considered, are almost all routinely refused. Unlike in times past, tourists are now being restricted from taking photographs in the Egyptian Museum. The monuments of Egypt are world heritage sites. Access for legitimate scientific researchers is being systematically restricted. This indicates that there is something they do not wish the public to know.
Figure 2.11. The ancient world of Herodotus. Courtesy of Putzger’s Historischer Schul-Atlas, 1877.
Much of ancient Egypt remains undiscovered, but new findings are being made thanks to advancements in satellite and infrared-camera technology. In a BBC program, aired on May 24, 2011, journalist Frances Cronin notes:
Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt, [along with] more than one thousand tombs and three thousand ancient settlements. . . . The work has been pioneered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham by U.S. Egyptologist Dr. Sarah Parcak. The team analyzed images from satellites orbiting 700km above the Earth, equipped with cameras so powerful they can pinpoint objects less than 1m in diameter on the Earth’s surface. Infrared imaging is used to highlight different materials under the surface.30
These satellite images show traces of buried structures that may never be excavated. In the name of protecting sacred sites, Egyptian authorities are preventing the world from learning the truth about our ancient past. Despite strict regulations on what kind of research is allowed, there is still an extraordinary amount of evidence that shows that the ancient Egyptians had sophisticated knowledge that has been lost. We do not have the technology to build the pyramids now—not even close. Ours is not the most evolved civilization humanity has ever produced, and that is one of the blinders that has stopped us from imagining that the ancients could have been far smarter than we are.
Another controversial object that Egyptologists reject as coming from ancient times is the artifact commonly known as the Baghdad Battery, which generates a mild electrical charge.31 Similar ancient artifacts have been found in other areas of Egypt, and it would appear that the Egyptians documented the existence of these artifacts as well. Re-creations of these objects have been made and have successfully generated electric current.
During the past twenty years, physicists have been researching subtle energy, which is believed to be a universal life force running within and between all things. Though this study is lambasted as being esoteric, these pioneering physicists have made major breakthroughs in our understanding of this mysterious form of energy. One of the champions of subtle energy is Dr. Claude A. Swanson, who graduated from Princeton University and trained at MIT. With a PhD in physics, Swanson has been studying this phenomenon intensely and believes that in the last twenty years of research a lot of experiments have been done showing that there’s a certain type of energy that’s unknown to our current science. Known as ley lines, these invisible energy fields can be found crisscrossing the entire world. Temples were built in certain areas where ley lines intersect, and only kings or royals could be buried on such lines.32
Ley lines are believed to be energy currents that invisibly surround the Earth. Certain types of rocks, such as granite and crystals, are used to channel these energies, creating natural energy fields. First mentioned in 1870 by William Henry Black, during a speech given to the British Archaeological Association in Hereford, England, they were made famous in the 1920s by the writer Alfred Watkins, who published some of the first paranormal books ever written (see plate 8).33 His book The Old Straight Track (1925) remains the bible of ley-line enthusiasts, who, while not supported by archaeologists, have continued to demonstrate the existence and significance of these alignments up to the present day. As a photographer, Watkins was responsible for the important invention of the Bee Meter to measure the intensity of light, one of which was used by Captain H. G. Ponting Scott’s photographer in the Antarctic.
Since Watkins’s time, ley lines have entered pop culture as a prominent theme in books, television, and role-playing games the world over. Ley lines seem to be activated by certain types of geology. This might explain why massive granite stones are prominent at Giza as well as other areas of the ancient world.
The possibility that the pyramids hold clues to ancient electricity became more evident with the discovery of crude, red-colored diagrams that clearly detail electrical devices and cables.34 The builders of ancient Egypt designed these structures and built them in such a way as to further concentrate the naturally occurring subtle energies. The cores of the pyramids found at Giza are made out of a type of limestone called dolomite, perfect for conducting electricity because of its high magnesium content. But the outer limestone that sheathed the pyramid completely in its day is the white tura limestone, which has almost zero magnesium content and is a much poorer conductor of electricity. It’s intriguing that these outer stones are joined so precisely that all these thousands of years later it is impossible to get a razor blade between them. Basically, what we have is a highly electrically conductive core wrapped in what is a very effective insulator. With a little help from the granite found in the passageways, the pyramid could become radioactive and ionize or electrify the air. This explains the copious amount of granite found at Giza. The outer stones, then, were used to interact with the pyramids, turning them into powerful, electrically charged machines.
Invisible, subtle energy surrounds us all the time and is measurable by science. Even to the completely untrained mind, occurrences in our natural environment support the existence of a unifying energy. Not visible to the naked eye, that we are aware of, so-called orbs are often captured in photographs. They are written off as dust or other particles in the air, but that does not change the fact that they seem to occur more often in particular places and at particular times. We do not know what orbs are, but my personal guess is that they’re balls of ionized or electrified air that tend to cling together. A good analogy would be ball lightning, where it is simply so electrified that the molecules are excited enough to glow.
Nikola Tesla was certain that there is a ubiquitous form of naturally occurring energy on the planet. He discovered that the Sun ionizes electricity present in the ionosphere. He also created ways to harness those energies. Tesla wanted to capture this natural energy and make it available free to the public. Unfortunately, Thomas Edison, who had registered more than a thousand patents and whose work was sponsored by the powerful banking system, endeavored to produce and distribute electricity by creating a regulated monopoly for profit.
Between 1901 and 1917, the Tesla Tower was built on Long Island, New York, as a wireless broadcasting system for telephone and electrical signals. Interestingly, it was constructed on an aquifer with descending passageways and tunnels beneath it. At the time, few understood how it worked. J. P. Morgan, who seemed to have taken an interest in Tesla’s work until the first experiment using the tower, dropped further funding. So even though many saw Tesla’s genius, he was still driven into obscurity, where he starved to death alone and penniless.35
The possibility of creating free wireless energy has always existed on our planet, and still exists today. The idea that we have to rely solely on fossil fuel–based energies is an old, outdated one, designed to benefit a small, concentrated group of individuals. The energy we use now is generated by combustion and is nonrenewable. Called explosion energy, it produces exhaust and pollution, scars the Earth, and decimates our environment. It is a characteristic of a Dark Age, as is our collective acceptance of these methods as proper. By contrast, implosion energy,36 like that generated by solar panels and wind power, is clean, renewable, and very simple to produce—all you need are tunnels, running water, and beams from the Sun.
Figure 2.12. Nikola Tesla on the cover of Time magazine 18, issue 3 (July 20, 1931).
In addition to the limestone aquifers underneath the pyramids, there is evidence of a network of human-made tunnels. If the pyramid fields of the Band of Peace and the network of underground tunnels are still there, they do not generate energy the way they used to, as little as a hundred years ago. Most likely, this is due to the extreme age and subsequent damage to the monuments. Looking again at the quartz objects found throughout the Band of Peace, it is clear that at least one of their ancient roles was to provide crucial energy on a grand scale.
Today, quartz crystal is used as the basis of all kinds of modern technology. It is most commonly used in crystal oscillators. Technological devices use oscillating frequencies from tiny quartz crystals that vibrate at specific speeds with a signature vibration for each device. AM/FM radios, CDs and DVDs, computer processors, and ethernet rely on quartz crystals. It appears that the ancients were tapping into this technology and using it on a much larger scale in a way we can only begin to imagine.
There are many theories as to what the pyramids could have been used for. Most of these theories revolve around destruction and war machines. There is proof of an ancient, powerful destructive force, as indicated by the cracks in stones and blackened shards spread through the desert. Could such an explosion have occurred during the decline into the Silver Age, when the original knowledge had already been lost? Were the ancient Egyptians experimenting with this energy long after the original providers of this wisdom had vanished? Were the original engineers of the pyramids from an Earth-like planet somewhere in the realms of Orion’s belt?
On one hand, we have evidence of a principled civilization attuned to the naturally occurring healing properties of vibrating sounds and a high degree of scientific and mathematical understanding. On the other hand, we have gigantic structures with harmonic cavities, presumably designed to generate energy. It is not beyond the realm of possibility to conclude that the Giza Plateau was a broadcast facility, transmitting a renewable form of energy throughout the planet. Following through on this thesis, we might posit that, over time, the pyramids ceased to fulfill their original purpose, as natural and human-made catastrophes around the world damaged and decommissioned these sites. But according to this hypothesis, the ancient pyramids were essentially machines that emitted grand-scale signals—perhaps even capable of reaching similar frequencies in deep space—to other key points in other areas of the world. The energy that was transmitted and shared was presumably intended to keep us at an enhanced state of expanding consciousness before our descent into the Dark Ages.
However ingenious the ancients were, they knew Mother Nature would always have the last word, and over time the true intention of the pyramids has been obscured. Eventually, wisdom keepers created mystery schools that preserved what was remembered of this ancient knowledge. But the strong, unyielding arm of religion deemed them “satanic,” so they went underground, later to be misunderstood and manipulated by unscrupulous religious leaders determined to be the rulers of us all.
From predynastic to dynastic times, the ancients maintained a deep reverence for nature. They were astonishingly creative and artistic. From clues left on temple walls, it is clear that our Egyptian ancestors accessed altered states of consciousness. Their primary concern was how we arrive on Earth, and what happens when we leave our earthly bodies. They described everything bodily in terms of biology and everything spiritual in terms of cosmology. Our human ancestors, empowered by the full capacity of their senses, left clues embedded in symbols that have multiple layers of meaning. The capacity of advanced humans in a Golden Age must have seemed godlike. Beyond that, no conclusion other than this seems plausible: in the far reaches of time, humans were not alone on planet Earth.