Dr. Lull: “Hi, I’m Dr. Lull.”

Douglas Quaid: “Nice to meet you.”

Dr. Lull: “Ernie, patch in matrix-B. Would you like us to integrate some alien stuff?”

Douglas Quaid: “Sure. Why not?”

Dr. Lull: “Two-headed monsters? Don’t you watch the news? We’re doing alien artifacts now. It’s wild. Yeah, they date back a million years.”

Ernie: “Wow. That’s a new one. Blue skies on Mars.”

Dr. Lull: “Been married long?”

Douglas Quaid: “Eight years.”

Dr. Lull: “Oh, I see. Slipping away for a little hanky panky.”

Douglas Quaid: “No. I’m fascinated with Mars.”


THE SECRET PROJECT PEGASUS has sparked an infamous controversy: basically, conspiracy theorists believe that we have already been to Mars and established a colony there (see plate 40). We owe knowledge of this covert project to self-proclaimed whistle-blower Andrew Basiago, an environmental lawyer from Washington State, with a BA in history from UCLA and a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Cambridge. He is a member of the Mensa high-IQ society and is an accomplished editor, journalist, and author. Basiago’s source of information is firsthand.

He claims that his father worked with DARPA in a secret time-based physics experiment and that as a child he was involved in a study for the programs being developed for space’s new frontier—Mars. According to Basiago, with the use of quantum access technology, he was able to physically teleport to various locations in the space-time continuum. Basiago claims to have been present at Lincoln’s 1863 Gettysburg speech and describes what happened when he arrived in Pennsylvania:

My shoes were lost in the transit through the quantum plenum that took me from the plasma confinement chamber at the time lab in East Hanover, NJ in 1972 to Gettysburg, PA on the day that Abraham Lincoln gave his famous address there in 1863. When I walked into downtown Gettysburg, where the shops were, after walking into town along the north-south [artery] that led into Gettysburg, a cobbler by the name of John Lawrence Burns accosted me and took me inside a millinery shop and furnished me with a pair of men’s street shoes and a Union winter parka that he took from a stack of military clothing in a storeroom at the back of the shop. In this image [not shown here], one can see how oversized the shoes were. I can confirm that this image was taken right after President Lincoln arrived on the dais, because when I walked over to this location and stood in this manner to detract attention from my shoes, I had been standing over by the dais, and Lincoln had not yet arrived, and I only stood in this position for several minutes before the quantum field effect produced by the plasma confinement chamber ended and I found myself back in the time lab in New Jersey.1

Basiago also states that Donald Rumsfeld was a team leader at Project Pegasus and even brought back footage of the events on 9/11 three decades before they happened. The eerily accurate trick of folding a $20 bill to reveal an astonishingly clear image of the Twin Towers minutes before their destruction may have been an insider leak, a clue that there is something sinister going on behind the scenes. As proof of his Gettysburg visit, Basiago claims a Civil War picture, spotted by a fan while researching historic Gettysburg documents, shows him in the image. The photo is of a teenager with a big coat and shoes. Basiago claims he was nineteen years old when he made his first jump to the planet Mars in 1981. He maintains that there has been a secret space program run by DARPA for a long time and a colony has already been established on Mars. According to Basiago, this colony is a result of the advancements made through Project Pegasus.

Secret programs are labeled so for obvious reasons. They are almost impossible to prove. Basiago claims that, since its inception in the late 1960s, Project Pegasus has thrived using “off-the-books” black-budget dollars. This trend continues today, when newspaper headlines claim trillions of unaccounted-for dollars lost by federal agencies. While this secret space program progressed, its philosophy evolved to include a colony on Mars with underground cities as a safeguard for protecting certain human bloodlines in the event that nuclear war, or some other cataclysmic, apocalyptic event destroyed the Earth.

From 1981 to 1983, Basiago claims to have visited this colony and even walked the Martian surface after teleporting from CIA facilities near El Segundo, California. According to Basiago, he even witnessed the teleportation of then CIA trainee Barack Obama to Mars.2 This announcement, made on the popular late-night radio program Coast to Coast AM, put Andrew Basiago’s infamous popularity over the top. The “Obama on Mars” news lit up the Internet and even forced an official denial from the White House.3

Basiago received an unexpected challenge when famed remote viewer Major Ed Dames called in to the show via the wild card line. Earlier in the program, Basiago said Major Dames had instructed them at a clandestine Mars seminar for time travel. Dames refuted all of Basiago and his guests’ claims about DARPA and physical teleportation.4 Basiago responded that Dames was lying about what he knew. Basiago pointed out that everything in the military is compartmentalized and some projects are so secret they are on a need-to-know basis. In Basiago’s defense, we know this to be true.

For example, during the testing of the first atomic bomb, there were people working on the project who did not know what the project would ultimately be. A great true-life documentary that proves this is standard procedure with secret projects is Atomic Mom, about Pauline Silvia, a Navy biologist conducting radiation test experiments at the Nevada atomic testing range.

Basiago’s backup whistle-blower is Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great-granddaughter of DARPA’s founder. Eisenhower says she was recruited for the Mars colony when she was thirty-three,5 but turned it down. Eisenhower and Basiago want the people to be aware of secret technologies and the occult history of the elite. Her theories about a secret space program took on a whole new level of curiosity when the London Daily Mail reported that Eisenhower’s great-grandfather, Ike, had three secret meetings with aliens in the 1950s!6

A search on YouTube will turn up clips of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower’s various interviews in which she speaks about conspiracies such as the Martian-Aryan bloodlines, past lives, the Archons, 9/11, and reptilian shape-shifters.7 That she was recruited at the curious age of thirty-three is interesting. Why so old? The number thirty-three is known to be a highly regarded occult number with many layers of symbolism. In this case it may indicate something more sinister than the conspiracies Laura Magdalene Eisenhower speaks about. This number may be a key to understanding that Basiago, Laura Eisenhower, and coconspirators, including the journalist Alfred Webre, the man responsible for publishing Basiago’s initial claims in the Examiner, are part of an elaborate psychological operation.

Andrew Basiago’s statements are so out of the ordinary that we can assume several scenarios: he may be a storyteller with a vivid imagination, on par with Isaac Asimov’s; he might be the subject of a mind-control experiment, whose mind was seeded with false memories; he might be an elaborate disinformation plant, instructed to muddy the waters of the disclosure movement; or, perhaps, Andrew Basiago really went to Mars and met Obama there! To be fair, it has not just been Basiago who has brought up the ideas of an underground Mars colony and a secret space war. This terrain has been a heated topic of debate for the past twenty years, thanks to the theories of Richard C. Hoagland.

Richard Hoagland is no stranger in the scientific community. His fascination with outer space goes back to childhood, and by the age of nineteen he had achieved the type of recognition most of his elders in the field could only dream of. The evening of Mariner 4’s first orbit around the planet Mars, Richard Hoagland broadcast an all-night, transcontinental radio show in Springfield, Massachusetts, that linked to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) control center in Pasadena, California. The young Hoagland and WTIC-Radio, in Hartford, Connecticut, coproduced this event, which was subsequently nominated for the top award in journalism: a Peabody. A look at Hoagland’s impressive resume shows positions such as former NASA consultant; Space Museum science curator; researcher; author; and, during the historic Apollo missions to the Moon, science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. Because of his impressive credentials, his opinion is valued and he has numerous followers and fans who trust his knowledge and judgment.

Hoagland’s book, The Monuments on Mars, introduced us to the famous images of the face on Mars and the five-sided pyramid. The geometry used in the construction of this pyramid is known, if at all, as sacred. Nothing has been the same ever since. These theories have sparked the imagination of stargazers, thinkers, truth seekers, and astronomers (amateur and seasoned professionals alike) and have fueled Hoagland’s growing popularity among conspiracy theorists.


Figure 11.1. Face on Mars. Courtesy of NASA.


Figure 11.2. Updated image of the “ face” on Mars, which later appeared to have been destroyed intentionally. Captured by the HiRISE telescope camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The image is slightly rotated from the original 1976 image. This version is not map-projected and has been cropped, and the curves were adjusted slightly to bring out detail in the shadowed areas. Courtesy of NASA.

The official NASA denial of Hoagland’s Martian face theory is that “it’s a trick of light and shadow,” something that sounds like more of a dismissal than proof, since the statement is not conclusive and the pyramid, according to NASA, is an eroded rock formation. Even though they could end the controversy once and for all, NASA officials refuse to discuss this subject further. The idea of alien intelligence is a subject notable scientific minds of our time accept not simply as a possibility, but as a likelihood. NASA is at the core of the space science community. It would be ludicrous, considering the scientific process, not to look further into Hoagland’s claims. This lends credence to the conspiracy that NASA has indeed conducted investigations outside the public’s view.

Hoagland hasn’t exactly rushed to clear his name, either. Ralph Greenberg, a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington, critiqued Hoagland’s work and challenged him to a public debate.8 The encounter has not taken place, and it is unlikely it will. Hoagland also refused to release a series of images from an early 1990s television show, called UFO Diaries, that appear to show him holding photos of a detailed face on Mars and a crater showing a five-sided pyramid.9 Hoagland did not remember doing this and says these were paid actors, and the sensational photos were merely props. He has also refused to respond to researcher and filmmaker Jay Weidner’s documentary Kubrick’s Odyssey, which exposes how Stanley Kubrick filmed the Moon landing that was broadcast to millions of homes. Weidner demonstrates how Kubrick used a technique known as front-screen projection to project images on a “green screen” made with scotchlite tapings.10 The tiny glass beads that made up the scotchlite screen contain bright speckles that can be seen in the lunar backdrop of the Moon landing. This cinematic trick was also used in the landmark film 2001: A Space Odyssey, that coincidentally (or not) was filmed at the same time as the Apollo Moon landing. Weidner points out that Hoagland’s claim of crystal and glass Moon bases are nothing more than the scotchlite imperfections of the ancient (by today’s standards) green screen used during filming. The spectrum of debate puts Richard Hoagland in a unique category, where he stands as the lone authority.

Unperturbed by his critics’ comments, Richard Hoagland continues to promote his theory, defending his position by saying the critics do not understand the complexity of torsion field physics, a theory of energy in which the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause emanations without mass and energy in order to carry information through a vacuum at one billion times the speed of light. This theory was conceived by a group of Soviet scientists in the 1980s, who since then have disbanded amid shouts of fraud and embezzlement of government funds.11 Interestingly, the Russian Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Defense continued to fund the study of torsion physics from 1992 to 1995 and 1996 to 1997, respectively, through a private enterprise called the International Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics (later called UVITOR).12 The theory has been used to prove the existence of faster-than-light travel (FTL), extra-sensory perception (ESP), homeopathy, and levitation, as well as providing a rationale for the supposed functioning of miracle cures and other yet-to-be-explained phenomena.

This field of physics may not be fully understood by anyone. There have been no attempts to properly explain torsion physics and how it correlates to the more obscure areas of physics. Since Richard Hoagland has not been proven as either an authority or a fraud, the best way to verify his claims is to listen to what he has to say. As a popular guest on many alternative news programs, Hoagland has become the grandfather of the Truth Movement, and the opinions based on Hoagland’s theories have cemented his role as current Mars and space news guru. Hoagland is extremely well respected, despite some accusations that he merely rose through the ranks of the Freemasons’ invisible college and is actually working under NASA’s direction, leaking controlled information or, as it is more popularly known—disinformation. Disinformation is a label strongly associated with anything that has to do with Mars.

New studies have shown that our DNA holds the collective memory of our ancestors.13 This might explain the strange fascination the planet Mars has held in our genetic memory since the beginning of written history. If NASA officials have assembled a private space fleet using suppressed technologies, it makes sense that they would target a place similar to Earth for exploration. Mars fits the bill. Buzz Aldrin disclosed information concerning a monolith on the Martian moon Phobos during an interview in 2009 on C-SPAN.14 Aldrin confirmed that this monolith, like the one seen in Kubrick’s 2001, is alien-made and is a sign that we should begin taking steps toward the habitation of Mars by building a space station on Phobos as a jumping-off point. Maybe what Aldrin is really saying is that it’s already been done. Phobos is an ideal halfway point for exploring Mars, mostly because it has no atmosphere and it requires less fuel to get there.15

NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have plans to conduct a joint expedition to Phobos in hopes of acquiring planetary samples that can be brought back to Earth and studied. This at a cost to the taxpayers of $8.5 billion.16 Suspicions of what NASA has really been up to rose again when the Russian space agency sent the $160 million probe Phobos Grunt to Phobos in hopes of obtaining soil samples and investigating the mysterious monolith. Strangely, the advanced probe never made it past Earth’s orbit and came crashing down into the Pacific Ocean near Chile. The Russians vociferously blamed NASA for shooting down the probe by using scalar radar waves, a claim that was denied by the Pentagon.17


Figure 11.3. Mars Monolith? Courtesy of Mars Global Surveyor.

This battle for the rights to view Mars would be justified if NASA astronauts had been going to the red planet secretly for the past two or three decades. Even if they hadn’t, with the advancements made in telescopes and HD-infrared imaging, NASA officials know that Mars was once home to alien civilizations. NASA no longer appears to be interested in searching for extraterrestrial life. Proof of this can be found by examining the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program, which was initially funded by NASA, only to be canceled despite SETI’s accounting for only 0.001 percent of NASA’s budget.

SETI fell into nonprofit hands in the 1980s and has been kept afloat thanks to the rescue efforts of billionaire philanthropist Paul Allen. SETI hasn’t found any signals and most likely never will, considering their outdated and obsolete scanning technology. It’s likely that NASA canceled the program because it already knows the truth about life in outer space.

The alien fantasy has been embedded in our pop culture for more than half a century, and Hollywood has done its part, leading us to believe that NASA has a desire to make contact with extraterrestrial life-forms. Evidence suggests they already have, and despite the programming from blockbuster movies and the vast amount of military insiders–turned–whistle-blowers who have gone public with this claim, NASA continues to deny it.

Antigravity propulsion system units alone would single-handedly end our dependency on oil. Few Americans are aware that a U.S. Space Command was created in the 1980s.18 Those working with the Naval and Air Force branches of these Space Commands are likely flying and maintaining the back-engineered UFO spaceships, like the commonly seen TR3 black manta triangular crafts (see plate 41a and plate 41b).19

We’ve been living under the illusion that we are all alone in the universe and that no life-forms other than us have ever lived in the solar system. We’re supposed to believe that humans are unique to the cosmos, and so far every “official”20 report issued by NASA and the White House supports this notion, which is directly contradicted by the scientific process they adhere to. We’re also supposed to believe that the skies on Mars are red, and according to every photo released, they are. But what if NASA had discovered that the skies on Mars aren’t red at all, but blue?

When we think of Mars, the first image that comes to mind is that of an ancient, red planet. Even to the naked eye, Mars appears red. This is because Mars lacks oceans, and its landscape is generally reddish-brown. If we looked at Earth from Mars, the overpowering blue tints of the oceans, and the Sun’s reflective light mixed with Earth’s atmosphere, would drown out the shades of colors of most of the landscape. If we reversed this and removed all the water from Earth, over time Earth would take on the same color and appearance as Mars. Earth’s sky glows blue because of an atmospheric phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering. Discovered by British physicist Lord Rayleigh in 1871, our blue sky is the result of the scattering of light, and electromagnetic radiation particles infinitely smaller than the light’s wavelength. Once this is mixed with Earth’s oxygen-laced atmosphere, it creates blue skies.21

Scientists at NASA tell us that Mars has red skies because of the constant scattering of brown dust flying around in the Martian atmosphere, creating an array of red colors like the ones we see during sunset. But for this to be true, it must mean that there’s a constant barrage of dust storms on Mars, polluting the atmosphere. The problem with this theory—and NASA has to realize it—is that vast amounts of dust would not survive in an atmosphere that is also host to ice caps, fog, clouds, and early-morning ground frost. Dew and other water-related moisture would eventually wash away and rid the atmosphere of this red Martian dust, leaving blue skies on Mars most days, if not every day.

In 1997 the Hubble Space Telescope was used to monitor a massive dust storm on Mars that could affect the landing of the Pathfinder. Hubble provided amazing photos that show thick clouds made of icy water particles, similar to cirrus clouds. Quoting from an official NASA report, University of Toledo scientist Philip James says, “If dust diffuses to the landing site, the sky could turn out to be pink like that seen by Viking. Otherwise, Pathfinder will likely show blue sky with bright clouds.”22 This is an admission rarely made and unknown to the average Mars enthusiast.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the pictures of Mars are all tinted with a red hue. But what if those pictures have been digitally altered to make them appear that way? And if so, why is it so important for Mars to remain red as far as the general public is concerned? In 1976 NASA spent millions of dollars on the exploratory probe Viking Lander I to Mars. The curious scientists bit their nails in anticipation for a chance to see the first color images of another planet, and when the first pictures of Mars streamed to the lab at JPL they could hardly believe their eyes. The first dispatched image of Mars showed with astonishing clarity, a reddish-brown landscape similar to deserts in Arizona, rocks covered in green mossy patches, and a blanketing blue sky (see plate 42 and plate 43).23

Until it was leaked a few years ago, these Earth-like images were never shown to the public, whose tax dollars fund all of NASA’s ventures. This, and every image since, have been deliberately altered, reddened, and recalibrated to maintain the false impression that Mars has no green algae, lichen, water, or oxygen in its atmosphere, all of which are basic building blocks for life.24

Why NASA would continually deny or hide this wonderful discovery about Mars is unknown. However, whatever their reasons, it can’t be good for the billions of people trapped on a dying Earth that slowly appears to be turning into a giant prison planet. Maybe the elites know the Earth is doomed and want Mars for themselves in order to preserve their bloodlines, as Basiago and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower claim.

Since the first images streamed into the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1970s, it has been known that Mars has blue skies, and later in 2004 the ESA captured images of rivers running through Martian canyons. Jurrie van der Woude, a veteran image coordinator at JPL, says, “Both Ron Wichelman and I were responsible for the color quality control of the Viking Lander photographs, and Dr. Tomas Mutch, the Viking imaging team leader told us he got a call from the NASA administrator asking that we destroy the Mars blue sky negative created from the digital data.”25

At a live NASA press conference at the JPL press center in Pasadena, California, on January 10, 2004, an image appeared that has launched more speculation about the space agency’s secretive endeavors. When members of the Mars Rover scientific team—Chris Voorhees, Joy Crisp, and Matt Golombek—were discussing mineral testing being done by NASA, an unaltered picture of Mars briefly appeared in the slide show projected behind their news conference table. This panoramic image, captured by NASA’s probe Spirit, showed Mars with a clear blue sky (see plate 43).26 This revealed a vastly different reality from all the other shots of Mars released with red skies. This slight mistake, or quick-witted whistle-blowing, has been captured and preserved for us to see.

Thanks to the advancements made in digital photography, it’s now easier than ever to compare and analyze official NASA and JPL images of Mars. If we take the image of the unfiltered true picture of Mars and use a simple image-processing program, we can raise the blue-green color spectrums to 50 percent and the red to 25 percent and instantly we’ll come upon the red Martian landscape we are all familiar with. Why is this important?

A blue sky means that oxygen and nitrogen are in the atmosphere, and this can provide a sustainable environment for life and allow humans to breathe. In the book Mars: The Living Planet, Barry E. DiGregorio with Gilbert V. Levin and Patricia Ann Straat explains how tests done on soil from Mars were sabotaged, rigged, and eventually ignored to disprove any evidence of life discovered by head scientist Dr. Gilbert V. Levin. Even thirty-five years after finding this evidence, NASA officials are still staging press conferences announcing that they are “seeking signs of life,”27 while ignoring Dr. Levin’s findings and the results of the Viking Lander experiments. Microbiological evidence of life has been discovered on Mars, but NASA insists that the instrumentation and data collected had to be faulty, and officially claimed that life on Mars wasn’t possible, due to the lack of water.28 When scientists began pointing out images showing signs of water that NASA had desperately tried to hide for decades, space agency officials started to backpedal, slowly disclosing what they claim are “new findings” that reveal the possibility that NASA has known since 1976 that there is water on Mars and the planet has a blue sky like Earth’s (see plate 44).

Before he died, the astronomer and mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle visited Dr. Levin and warned him that there was “deep political motivation behind government efforts to suppress information about life on Mars.” Hoyle would go on to tell Dr. Levin to take personal safety precautions and even explained that “not only had the Viking detected life on Mars, but that, in a clandestine return sample mission to Mars, the U.S. government had obtained living microorganisms which were now under cultivation for potential applications mandated secret for now.”29

These once-hidden secrets about Mars are slowly starting to emerge. Dr. Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, made an announcement concerning photographs taken from the Mars Global Surveyor, saying, “We have followed the water and we have found repeated and predictable evidence suggesting water flowing on Mars. These observations give the strongest evidence to date that water still flows occasionally on the surface of Mars.”30 This public statement, clearly admitting that water has been located on Mars, was hardly reported in the mainstream media. This should come as no surprise, since our awareness has been molded to repress any interest whatsoever in the future and in the possibility of space travel and extraterrestrial colonization. The ones with advanced information obviously have the best opportunities.

We need only look back at the colonization of the United States to see how this works. The notion of inhabiting another planet is not a far-fetched idea; indeed, our purpose may be to do so. As in all conquests in the history of our civilization, the most powerful individuals, the ones leading the way, are the ones who reap the greatest benefits, including glory, honors, titles, lands, legacies, and the ability to write history from a perspective that casts them in the best light. It is not inconceivable that religious and corporate empires have already set their sights on what appears to be the next big move for humankind. This would require the kind of order and discipline that indisputably cannot be left to the ever-wavering opinion of the present-day average human. What better way to achieve one’s goals than to do so unencumbered by regulations, with the most sophisticated methods and advanced technology, under the auspices of deeply rooted, reputable universities, and all the while manage to nudge the public to look away by promulgating false information, aimed appear both uninteresting and threatening?

Making absolutely no attempt to disguise their dark side by symbolically naming their most costly endeavor Lucifer, the Vatican, of all entities, holds the distinct honor of having the most far-reaching telescope created and then installed at a facility in Arizona. The giant Church of Rome has invested an enormous amount of money on a device that reason indicates must have many more practical applications than simply a desire for a better connection with God by peering deep into the cosmos. The Vatican is clearly interested in deep space. If the powerful Catholic Church doesn’t rely on firsthand information from the Lord, or on secondhand information from the government, why should we? NASA’s insistence that the weather on Mars is too cold for flowing water to be possible appears to be a lie, crumbling at such a fast rate that recent science news articles show that NASA is quickly changing their tune.


Figure 11.4. A structure that resembles a lake located in the center of this crater of the southern hemisphere of Mars. Courtesy of P. R. Christensen, N. S. Gorelick, G. L. Mehall, and K. C. Murray.

Steve Squyres, lead researcher for NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Mars rover, claims that a rock has been found containing gypsum and other elements required to prove that at one time water was present on Mars (see plate 38). He is convinced that this finding is “the single most bulletproof observation that I can think of that we’ve made this entire mission.”31 Dr. Charles Liu, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History, also believes the discovery proves there was water on Mars. Usually, where there’s water there is also life. Since landing on Mars in August 2012, the Curiosity rover has found evidence of water, and it appears the necessary building block for life is indeed present in Mars’ ancient history (see plate 45).32

The Curiosity rover is a futuristic spacecraft about the size of a MINI Cooper equipped with the most advanced radiation detectors and the most sophisticated scientific instruments ever used.33Curiosity has analyzed the largest solar flare event in the solar system since 2005, providing riveting information and data heretofor unknown about the breadth and scope of solar storms and flares. Curiosity was specifically designed to measure the amount of radiation exposure the human body might face during future manned missions to Mars. NASA is obviously investigating the effects of the Van Allen radiation belt. Curiosity’s objective is to seek and study traceable parts of fundamental building blocks of life, like methane, within the Martian atmosphere.34

One specific study indicates that NASA officials have particular interest in the gas methane, but downplayed their curiosity. Barry Evans writes in the North Coast Journal that

the rover is not designed to look for life. However, one of Curiosity’s many instruments is designed to probe the puzzle of methane in Mars’ atmosphere, which, perhaps significantly, waxes and wanes with the Martian seasons. One explanation is that the methane comes from the metabolism of microscopic organisms. Within a month or so after landing, Curiosity’s Tunable Laser Spectrometer should be able to determine if the gas is geochemical or biological (life!) in origin.35

Circumstances indicate that NASA knows, and has known for some time, that there was or there is life on Mars. The information from the Curiosity rover will add to what must already be an astonishing amount of data and information that has been kept from everyone outside the tight NASA brotherhood. Astrobiologist Charley Lineweaver and his team of scientists from the Australian National University recently published a paper in the scientific journal Astrobiology that claims at least 3 percent of Mars is habitable. Lineweaver told the global French news agency AFP, “What we tried to do, simply, was take almost all of the information we could and put it together and say ‘is the big picture consistent with there being life on Mars?’ And the simple answer is yes. There are large regions of Mars that are compatible with terrestrial life.”36

Through comparisons between core temperatures and atmospheric pressure, Lineweaver concluded that there are livable areas on Mars, and that areas with Earth-like conditions were underground. This is a theory long held by alternative secret space program researchers that claim NASA has already established underground colonies and bases on the red planet. This is consistent with footage in which researchers have pointed out strange dome-formation buildings and glasslike tunnels on the surface of Mars.37


Figure 11.5. Martian seashells? NASA. Courtesy of Sir Charles W. Shults III.


Figure 11.6. Martian seashells spread out. NASA. Courtesy of Sir Charles W. Shults III. Also see plate 46a and plate 46b.

If NASA scientists have indeed explored Mars, imagine their shock at discovering a planet similar to ours with ancient monuments, oxygen, blue skies, life, fossils, forests, and oceans. You can see clear evidence of Mars surface water, forests, and bio-organisms by checking out the invaluable research done by Joseph P. Skipper at Marsanomalyresearch. com.38 The only real difference is that the lands of Mars have seen better days and more than likely resemble what the Earth will look like in the future. If an advanced, alien civilization truly lived on Mars, how did they get there? Where did they come from? How were their bodies able to survive prolonged journeys in space? Perhaps the mummies of ancient Egypt hold a key to this complex riddle of space travel.