The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent, but if we can come to terms with this indifference, then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.


IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that most if not all of NASA’s high-level personnel are Masons. This close-knit and powerful corps of NASA officials may even have had their own private Masonic Moon landing, which Richard Hoagland boasted about when he described it in his best-selling book Dark Mission. If Hoagland is a NASA plant, then it’s likely he’s also a Mason. Indeed, his attitude that “Masons are the good guys” suggests that his questionable roots may stretch back to the brainwashing techniques perfected by the brotherhood of NASA. In his book Dark Mission, Hoagland writes that when the astronauts returned from the Apollo 11 mission, they had their memories “deliberately altered”1 and wiped clean. Memory manipulation is more than a theme for science-fiction books and movies. In this case it would explain the bizarre footage of the Apollo astronauts showing them struggling to remember in detail what they actually saw on the Moon and out in space. The three weeks the astronauts spent in quarantine would have given NASA plenty of time to break down, wipe clean, and reprogram their memories in time for their inevitable press conference. Lastly, a curious fact about Masons, especially the branch of Rosicrucian Masons, is that they conceal the initials RC somewhere in their name. This leaves us with the possibility that Richard C. Hoagland is still employed to disseminate certain information that will assist in the continued manipulation of humanity. Whether true or not, his words can be dissected for other purposes that have nothing to do with any occult allegiances.

Looking back at the Moon landing through existing film footage, biographies, and histories, we find some strange anomalies. These cast doubt on the validity of the event generally acknowledged as the touchstone of the high-tech society we know today. One in particular involves astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Prior to the Apollo 11 mission, Buzz Aldrin’s mother committed suicide. He was depressed and even turned to alcohol. A person suffering from psychological trauma could not possibly be considered a healthy and fit specimen for such a mission, especially considering the talent pool NASA had at its disposal. If the mission was a covert operation that required easily programmable psyches, however, the choice of Buzz Aldrin would make perfect sense. His emotional state at the time would have made him much more susceptible and responsive to a program of manipulated mind control. If this was a deciding factor in choosing Aldrin as one of the three crew members of Apollo 11, the three weeks spent in mind-altering quarantine did not help the astronauts get their stories straight.

During the press conference on August 12, 1969, in Houston, the faces of the Apollo 11 heroes—Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins—speak volumes. None of their physical behavior or body language suggests the obvious enthusiasm of conquering heroes who have been to the Moon and back. What they do reveal is the odd behavior of confused, sullen, shocked men, unaware of what’s going on around them.2 They can barely answer the questions coherently, and none can agree on whether they saw stars from space or not. This awkward press conference can be viewed today in its entirety on YouTube, despite NASA’s rather suspicious claim to have “lost” all the original Apollo 11 footage. NASA’s claim accounts for this footage never having been shown to the public again since it originally aired in 1969. The footage was miraculously discovered forty years later when it was digitally “restored,” providing a touched-up version to be cherished by all humankind.3


Figure 13.1. Masonic Moon medals from 1979. Courtesy of Conspiracyarchive.com.

The mysteries surrounding the Apollo mission footage and the bizarre behavior of the astronauts should raise a red flag to any serious researcher of NASA and the space program. The act of creating false or synthetic memories, or planting ideas like those seen in the film Inception, has already been achieved with experiments done on mice by scientists at the Scripps Research Institute and MIT.4 It’s even speculated that the Apollo 11 astronauts were drugged, implanted with false memories, and made to act out an elaborately filmed production of the landing in order to make them believe they had been to the Moon all along.

The main problem with accepting that a Moon landing actually took place when NASA said it did, is that space atmosphere is dangerous once you leave Earth’s orbit and begin to pass through the Van Allen belt, a radiation belt so deadly some scientists believe it would kill any human being, not to mention frying any film or camera equipment. Now that this deadly obstacle is familiar to a wider range of scientists, we reluctantly suspend our disbelief in favor of Apollo 11 overcoming being radiated to a crisp, but it is a downright impossibility that the camera equipment they carried on the mission could have possibly survived unscathed to provide the image Earth viewers were treated to.

Assuming the Apollo 11 astronauts did make it past the Van Allen belt, then Buzz Aldrin’s admission to having witnessed a UFO should be given more attention. Buzz Aldrin is the most outspoken, beloved, and publicly available astronaut of the Apollo era. He has even made an appearance on the popular TV show Dancing with the Stars. But decades of living under the weight of what might be the world’s biggest hoax could be wearing on him. During a taped interview with filmmaker Bart Sibrel, Buzz lost his cool when Sibrel suggested that a transparent Earth decal in the command module’s window gave the appearance that the astronauts were adrift in lunar orbit. Before storming out of the interview, Aldrin threatened to sue if the footage was ever released.5

The aggressive Sibrel has made a career stalking and ambushing Apollo astronauts and confronting them about walking on the Moon, even going as far as pulling out a Bible for them to swear on. His guerrilla filmmaking tactics are perceived as disrespectful and distasteful, and after questioning Buzz Aldrin for a second time, the old West Point graduate and Korean War veteran punched Sibrel in the face with a solid right cross that made national headlines.

What about the Moon rocks? If we didn’t go to the Moon, where did all those Moon rocks the astronauts and rovers brought back with them come from? It may surprise many to know we don’t have to go to space to find alien rocks. On January 18, 2012, it was announced that a Mars meteor shower left behind fifteen pounds of rocks in the Moroccan Desert.6 It’s believed in the conspiracy circles that NASA has been manufacturing Moon rocks with basalt and meteorites local to Antarctica since the 1960s and juicing them up with a little added radiation. Over the years hundreds of Moon rocks have gone missing7 and one even turned out not to be a rock at all. Such was the bizarre discovery made by Dutch scientists after examining a Moon rock given to the Netherlands by the Apollo astronauts during a goodwill mission in the 1970s. The supposed Moon rock turned out to be nothing more than a piece of petrified wood.8


Figure 13.2. Apollo 11 Moon rocks. Courtesy of NASA.

Thanks to a classification order by Lyndon B. Johnson, any other mysteries to be revealed about the Apollo missions will have to wait until 2026, when the files become declassified. The controversial documents will then be used to point fingers at people long since dead. The Moon landings and the subsequent NASA space program that Kennedy had so proudly wished for would turn out to be a long way off. Even Kennedy doubted that any of it was possible.9 Sadly, after his murder, the future of the program was left to Lyndon B. Johnson, who was likely informed by the world’s best rocket scientists that they needed at least twenty more years to be able to send a man to the Moon and return him safely back to Earth.

The U.S. rivalry with the Soviets in the space race were at a dead heat, so members of the Johnson administration couldn’t afford to sit back and twiddle their thumbs, no matter how far along the rocket scientists claimed to be. Is it really that much of a stretch to think they wouldn’t have gone as far as to fake the Moon landing?

The shadow elite who ruled the country during Johnson’s tenure as president concocted a brilliant plan that would defraud the American taxpayers out of billions of dollars over the course of five decades. If they couldn’t actually send a man to the Moon and return him safely at that point, then they would fake the whole project, hire one of the world’s greatest directors to film it, and essentially end the space race. This would give NASA ample time and cover to focus on the production of the real space program that would eventually put a man on the Moon when it was technologically possible. The money would come from taxpayers and be funneled through black budgets.


Figure 13.3. Buzz Aldrin with Luther A. Smith, the Sovereign Grand Commander, and the Masonic flag he took to the Moon. Courtesy of Conspiracyarchive.com.

Using the NASA rocket programs as a front, DARPA developed a separate space program behind the scenes. The information housed under this secret program can provide the real answers to the questions of space travel and whether or not we have gone to the Moon or Mars. Now that China, Russia, and India have each independently achieved the required technology to go to the Moon, NASA’s recent announcement declaring certain areas of the Moon to be no-fly zones is suspicious and questionable.10 What does NASA have to hide?

In 2011 the Indian probe Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft detected water11 and ice on the Moon and found evidence of a giant underground chamber large enough to maintain a small lunar base protected from radiation and extreme weather.12 In 1985 the Canadian singer Corey Hart prophetically declared that we can get “water from the Moon,”13 a conspiracy NASA may have known and long denied until the Indian probe proved otherwise. It wouldn’t take long for NASA officials to come clean about this in typical flamboyant American style, claiming they dropped a few bombs on the Moon, which resulted in over a billion gallons of water being released from the ice once trapped under the Moon’s south pole.14 The findings of the Indian probe contradict the information supposedly gathered by the Apollo missions, once again tipping the scales in favor of theories that claim there was no lunar landing in 1969.

If NASA officials had been going to the Moon and Mars via a secret space program for the past two or three decades, it makes sense they would be in a bit of a panic and would attempt to prevent other countries from finding out about that. They’re even considering building a joint base with Russia to keep an eye on developments and prevent things from getting out of hand. China also hopes to establish a space station by 2020. This sudden burst of competition has made NASA officials nervous because there appears to be evidence that there has been a secret space program going on all along. NASA has slashed its space budget, to the shock and outrage of fellow scientists and employees, and literally made a 180-degree turn to the point of abandoning funding for further missions to Mars altogether.15 It seems as if they are more desperate than ever to keep their secret space program a secret!

Independent research seems to indicate that the higher-ups at NASA and the USAF have lots to explain to the general public. Such are the claims by UFO researcher Ed Grimsley, who, equipped with a pair of third-generation night-vision goggles, says he’s been seeing delta-and saucer-shaped UFOs flying over New Mexico for years. He’s even watched advanced aerial battles performing unheard-of maneuvers while shooting what appeared to be lasers. He challenges any skeptic to come on a UFO-watching tour with him and use the night-vision goggles. George Noory took Grimsley up on the offer and was astonished by the UFOs he watched through the night-vision glasses in the skies above San Jose, California.16

There have been numerous videos assembled from the various space missions conducted by NASA, Russia, China, and the European space agency, all supporting the existence of either a clandestine space program or alien UFOs. The footage on these videos was recorded, compiled, and made public by UFO researcher Jeff Challender before his untimely and suspicious death in 2007 and can be viewed in the astounding documentary Secret Space: What Is NASA Hiding?17 This documentary clearly shows strange activity taking place in Earth’s orbit.

British UFO researcher Timothy Good is a titan in his field, with over forty years of worldwide research and countless hours spent interviewing astronauts, pilots, scientists, military intelligence officials, and NASA specialists. A prolific lecturer, Good was the first Western UFO researcher interviewed on Russian television following the fall of the Soviet Union. He has also spoken at the Pentagon and at French Air Force headquarters. He’s served as a consultant on several congressional UFO investigations and has written classic bestsellers like the recent Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence, which goes into detail about UFO theories, ranging from the secret space program to the holographic motherships cited in Project Bluebook.

Good discusses briefings of U.S. presidents about alien encounters, writing:

A number of former presidents, such as Truman and Eisenhower, gained access as a matter of course. Others have been briefed, in varying degrees, and some have even been exposed either to alien craft and/or the aliens themselves—dead or alive. President Richard Nixon, for example, is reported to have arranged for his friend Jackie Gleason, the comedian and musician, to view alien bodies at Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, in 1973.18

Paul A. LaViolette, who has numerous science degrees and a Ph.D. in physics, also shares Timothy Good’s views on the secret space program. LaViolette believes that our understanding of Einstein’s theory of general relativity is wrong and that UFOs use antigravity craft, flown with the knowledge of electrogravitic physics.19 His belief that NASA has known about and been experimenting with antigravity propulsion systems supports the claims of hacker Gary McKinnon, a young computer whiz who says that while poking around NASA’s top-secret web-space he discovered evidence of a massive space fleet being commanded by an unknown branch of the USAF.

These allegations sparked an immediate response from the American military. McKinnon was extradited from the UK to Washington, D.C., and charged with hacking crimes that might result in his being locked up in prison for the rest of his life. McKinnon could disappear forever without a trial because of the indefinite detainment clause attached to the National Defense Authorization Act, which Congress passed and President Obama signed into law on December 31, 2011.20

This is a bold step, considering that McKinnon is a British citizen who committed a crime on British soil and, after being arrested by the British Tech task force, shouldn’t have to face charges in the United States. But, again, due to laws passed in Britain following the 7/7 terrorist attacks (the British counterpart of 9/11), the pro-American Extradition Act gives American military officials the authority to block or dismiss any court rulings they disagree with. Despite McKinnon’s claims that he will kill himself if he’s extradited, and against the orders of doctors who have diagnosed him with Asperger’s syndrome, the United States hasn’t stopped aggressively taking steps to remove McKinnon from his home in England and tossing him into an undisclosed location in indefinite detainment without a trial.

McKinnon is facing a hellish ordeal, and it begs the question: Why go to all that trouble if McKinnon didn’t actually see what he claims to have seen? In his own words, this is how he described it:

A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files . . . I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting nor reference to the size of the object, and a satellite looking down on it presumably took the picture. The object didn’t look man-made or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture—it did not go into my Temporary Internet Files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected. I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled “Non-Terrestrial Officers.” It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I’ve never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.21

Strengthening McKinnon’s claim, we turn to an obvious yet never publicly considered method of verification: the Pentagon’s mission patches. Evidence of secret space fleets and clandestine space operations can be found by studying the various mission patches of the Pentagon. These patches are common because everything in the military is branded. Whether you’re a private first class or a captain it doesn’t matter: essentially, everyone in uniform can be boiled down to a symbol. Traditionally, military symbols are images of heroic figures rooted in history, and bold designs based on contemporary pop culture. NASA started using patches in 1965 and since then every black operation involving the space race has followed suit with the CIA, the DOD, and the recently declassified secret organization known as the National Reconnaissance Office.22 These mission patches issued by the Pentagon are meant to identify, symbolize, and explain to the crew who receive them the objectives of their assigned black ops program.


Figure 13.4. Grey alien patch. Courtesy of Vigilantcitizen.com.

Most of these patches can’t be associated at all with the typical bars, stars, and ribbon iconography of the mainstream U.S. military. Attention to this hidden slice of fascinating military history is due in part to the trailblazing research of Trevor Paglen. He compiled and published his book, I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagon’s Black World, in 2008, after spending years sending hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the State Department. Paglen eventually obtained over sixty black ops mission patches, and since his book’s initial publication, dozens more of these cryptic and bizarre symbols have been released.

Never before seen by the public, these patches are assigned to classified and secret operations. Their symbols provide clues directly related to the Pentagon and NASA’s penchant for occult principles, secret societies, aliens, UFOs, mythical creatures, space rockets, and Latin lingo (see plate 51a, plate 51b, and plate 51c). The public had never before seen these patches, and the reason is quite clear. People were not ready to confront and accept evidence of this magnitude.23 We can only speculate as to what secret mission each patch represents, since Bob Mehal, the head spokesmen for the Department of Defense, refuses to elaborate, telling Newsweek it “would not be prudent to comment on what patches did or did not represent of classified units.”24Prudent probably meaning his life would be at stake. It’s likely that, beyond educated guesses, NASA will not voluntarily come clean.

The bizarre imagery found on these patches should be enough to convince anyone that there’s a lot more to the space race that we have never been told. Consider that any technology made public has already been used by the military for at least the past twenty years, and the claims of UFO experts that the military-industrial complex has back-engineered and developed alien technology that’s hundreds of years more advanced than what we can imagine. One such example was DARPA’s announcement (on Twitter!) that they supposedly lost another hypersonic HTV-2 experimental aircraft that launches from an advanced Minotaur IV rocket. This advanced drone has the desired aim of reaching any spot on the planet within minutes!25

NASA scientists and independent researchers have concluded that it snows on Mars and its North and South Poles are buried under massive, frozen ice caps. Both science and science fiction have fantasized about freeing this ice through nuclear detonation, and NASA officials actually had plans to nuke the Moon in 1959.26 Science has established that the universe is shrinking; at one point the Sun was bigger and Mars was closer to it. This means that Mars had Earth-like conditions capable of creating and sustaining life sometime in the past.

Photographic evidence appears to confirm that there are far-reaching plains of petrified forests and fossilized timber, strange fossils, and skulls on Mars. It is not clear whether the skulls are robotic, mechanical, or animal.27 But perhaps the most intriguing discoveries made on Mars are the massive blocks and megalithic stones found scattered throughout the cold and dry landscape. Similar to those found in Egypt, these large Martian blocks showcase intricate, right-angle curves and drilled holes.28 Back on Earth, a startling discovery made by an ostracized and suppressed French archaeologist just might provide the most stunning clues yet concerning ancient Egypt and the planet Mars. What’s even more shocking is that on the Giza Plateau we can find physical evidence of advanced alien contact deep in Egypt’s past, and it has been hiding in plain sight all this time.