The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.
ONE CAN BECOME QUICKLY OVERWHELMED while staring at the blocks that make up the Great Pyramid. Some are massive and finely cut, while others are more crude and added during later periods. Some of the stone blocks composing the pyramid are fused together so precisely they appear to have been poured into place, instead of being cut and then arranged. Were these massive limestone blocks once used in a manner similar to cement-making techniques? Were the blocks once a liquefied sludge that was re-formed and molded back into stone?
The chemical process involved in cement making has become a staple of everyday society, thanks to concrete sidewalks and the roads we drive on. But was concrete also prevalent in ancient Egypt? Internationally renowned French scientist Joseph Davidovits believes so, and his theories have irritated Egyptologists, who have mostly ignored him for the past thirty-five years. Considering that Davidovits has a stellar academic profile, we can see why mainstream Egyptologists have chosen to quietly dismiss him instead of criticizing his work head-on. Davidovits’s impressive resume includes a French degree in chemical engineering, a German PhD in chemistry, and extensive tours as a guest professor at distinguished universities around the world. Since 1979 he’s been the director of the Geopolymer Institute in Saint-Quentin, France, and is considered the world’s leading expert on all things related to cement.
Davidovits has had the pyramid blocks expertly analyzed and studied. He has used his firsthand knowledge of cement to conduct thorough geopolymer experiments, both in the laboratory and on the Giza Plateau, all studies convincing him that the limestone blocks found in the Great Pyramid were not transported there after being rigorously hewn from quarries by crude slave labor. Rather, the rough blocks were assembled in some sort of container and then transformed into a liquid state with other materials added to the “cement” mix.
Philip Coppens, the late investigative journalist and author of The Ancient Alien Question, has made sure that his compatriot Davidovits’s theories aren’t forgotten. Coppens writes:
From an engineering perspective, this technique would make the construction of the Great Pyramid much easier: there were no immense limestone blocks to be moved; there is no real need for a ramp and the transport of the stone material could be done faster, as less care was required in moving the limestone—the limestone was merely an ingredient and if it broke, no-one cared. Furthermore, the technique could also explain how the tremendous accuracy in the construction of the pyramid was achieved: the famous “no cigarette paper is able to be fitted between two stones.” Rather than figuring out how two hewn stones were perfectly fitted into each other on site, instead, we would have wooden moulds that were placed next to a completed “block,” upon which “cement” was poured into the mould, then left to dry, before the next stone was made. This guaranteed that each one fitted perfectly to the next. It also fits in with the evidence on the ground. Some of the blocks that are allegedly hewn have large lumps trapped within the mass; others have wavy strata; others have differences in density between the stones of the pyramids and the natural stones located in the quarries; and there is a general absence of any horizontal orientation of the shells in the pyramid blocks, when normal sedimentation would be expected to result in shells lying flat. All of this is telltale signs for an expert like Davidovits that claims the stones were cast, not hewn.1
This theory of a “geopolymer” technique used in the building of the Great Pyramid hadn’t even been considered until Davidovits first proposed it in 1974. Egyptologists ignored Davidovits’s claims, and his works, published in France to great popularity, were delayed fourteen years before they were published in English. Davidovits’s works have long been out of print and made available only by self-publication, adding intrigue to the seeming cover-up by Western academia. Davidovits confirmed these out-of-place “geopolymers” in a sample from the Great Pyramid in 1982, and further chemical analysis proved the pyramid stones are vastly different from the local limestone found in the quarries.
This undermines everything that traditional Egyptology teaches us about how the pyramids were built. Davidovits writes:
The results were compared with pyramid casing stones of Cheops, Teti, and Sneferu. The quarry samples are pure limestone consisting of 96–99 percent calcite, 0.5–2.5 percent quartz, and very small amounts of dolomite, gypsum and iron-alumino-silicate. On the other hand the Cheops and Teti casing stones are limestone consisting of: calcite 85–90 percent and a high amount of special minerals such as opal CT, hydroxy-apatite, a silico-aluminate, which are not found in the quarries. The pyramid casing stones are light in density and contain numerous trapped air bubbles, unlike the quarry samples which are uniformly dense. If the casing stones were natural limestone, quarries different from those traditionally associated with the pyramid sites must be found, but where?2
In 2006 a joint American-French study by Professors Gilles Hug and Michel Barsoum, used x-rays, plasma torches, and electron microscopes to study stone fragments from the Toura and Maadi quarries near Giza. While comparing their findings with the stones from the Great Pyramid, they concluded that the chemistry of the stones was not the same and that at some point the quarry rocks had been chemically altered. Egyptology’s former gatekeeper, Zahi Hawass—a close friend of ex–Prime Minister Hosni Mubarak and essentially the number-two man in Egypt’s government before it was overthrown during the 2011 revolution—immediately denounced this finding and, by way of the New York Times, called the theory “highly stupid.”3 Despite receiving wide-ranging praise for their work from distinguished scientists, such as Guy Demortier of the Namur University in Belgium and Linn Hobbs, professor of nuclear science and engineering at MIT, Professors Hug and Barsoum were unprepared for the onslaught of name calling and character-assassination tactics directed at them by mainstream academia. Even if we close our eyes to reason and wholeheartedly believe mainstream Egyptology’s claim that the pyramids were built 4,500 years ago and designed by Imhotep, the discovery made by Hug and Barsoum is still amazing because it means the ancient Egyptians had developed a form of concrete.
It is traditionally accepted that the Romans improved upon the concrete first developed by the Greeks. But since we now know that most, if not all of Greek philosophy stems from Egypt, it would follow that the Greeks also learned this water-based, concrete-making technique from the Egyptians at some point. Last seen in vases around 4500 BCE, this complex geopolymer concrete-making procedure was outside the scope of modern thinking until a few decades ago. Why would Egyptians forget this procedure, if the pyramids were built by their ancestors?
The pyramids are not from the era of Cheops, but were constructed at an unknown time during the Golden Age, when the process of concrete making was a common practice, perhaps learned from the hero in Eusebius’s accounts. Remarkably, we can find evidence of aliens’ intervention during this Golden Age in the geopolymers of the pyramid stones themselves. More shocking still, the remains of such stones come from the enigmatic red planet Mars.
Baffling as it must have seemed at first, it is now indisputable, based on scientific evidence, that the geopolymer concrete composite comprising ancient Egypt’s pyramid stones contains a mixture of water with natron, broken bits of limestone and shells, plus a silica substance that is found prolifically in Martian rocks. The striking chemical composition of the Great Pyramid stones reveals that the silica polymorphs in the stones are filled with opal-A and opal-CT, synthetic elements not abundant in the silicon found on Earth but common in silica rocks from Mars. There’s a good chance that the synthetic polymers found in the Giza pyramids and in other Egyptian megalithic buildings were also made with Martian minerals.
Figure 14.1. Original casing stones at the base of the northern face of the Great Pyramid. Courtesy of Jon Bodsworth.
Figure 14.2. Plate I from Charles Piazzi Smyth, Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, 3rd ed. (London, 1877), further shows the casing stones of the Great Pyramid.
The Martian silica seems to provide the extra element needed for creating the geopolymer concrete mix found in ancient Egypt’s megalithic stones. This alien silica is also the same as the one identified by NASA scientists using thermal emission spectrometer (TES) data from the Mars rovers (see plate 38).4
The knowledge of these Martian-based mineral elements will finally crush the absurd mainstream theories about the Giza pyramids and their builders and corroborate the ancient astronaut theory of the Golden Age sky gods. This is a sentiment shared by the prophet Jeremiah, who famously declared, “You performed miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt—things still remembered to this day!” (Jeremiah 32:20), and by first-century Roman-Jewish historian Josephus, who, in The Antiquities of the Jews, also wrote about the mysterious Golden Age gods of ancient Egypt:
Figure 14.3. Martian spherules on the ground, as seen by the rover Opportunity. This magnified look at the Martian soil, near the Mars exploration rover Opportunity’s landing site, Meridiani Planum, shows coarse grains sprinkled over a fine layer of sand. The image was captured on the tenth day, or sol, of the rover’s mission by its microscopic imager, located on the instrument deployment device, or “arm.” Scientists are intrigued by the spherical rocks, which can be formed by a variety of geological processes, including cooling of molten lava droplets and accretion of concentric layers of material around a particle or “seed.” The examined patch of soil is 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) across. The circular grain in the lower left corner is approximately 3 millimeters (0.12 inches) across, or about the size of a sunflower seed. A color composite (see color plate 46b) was obtained by merging images acquired with the orange-tinted dust cover in both its open and closed positions. The varying hints of orange suggest differences in mineral composition. The blue tint at the lower right corner is a tag used by scientists to indicate that the dust cover is closed. Courtesy of NASA.
They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad (Egypt) to this day.5
Another long-overlooked clue to identifying Egypt’s ancient connection with Mars are the three Martian volcanoes Ascraeus, Pavonis, and Arsia Mons (see figure 14.4). These three volcanoes are in the same disposition as and line up with the three main pyramids of the Giza belt. The most famous volcano on Mars, and the biggest one in the solar system, also geometrically corresponds with the alignment of the Egyptian mountain Al-Wajit, found west of the Giza Plateau and transformed to resemble Olympus Mons.6 The theories of alignment of the Great Pyramids, first with Orion’s belt, and now with the three Martian volcanoes Ascraeus, Pavonis, and Arsia Mons, appear to be credible and eerily similar. When comparing images of the two theories side by side, they may both be clues to understanding how long-ago construction of the pyramids took place.
Horus was associated with Mars and is even depicted with a giant red circle over his head (see figure 14.5). The name of the ancient city of Cairo, when translated from the Arabic Al-Kahira, actually means Mars.7 Ares, the Greek god of war, was associated in ancient history with both Mars and the giants.8 Ancient literature even states that either the Golden Age gods or their offspring were giants. Numerous frescoes of the gods in ancient Egypt do indeed show these deities as double the size of the human inhabitants.
Figure 14.4. The volcano fields of Olympus Mons are represented by the main three pyramids of the Giza Plateau. Courtesy of NASA.
Controversial pictures proving mummified evidence of ancient giants have been kept hidden since 1988. These mesmerizing pictures, taken in Egypt by Swiss nightclub owner Gregor Spörri, were exclusively revealed on March 9, 2012, by Germany’s biggest newspaper, Bild. Seen for the first time in public, the pictures show a giant, thirteen-inch, mummified finger.9 If this picture reflects reality, as it appears to, since the article received no official rebuff, it means the person the finger belonged to was well over ten feet tall.
Adding more intrigue to the role ancient giants played in Earth’s history is the massive footprint found embedded in rock on the side of a cliff in South Africa.10 Maybe these giants were around at the time when the Göbekli Tepe complex was in use. This megalithic stone conundrum, discovered by a Kurdish shepherd in 1994 in southeastern Turkey, has been dubbed “the world’s oldest religious center.” Mainstream academia, as seen by publication of this find in National Geographic, has even accepted and reported that the Göbekli Tepe is over twelve thousand years old!11 More secrets of the Göbekli Tepe can be found while studying the complex from above. It spreads out like a star map, pointing out clues and symbols to understanding where we come from by reflecting Taurus the Bull, Orion, and the much-loved homeland of Hathor, the Pleiades (see figures 14.6 and 14.7).12
Figure 14.5. Horus with Mars over his head. Courtesy of Jon Bodsworth.
A team of scientists studying the Chinese pyramids has reached the conclusion that an advanced race of aliens built them over twelve thousand years ago. They developed this theory by cross-referencing local myths, strange artifacts, and a series of red-hued pipes that run underneath the Chinese pyramid complex. This vast expanse of private land, guarded by the Chinese military, “stretches out much farther than what is visible and evidence suggests a highly technological network of pressurized pipes supplying water and possibly fuels.”13 When scientists analyzed these pipes, they were shocked to discover that 8 percent of the metal was from an unknown origin and couldn’t be identified.
Figure 14.6. Göbekli Tepe. Courtesy of Teomancimit.
Figure 14.7. A threedimensional stone carving of a lizard at Göbekli Tepe. Courtesy of Teomancimit.
The fact that these ancient mysteries were unveiled in 2012 is both remarkable and extremely promising. Revelation of these ancient secrets could mean that we are experiencing an era of expanding consciousness, or perhaps we have progressed to a point when we can finally decipher what the ancient symbols mean. Will the Old World Order finally crumble and allow us to write history anew, based on the fresh discoveries of the twenty-first century?
There’s a new wave of progress occurring in Egypt. With the military taking over after the revolution, it was anybody’s guess what the future of archaeology would be like in Egypt, but the change was immediate, and apparently for the better, since Hawass was thrown out of power. Fear-based propaganda by Western media, following the revolution, prompted a sharp decline in tourism in Egypt, but while Westerners stayed away, folks from Asia, Europe, and South America continued to enjoy the now–less crowded sites of Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential victory has cast some doubt on how this will play out. Egypt’s military rulers are being confronted by pressing socioeconomic problems, putting a dent in the exceptional amount of cleaning and restoration the military has done to the Egyptian temples up to this point.
Most of this work is concentrated around the ancient city of Abydos, where, shortly after the revolution, the military marched in with tractors and armed guards. They began digging and searching for something in the lands behind the ancient megalithic Osirian Temple. They also smashed in the walls of prominent Egyptologist Howard Carter’s house, looking for objects that had long been rumored to be hidden between the walls by Carter himself.14 It has been speculated that the hunt is for the ancient head of Osiris, which is believed to be a helmetlike machine.
The Golden Age lands of Abydos compose a wide swath of desert that encompasses thousands of miles of real estate behind the Seti Temple and the Osirian complex. This endless stretch of wide-open desert, where the military is focusing its excavations, is known as the “gap.” It hides many secrets, still completely buried underneath the sand. By using satellite imagery, we can see all kinds of strange and unnatural designs here. Some of these designs suggest a type of archaeology meant to be seen from above, like the cliffside images of the Nazca lines in Peru. Deep in the Egyptian desert, behind Abydos, are strange markings and imagery that spark the imagination when seen from above. These shapes and signs may turn out to be nothing more than freakishly odd land formations, tricks of the eye, military bombing ranges, or hidden human enclaves. Or they might be clues worth investigating further. High-tech satellites are turning up more and more evidence of lost cities and pyramids than ever before. And with the recent announcement that the United States military is giving away (through the secret space program) two satellites more powerful than Hubble to NASA—it makes one wonder: What do they really know?
A cross-referenced review of Golden Age myths will lead one to the conclusion that the inhabitants of Earth, in the time called Zep Tepi in the early Golden Ages, traveled to and from, at least, the planet Mars. This conclusion is based on known facts about ancient Egypt’s dynastic past, a study of the hieroglyph illustrations in ancient monuments, the Martian silica found within the geopolymer stones of the pyramids, and the applicable modus operandi of modern space and archaeological systems. All this points to alien engineering in the ancient realms of Egypt’s mysterious past.