SOME OF THE MOST MYSTERIOUS monuments of ancient history are found in Egypt. In full view, yet unnoticed underneath the feet of tourists and visitors, is a road that has tantalized academics and historians for decades. It’s a less traveled road that gives way to the alluring landscapes of early Earth’s first inhabitants. Along this road can be found thrilling stories, chance discoveries, and evidence of floods, giants, and an alien invasion, all of which, understandably, are not subjects the mainstream academics would profit by bringing out. So they close our eyes to this evidence.

But much like the children’s game of peek-a-boo, the Earth wants to reveal its secrets. It wants to show us the beginning of time, our time—the beginning of our story and our history. These revelations may be attacked by mainstream Egyptologists, but the flood of new information cannot be stopped. Modern educators cite the Golden Age of Egypt as the unparalleled height of cultural, architectural, philosophical, and perhaps even spiritual enlightenment. Ancient cultures from all parts of the world share myths that speak of evolved levels of consciousness, heightened awareness, superior science, sublime art, and sacred architecture, dating back tens of thousands of years. In world history classes early in our schooling, we receive the subliminal impression that there was an “advanced” civilization in ancient Egypt.

The ancients’ superior agricultural skills, their knowledge of cosmology, and their overall grasp of the formulas of nature all indicate that they not only were advanced, but they were much more so than we are, thousands of years later. This means that humankind has declined from a high point over the passage of eons. Merging the surviving myths and what we have uncovered about ancient history, we come face-to-face with undeniable evidence of not one, but several high points of advancement; in other words, more than one Golden Age. These ages of greatest development have come and gone, but they have left their mark in the mysterious land of Egypt. This mighty empire has produced several Golden Ages, the last of which is marked by the rise of the New Kingdom, and the rule of Pharaoh Akhenaten, whose story has been purposefully kept in obscurity for centuries.

What really happened in Egypt during the Amarna period? This epoch of Egyptian history gave rise to tremendous progress in the arts, and in agriculture, astronomy, and other sciences, which encompassed an understanding of quantum physics. But overnight it was all destroyed. Our modern world rose from the ashes of the aftermath, turning from a peaceful creative society, which worshipped the mother principle, to the patriarchal rule of war, which is at its height today. The amount of disinformation related to Pharaoh Akhenaten and the Amarna period during the beginning of the New Kingdom (1570–1070 BCE) is overwhelming. Unraveling the layers of mysteries associated with this period of history is the only way to learn the truth. What happened during Akhenaten’s reign that was so profound that it forced him and his family to be erased from history? And when he accidentally resurfaced in the early nineteenth century, who, again, launched a disinformation campaign against him and his legacy full force?

This book proposes to reveal evidence previously kept hidden that Akhenaten’s empire represented such a high degree of knowledge, rooted in the most remote and ancient of times, that even in the nineteenth century this information was considered too threatening to make public. Why? Because it undermined those in power and clearly indicated alien involvement in this high degree of understanding. The remnants of this alien-human interaction are of such immense proportions that, to this day, science, religion, and government in our contemporary world are all influenced by it. The alien connection was not a casual one, not a flyby stopover, but a prolonged period of rule intended to raise humanity from its inherently base and barbaric nature. The aliens’ approach was handed down in a time so distant that it has been relegated to the mythology of creation. But since then, something went terribly wrong.

The sophisticated civilization of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy, and physics. Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost—or suppressed. But evidence of this former Golden Age—the alien visitors behind its rise and those behind its decline—still exists. Some of this evidence lies in plain sight and can be found by examining the deliberately obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, the last dynasty to understand the sophistication of stargates, sacred geometry, free energy, and antigravity technologies. This is knowledge handed down to us from an advanced interstellar alien race in the remote past.

During the reign of Akhenaten, the highly controversial ancient reptilian race, known in Egypt as the Shemsu Hor, infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems and formed the Brotherhood of the Snake—a secret society intent on destroying Akhenaten’s flourishing kingdom and suppressing the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs.

However, the evidence of aliens in ancient Egypt—such as the reptilian beings depicted in the Temple of Hathor, Thutmose III’s alien encounter, and the mysterious monuments buried in the vast sands of the Egyptian desert that can only be seen from satellites in space—does survive. So does the connection between ancient aliens in Egypt and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments, such as the pyramids. The original purposes of the pyramids were to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness. But unfortunately, they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory. Based on the strange art and a legacy of elongated skulls that Akhenaten’s Amarna dynasty left behind, along with discoveries of various other elongated and alien skulls found throughout the world, perhaps we can start to unravel the ancient puzzle connecting Egypt with ancient aliens. Among these discoveries are the jaw-dropping megalithic ruins of the Osirian complex, the famous helicopter hieroglyphs of Abydos, and the mysterious stone blocks that litter the Giza Plateau and contain an abundance of minerals only found on Mars. These new discoveries, together with evidence of ancient Egypt’s mystical past and leaked information regarding secret space programs and NASA’s fascination with Egyptian symbols and iconography, prove there was some sort of off-world alien influence deep in Egypt’s remote past.