First of all, thank you Neil Gaiman for this: “If you only write when you’re inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you’ll never be a novelist because you’re going to have to make your word count today and those words aren’t going to wait for you whether you’re inspired or not. . . . The process of writing can be magical. . . . Mostly it’s a process of putting one word after another.”
Fortunately, my sources of inspiration were never too faint or far away:
Thank you to Washington, DC, for being my first thrilling, sour, indelible, heady taste of life beyond the town I grew up in. This story might resemble a burn book, but I promise it is a love letter.
Thank you, Margaret Stohl, for the spark.
Much gratitude to the spectacular Richard Abate and Rachel Kim—and the whole 3 Arts team—for the motivating mix of candor and genuine care.
To everyone at Simon & Schuster, the customized attention and support I’ve felt from you completely belies what one might expect of a giant global publishing company. Thank you to my editor, David Gale; Amanda Ramirez; Justin Chanda; Katrina Groover; Greg Stadnyk; Lauren Hoffman; Chrissy Noh; Lisa Moraleda; Anna Jarzab; and Michelle Leo.
Many thanks for perfectly timed insights and encouragement from Julie Scheina, Jared Stone, Morgan James, Jessica Kantor, Sarah Burnes, and Sarah Stevenson Johnson.
Thank you to the English and Government public school teachers from whom I had the great fortune of learning: Miriam Frye, Ellen Klopf, Linda Chrabas, Barbara McBride, Ronna Rutishauser, Ken Adair, and Chris Walker. There’s really no adequate way to acknowledge your generous lifetimes of investment in others, but this former student did listen to a thing or two you said.
Thank you, Tom and Diane Stone, for instilling in me your love of storytelling in all forms—including the singular story of your own lives.
Finally and fundamentally: Karissa, you are my best friend, my first reader, the inspiration for all of the grace and love in anything I write, and the real reason anyone is holding this book in their hands.