Chapter 14

Seated in the sedan, Abby sniffed and accepted Gita’s handkerchief. She waited for the pent-up emotional sobbing to come, but it didn’t. Nor did the weeping, blubbering, or flat out crying. Not one single tear traveled down her cheek.

Gita bent down to get a closer look at Abby’s face. “Nothing?”

Abby shook her head. The corners of her mouth turned up.

“You won’t do, Abby Drake.” Gita’s expression relaxed as she started the car’s engine.

“On that, we can agree. Are you taking me back to Nash’s? You should. I’ve been a handful today.”

“Two handfuls. Yes, I thought we’d return to Nash and Bella’s and visit a bit longer. I want to ensure you’re feeling at ease once more.” Gita backed the car from the parking place.

Abby watched the raindrops pelt the windshield. “You know what?” She pointed to the front glass. “That’s the Charm gods response to my last stellar performance at William’s. I’m being pounded into submission.” Abby smiled to herself.

“As long as the lightning bolt stays with Zeus, I think we’re safe.” Gita paused. “Why not take these minutes to get comfy in my plushy seats and cherish Charm’s countryside and mountain vistas? Especially, watch for the multiple rainbows. They like to appear after a cleansing. I’ll drive extra slow and take the long way to give you ample time.”

“Thank you for another indulgence.” Abby rested her head against the seat, gazing out the window as the sun reappeared.

Gita didn’t speak but pointed to the north, where a magnificent rainbow was forming over a mountaintop.

Abby had never witnessed such an occurrence in slow motion. It looked as if an artist’s brush was painting the rainbow’s arc into existence. Over the next few minutes, one color appeared and then the next, until seven completed the living canvas. “Incredible,” she whispered.

“Yes,” agreed Gita. “When we see a single rainbow, it means someone in Charm has left us or arrived. If there are two rainbows in the heavens, we know joy has brought a new life or a new beginning. Multiples signify Charm’s cleansing and refreshing have been done.”

“That’s sad and yet beautiful,” Abby sighed. “I assume the leaving means either passed away or returned to their home?”

“It does. Though our cycle of life in Charm extends way beyond from where we came. We understand what’s required to keep our physical bodies vibrant until such time as we enter the next cycle. Extraordinary, isn’t it?”

“I’m going to skip over delving into this next cycle business since I’m struggling to grasp the one I’m inhabiting.” Abby paused, considering Gita’s explanations. “Wait. Are you saying there’s no sickness? If so, that is extraordinary and freeing.”

Gita glanced at Abby and smiled. “That’s what I’m saying. You’ll learn much later about energy stones and waters, along with our fascinating use of light. We have gifted Charmers devoted to all aspects of harmonious living.”

“Charmers? That’s clever. I like it. Is Nash a Charmer?” Abby bit her lip. Why did she keep blurting out queries involving Nash?

Gita’s laugh was spontaneous. “Why, Abby, that’s a question I feel confident you already possess the answer to.”

“You clever lady. You knew what I meant.” Abby’s joking side popped up. “Fine, I’ll draw my own conclusions on Nash.”

Gita continued with the lighthearted chatter. “He’s such a fine-looking young man and so talented. Smart too. Fine-looking fellow.”

“Um, you covered the fine-looking twice.” Abby adjusted the straps on her overalls. She’d find a safe subject now that she felt more relaxed. “I adore my new style. I’ve never felt so comfortable. Overalls don’t get enough appreciation.”

“You look adorable and lovable in them. Time will prove me right.” Gita made the turn onto Nash’s driveway. “I’ll even go so far as to bet a bag of Prisms that more overalls will presently find themselves hanging in the cottage’s closet.”

“No bet, sister. I’m smart enough not to bet against the house. Gita, you most definitely are the house.”

“I confess to never being called a house.” Gita twisted her mouth sideways. “Perhaps I should cut back on those Prisms. Never mind all of that. We’re here, and the rain has stopped. Bring that happy mood and your shopping bag. We’ll say hi to Bella. Then grab a few minutes in her delightful rose garden. Does that sound agreeable?”

“It does. Me and my happy mood will try to remain collected.” Abby exited the car and waited for Gita to lead.


The sound of laughter drew Gita and Abby to the swimming pool. The humorous site of Bella and the kids surrounded by colorful floating animals brought easy smiles.

“Good afternoon to each of you,” said Gita as she received three friendly waves.

“Hey, this looks like a floating water zoo.” Abby dodged Will’s attempt to splash her.

Bella waved at both women. Her sunburned nose testified to an afternoon in the pool. “More like me attempting to teach animal sounds to my brood of silly hyenas.”

Will’s voice erupted in an impressive imitation of a hyena. “Look, Abby, I’m a hyannas.” His arms and legs splashed and kicked in excitement.

“Will, you aren’t saying it right.” Aubrey made a face at her brother. “Abby, come swim. You and I can be rhinoscer….”

“Rhinoceros?” supplied Abby.

Aubrey nodded. “That. Say you’ll swim? Please?”

“I think Abby and Miss Gita are visiting. Maybe Abby will join us later.” Bella grabbed a dolphin floater. “Who’s this, and what sound does she make?”

Gita and Abby bid goodbye and walked toward the roses.

“This is a treat. I’ve not seen the rose garden. Is that a labyrinth off to the side?” Abby’s eyes narrowed to see.

“It is, and imagined by Nash. Ask him to show it to you. He’s such a fine-looking and talented—”

“Again, with Nash’s attributes? Are you a matchmaker too?” Abby laughed and wondered when the fine-looking and talented Nash would return home.

Gita made a pout. “Sadly, Charm has no need of matchmakers, or I’d apply. Why don’t we sit on the wrought iron bench? The scrollwork is stunning, but the seat doesn’t support but a few minutes of our company.”

Abby sat. “I see what you mean.” She touched the hard metal against her bottom. “Leaves an impression.”

“You’re a wit, and I do so enjoy you.” Gita chuckled. “Listen, dear, I plan to keep my words brief. Your introductory day got ahead of itself when you spotted the English cottage on the bulletin board. I regret the emotional toll that came from that encounter, but when you return to William, think how much more you’ll know. So, shall we put the cottage to the side pending such time as you feel ready to move?”

“Good idea. Thank you for seeing me through the meltdown. I’m pretty depleted. Shocking as this may sound, I’m going silent to better absorb your words.”

Gita gave a short nod. “Then I shall begin by stating Charm is your home until it isn’t. Yes, we do things differently than where you came from, but order exists. As I said earlier, the ease of acclamation depends solely on your accepting this fact and not judging. Finding your place here and experiencing the lessons are what’s asked. On today’s outing, Charm rose to satisfy some of your basic needs. I’m referring to clothing, food, and shelter. The how of it comes later. At this point, why not simply enjoy Charm and its amazing beauty? Spend time in nature. For goodness’ sake, don’t shy away from that handsome Nash. His gifts will prove valuable on your journey. And for whatever time you’re here, I hope you’ll allow me to continue companioning you toward discovering and creating a Charm life.” Gita grew quiet, though her eyes never left her quester.

Abby understood that her reason for being in Charm was shrouded in mystery. Many questions had gone unanswered. If this crazy experience was her lot, then at least she was spending time with kind and caring people like Gita, Nash, and the rest. Her gratitude followed that awareness. Gita had shared how needs trumped wants in Charm. Sitting in a mystical rose garden, her head was clear enough to grasp she needed these new friends.

Abby’s eyes met Gita’s. “There’s no one I trust more to companion me.” Abby wrapped her arms around her guide and thought about the darling English cottage waiting for her.