Abra and Cadabra shadowed the women on the home tour and back to what Gita called her “reflecting room.” At Gita’s direction, everyone found their seat.
Abby sat on a stunning Louis XV carved, serpentine-styled sofa. Her fingers touched the ivory toile upholstery. “As soon as I figure out how to carry this, I’m taking it home.”
“Thank you for admiring the piece. It’s a favorite of mine. I’ve developed a grand affection for anything French.” Gita smiled and stroked the cats laid curled next to her on a pale blue brocaded chaise longue.
Buying a little more relaxing time, Abby kept the conversation on the home’s interior. “Tell me about the inspiration for your reflecting room” The space intrigues me. I sense you designed it specifically for spiritual practice and your learners’ visits.”
Gita’s expression shifted to introspective. “That’s an excellent question, and it provides me an opening to your next lesson. You’re preceptive, as this room does serve me and others in a most intentional manner. I spend copious amounts of time here, especially in winter, when I can’t partake of nature’s liveliness. I find it’s imperative to designate a place to connect to Source, to God. I’ve brought you here to facilitate your forging such a connection. Does this sharing resonate?”
Abby nodded. “Very much so. In fact, I’d like to create a reflective space for myself.”
“Then so you shall, my dear.” Gita reached for a bowl of polished crystal stones. “Let’s begin in earnest. Please choose a crystal that speaks loudest to you. Take your time. Gaze at them, but don’t touch until yours reveals itself.”
“Gosh, they’re all beautiful in their unique way. I can’t decide, so I’ll let fate.” Abby held her palm over the bowl, closed her eyes, and reached for a stone. “Is this labradorite? Of course, I’d get a rainbow stone representative of Charm.” Abby’s eyes were fixed on the stone.
“Indeed, you’re holding one of my favorites, labradorite. The stone is mystical and provides protection. Did you know its energy is quite transforming?”
“I’m fascinated. What else?” Abby admired the colors and smoothness of the stone.
“Here in Charm, we hold sacred the energy of all stones. In time, as you garner wisdom, you’ll come to regard and respect stones’ specific gifts even more. While labradorite raises consciousness, it’s also grounding, which we all need.” Gita gazed at the stone. “Would you agree?”
“Absolutely.” Abby closed her fingers around the gem. “I’m going to keep the labradorite with me. Thank you for introducing us.”
“My pleasure.” Gita’s expression became lively. “Are you ready to give the stone a chance to show off? It proves most useful during personal change.” She held another labradorite stone in her palm.
Abby laughed. “Well, change surely defines me of late. Your quester awaits the lesson.”
Gita arranged her cushions before leaning back. “Speaking of questers, I did tease you that I’d share more on the types of people that populate Charm. The names are my own divination. Let’s do that first.”
“Great.” Abby reached for a nearby notebook and pen. “May I?”
“You may.” Gita stole a breath. “As we discussed, you’re a quester. You draw on interrogation skills to find answers and direction. Your type keeps the order by encouraging movement forward. Knowledge is sought above all else. Questers are the heartbeat.”
“Hmm, I can identify with most all of those traits.” Abby wrote.
“I’m sure. The other three types are nesters, jesters, and testers.” Gita paused. Her face brightened. “I simply adore my names.”
Abby beamed. “I can see why. They’re catchy.” She scribbled them down.
“Thank you. Anyway, like questers, each has distinctive characteristics, which I’d like to touch on briefly. So far, so good?”
“Yes. I’m trying to pinpoint who you are.” Abby sat, considering the names.
Gita laughed. “You’ll figure me out soon enough. So, a nester is someone who seeks a connection to home and hearth. They help others ground in their day-to-day lives. Nesters vibrate in a unique balance and are beloved. They seek to create harmony and nurture. We all crave time around them.”
“Got it. Like it,” Abby answered.
“A jester is what you’d expect. They employ humor and wit to lighten their load and those of others. A jester’s role is crucial to everyone’s happiness. A sense of gratitude and joy weaves through all jesters. They mirror that to the rest of us. We bask in those good feelings and seek them within ourselves. They’re the light bearers.” Gita smiled. “Who do you know that fits this type?”
“The B’s. You described Bill and Bob to perfection. Am I correct?”
“Gold star to you.” Gita took a moment before continuing. “Bill and Bob are well suited to our visitor’s center. Consider how they helped you upon arrival. Yes, their banter and relaxed way of dealing with things has proved invaluable to everyone. They gift us with copious doses of laughter and joy.”
Abby’s expression shone amusement as she recalled her early encounter with Bill and Bob. “I agree and adore those two characters. I laugh just looking at them.”
“As do I.” Gita paused. “Last is the tester. This type has a more serious bent. A tester acts as a prover of sorts. They keep everyone, including themselves, safe by constantly evaluating. We rely on testers to help define our world. Their honesty and integrity comfort us. We trust their words and actions. They act as protectors of truth. Testers tirelessly sample new ideas and concepts. We rely on their evaluations before proceeding. With them around, Charm functions beautifully.”
“So, after a quester discovers, would you say the tester steps in to begin a discernment process?” asked Abby.
“Absolutely. You’ve captured the essence of both with perfection,” said Gita. “To continue, you’ve now met my four types with condensed descriptions.” Gita adjusted a throw across her legs. “I’m curious to hear your overall reactions.”
“That’s easy. Your divination of the four types is profound and so beautifully shared, as expected.” Abby thought of the people she knew in Charm. “Could I make a stab at placing Nash, Bella, and you? It would help me distill more about the types.”
Gita’s face shone surprise. “Goodness, but you intuited the next part of this lesson. Proceed, my dear.”
“Great. I think Nash is a quester like me.” Abby regarded her gem. “We’re always brimming with questions, a trait many scientists share. In point, I’d say scientists as a group are split between testers and questers. Both types thrive in research and study. I feel confident in placing Nash as quester. What say you?”
Gita gave one clap. “I award you another gold star, both in placing Nash correctly and assessing your peers in a general way.” Abra settled onto Gita’s lap. She stroked the purring kitty. “Okay, how about our Bella?”
“Hmm. I see Bella as a nester. I’ve witnessed firsthand how she’s created a nurturing home—the perfect nest for her family. Also, I’ve been a receiver of her kindness and caring nature. She’s helped me ground and encouraged me to connect with others. Going for bonus points, I see Lillian of Wisteria Boutique as a nester too.” Abby smiled as Cadabra came to settle in her lap. “I’m second best.”
Gita laughed. “They do get jealous of each other. As for Bella and Lillian being nesters, you’re correct. Don’t we adore our nesters? They bring us together to celebrate life’s joys. I guess that leaves me for interpretation.”
“I’d better nail this since you’re my sage.” Abby exhaled and focused on Gita’s expectant face. “You’re the wisest of questers. You’re insightful. Your questions and prompts to dig deeper have guided me toward awakening. You’ve shown me how to live a Charm life and my spiritual life. Gita, you must know that my gratitude is boundless.”
Bringing her hands together in celebration, Gita moved Abra to the side and stood. “Well said. Thank you for the acknowledgments. My dear, you’re a splendid seeker of truth and understanding. These qualities will serve you well on this journey. And yes, I am most certainly a quester, who’s pleased to be your guide.” Gita smoothed her slacks. “Now, may I offer you some refreshing herbal tea with mint before we continue?”
“That sounds nice. Can I help?” Abby moved to rise.
“Thank you, no. It’ll take me but moments to fetch our tea. I do have a suggestion to offer. Since you’re further along with the lessons and learned of your three portals, I have a booklet that’ll prove helpful. Your copy waits on the side table.” Gita paused at the door. “Take a peek. I expect questions.”
Abby gave a short laugh. “After all, I must stay true to my quester colors. All seven of them.” She held up her rainbow labradorite. Abby fixed her eyes on the booklet’s cover. It featured Angel Cascade. “Life in a Rainbow should be the title,” she mumbled.
Why she felt surprised to read Gita was the author, Abby couldn’t say. She thumbed through the first few pages and learned more interesting facts about Charm. The booklet confirmed approximately three-thousand Charmers called it home. For many hundreds of years, the village had existed, judging by the temple’s age that sat on top of Divinity Mountain. That statement caused Abby to take a walk around the room and reflect.
Gita returned with a tray and two glasses of tea. She was greeted by Abby’s stunned expression. “Here’s our tea.” She passed a crystal goblet to Abby. “We’ve so much yet to cover.”
“That’s what worries me.” Abby accepted the glass and placed it on the table. “A temple? Really?” She pointed to the book and scooted back against the sofa cushions. “What’s so special about this temple? And why haven’t I heard of this Divinity Mountain? What else is out there that I don’t know about? Perhaps Zeus and Hera? Cupid? That would explain Nash and me. Never mind about that. How many square miles is Charm, anyway? And where are your phones?” Abby grabbed a breath. “Those are just the tip of the iceberg, as they say. I’ve more questions stored up, ready to bust out of me. Lots.”
Gita patted Abby’s arm. “Gracious me. Such a prolific quester I have sitting next to me.”
“I’m so sorry. I keep erupting like a volcano. You can call me Vesuvius.” Abby rubbed her stone and felt a welcome wave of calmness. “Hey, may I please, and thank you, change my type to a nester? They seem relaxed and easy with life. I’m wary of being a handful.”
A chuckle came from Gita. “No, my dear, a quester you were born, a quester you shall remain. Besides, I quite like who we are. You asked about the temple? I’m looking forward to taking you there at the proper time. It’s an experience you won’t forget. It exists for those who’ve advanced in their studies and vibrate on a much higher spiritual path. Think of the temple inhabitants as our elders, not so much in age but wisdom. There isn’t anything mundane in how they live at that altitude and attitude. And yes, the temple resides in splendor on Divinity Mountain’s crest.” Gita gave a knowing smile.
Abby’s tone dropped to a whisper. “I feel irreverent having asked in the manner I did. It’s like offending the Dali Lama or something.”
“Perhaps it’s an opportunity to do some quick forgiving of yourself. Take a moment and release those judging thoughts.” Gita sipped her tea and waited.
Abby closed her eyes. She liked the idea of seeking forgiveness for herself immediately after a misstep. Taking Gita’s latest pearl, Abby asked God to pardon and help her grow in awareness. She opened her eyes and sighed. “That felt fruitful and well worth the pause.”
Gita dipped her head in understanding. “Let’s see. What was the next question?”
“What else is out there? Wait. Before you answer, I want to elaborate.” Abby reached for her glass.
“By all means, my dear. Say what you feel led.”
“Charm keeps delivering me one surprise after another. For example, you know that Nash took me to the buildings where he and others are doing what I imagine is advanced research on various subjects. They’re using equipment I’ve never seen before. Then there’s Angel Cascade and all that thrives around it. Now, add the temple on a mountaintop to my list. I’m reeling from the unexpected barrage, and all while trying to assimilate into Charm. Do you know what I mean? I’m not sure I do.” Abby stopped talking, wondering if her points made sense.
Merriment danced in Gita’s eyes. “I believe you’ve maintained an impressive grasp of reality, despite what Charm has thrown at you. I do so empathize with what you’re experiencing.”
“That’s some comfort. Thank you.” Abby said nothing more, preferring Gita to take up the remaining questions.
Gita nodded. “Let’s continue. You asked what else is there to discover in Charm? And how many square miles we have here? Putting aside your reference to Zeus, Hera, and Cupid, who incidentally we’ve never seen. I offer one word that gets to the heart of your quandaries. That word is expansion. To understand our world here, you must first understand the principles of Charm expansion.”
“Expansion?” Abby mulled around the concept. “I believe I grasp the idea. In a broader sense, does Charm grow to accommodate whatever the current needs are for developing?”
“In a manner, yes. It’s my turn to give you an example.” Gita hesitated. “As we gain in awareness, we must satisfy needs, which requires enhancements. That statement sounds too airy. Plainly said, when we learn of a new need, it’s met in whatever way is deemed highest and best. So, what’s in Charm is an answer to a previous need. Did that bring clarity?”
“In a general sense. Needs are met when they fit Charm’s guiding principles and method.”
“Yes, yes. You’re a natural teacher. I’m brimming with ideas, should you decide to remain with us.” Gita smiled.
“Oh, boy. Lucky me,” Abby joked.
“Continuing, I’m going to use your example of the science buildings—they’re an excellent outward sign of that expansion. We’ve had more scientists arrive in the last years due to leaps being made in certain fields. During Charm’s history, we know the focus was on humanities, behaviors, social mores, etc. However, the one constant has always been the metaphysical representing Charm’s foundation. Most in the other dimension have misused the label and failed at grasping the real meaning. Here’s an assignment for a later time. Look up the definition of meta.”
“I will.” Abby jotted down a reminder.
“Tell me. Do you find this information boring?”
Abby shook her head vigorously. “You’re kidding me. Please, you’re covering absorbing and insightful topics.”
“You give me too much credit,” said Gita. “I’m not well versed in the sciences. Nash explains expansion far better. Feel free to tap him. Maybe what I’m about to share will help, and you can explain it to me.”
Abby’s laugh was spontaneous. “Me explain Charm’s law of expansion to you? What’s in your tea?”
Gita looked in her glass. “Alas, tea.” She cleared her throat and returned to the lesson. “I recall Nash proposed that we see Charm’s plane of existence as a unified planetary evolvement. I’m the first one to say I don’t pretend to grasp that notion. I’m tuned more to the spiritual aspects of life. That’s where my gifts are used. You’re a brilliant scientist. Take that description home with you. See if any doors open.”
Abby frowned, tossing around Nash’s words. “Unified planetary evolvement is something I certainly want to explore with him.” Abby hesitated, considering how to deliver her next words. “Gita, I want to say something. Science is my jam and all, but I find your spiritual gifts and guidance are what I desire and need most. You’re feeding a part of me that’s an empty vessel.”
Gita’s eyes filled with emotion. “Thank you for saying our time together is proving beneficial. That feeds my spirit. You have another question on this expansion subject?”
“I do. To stay with your example of the science buildings, who decides what manifests in Charm?”
Gita’s voice took on a lively quality. “That’s an excellent question. Source knows before us what we require. Intention precedes manifestation. That principle forms our bedrock, so to speak.”
Abby’s head jerked backward. “Intention precedes manifestation. Yes, it would. As my dad used to say, this lesson is a humdinger.” Abby digested more of the deeper meaning. “Gita, could you explain how buildings come to being? A simple one, if possible?”
Gita nodded. “I can. Buildings and homes are provided much like the stores’ inventories, which manifest in the wee hours. There wasn’t an on-site construction crew building the research park. That’s how things work on the plane you came from, but not here. The buildings materialize with all their necessary contents.”
Abby suspected Gita’s silence was to give her time to process the answers.
“Can you accept what I’ve told you and not bog down in details?” Gita’s expression remained neutral.
“Yes, as long as I stay on the surface and not search for the how.” Abby was glad of the approving look.
“What else have you learned?” asked Gita.
“I’ve learned your lesson on acceptance, and non-judgment makes life easier here. The key for me is to cease and desist comparing the world of Charm to the world of Crestview.” Abby glanced at her watch. The day had been long and full of twists and turns. A yawn escaped.
“You look bone-weary, my dear. I think we’re at a good place to close the lesson.” Gita rose.
Abby nodded. “I’m tired, but you’ve given me the gold to take home. More makes sense to me, and I’m super jazzed about our next lesson.”
“I’m pleased to hear this. Abby, you’re ever so close to understanding why you’re here.” Gita led them to the front door.
“I still don’t know how you all communicate without a phone. So, I’m going to act bold and ask, when is the next lesson?”
Gita ignored the phone reference. “Thank you for asking. Monday morning around nine o’clock would make an excellent start to our week. Would that work for you? Shall I visit you?” Gita reached for a lavender bouquet and a small bag.
“That’s perfect. You can meet Orchid.”
“Yes, and here’s something for our wee Orchid and lavender for you.” Gita passed the items.
“How sweet of you.” Abby fished in her handbag for the car keys. “I really am anxious for the next session.”
“This one will suit you. We’ll touch on what you can do in Charm to feed your spirit and mind. Woven into that answer is the potential opportunity to return home. It’s the big aha, as our Nash calls it. Speaking of Nash, don’t hesitate to let him offer you guidance and insights as you go along. He’s a handsome rascal and with no shortage of appeal to the opposite sex, but he’s wise beyond his years. Make a point to know the whole Nash too.” Gita batted her lashes for effect.
Abby laughed. “I get your not-so-subtle message, Gita. I confess to liking him more than I should. Plus, I’m doing a lousy job of keeping those feelings in check. Enough said on that subject.”
Gita opened the door. “I’ll send my answer home with you. Who said you can’t enjoy a multi-dimensional relationship with Nash? After all, you’re in Charm, where the impossible is possible.”