Chapter 32

Awaiting Gita’s arrival for the morning teaching, Abby and Orchid sat in the porch rocker, watching a female robin flit from one branch to another. The kitten gave short mews, answering the bird. Abby thought about how harmony described life in Charm. It was a word that both Gita and Nash drew upon. The robin and Orchid were prey and predator, but Abby sensed that didn’t apply here. Everything seemed to exist in relationship to each other, and needs were met with the same harmonious flow.

To Abby’s amazement, the robin flew over and perched on the chair arm where Orchid sat. The two exchanged looks and further expressions before the bird took off. “What was that about?” Abby asked the kitten.

Orchid offered a few meows and sauntered off to her bowl.

“I guess she sure told me. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Orchid,” Abby said aloud, shrugging.

Her eyes glimpsed fresh blooms on a particular rosebush, which called for an investigation. She bent over the tricolor roses, taking in their unusual fuchsia, indigo, and white petals. That phenomenon was enough to confound the botanist, but today’s appearance pushed even Charm’s limits of enchantments. The roses were growing in clusters, making living bouquets. Abby touched the nearest arrangement as the concealed sprinklers awakened, christening her with the mist. She stepped out of the bed and yanked off her squishy-sounding sandals. As Abby wiped away the dirt splatters from her ankles and pants, she spied Gita’s car coming up the driveway. Abandoning her cleanup effort, Abby waved.

Gita approached, wearing an amused face. “Looks to me like you and nature had a minor collision.”

Abby nodded. “Yes, I discovered my gardens have invisible Charm-type sprinklers. Also, they seem to possess a sense of humor regarding the appropriate time to turn on. Never mind all of that. I’m so glad to see you this morning.”

“As I am you, my dear. Since I have only an hour, why don’t we get started? Where suits you this beautiful summer morning?” Gita looked around.

“To avoid being disturbed, I thought the patio. Is that okay?” Abby slipped her arm through Gita’s, leading them toward the cottage’s front entrance.

“Sounds perfect. I stopped by the bakery for two sticky buns.” Gita held up the box.

“Yum. I’ve made a pot of peppermint tea for us.”

“You might like to hear that I ran into our handsome Nash at the bakeshop. He tasked me with giving you a most peculiar message.”

Abby laughed. “This I gotta hear. What says the handsome Nash Walker?”

Gita frowned. “He said, and I quote, ‘Remember serving beef satisfies the debt.’ Isn’t that such a strange thing to say? Does it make any sense to you?” Gita followed Abby to the patio.

“It does.” Abby gave a giggle. “You see, I lost a bet and have to cook him dinner this evening. It’s meant to remind me that beef reigns supreme with his manly appetite.” Abby filled their teacups.

A playful smile found Gita’s mouth. She studied her cup’s contents. “Reading my tea leaves, I see growing affection between you and Nash. Yes, I gather he’s utterly smitten with our latest female arrival.” Gita broke from her leaf reading and glanced at Abby. “You know he’s quite the catch in Charm. Many a girl has set a hook, and so far—”

“So you keep telling me, Madame Gita,” Abby teased. “At this point, I’m focused on mastering my lessons taught by Sage Gita. Channel her forth, if you please. I’m anxious to learn what’s on tap today.”

“Very well, my dear, I shall put aside my talents as a fortune teller and supreme matchmaker for the sake of your enlightenment,” Gita teased back. “I’d like to build on what you and Nash delved into last evening. Is that agreeable?”

Abby looked over with surprise. Was Nash sharing their romantic encounters along with his teaching updates? “You and Nash discussed—”

“Of course, he and I discussed what aspects of the lessons you’d been given. You must understand we’re working in tandem to help you.” Gita paused and studied her pupil. “Yes, I see now where your thoughts ran.”

“Really?” Abby took a sip of her tea, feeling the flush of embarrassment.

Gita nodded. “You mustn’t worry. Nash and I discuss only matters of guidance and not those of the heart. However, those rosy cheeks of yours confirmed my tea leaves’ prediction. I’m delighted, and that’s all I shall say.” Gita took another bite of her sticky bun.

“And all I shall say is you’re way too perceptive.” Abby grinned. “Moving on. Nash did open more doors to my understanding things last evening, but he left some unanswered questions too.”

Gita nodded. “Those questions will find answers at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, you’ve gained a clearer understanding of why you’ve been led to Charm. Also, you’re awake to the roles that awareness, forgiveness, and acceptance play in blessing your life here or in Crestview, should that door open for you. Are we in agreement?”

“I believe so.” Keeping up with Gita’s teachings was not for daydreamers.

“Good.” Gita tapped her fingers on the chair. “You’ve learned the general way things function day to day in Charm. Now you’re learning the more specific ways that relate to your path and your journey.” Gita paused. “I celebrate your tremendous progress in a short time.”

“Thank you, Gita. That feeds my hope of completing the lessons to both our satisfaction.” Abby twirled her pen as thoughts intruded. “Could you expound more on my path? I feel that’s vital information that I need to grasp.” Abby sat back, feeling more confident.

“I’m referring to your gaining direction.” Gita took a breath. “Your gift lies with the relationship you share with flowers, and on a broader scale with Charm’s methods and principles. There’s a bond forming between you and what is here that can’t be denied. For me, it’s a beautiful thing to behold. By choosing to adapt and accept, you’ve begun to create an enlivening life. From my side, your struggles to find your place has been minimal compared to most. It’s as if your higher self recognized Charm. Did I help or hinder?” Gita’s expression showed amusement.

“Definitely helped. I agree. I’m more focused now on moving forward and less on analyzing what truly defies analyzing.” Abby grinned at the truth of her words. “Still, I’m not fully realized. Does that make sense?”

“It does, my dear. Completing the lessons usually brings the ultimate understanding. You’re charted there.” Gita pulled an index card from her handbag. “My lesson tickler.”

“A lesson tickler. Gotta love those. Guess it’s time I ring our pretend school bell.” Abby’s hand made the motion.

Gita’s countenance changed. “I’m going to the crux of your calling here. Hear me, young lady, it’s time to use your gifts and a new awareness of orchids or whatever flower calls you. Why? Because a breakthrough for the greater good will result. Did that resonate?”

“Yes, I’ve already been led to a flower that holds great excitement for me. Of course, I will never neglect my beloved orchids. I’m teeming with ideas for both.”

“I’m so pleased to hear this. Being motivated to help others and achieve the extraordinary with your research serves to cancel the harmful direction you’d been going in Crestview. I say again, your new actions, stemming from a place of love, cancel any residual debt and guilt. Everything waits for your talents. I’m told time is of the essence, dear Abby. I shall say no more.”

“Wow. I suppose the nudge I felt to go to the lab today—”

“Is indeed a clear signal not to dismiss.” Gita glanced at her card. “Do you have any questions about the imperative call to action? If not, we can move forward.”

“None that you can answer. It’s up to me to find a holistic research path and deliver results. I sense the urgency and need coming from my past world. Things there are spiraling.” Abby exhaled. “A daunting task, to be sure, but it’s one I’m ready to undertake. I want to help. I recognize it’s a huge part of my journey.”

“Goodness, you’re such a bright young lady. Know what? I see your happiest days on the horizon.”

“From your mouth to God’s best ear,” said Abby.

Gita smiled and glanced at her card. “Alrighty, we’re ready for what I call the lesson’s insightful sharing. Best of all, you’ll garner immediate results. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like information for an impatient overachiever such as me. I’ve got my trusty pen ready.” Abby felt ripples of anticipation moving inside her.

Gita faced her quester. “I think you’ll agree that words carry energy, and once loose, they can become exacting both as a force for good and bad.”

“Most definitely.” Abby leaned back into her chair.

Gita laid the card aside and looked directly at Abby. The beginning of a smile appeared. “I’ve another pearl for you. It’s a roadmap for how to live on purpose. Note I said on purpose. I named it the Three N’s.” Gita stopped talking while Abby wrote.

“I got it down. Go on, please.”

“Well, the Three N’s are In-stillness, In-sight, and En-light. For you see, my dear, if you first go into the stillness, you will gain insight or inner sight, and thus enlight or become enlightened. It’s a formula to guide one on a successful, purposeful life journey.”

Abby nodded with enthusiasm. “I believe I grasp the big picture message. Might you elaborate a bit more on the Three N’s? I find examples helpful for my learning.”

“With pleasure. For the moment, let’s pretend you’ve hit a snag with researching one of those orchid’s unique characteristics. You’re quite stuck, and frustration has latched on to you.”

Abby nodded. “Been there more than once.”

“You’ve learned that your mind isn’t your friend and can often lead you astray. Correct?” asked Gita.


“So, you must turn to stillness, which is found by quieting the mind’s incessant chatter. You go to stillness through meditation, taking a stroll with nature, or any other vehicle of your choosing which takes you there. From that place, you pose the question about the orchid. That immediately seeds the desire and need for the insight to find you. The answer will come. It always does, but in divine time, not Abby time. Once you develop this new relationship with Source and your higher self, you’ll experience amazement over and over as answers are revealed. You see, Abby, going within and turning to Source is the secret to enlightened living.”

Abby nodded, absorbing Gita’s amazing teachings. She wondered if finding stillness would come easy for her. That was the next step to explore. Abby jotted more notes. “There’s so much richness to this lesson. I’ve made notes on finding stillness.”

“Remember, stillness waits for you. To continue, there are two words I’m partial to this day. If truth be told, I’m partial to them every day.” Gita chuckled. “Those words are joyful and powerful. But as I’m known to do, I stretch them out a smidge. Joyful becomes joy-full or full of joy. Powerful becomes power full or full of power, but the good kind of power.” Gita reached over and touched Abby’s wrist.

“More gold from you, Gita.” Abby wrote. “I adore what you do with language, and I appreciate your guiding me toward a way to live on purpose. It’s spirit-driven, and as a novice, I’m coming to appreciate the merits.

“It’s my pleasure, dear Abby. I’d like to retrace our steps to Charm’s functional aspects. To avoid you becoming frustrated, I want to remind you that how-to answers come as you interact with us and do daily tasks. It’s a learning curve, as they say.”

“You mean like finding out how you communicate with someone without a telephone?” Abby blew out an exasperated breath. “How in the world do you all function without a phone? I asked you the other day. That’s an answer I’d really appreciate your giving me.” Abby set her pen aside.

“Goodness me, but it didn’t register. William slipped up. We have something similar to telephones, only we call them communicators. They’re amazing instruments, powered by quirken crystals.”

“Quirken crystals?” Abby shook her head. She’d get Nash to educate her on quirkens. “I’ve never heard of those crystals.”

“I shouldn’t think so. The spheres are wonderful because the energy charge probably lasts forever. Anyway, the size of your cottage warrants two communicators, which William supplies. Stop by his office and get yours. Gracious, I do apologize for that lapse. I hadn’t needed to call you so—”

Abby touched Gita’s shoulder. “No, it’s totally fine—no big deal. I can’t wait to get my phone—communicator. They sound cool. I assume they only work in Charm?”

“Yes, only in Charm.” Gita glanced at her watch. “So, my favorite quester, we’ve completed today’s lesson. I’m pleased to inform you that you are close to completion. You’ve accepted, adapted, and amended with the speed of light. I’ve never had a quester like you, dear one. You’re such a gift to me and all of us in Charm.”

Abby gulped air. “Seriously? We’re almost done with the lessons?”

“Yes. Once one moves into forgiveness of self and begins charting a life applying Charm’s methods, the only remaining instruction is centered around seeing the world with different eyes. Don’t you feel prepared to live your life on purpose?” Gita stood. “Walk me to the front door and bring your answer.”

An enlightened but still thoughtful Abby followed. Did she feel her principles and values were firmly established within her? Did she trust herself fully to work in harmony with the orchids? With the kaleidoscope flowers? Had she succeeded in accepting, adapting, and amending herself to a higher calling for the most part? Finally, she asked herself, given a choice, did she truly want a life on purpose more so than her old life? Abby looked into Gita’s expectant face. “I’m prepared to find out because I can’t imagine living any other way.”

Gita leaned in and kissed Abby’s cheek. “You’re my precious star. May I count on seeing you at my home tomorrow morning at nine? I’d like a little more elaboration on how I might redecorate that room. Also, I’ve planned a final field trip for us. This one is most special indeed.”

Abby’s eyes grew wide with anticipation. “I don’t suppose you’d give your star quester a little hint because—”

“Ta-ta.” Gita shook her head and rushed out the door.

Orchid’s meow captured Abby’s attention.

“And where have you been this morning? Should I investigate?”

Orchid gave a soft mew and scampered down the hall.

Abby went in search of the kitten, discovering her perched on the bedroom closet shelf staring at the cubby door. “Okay, Orchid, I’ll bite. Clearly, something in there has caught your attention.”

Grabbing the key, she unlocked the door. Abby’s jaw dropped as she gazed at the contents.