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Abd el Hir, Hussein, 196, 197

Abrams, Elliott, 285

Abu Abed. See Al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud Abdel Rauf

Abu Al-Haul, Ashraf, 24–25

Abu Mussa organization, 263

Abu Seif, Muhammad, 2, 272–73

Adenauer, Konrad, 117, 124

Admoni, Nahum, 245, 249, 327–28

Adwan, Kamal, 200, 202

Aharoni, Zvi, 64–66, 68, 72, 75, 77, 83, 89

Ahituv, Avraham, 113, 126–27

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 9, 11, 23

Air Force, U.S.: exodus of Ethiopian Jews and, 329

Air France plane: Entebbe hijacking of, 260–61, 333–34

Aklum, Fereda, 320–21

Al-Ahram newspaper, 24–25, 237

Al-Din, Zaher, 146–47, 152, 154

Al-Jazeera, 305, 306

Al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud Abdel Rauf (“Plasma Screen”, “Abu Abed”): Al-Jazeera interview of, 306; filming of, 307–11, 314, 315; hunt for and killing of, 304–11, 312, 313; Iran and, 304; personal and professional background of, 305; reputation of, 305–6

Al Qaeda, x

“Al Quds” Brigades, 20–21, 298

Aliya Beth organization, 54

Allon, Emanuel (aka “Claudie”), 217, 219–21, 323

Aman (IDF intelligence service): German-Egyptian projects and, 128–29; Lavon Affair and, 132–33; Marwan intelligence and, 234, 237; reputation of, 42; Syrian nuclear program and, 281, 282, 284; Unit 131 of, 135–36, 148; Unit 8200 of, 225, 284; Yom Kippur War and, 225, 226–27. See also specific person

Amana, Ben, 205–7

American diplomats; assassination of, 199, 208

Amin, Iddi, 333

Amit, Meir: appointment as Mossad director of, 129, 158; code name for, 161; Cohen case and, 131, 148, 152; Cukurs case and, 173; Diamond Operation/Redfa and, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166–67, 169; German-Egyptian projects and, 128, 129; Head On by, 164; Iraqi Kurds and, 160–61; Lavon Affair prisoners and, 169–70; Little Isser and, 130, 157, 158; MiG–21s and, 168; Moroccans and, 158–60; personal and professional background of, 157–58; personality and character of, 157, 158; prisoner exchanges and, 169–70; reorganization of Aman and Mossad by, 148; Zamir as Mossad successor of, 187, 190

Amit (Slutzky), Ze’ev, 181–84, 185

Andora (ship): sinking of, 281

Angel. See Marwan, Ashraf

Angleton, James Jesus, 55

Arab Emirates, xi, 235. See also Dubai

Arab Industrial Union, 235

Arab Legion, 27

Arab Spring, x

Arab Winter, x, xi

Arafat, Yasser, 188, 197, 199, 208, 212, 213, 262, 266, 294

Arak nuclear plant (Iran), 14, 15, 18

Arctic Sea (ship): hijacking of, 18

Arens, Moshe, 280

Argentina: bombing of Israeli embassy in, 296–97; Cohen activities in, 139–40; Eichmann in, 60–79, 80–84; Mengele in, 88–90; Mughniyeh case and, 296–97

Arous (Mossad-Sudan resort), 322–23, 325, 326

Asgari, Ali Reza, 20, 21, 282

Assad, Bashar al-, 281, 286, 287, 291

Assad, Bassel al-, 287

Assad, Hafez Al-i, 215, 263, 280, 281, 287

atomic bomb: German-Egyptian projects and, 121

Austra Corporation, 120

Australia: Mossad expelled from, 314; Vanunu in, 242–43, 245

“Avengers” group, 68

Avni, Ze’ev (aka Wolf Goldstein), 38–40, 41, 42

Azar, Shmuel, 132, 134


Ba’ath Socialist Party, 145–46, 148, 150, 154

Bar-Hon, Meir, 80–81

Barak, Ehud, 6, 200, 201, 202, 285

Baranovski, Lucia, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56

Barzani, Mullah Mustafa, 160, 161

Bat-Galim (Israeli navy boat), 324–25

Batzri, Joseph, 35, 36

Bauer, Fritz, 59–61, 62, 64, 85

Beads, Barry (pseud.), 270, 271, 272–74

Bedell Smith, Walter, 55

Be’eri, Isser “Big Isser,” 26–28, 42

Begin, Menachem, 128, 209, 261, 319, 320

Beit Lid (Israel): suicide bombing in, 263, 265

Belgium: Ethiopian Jews exodus through, 328; Yossele case and, 99, 100

Ben-Barka, Mehdi, 159–60

Ben-David, Claude/Ariel (Ruth’s son), 99, 100, 102, 103, 105–6, 107, 110

Ben-David, Mishka, 268, 269–70, 274, 275, 276

Ben-David, Ruth (aka Madeleine Ferraille): arrest and interrogation of, 103–8; “daughter” of, 101, 106, 110–11; Little Isser meeting with, 106–8; personal and professional background of, 99–101; post-Yossele life of, 111; Yossele case and, 99–103, 106–8, 110–11

Ben-Gal, Joseph, 123–24, 125–26

Ben-Gurion, David: Amit appointment by, 129, 158; attempted assassination of, 195; Big Isser and, 27, 28; Egyptian-German weapons program and, 114, 116, 117, 124, 128, 129; Eichmann case and, 67, 76, 84–86, 90; German-Israeli relations and, 117, 124, 130; Khrushchev speech and, 54–55; Lavon Affair and, 134; Little Isser and, 42, 90, 124, 129; Manor appointed to Shabak by, 54; Mossad-CIA relations and, 55; Mossad founding and, 29–30; resignation/retirement of, 130, 132, 158; right-wing opposition to, 42; Shiloah and, 29, 42; Yossele case and, 91, 95, 109

Ben-Porat, Mordechai (aka Zaka Haviv) 32–35

Ben-Porat, Yeshayahu, 124–25

Ben-Simon, Daniel, 212–13

Ben-Tov, Cheryl (Hanin) (aka Cindy), 247–50, 251, 252–53

Ben-Uziel, David, 323, 324–25

Bergman, Ronen, 237, 268, 275, 304

Beta Israel. See Ethiopia: Jews from

Betzer, Muki, 202, 334

Big Isser. See Be’eri, Isser

bin Laden, Mohammed (Osama’s father), 149

bin Laden, Osama, 294

Bitar, Salah al-, 145, 148

Bitzur unit (Mossad), 319, 330

Black September (1970): Hussein massacre during, 187–88

Black September (terrorist organization): change in Mossad character and, 260; commanders of, 188; creation of, 188; early operations of, 188; end of, 203, 208, 212; hit teams for, 191–92; killing of leaders of, 192–211; Lillehamer fiasco and, 205–8; revenge attacks of, 197–98; Six-Day War and, 189; Sudan activities of, 199; Thailand activities of, 199; X Committee and, 191, 196; Yariv-Zamir proposal concerning, 189–91. See also specific person

Blau, Rabbi Amram, 111

BND (German intelligence agency), 312

Bodenheimer, Michael, 307, 312, 314

body in the sea, 43, 48, 49

Boudia, Mohammad, 204–5

Bourghalter, Edith, 203

Bourghalter, Pierre, 203

Boussard, Charles. See Molad, David

Brandner, Ferdinand, 114, 116

Brazil: Cukurs in, 174–84

Bregman, Ahron, 236–37

Brezhnev, Leonid, 233–34

Brooklyn, New York: Yossele case and, 108–9, 111

Buckley, William, 293

Bull, Gerald, 255–59, 260, 262

Bush, George H.W., 328–29

Bush, George W., 17, 24, 283, 284–85, 286

Bushehr nuclear plant (Iran), 8, 12, 16, 18

Bushiki, Ahmed, 207–8

“The Butcher of Riga.” See Cukurs, Herberts


“Caesarea” team, Mossad, 172, 191–92, 215, 245, 246, 260, 267, 268, 278, 299, 300, 330

Carmel, Yehuda, 80, 81, 82

Caroz, Yaacov, 76, 97–98, 101, 104–5, 106, 158

Chambers, Erika Mary “Penelope,” 210, 211, 212

“Champagne Spy.” See Gur-Arie, Ze’ev

Chaudhry, Iftikhar Khan, 14

Cheney, Richard, 285

China, 12, 13

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): Asgari defection and, 282; Buckley murder and, 293; Bull assassination and, 259; Egyptian-German weapons program and, 119; Ethiopian Jews exodus and, 329; “False Flag” recruiting missions and, 336; Iranian nuclear program and, 12–13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; Israeli operations in Iran and, 336; Israeli relations with, 12–13, 19, 29, 54, 55, 56, 336; Khrushchev speech and, 52, 55–56; Manor and, 54; Marwan (Angel) intelligence and, 235, 236; Mughniyeh case and, 296; Pollard affair and, 329; Salameh and, 208–9; supergun project and, 257, 258; Syrian nuclear program and, 281, 282

Cindy (pseud.). See Ben-Tov, Cheryl (Hanin)

Claudie. See Allon, Emanuel

Cleopatra (German-Egyptian project), 121

Clinton, Bill, 276

Cohen, Arye, 181–84

Cohen, Baruch (aka Moshe Hanan Ishai), 197

Cohen, Elie: Aman training of, 136–41; cover stories of, 138, 140–41; Egyptian activities of, 131–32, 133–34; equipment for, 141–42, 143, 144–45; execution of, 131, 155–56, 219; as hero, 156; immigration to Israel of, 134; Israeli attempts to save, 152–53, 154–55; Israeli recruitment of, 135; Lavon Affair and, 132; loneliness of, 144; Nadia letter from, 131, 149, 155; personal background of, 133, 135; personality and character of, 135, 139–40, 148, 156; reports of, 142, 144–45, 146–47, 156; sex parties of, 147; in South America, 139–40; Syrian activities of, 142–49; and Syrian attack on Israeli tractors, 148–49; Syrian discovery and execution of, 131, 149–56

Cohen, Haim, 64, 65

Cohen, Iris, 148, 149, 152, 154

Cohen, Maurice, 152, 154

Cohen, Nadia (Elie’s wife), 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 144, 148, 149, 152, 154, 155

Cohen, Shaul (Elie’s father), 133

Cohen, Shaul (Elie’s son), 148, 149, 152, 154

Cohen, Shula “the Pearl,” 170

Cohen, Sophie (Elie’s daughter), 137, 144, 149, 152, 154

Cohen, Victor, 102, 105, 106

Cold War, xi, 52

“comb” method, 246–47

The Committee (Ethiopian organization), 323–24

“conception” theory, 225–26

“Cosa Nostra,” 214–21

Credit Suisse Bank, 44, 171

Crossman, John. See Vanunu, Mordechai

Crossman, Richard, 134

Cukurs, Herberts: execution of, 181–84, 185; Sarid as “friend” of, 173–81

Cukurs, Milda, 178, 181, 185

Cyprus, x, 196, 281


Dagan, Meir (aka Meir Huberman): accomplishments of, 22–25; Al-Mabhouh case and, 305; appointments as head of Mossad of, 6, 7, 304, 334–35; awards and honors for, 4, 24–25; character and personality of, 2–3; criticisms of, 7; failures of, 24; Hadley discussions with, 284; injuries of, 3; Iran as high priority target of, 7; Iran nuclear project and, 10, 15, 16–24; Leshem interview of, 4–5; Levy reprimand of, 6; military career of, 2–7; motivations of, 5; Mughniyeh case and, 292, 299, 304; Netanyahu and, 304, 334, 335; Operation Chameleon and, 2–3; Pardo as Mossad successor to, 334; personal background of, 5, 6; reputation of, 4, 6, 7; resignation/retirement of, 6, 24, 334, 335; Sharon and, 3, 5; Suleiman killing and, 304; Syrian nuclear program and, 282–83, 284, 304

Daguto family, 63

Danny, Shalom, 68, 81, 83, 84

Darom, Shaul, 60, 61

Daveron, Kevin, 307, 308, 309, 310

Dayan, Moshe, 157, 170, 191, 223, 234, 319–20

de Gaulle, Charles, 160

Dialem nuclear plant (Iran), 16

Dimona (Israel) nuclear reactor: Egyptian weapons program and, 115; media discovery of, 115; Vanunu as employee at, 239, 240–42, 252; Vanunu films of, 241–42, 243–52

Dir Al-Zur nuclear facility (Syria), 280, 281, 282–83, 284, 285–86, 288, 290

Domb, Joseph, 101, 102

Dubai: Al-Mabhouh case and, 305, 306–11, 312–13, 315

“Dubi” (Marwan case officer), 222, 224, 232, 236

Dulles, Allen, 55


Eban, Abba, 69

Egypt: Al-Mabhouh arrest in, 305; Arab Industrial Union and, 235; Arab Spring and, x; British withdrawal from, 132–33; Cohen activities in, 132–33; El Gamal as double agent and, 126; elections in, x; ex-Nazis as Israeli spies in, 40; German scientists in, 114–30; Iranian-Israeli relations and, 335; Israel case and, 44–45, 47; Israeli prisoner exchange with, 169–70; Israeli relations with, x, 227; Jews escape from, 132; Lavon Affair and, 132–33, 169–70; Libya and, 234–35; missile and weapons programs of, 114–30; revolution in, x; Russian/Soviet relations with, 57, 225, 232, 233–34; Skorzeny activities in, 113; Syrian relations with, 141; United Arab Command and, 147; Yemen relations with, 122. See also Six-Day War; Yom Kippur War; specific person

Eichmann, Adolf: admits being himself, 75, 85; Argentina departure of, 80–84; Bauer and Herman knowledge about, 59–63; Carmel as double for, 80, 81; in hiding in Argentina, 60–66, 77–78; Israeli capture of, 48, 66–73, 89–90, 127, 172; Israeli identification of, 62–66, 77–78, 85; as Israeli prisoner,  73–86; Klement alias of, 64, 65–66, 69, 71; Knesset learns about capture of, 85–86, 90; Mengele case and, 89–90; secrecy about, 89–90; trial and execution of, 28, 86–87, 113, 172

Eichmann, Dieter, 65, 78

Eichmann, Nicolas “Nick,” 59, 60, 62–63, 64, 65

Eichmann, Sylvia, 60, 62, 63, 64

Eichmann, Vera de Liebl, 60, 61, 66, 77–78

Eini, Freddie, 222, 224

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 55

Eitan, Rafi: appointed head of Europe station, 172; Egyptian-German weapons program and, 116, 119, 126; Eichmann case and, 67, 72, 73, 74, 86–87, 89–90; Israel case and, 45–46, 47, 49; Lansky meeting with, 119; Mengele case and, 89; Morocco and, 158–59; Pollard affair and, 329; resignation of, 190;Skorzeny recruitment and, 113, 127; U.S. actions against, 329; Zamir’s Mossad appointment and, 190

El Al: Black September attempted bombing of, 193; Eichmann case and, 69, 80, 81, 82–84; Ethiopian Jews exodus and, 331; Palestinian terrorists Rome attack on, 234–35; Redfa and, 164, 167

El-Ard, Majeed Sheikh, 142, 144, 152, 154

El-Baradei, Mohamed, 14

El’azar, David (Dado), 201, 216, 228

Elian, Yona, 47–48, 68, 71, 72, 80–81, 82, 84

Elvinger, Peter, 308, 309, 310

Entebbe (Uganda): attack at, 24, 209, 260–61, 333–34

Erdogan, Tayyip, 286

Eshkol, Levi, 57, 158, 160, 170, 189, 223

Ethiopia: civil war in, 330–31; exodus of Jews from, 30, 317–32

Eurenco, 13


Factory 36 (Egypt), 114, 119

Factory 135 (Egypt), 114, 119

Factory 333 (Egypt), 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 123

Fadlallah, Sheikh, 294, 297

Faisal (king of Iraq), 197–98

Fakhri Zadeh, Mohsen, 19–20, 21

Falasha. See Ethiopia: exodus of Jews from

“False Flag” recruiting missions, 336

Fatah, 4, 188, 189, 208, 209, 212, 234, 293–94. See also Black September (organization); specific person

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 14, 108, 109, 292, 295

Ferraille, Madeleine. See Ben-David, Ruth

Flotilla 13, Israeli, 214–15, 218, 289, 290

Folliard, Gail, 307–8, 309, 310

Force Seventeen (Fatah), 208, 293–94

France: Ben-Barka case and, 160; Israeli relations with, 160. See also Air France

Frank, Rabbi, 93

French Secret Service, 102

Frenchwoman. See Ben-David, Ruth

Freyer, Rabbi (pseud.), 102


Gat, Yaacov, 68, 72

Gates, Robert, 283

Gaza: arms smuggling into, 304, 305, 306, 308, 315–16; Dagan military career in, 3; as Israeli possession following Six-Day War, 222; Mossad accomplishments and, 5; Palestinian-Israeli relations in, 1–3; refugee camps in, 3; suicide bombing in, 265

German terrorists: Entebbe attack and, 333–34

Germany: and German scientists in Egypt, 114–30; Israeli relations with, 117, 124, 125, 129; Munich massacre and, 186–87, 189–90, 208, 213; and statute of limitations on war crimes, 172–73, 185. See also BND; specific person

Gertner family: Yossele case and, 108–9, 111

Gibli, Benyamin, 132–33, 134

girls, Jewish: rescue of, 214–21

Godiva chocolates: Haddad death and, 261–62, 268

Goerke, Heidi, 123, 126

Goerke, Paul, 115, 122–23

Golan Heights, 222–23, 227, 228

Gold, Henry, 322, 325

Goldstein, Wolf. See Avni, Ze’ev

Goren, Shmuel, 231–32

Grayevski, Victor, 50–58

Great Britain: Be’eri accusations against, 27; Hushi case and, 27; Iranian nuclear program and, 15, 16, 19; Iraq supergun project and, 259; Israeli relations with, 249, 251, 253; Jewish Commando Corps and, 29; Mossad expulsion from, 314; withdrawal from Egypt of, 132–33. See also London, England; MI6

Guerrero, Oscar, 243, 244, 245, 252

Gulf War (1991), 258, 280

Gur-Arie, Israel, 108–9

Gur-Arie, Ze’ev (aka Wolfgang Lutz) “Champagne Spy,” 118, 130, 170


Haaretz, 124, 278, 312

Habash, George, 198, 204

Hadar, Avraham “Pashosh” (Thrush), 106

Haddad, Wadie, 260–62, 268

Hadley, Steve, 283, 284, 285

Hafez, Amin el-, 140, 145–46, 148, 151, 153

Haganah, 2, 27, 45. See also specific person

Haidar, Nihad, 291, 300–301, 302, 303

Halek, Ahmed, 297–98

Halevy, Efraim, 7, 276–77, 278, 282

Hamas: Al-Mabhouh death and, 311; arms smuggling and, 304–5, 306, 315–16; Dagan and, 24, 25; functions of, 265; Iran and, 304–5, 315–16; Israeli drone attack on leaders of, 315; as Israeli target, 266–68; Mash’al reputation and, 277; Mossad failures and, 6; Palestinian Relief Bureau as cover for, 269; Shalit kidnapping and, 24. See also Al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud Abdel Rauf; Mash’al, Khaled

Hamshari, Mahmoud, 195–96, 197

Hanin, Cindy. See Ben-Tov, Cheryl (Hanin) (aka Cindy)

Harari, Mike, 191–92, 196, 205–6, 215

Harel, Isser “Little Isser”: Amit compared with, 157; Amit as Mossad successor to, 148; Amit relationship with, 130, 158, 160; appointed head of Mossad and Shabak, 37, 42; Avni case and, 39–41; Ben-Barka case and, 160; Ben-Gal and Joklik case and, 123–24; Ben-Gurion relationship with, 90, 124; Egyptian-German weapons program and, 113–20, 123–24, 125, 128, 129; Eichmann case and, 59, 60–65, 67–73, 75, 76, 78–79, 80, 81–86, 90, 117; as Eshkol adviser, 158; German hostility of, 117, 124, 128; Israel case and, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; as Israeli intelligence tsar, 42, 49; Khrushchev speech and, 55; “Kunzle” and, 185; Manor and, 54; Meir (Golda) relationship with, 124; Mengele case and, 88–89; Morocco-Israeli relations and, 158, 160; Paris party for, 109–10; personal and professional background of, 41–42, 157; personality and character of, 39, 41, 68, 97, 100, 157; power and authority of, 49, 95; reputation of, 39; resignations of, 128, 129, 130, 160; Yossele case and, 90–91, 95–103, 106–9, 111, 113–14

Harel, Rivka, 41, 95

Harman, Avraham, 108–9

Hassan (king of Morocco), 98, 158, 276

Hatechiya (Revival) party, 240

Hatum, Salim, 145, 147, 153–54

Haviv, Zaki. See Ben-Porat, Mordechai

Hermann, Lothar, 60, 61, 62–63

Hermann, Sylvia, 60, 62–63, 64

Hezbollah: arming of, 301; Dagan actions against, 25; founding of, 294; goal of, 294; Iranian relations with, 297; Mughniyeh and, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303; as social organization, 265; Swiss arrest of Mossad agent and, 278; Syrian nuclear program and, 288. See also specific person

High Altitude Research Program (HARP) (Bull project), 255

Hindi, Amin al-, 234–35

Hitler, Adolf, 112–13, 125, 173

Hod, Mordechai (Motti), 166, 167–68

Hoffstetter, Efraim (aka Karl Huppert), 62, 63

Hofi, Yitzhak (Haka), 209, 227, 245, 261, 319, 320, 321, 327

Holocaust, 5, 86, 87, 117, 191

“honey trap”: Vanunu in, 248–49

Hosseinpour, Ardashir, 10

Hounam, Peter, 245, 248–49

Huberman, Meir. See Dagan, Meir

Huppert, Karl. See Hoffstetter, Efraim

Hushi, Abba, 27, 28

Hussein (king of Jordan), 187–88, 223, 235, 274–75, 276–77, 278

Hussein, Saddam, 12, 257, 259


Ibis (German-Egyptian project), 121

Idissis, Haim, 317–18

immigration, Israeli: functions of Mossad and, 30. See also Ethiopia: exodus of Jews from; girls, Jewish: rescue of

Ingleby, Jonathan, 196, 206

Institute 2 (Dimona nuclear reactor), 241–42, 244, 246, 252

Institute of Research on Jet Propulsion (Stuttgart, Germany), 115, 116, 125

intelligence community, Israeli, 42, 54, 133. See also Aman; Mossad; Shabak

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 14, 19, 336

Intra Corporation, 115, 117, 120, 125

Iran: Al-Mabhouh and, 304; arrest and execution of Israeli spies by, 21–22; attacks on Israelis by, 335; Bull assassination and, 259; Caroz and Israeli relations with, 98; China and, 12, 13; CIA activities and, 12–13; gun smuggling and, 304, 305, 315–16; Hamas and, 304–5, 315; Hezbollah and, 301; Iraq supergun project and, 258; Iraq war with, 12, 258; Israel as ally of, 11; Israeli covert war against, x, 335–37; Israeli obliteration as objective of, x, 11, 16, 337; missile program of, ix, 335; Mossad rescue of Jews in, 30; Mughniyeh case and, 292, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301–2; nuclear program in, x, 8–24, 335, 336–37; Pakistan and, 13, 14, 21; plane crash (2006) in, 16; resistance in, 19–20; revolution in, 11–12; Russian relations with, 12, 13, 17, 18; Syrian nuclear program and, 280, 281, 282, 288; UN sanctions on, 23; U.S. relations with, 336, 337

Iran-Contra Affair, 245

Iran-Iraq War, 12, 258

Iranian National Council of Resistance, 19–20

Iraq: Haddad’s death and, 262; Iran war with, 12, 258; Jewish community in, 32–36; Kurds in, 160–61, 163; Mossad’s first undercover operation in, 30, 31–37; nuclear program in, 11; supergun project in, 257–59; United Arab Command and, 147

Iraq War, 260

Ireland, 97, 314

Irgun group, 42, 45

Isfahan nuclear plant (Iran), 10, 14, 18

Ishai, Moshe Hanan. See Cohen, Baruch

Islamic Jihad: x, 25, 262, 263, 264–65. See also Shaqaqi, Fathi

Israel: discrimination of Ethiopian Jews in, 331; international image of, 315; secular and ultra-Orthodox Jewish relations in, 90–91; suicide bombings in, 263, 265, 266–67, 269. See also specific person, nation, or topic

Israel, Avner/Alexander, 43–49

Israel, Matilda, 43, 44, 48–49

Israel, Moshe, 48–49

Israeli Air Force, 168–69, 326–27, 331

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), 129, 222–23, 227, 234, 331. See also Aman; Flotilla 13; specific person

Israeli Navy, 324

Italian secret service, 234, 235, 249, 251

Itzikel, Rabbi, 99

Ivor, Alexander. See Israel, Avner/Alexander

Izz Ad Din Al-Qassam Brigade (Hamas), 305


Jabalia camp (Palestinian refugee camp), 2

Jaafar Nimeiry, 327, 329

Jarrah, Ali, 302–3

Jewish Agency, 216, 328, 330

Jewish Commando Corps, 29

Jihad, Abu, 299

Joklik, Otto, 119–21, 123–24, 125–26, 128

Jordan: Black September operations against, 189; detainment of Mossad agents in, 276–78; Hussein’s September massacre in, 187–88; Israeli relations with, 267–68, 276–78; Mash’al “hit” and, 267–78; Six-Day War and, 57, 222; Western relations with, xi

Jordan River: Syrian-Israeli relations and, 136

“The Journey Song” (Idissis), 317–18, 331–32

Jundallah (Pakistani terrorist organization), 336

Justice Department, U.S., 292


Kahane, Rabbi, 240

Kamil, Hassan, 115, 116

Kassem, Abdul Karim, 36–37

Kassem, Ali: assassination of, 27, 28

Katz, Zelig, 53–54

Keitzner, Miriam, 174, 175

Kendall, Shawn (pseud.), 270, 271, 272–74

Kennedy, John F., 122

Kennedy, Robert, 108, 109

Kessim elders, 318

Kfar Sousa meeting, 301, 302

KGB, 28, 56–57, 91, 197

Khaddafi, Muammar, 234–35, 236

Khalil, Mahmoud, 114, 120–21, 130

Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 13, 14, 15

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 11, 12, 294

Khrushchev, Nikita: 1956 speech of, 51–58

Kidon (Massada team), 192, 199, 205–6, 268, 269, 270, 272, 277, 299, 300, 312

Kim Il-sung, 280

Kissinger, Henry, 235

Kleinwachter, Hans, 115, 122, 123

Klement, Ricardo. See Eichmann, Adolf

Knesset, 85–86, 90, 93, 95, 128, 328

Kol Israel radio, 56, 150, 164

Kolberg, Ronald. See Molad, David

Kroll, Gadi, 218, 324–25

Krug, Heinz, 115, 117–18, 120, 121

Krupp Industries, 255

Kubaissi, Basil al-, 197–99

Kunzle, Anton. See Sarid, Yitzhak

Kurds, Iraqi, 160–61, 163


Lakam organization, 329

Lansky, Meyer, 119

Latvia, 173–74

Lavi, Naftali, 124–25

Lavon Affair, 132–33, 169–70

Lavon, Pinhas, 132–33, 134

Lebanon: Black September and, 202; bombing of U.S. embassy in, 292; Israeli attacks on terrorist camps in, 202; Jordanian terrorists in, 188; Marwan (Angel) activities and, 236; Mossad accomplishments in, 7; Mossad agents’ arrests in, 302–3; Mughniyeh assassination attempts in, 297; U.S. Marine massacre in, x, 292, 294

Lebanon War (1982), 5–6, 240, 294

Lebanon War (2006), 7, 286, 288, 293, 298, 334

Lenin Medal, Grayevski’s, 57, 58

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 52, 58

Leshem, Ron, 4–5

Libya: arms deals and, 236; Islamic fundamentalism in, xi; and Israeli shooting of civilian Libyan aircraft, 234; as Khan nuclear client, 13, 15; Marwan (Angel) intelligence and, 234–35; Palestinian terrorist organization conference in, 263–64; Sudanese civil war and, 329

Lillehammer, Norway: Salameh-Amana meeting in, 205–7

Limor, Danny, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325

Lipkin-Shahak, Amnon, 200, 331

Liron, Ze’ev (Londner), 163, 164, 165, 169

“Little Isser.” See Harel, Isser

Lod Airport: 1972 massacre at, 198

London Daily Telegraph, 10, 18, 311–12

London, England: Angel-Zamir meeting in, 223–24; closing of Mossad station in, 253; Marwan (Angel) activities and, 230–31, 232–33, 235, 236; Vanunu in, 245–52; Yossele case and, 94, 96–97, 101–2

London Independent: Mughniyeh story in, 299–300, 301

London Sunday Times: Al-Mabhouh case and, 305, 311; Hosseinpour assassination report in, 10; Mughniyeh story in, 296; Suleiman assassination story in, 289; Syrian nuclear program story in, 285; Vanunu Dimona film and, 244, 245–46, 247, 248–49, 250–51

London Times, 18, 21

Lorenz, Shlomo, 93–94

Lubrani, Uri, 330–31

Lutz, Wolfgang. See Gur-Arie, Ze’ev


Ma’ariv newspaper, 124, 184

Magen, Aliza, 267, 278

Mahmoud “Herr Doktor,” 120–21, 130

Malkin, Fruma, 67, 87

Malkin, Zvi, 67, 72, 73, 74, 76, 87, 89, 223, 246

Malta: Shaqaqi death in, 262–65

Mann, H., 123, 125–27

Manor, Amos, 44, 53–55, 56, 95, 106, 128, 129

Margalit, Dan, 229

Maria, Francine Adeleine. See Barges, Evelyne

Marines, U.S.: Beirut massacre of, x, 292, 294

Marwan, Ashraf (aka Angel): Bregman identification of, 236–37; death of, 238; as double agent, 228–29, 236, 237–38; identity of, 228–29; Israeli activities of, 232–36; Israeli recruitment of, 231–32; lifestyle of, 230; Nasser relationship with, 230–31, 237, 238; Nasser-Russian intelligence and, 232; personal background of, 229–30; retirement of, 236; Sadat and, 233–34, 235, 238; Yom Kippur War and, 222, 223–25, 226–27, 229; Zamir meeting with, 223–24, 229

Marwan, Moona Nasser, 229–30, 234

Mash’al, Khaled, 266–77, 334

Massada hit team, 204–5. See also Kidon

MB Gaash (ship), 200–201

MB Mivtah (ship), 200–201

MECO (Mechanical Corporation), 115–16

Medan, Raphael “Raphi,” 45, 126–27

Meidad, Yaacov (Mio), 70, 71

Meir (Antwerp Orthodox Jew): Yossele case and, 99

Meir, Golda: attempted assassination of, 198; Black September and, 189–91, 198, 199, 208, 212; Egyptian weapons/missile program and, 122, 124, 128; Hussein meeting with, 223; Kennedy meeting with, 122; Marwan (Angel) intelligence and, 234; Munich massacre and, 186, 187, 189–90; personality and character of, 223; rescue of Jewish girls in Syria and, 216, 221; retirement of, 209; warnings of Arab war with Israel and, 223

Meir, Meir, 232–33

Meizish, Rabbi, 93, 94, 100, 110

Mendelovitch, Arthur. See Manor, Amos

Mengele, Josef, 88–90

Mengistu Haile Mariam (Ethiopian ruler), 319–20, 330, 331

Mercier, Jacques, 153, 154

Messerschmitt, Willy, 114, 116, 130

MI6, British, 15, 19, 236, 258, 259

Michael, Sami, 135, 136, 137

MiG–21 (Diamond Operation), 161–70

Ministry of Defense, Israeli, 129, 240, 241, 244, 282, 329

Mohammadi, Masoud Ali, 9–10, 24

Molad, David (pseud.) (aka Charles Boussard and Ronald Kolberg): Black September operation and, 194–95, 198, 199, 200, 201, 206, 211, 212; change in Mossad character and, 260; exodus of Ethiopian Jews and, 329; rescue of Jewish girls from Syria and, 215; retirement of, 329; in Sudan, 329

Mordechai, Yitzhak, 244, 245–46, 247, 248, 250, 276

Morocco, 158–60

Moshe, Nissim, 31, 33

Mossad: accomplishments of, 7; change in character of, 260; CIA relations with, 12–13, 19, 55, 56; closing of London office of, 253; creation of, 25, 29–30; failures of, 6–7; impact on U.S. security of, ix; importance of, xi; Lillehammer fiasco and, 207–8; MI6 relations with, 19; Moroccan secret service and, 159; motto of, 30; recruitment for, 30; reputation/image of, xi, 7, 42, 56, 207–8, 277; solitude of agents of, 24; targets of, x; tasks/functions of, x, xi, 30, 37, 169–70, 217; uniqueness of, 30; worst mishaps in history of, 11, 266. See also specific person or case

MTP Corporation, 115–16

Mubarak, Hosni, 237

Mughniyeh, Fuad, 297–98

Mughniyeh, Imad: attempted assassinations on, 297–98; hunt for and killing of, x, 7, 291–304, 306; Iran and, 292, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301–2; as Israel’s most wanted man, 297; Palestinian terrorists and, 298; personal and professional background of, 293–94; personality of, 295–96; plastic surgeries of, 298–99; private life of, 291–92, 295, 300–301, 302, 303; Syria and, 288, 292, 299, 300–302; terrorist activities of, 292–95

Mujahedeen el Khalq (MEK), 15, 335–37

Mukhabarat, 149–51, 165, 169, 217, 219, 237

Munich Massacre, 186–87, 189–90, 208, 213

Murdoch, Rupert, 246

Musawi, Sheikh Abbas al-, 296, 297

Muslim Brotherhood, 305

Mussa, Said, 263–64


Nahmias, Joseph, 93–94, 95

Najad, Darioush Rezaei, 8

Nasrallah, Sheikh, 294, 298

Nasser, Gamal Abdel: death of, 223, 233; Egyptian missile/weapons programs and, 113, 114, 115; Hassan II fears about, 158; Marwan relationship with, 230–31, 237, 238; prisoner exchanges with Israel and, 170; Russian-Egyptian relations and, 232; Six-Day War and, 57, 225; tomb of, 237; UAR collapse and, 143; Yemen-Egypt war and, 226

Nasser, Kamal, 200, 202

Nasser, Moona. See Marwan, Moona Nasser

Natanz nuclear facility (Iran), 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22–23, 335

National Committee for the Return of Yossele, 94

National Council of Resistance, Iranian, 19

Nativ organization, 46

Nazi criminals: statute of limitations on war crimes for, 172–73, 185

Negev desert: development of, 117, 136

Netanyahu, Benjamin (Bibi): Al-Mabhouh case and, 305; Dagan and, 24, 304, 335; Entebbe and, 334; Hamas/Mash’al case and, 267, 268, 274–75, 276, 277; Iranian relations and, 337; Pardo appointment as head of Mossad and, 335; Syrian nuclear program and, 285, 287; U.S.-Israeli relations and, 337; and Yoni death, 334

Netanyahu, Yoni, 24, 333–34

Neturei Karta sect, 111

Neviot (Mossad department), 267, 334

New York Jewish Press: Ethiopian Jews story in, 328

New York Times, 18, 55–56

Nissiyahu, Yehudith, 68, 70, 71, 76, 78, 96–97, 105

North Korea: as Khan nuclear client, 13, 15; nuclear program of, 279–90; Syria’s relations with, 279–90

nuclear programs. See specific nation or facility


Obama, Barack, 337

Olmert, Ehud, 282, 283, 285, 286

Olympics (Munich, 1972): massacre at, 186–87, 189–90, 208, 213

Operation Brothers, 327

Operation Chameleon (Israeli), 1–3

Operation Cleopatra, 121

Operation Desert Storm, 280

Operation Diamond. See Redfa, Munir

Operation Engineer. See Israel, Avner/Alexander

Operation Ibis, 121

Operation Kaniuk. See Vanunu, Mordechai

Operation Moses, 327–29, 330

Operation “The Orchard.” See Dir Al-Zur nuclear facility

Operation Peace of Galilee. See Lebanon War (1982)

Operation Pygmalion. See Avni, Ze’ev

Operation Queen of Sheba, 329, 330

Operation “Smicha.” See girls, Jewish: rescue of

Operation Solomon, 330–31

Operation Spring of Youth. See Black September (terrorist organization)

Operation Tiger Cub. See Schuchmacher, Yossele

Operation Wrath of God. See Black September (terrorist organization)

Or, Theodore, 237, 238

Osiraq atomic reactor (Iraq), 11

Oslo Accords (1993), 266

Oufkir, Mohammad, 98, 159–60


Pahlavi, Reza, 11–12

Pakistan, 13, 14, 15, 21

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 195, 208, 266, 293, 294

Palestinian Relief Bureau, 269

Palestinians: East Germany as refuge for, 261–62; Israeli peace with, 213; Libya conference of, 263–64; Mossad recruitment of, 298; Mughniyeh case and, 292, 298. See also specific person or organization

Palmach, 45

Panetta, Leon, 19

Parchin nuclear facility (Iran), 16–17

Pardo, Tamir, 24, 333, 334–35

Passover Affair, 203–4

Patwag, 115, 125

Paul VI (pope), 155

Pearlman, Moshe, 78

Peres, Shimon, 117, 128, 129, 130, 244, 245, 249, 328

Pfeiffer Vacuum Company, 18

Pilz, Wolfgang, 115, 116, 119, 121

“Plasma Screen” (code name). See Al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud Abdel Rauf

Poland, 50, 56, 314

Pollard (Jonathan) Affair, 245, 329

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 1–3, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 260–62, 268. See also specific person

Porat, Yehuda, 163–64

“Prime Ministers’ Club,” 244

Project Babylon (Iraq supergun project), 257–59

“Prosper.” See Yonatan


Qom nuclear facility (Iran), 14, 15, 18–19, 21


Rabin, Yitzhak, 3, 6, 209, 244, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268

Radio Damascus, 144, 146, 147

Rakah Party, 239

“Red Prince.” See Salameh, Ali Hassan

Redfa, Camille, 162, 165–66, 167, 169

Redfa, Munir “Diamond,” 162–67, 168, 169

Reuven (Berlin Mossad agent), 298, 299

Revolutionary Guards, Iranian, 10, 15, 16, 20–21, 22, 282, 294

Rice, Condoleezza, 283, 285

Rimon unit, Israeli, 2–5

Rizk, Georgina, 208, 209, 210

Rome, Italy: Black September hits in, 192–94; Palestinian terrorists attack on El Al plane in, 234–35; Vanunu in, 249–50, 251

Russell, Bertrand, 155

Russia/Soviet Union: Avni as agent for, 40–41; Black September relations with, 196; collapse of, 12; Egyptian relations with, 57, 225, 232, 233–34; Ethiopia and, 320; Grayevski case and, 50–58; Iran and, 12, 13, 17, 18; and Khrushchev 1956 speech, 51–58; Latvian relations with, 174; MiG–21 operation and, 161–70; Nativ help for Jews escaping from, 46; spy network in U.S. from, 315; Syria and, 225, 280; in World War II, 174; Yom Kippur War and, 225; Yossele case and, 91, 92


Sadat, Anwar, 223, 224–25, 233–34, 235, 236, 238

Salach, Shalom, 35, 36

Salameh, Ali Hassan “Red Prince”: Amana meeting with, 205–7; Arafat relationship with, 188, 208; Black September’s revenge and, 197; CIA and, 208–9; family background of, 188–89; Force 17 and, 294; Israeli hunt for, 199, 200–201, 202–3, 209–11; killing obsession of, 189; killing of, 211–12; lifestyle of, 209; in Lillehammer, 205–7; marriage of, 208; Munich Olympics and, 189

Salameh, Ali Hassan (son of “Red Prince”), 212–13

Salameh, Hassan (father of “Red Prince”), 188–89

Salehi, Ali Akbar, 9, 20

Salhun, Ismail, 31–32

Sänger, Eugen, 115, 116

Sarid, Yitzhak (aka Anton Kunzle): Cukurs case and, 171–83; letter to Cukurs from, 184–85; motivations of, 173

Satmar sect, 96–97, 101, 102, 108, 111

Saudi Arabia, 235, 322

Sayeret Matkal (Israeli commando unit), 3, 186, 200, 202, 209, 260, 267, 284, 333–34

Schmidt, Francisco, 63, 64

Schuchmacher, Ida and Alter, 91–93

Schuchmacher, Yossele: Ben-Gurion and Little Isser discussion about, 90–91; court decisions about, 92–93, 94; criticisms of Little Isser and, 113–14; in grandparents’ care, 91–93; Little Isser meeting with, 111; return of, 108–9; search for, 93–108, 110–11

scientists: and German-Egyptian projects, 114–30; Iranian nuclear project and, 8–10, 12, 14, 19–21; Israeli recruitment of Syrian, 282–83; killing of Iraqi nuclear, 11; Russian, 12. See also specific person

Scotland Yard, 238

Scud missiles, 258, 280

Sdeh Boker (Israeli kibbutz), 75–76, 132

security cameras: Al-Mabhouh case and, 307–11, 314, 315

Segev, Shmuel, 124–25

Seif, George Salem, 143–44, 152, 154

Selassie, Haile, 98, 319

September 11, 2001, 292

Shabak: Avni case and, 41; Black September and, 189; Eichmann case and, 67; founding of, 126; Grayevski and, 53, 58; Israel case and, 44, 45; Khrushchev speech and, 53; reputation of, 42; Vanunu and, 240–41, 246, 250; Yossele case and, 95, 101–2, 106. See also specific person

Shai: Be’eri as commander of, 26–28; Harel as member of, 42

Shaldag (Kingfisher) commando unit, Israeli, 285, 331, 334

Shalit, Gilad, 24

Shalom, Avraham (Avrum), 67–68, 72, 73, 89, 95, 96

Shamir, Shimon, 233, 244

Shamir, Yitzhak, 45, 244, 331

Shapira, Danny, 167–68

Shaqaqi, Fathi (aka Ibrahim Shawush), 262–65

Sharett, Moshe, 48, 132

Sharon, Ariel (Arik), 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 275, 276, 277

Shavit, Shabtai, 246, 260, 263, 264, 330

Shawush, Ibrahim. See Shaqaqi, Fathi

Shefa, Yonatan, 322–23

Sheffield Forge Masters, 259

Shemesh, Camille, 162, 167

Shemesh, Yossef, 162, 163, 164, 167

Shiloah, Reuven, 28–29, 30, 37, 42

Shirazi, Amir, 20–21

Shomron, David, 158–59

Shpilman, Victor. See Grayevski, Victor

Shtarkes, Ida. See Schuchmacher, Ida and Alter

Shtarkes, Nahman, 90, 91, 92–93, 94

Shtarkes, Ovadia, 91, 101

Shtarkes, Shalom, 91, 92, 94, 96, 101

Six-Day War (1967): Arab revenge for, 222, 223; Black September and, 189; Egypt-Yemen war and, 225–26; El Gamal spy activities and, 126; Gaza acquisition in, 3; as important to Israeli future, 337; Marwan recruitment and, 231; MiG–21 and, 166, 168; prisoner exchanges following, 169; Soviet-Egyptian relations and, 57

Skorzeny, Otto, 112–13, 126, 127–28, 130

Soviet Union. See Russia/Soviet Union

SS Astoria: Cohen transmissions and, 142

Stalin, Joseph: Khrushchev speech about, 51–53

Stanek, Otto. See Manor, Amos

Stasi (East German secret service), 298–99

State Department, U.S., 292, 303

Stern group, 42, 45

Stratfor think tank (Texas), 10, 11, 16

Strauss, Franz Josef, 117, 130

Stuxnet virus, 22–23

Sudan: arms smuggling and, 315–16; Black September activities in, 199, 208; civil war in, 327; exodus of Ethiopian Jews and, 320–29; Israeli drone attack in, 315–16; Israeli relations with, 320

Sudit (Sharon), Eliezer, 181–84

Suez War (1957), 134

suicide bombings: Shaqaqi as ideological father of, 265. See also specific bombing

Suleiman, Muhammad, 287–90, 301, 304

superguns: Bull development of, 255–59

Supreme Court, Israeli, 92–93

Swissair liner: midair explosion of, 195

Switzerland: arrest of Mossad agent in, 278; Ben-Gal and Joklik case and, 123–24, 125–26; Egyptian-German plants in, 115–16; Yossele case and, 96, 106, 110

Syria: Arab Winter in, xi; attack on Israeli tractors by, 148–49; Ba’ath Party in, 145–46, 148, 150, 154; Cohen as Aman agent in, 135–36, 142–56; Cohen execution in, 131, 155–56, 219; coups in, 141, 145; Egyptian relations with, 141; Hezbollah and, 301; Iran and, 280, 281, 282, 288; Israeli relations with, 136, 141, 170, 227, 263; Jordanian terrorists in, 188; Mossad accomplishments in, 7; Mughniyeh case and, x, 292, 299, 300–302; North Korea relations with, 279–90; nuclear program in, 7, 279–90, 302, 304; rescue of Jewish girls from, 214–21; Russian relations with, 225, 280; Six-Day War and, 57, 222; United Arab Command and, 147; U.S. relations with, 282, 283–85, 286. See also Yom Kippur War; specific person

Syrian Atomic Energy Commission, 280

Syrian Scientific Research Agency, 281, 288


Tabet, Kamal Amin. See Cohen, Elie

Taggar, Yehuda (aka Yudke Tadjer), 31–32, 33, 35–37

Talmor, Emmanuel (Emma), 45, 61

Tamim, Dhahi Khalfan, 312–13, 314, 315

Tamuz nuclear facility (Iraq), 257

Tapuz (ship), 250

Taussig, Oswald, 181–84

Tavor, Moshe, 68, 72

Tayara (Mukhabarat chief), 149–50

Teitelbaum, Rabbi Joel, 111

Tel Aviv: Black September suicide-plane attack on, 197–98

Tevel department, Israeli, 267, 319

Thailand, 199, 335

Thatcher, Margaret, 249, 253

Thomas, Gordon, 298, 311–12

Thunder Cross (Fascist organization), 174

Time magazine, 18, 19, 263

Tohar, Zvi, 69, 81

Tubiansky, Meir, 27–28

Tyre refugee camp (Lebanon), 2

Tzafririm unit (Mossad), 319

Tzomet (Mossad department), 231, 267


Uganda. See Entebbe

United Arab Command, 147

United Arab Republic, 141, 143

United Gunpowder Works, 257

United Nations, 17, 23, 226, 256, 257

United States: Ethiopian civil war and, 330; exodus of Ethiopian Jews and, 329, 331; and Hamas as Israeli target, 267; as Iranian missile target, ix; Iranian nuclear program and, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23; Iranian relations with, 336, 337; Israeli relations with, 329, 337; MiG–21 and, 168; Mossad impact on security of, ix; Mughniyeh case and, 292–93, 296–97, 303; Sudanese civil war and, 327; Suleiman case and, 288; Syrian nuclear program and, 283–85, 286. See also CIA; FBI; specific person


Vanunu, Mordechai (aka John Crossman): in Australia, 242–43, 245; British-Israeli relations and, 249, 251, 253; as Dimona employee, 239, 240–42, 252; films of Dimona of, 241–42, 243–52; indictment and sentencing of, 251–52; lifestyle of, 240; in London, 245–49; London Sunday Times and, 244, 245–46, 247, 248–49, 250–51; motives of, 243–44; Operation Kaniuk and, 245–50, 252–53; personal and professional background of, 240; personality and character of, 240; political views of, 239–40, 241; public image of, 252; in Rome, 249–50, 251; sexual interests of, 246–49; views about Israel of, 252

Vardi, Rehavia, 161–62, 164, 231

von Braun, Wernher, 115, 130


War of Independence, Israeli, 26, 29–30, 32, 45, 67, 132, 337. See also Haganah; Shai; specific person

Weizman, Ezer, 11, 161, 168

Wiesel, Elie, 109

Wiesenthal, Simon, 126

World War I: supergun in, 254–55

World War II: Jewish Commando Corps during, 29; Rabbi Itzikel followers during, 99; superguns in, 255. See also specific person


X Committee, 191, 196


Yankele. See Schuchmacher, Yossele

Yariv, Aharon: Black September and, 189–91, 212

Yariv, Yoske, 172–73, 178, 181–84

Yatom, Danny, 3, 267, 268, 271, 274–75, 277–78

Yemen: Egyptian relations with, 122, 225–26

Yom Kippur War (1973), 5, 185, 190, 208, 222–29, 234, 235, 236

Yonatan “Prosper” (Israeli commando), 215, 217, 218, 220, 221

Yongbyon nuclear reactor (North Korea), 283–84, 286

Yossele. See Schuchmacher, Yossele

Yussef, Abu, 188, 200, 202, 203


Zablodovitch, Shlomo, 121, 127

Zagros Mountains: Iranian nuclear plant in, 19

Zalman (intelligence officer): Cohen activities and, 135, 137–38, 141, 144

Zamir, Zvi: as Amit successor at Mossad, 187, 190; Black September and, 189–91, 205, 206, 208; Boudia killing and, 205; El Al-Rome attack and, 235; Hofi as Mossad successor to, 227; Marwan (Angel) and, 222, 223–24, 226, 227–28, 229, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238; Munich massacre and, 187; personality and character of, 190; professional background of, 190; rescue of Jewish girls from Syria and, 215, 216–17; resignation/retirement of, 209, 227–28; Salameh killing and, 206; Yom Kippur War and, 222, 223–24, 225, 226, 227–28

Ze’evi, Beni, 161, 246

Zeira, Eli, 225, 226, 228–29, 237–38

Zelinger (intelligence officer): Cohen contacts with, 140, 141–42

Zichroni, Ze’ev. See Carmel, Yehuda

Zionists: recruitment of, 133

Zur, Zvi, 116–17

Zwaiter, Wael, 192–94, 197, 199