Bonfort’s Wine and Spirit Circular, 111:135; IV:251 Bonheur, Rosa, IV: 544, 685 Bonner, John, II:469n, 470; IV: 105, 239

Bonner, Robert, 11:15-16, 23, 356-63; IV:65

Bonner, Robert E., II:356n, 363 Bonnet, Theodore Firmin, IV: 106 Bonney, Mrs., P. P. 11:267 Bonney, Therese, IV: 761-62 Bonsai, Stephen, IV:465, 596, 730; V: 54

Book Bulletin, 111:236

Book Buyer, 111:236; IV: 126-27

Book Chat, IV: 12 7

Book Culture, IV: 126

Book Exchange Monthly, 111:2 56

Book Keeper, III:147«

Book Lover, IV: 127 Book and News Dealer, IV: 127 Book News Monthly, 111:235; IV:127 Book Notes, IV: 1 27

Book Notes for the Week, 111:234, 262 n; IV: 127 Book reviews, IV: 127

in nationalist era magazines (1794— 1825), 1:128, 174, 241, 323-24 foreign books, 1:191-92 general magazines, 1:2 53, 2 57-58 literary magazines, 1:241, 313, 329, 331-32

political magazines, 1:2 76 religious magazines, 1:263, 287 women’s magazines, 1:329 in expansionist era magazines (1825— 50), 1:359; 11:240 business magazines, 11:340 education periodicals, 1:543 general magazines, 1:674, 7 55 literary magazines, 1:620, 635-36, 640-42, 652, 660, 726, 736, 770 political magazines, 1:777-78 specialized periodicals, 1:766-68 women’s magazines, 1:547, 553-54; 11:301

in Civil War era magazines (1850- 65), 11:22, 534-35 family magazines, 11:417 illustrated weeklies, 11:453 literary magazines, 11:420, 507 military magazines, 11:551 religious magazines, 11:365 women’s magazines, 11:308, 436, 466

in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 11:248-49, 259; 111:430, 434

current events periodicals, 111:32 2, 334-35

family magazines, 111:424, 427 fashion magazines, 111:482 literary periodicals, 111:232, 399, 403, 540, 549

religious magazines, 111:439 scientific magazines, 111:496 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905) booksellers’ magazines, IV:433-34 comic periodicals, IV: 560 digest periodicals, IV: 571, 573 family magazines, IV:482 illustrated weeklies, 11:464; IV:560 literary magazines, 111:540, 551 women’s periodicals, IV: 768 in modern magazines (1905-30), IV:410

comic magazines, 111:555 current events magazines, 111:354; V:55, 56, 305

general magazines, 111:555; V:7, 10-11, 21, 23, 95-96, 331, 337 juvenile magazines, 111:504 literary magazines, 111:542 review periodicals, IV: 521 See also Literary criticism Book of the Royal Blue, IV:333« Book-Keeper, IV:351-52 Bookkeeping magazines, IV:351-52 Booklovers Bulletin, V:2 7ra Booklovers Libraries, V:27 Booklovers’ Magazine, IV:393; V:27-29, 33

Booklovers Weekly, V:2 7 n Bookman, sketch of, IV:432-41, 112, 124, 141

Bookmart, 111:235; IV:127 Books, 111:235-36 advertising of, IV:2 7 magazine articles and, IV:41 publishing of, 1:3 75 See also Book reviews Bookseller (Chicago), IV: 127 Bookseller, Newsdealer and Stationer, IV:127

Bookseller and Latest Literature, IV: 127 Bookseller and Newsman, IV: 127 Booksellers’ magazines

in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:135, 235-36, 491-93 in Gilded Age (1885-1905), 111:493- 94; IV:126-27, 432-36 modern (1905-), 111:494; IV:436-41 See also Publishers’ periodicals Bookworm, IV: 126 Boomerang, 111:2 69 Boone, Daniel, 1:102, 755-56

Boone, Richard Gause, III: 168m Boot and Shoe Recorder, 111:127;

IV: 185

Booth, Ballington, V:2 88 Booth, Edwin, 111:203, 416; IV:226, 256

Booth, Ernest, V:9

Booth, Mary Louise, 111:388, 390

Booth, William, IV:201

Boots and Shoes, III: 127m

Borah, Leo Arthur, IV:630, 632

Borah, William Edgar, 111:486; IV:728

Borie, A. J., II: 204m

Borrow, George, I:481m

Boss, Benjamin, II: 79m

Boss, Lewis, II: 79m

Bostelmann, Else, IV: 628

Boston, Mass.

as literary and cultural center, 1:202— 3, 376, 378-80; 11:32-33; 111:29-30; IV:78-79 early magazines in (1741-94), 1:19,

25-26, 29-32, 50

general magazines, 1:78-79, 83, 104 literary magazine, 1:92 postal regulations (1 792) and, 1:19 nationalist era magazines in (1794— 1825)

abolitionist magazine, 1:164 agricultural magazine, 1:317-19 comic magazine, 1:170 general magazines, 1:12 1, 124-2 5, 127-30, 247-50 literary clubs and, 1:194 literary magazines, 1:253-59, 331 — 32 ’

religious magazines, 1:138, 2 77-78 expansionist era magazines in (182 5— 50)

abolitionist periodicals, 1:457, 460; 11:276

agricultural journal, 1:3 17 m, 442 general periodicals, 1:615-17, 622- 23

juvenile magazines, 1:492-93; II:262 m, 265

“knowledge” magazine, 1:364 legal periodical, 1:451 literary magazines, 1:343-44, 346— 47, 355, 367, 577-79, 599 m,

604m, 718, 735, 747m “ mammoth” papers, 1:361-62 medical journal, 1:438 music magazines, 1:435 number of periodicals, 1:375 m pedagogical periodicals, 1:491,


personal periodicals, 1:685-91

religious magazines, 1:368-69, 371, 372, 666m

temperance magazine, 1:473; 11:2 75 theatrical criticism, 1:427 transcendentalist magazine, 1:702-10 vocational magazines, 1:445 women’s magazine, 1:349 Civil War era magazines in (1850-65) agricultural magazine, 11:88 education journal, II :99m historical journals, 11:175 home magazines, 11:59 illustrated weeklies, 11:45, 409m juvenile magazines, 1:492-93;

11:100, 101, 262m legal periodicals, 1:45 1m; 11:93 literary and general magazines,

I: 747m; 11:31, 32-33, 35, 43, 219m, 494

magazine center, 11:106-7 Masonic journal, 11:215 music journals, 1:435; 11:197 police gazette, 11:187 political magazine, 11:540-43 prison reform periodical, 11:211-12 religious periodicals, 1:372; 11:64, 65, 67, 69, 71-72, 74, 75, 76, 101, 516, 518

spiritualist magazine, 11:209 Sunday papers, 11:35-36 temperance magazine, 11:275 theatrical periodical, 11:198 women’s magazines, 11:52, 57 post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)

agricultural magazine, 111:151-52 art journals, 111:185 banking periodical, 111:147 booksellers’ periodical, 111:236 chromolithographic journal, 111:186 comic, 111:266-67, 268 m-69m construction periodicals, 111:129 education journal, II :99m engineering periodical, 111:114 freedmen’s journal, 111:283 freethinker journal, 111:88-89 gardening magazine, 111:162 general magazines, III: 39m, 2 56,


historical journals, 11:175; 111:259, 262m

humane societies, 111:312 insurance periodicals, III :146m juvenile magazines, 11:101, 262;

111:175-80, 508m kindergarten magazines, 111:163 labor periodical, 111:299 legal journal, 111:144

Boston, Mass .—Continued

literary magazines, I:747w;

11:219 n, 49 in; 111:34, 36 n, 39 n, 233, 454

manufacturers’ journal, 111:127 Masonic journal, 11:215; 111:315 military periodical, 111:132 music journals, 11:197; 111:196-98 police gazette, 11:187 religious magazines, 1:372; 11:65, 69, 74 n, 75, 76, 101, 518«;

111:34, 68, 70, 72, 75-76, lln, 78, 84, 85«, 436, 506 scientific periodicals, 111:108, 109«, 110, 111

society notes, 111:101-2 spiritualist magazines, 11:209; 111:81, 8 2n

sports periodicals, 111:209-10, 213, 215, 218

temperance periodical, III:31 On trade magazine, 111:134 women’s magazines, 111:98, 100 women’s rights magazine, 111:94 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) advertising journal, IV:247 all-fiction magazines, IV: 115, 117 amateur periodicals, IV:390n anarchist periodical, IV: 173 architectural periodicals, IV: 323 art periodicals, IV: 147 brick periodical, IV:32 5n chess periodical, IV:382 country-life periodicals, IV:338 culinary periodicals, IV:364 education periodicals, IV: 268-69, 272

family magazine, IV:67 financial periodicals, 111:147; IV:349n

forestry periodical, IV:342 fruit-growers’ periodical, IV:342 general magazines, IV:44, 46 historical periodical, 111:2 59;


hobby periodicals, IV:391 home periodicals, IV:82, 363n illustrated periodical, IV: 80 insurance journal, III:146n juvenile magazines, 11:101, 26 In;

III: 508n; IV:16, 273, 275 library periodical, IV: 143 literary sheets, I:747n; II:493n;

III:454n; IV:80, 124-25 local topics, IV: 80-82 mail-order periodicals, IV:366 manufacturing periodicals, 111:127; IV: 183n, 185

missionary periodical, 111:70;

IV :305

music periodical, 111:196-98;

IV: 2 54

Negro periodical, IV:214 pharmacy periodical, IV:318 philology journal, IV: 128 philosophy journals, IV:302-3 photography periodical, IV: 149 physical culture periodicals, IV:316 poetry magazine, IV: 121 police gazette, 11:187; IV:372 political science journal, IV: 181 poultry periodical, IV:345 printers’ periodical, IV:248« regional periodicals, II:85«; IV:79- 80

religious magazines, III:436»,

506 n; IV:285, 291-92, 294-97 review periodicals, IV:52, 60, 62, lln

scientific periodicals, III:108«, 112 settlement-house periodical, IV:195« socialist periodicals, IV:204, 2 82-83 spelling reform periodical, IV:212 spiritualist periodicals, 11:209;

111:81; IV:81, 414 n sports periodicals, 111:213, 215;

IV:372, 381, 633 statistical periodical, IV:310« Sunday periodicals, IV:69« tariff periodicals, IV: 166 temperance periodical, 111:31 Ow theater periodicals, IV:261 trade periodicals, IV:186, 187w,


urban periodicals, IV:81-82 women’s club periodical, IV:356 women’s periodicals, IV:361, 366 writers’ magazine, IV: 142 modern magazines in (190 5-) architectural periodicals, IV:323 banking periodical, III:147« brick periodical, IV:3 25« chess periodical, IV:382 country-life periodical, IV:338 culinary magazine, IV:364 education periodical, IV:268-69 general magazine, V:329 n horticultural magazine, IV:342 juvenile magazines, 11:101, 262 n library periodical, IV: 143 literary magazines, I:747w; 11:4 9 3 « medical journal, II:84« music periodical, IV:2 54« pharmacy periodical, IV:318 philosophy journal, IV:303 photography periodical, IV: 149

poultry periodical, IV:345 regional periodical, IV: 79-80 religious magazines, 11:3 6 7 ;

III:85n; IV:285, 294 spiritualist periodical, 111:81 sports periodicals, 111:213, 215;

IV:381, 633n tariff periodical, IV: 166 temperance periodical, III:310n textile magazines, IV:185n trade journals, 111:134; IV:187n, 189 n

women’s periodical, IV:361 writers’ magazine, IV: 142 economic decline of, 111:30 music in, IV:249 newspapers in, III:2 70n public bathing in, 1:475-76 smoking restrictions in, 1:474-7 5 theater in, 1:169

Watch and Ward Society in, V:13- 15

Boston Atheneum, 1:397 Boston Beacon, III:42«, 102; IV: 81 Boston Budget, 111:42, 102n, 267«; IV: 81

Boston Censor, 1:48 Boston Commonwealth, 11:141 Boston Congregationalist, see: Congrega- tionalist

Boston Contributor, III:85n Boston Cooking School Magazine,


Boston Courier, 111:2 7Ow Boston Cultivator, I:444n, 804 Boston fire (1872), 111:118 Boston Home Journal, 111:101; IV:81 Boston Ideas, IV:81

Boston Intelligencer, see Saturday Evening Gazette

Boston Journal of Chemistry, 111:110 Boston Journal of Commerce, 111:147; IV:186

Boston Journal of Philosophy and Arts, 1:152, 797

Boston Magazine (1783-86), 1:28-29, 37, 40, 166», 167, 788 Boston Magazine (1805-06), see: Boston Weekly Magazine Boston Mechanic, 1:445, 801 Boston Medical Intelligencer, I:151w, 797

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1:151 n, 800; 11:84; 111:139; IV:313

Boston Miscellany, 1:346, 510, 712 sketch of, 1:718-20 Boston Monthly Magazine, 1:343, 798

Boston Museum, 11:36 Boston Musical Herald, 111:197 Boston Musical Review, 1:435, 808 Boston Musical Times, II:198n Boston Notion, 11:45 Boston Pathfinder, 11:181 Boston Pearl, 1:356, 800 Boston Public Library, V:344 Boston Pulpit, 111:84 Boston Quarterly Review founding of, 1:367-68 sketch of, 1:685-91

Boston Recorder, 1:138, 373, 795;

11:71; 111:76

Boston Review, 11:71, 516; 111:76 sketch of, 11:518-519 Boston Spectator, 1:160 n, 794 Boston Transcript, V:184, 2 59 Boston Weekly Magazine (1743), 1:25, 787

Boston Weekly Magazine (1803-6) founding of, 1:127 sketch of, 247-50 Bostonian, IV: 80

Bostwick, Arthur Elmore, IV: 515, 572 Bostwick, Helen Louise, 11:417, 466 Botanical Bulletin, III: 11 In Botanical Gazette, 111:111 Botanical periodicals, 111:111; IV:309- 10

Botany, 1:303, 311; 11:228, 243 Both Sides, IV:210 Bothwick, J. D., 11:118 Botta, Vincenzo, IV:83w Bottome, Margaret, IV: 542-43 Boucicault, Dion, 11:199, 2 53; 11:202-3; IV:245, 410

Bourget, Paul, IV:230, 489, 514, 612; V:28

Bourjaily, Monte, III:552n, 556 Bourke-White, Margaret, IV:761-62 Bourne, Edward Gaylord, V:329 n, 330 Bourne, Henry Eldridge, IV:138w Bourne, Randolph S., 111:541; V:98, 206

Boutelle, De Witt Clinton, 11:188 Boutwell, George Sewall, 1:697; 11:542 Bowden, H. L., IV:326 Bowditch, Nathaniel, 11:228 Bowditch’s American Florist and Farmer, III: 162

Bowdoin Scientific Review, III:109n Bowen, Abel, 1:522 Bowen, Charles, II:218n Bowen, Clarence W., II:367n, 377 Bowen, Francis, 1:367, 414, 415;

11:125, 134, 168, 218w, 220n,

238, 239-40, 242, 445

Bbwen, Henry Chandler, 11:36772, 368- 77; III:6, 11, 23, 76; IV:7-8, 59 Bowen, T. P., 1:122 Bowen, William H., 11:64 Bowen & McNamee, 11:367/2, 371 Bower, Bertha Muzzy, IV:116«

Bowers, Claude Gernade, IV: 503 Bowker, Richard Rogers, 111:491/2, 493, 494, 517/2, 518, 519; IV:143, '

166, 198

Bowlend, George B., 111:441

Bowlers’ Journal, IV: 380

Bowles, Leonard C., 11 : 72 / 2 ; 111:506

Bowles, Samuel, 111:58, 458; V:126

Bowles, William Lisle, 1:231

Bowling, 111:220; IV:380

Bowman, George Ernest, IV: 140

Bowman, Isaiah, 11:415

Bowne, Borden Parker, 11:315; 111:455

Boxer Rebellion (1900), 111:485;

IV: 233

Boxing, see Prize fighting Box-Maker, IV: 18477 Boyce, William D., 111:53/2, 54; IV:67- 68

Boyd, Ernest, 111:434; IV:439; V:5, 7- 8, 11, 98-99, 266 Boyd, James, IV: 709, 729 Boyd, John, 1:209 Boyd, Thomas, IV:728 Boyd, William, IV:699 Boyd, William Kenneth, V: 2 73/2, 283 Boyden, Albert Augustus, 111:513;

IV:595, 600

Boyer, Norman, V:246/2, 248, 251,


Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1:593; 11:248, 271, 506/2; 111:41, 61, 224, 255, 372, 400, 461, 502, 545; IV:60, 238, 264, 267, 271, 480, 482, 484, 490, 513; V:342 Boyle, Harold V., IV:478 Boyle, Kay, IV:712, 771; V:337 Boynton, Henry Van Ness, 111:289 Boynton, Henry Walcott, 11:431;

111:349; IV:438 Boynton, Percy, V:96, 268 Boys of America, 111:174 Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine, 1:492, 809 Boys’ Library of Sport, Story and Adventure, 111:179 Boys of New York, 111:178 Boys’ World, IV:275 Bozman, John Leeds, 1:245 Brace, Charles Loring, 11:28; 111:28,


Brackenridge, Henry Marie, 1:294

Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 1:2 7, 51 Brackett, Anna Callender, 111:386 Bradbury, William Batchelder, 11:197 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 11:1 12/2, 439, 462, 482; 111:343, 389 Bradford, Amory Howe, 111:429 Bradford, Andrew, 1:24, 71-72, 73-74 Bradford, Gamaliel, 111:347; IV:398, 439, 737

Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr., V:280, 338/2 Bradford, Roark, 11:404; IV:472, 473, 498, 521

Bradford, Thomas, 1:26/2 Bradford, William, 1:25, 80-82; V:343 Bradford, Pa., 111:131 Bradlaugh, Charles, 111:249 Bradley, Alice, IV:769 Bradley, Horace, 11:401 Bradley, La Verne, IV:630 Bradley, Will H., IV: 100/2, 389, 452, 456

Bradley, William Aspenwall, IV: 126 Bradley, His Book, IV:389 Bradstreet’s, 111:147; IV:349 Brady, Albert, IV: 594 Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 111:400/2, 485;

IV:689, 724; V:249 Brady, Mathew B., 11:191 Bragdon, Claude Fayette, IV:45l-52 Brahms, Johannes, V:118 Braibanti, Ralph, V:273/2 Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins, 1:204 Brainard’s Musical World, 111:197/2 Braine, Robert, 111:197/2 Brainerd, Thomas, 11:62/2, 517/2 Braithwaite, William Stanley, IV:214; V: 184, 258

Braley, Berton, IV:498, 606; V:269 Brancusi, Constantin, V:178 Brand, Max, see Faust, Frederick Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, IV:462, 465, 500

Brandes, George, IV:225 Brandi, Alois, IV:225 Brandt, Albert, IV:401/2, 415-16 Brandt, Erdmann Neumister, IV: 708, 711

Brandt, Lillian, IV: 744 Brann, William Cowper, IV:292, 372, 442-48, 656, 665 See also: Brann’s Iconoclast Brann’s Iconoclast, IV: 18, 94, 665;

V: xiii

sketch of, IV:442-48 Branscomb, Harvey, V:273/2 Bransom, Paul, IV:698 Braque, Georges, V:178

Brass Check, The (by Sinclair), V: 151ft Brass Founder, IV: 183ft Brattleboro, Vt., 111:100; IV:339, 344 n, 361

Braun, Will C., IV:527 Bray, Frank Chapin, III: 544m, 546; IV: 510

Bray, James M., IV :63ft Brayley, Arthur Willington, IV: 80 Brayman, J. 0., 11:100 Breadneli, W. L., IV :50ft Breck, Joseph, I:317ft, 319 Breck, Robert L., II:-537», 538 Breckenridge, John, 11:155, 538 Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 11:537, 538

Breed, Jack, IV:630 Breed, Joseph B., V:2 5 Breeder and Sportsman, 111:215 Breeder’s Gazette, 111:159; IV:344 Breeze, III: 269ft Brehm, George, IV:698; V:30 Bremer, Frederika, 1:415 Brennam, Alfred, IV: 564 Brennam, Frederick Hazlitt, IV:473 Brennan, J. F., 111:314 Brentano’s Monthly, 111:211 Bresnahan, John F., V:82 Brethren Evangelist, 111:81 Brewer, David Josiah, 11:269 Brewers’ magazines, 111:135 Bribery, 11:479; 111:289 Brick, IV:32 5ft

Brick and Clay Record, IV:325ft Brick, Tile and Metal Review, 111:130 Brick-trade magazines, 111:130; IV:325« Brickbat, 111:269 n Brickbuilder, IV:323 Bricklayer, Mason and Plasterer, IV: 22 lw

Brickell, Herschel, 11:2 59 Bridge, James Howard, III:402ft, 408 Bridgeport, Conn., 11:209; III:268ft Bridgman, Henry, II:92ft Bridgeman, L. H., 1:435 Bridgeman’s Magazine, IV:221 n Bridges, Robert, IV:458, 551, 560, 717ft, 722, 726-29

Briffault, Robert, IV: 730 Briggs, Charles Augustus, 111:74, 196; IV:277, 288

Briggs, Charles Frederick (“Harry Franco”), 11:160; 111:231 as contributor, 1:341, 348, 362, 478, 499, 608

as editor, 1:366, 757-61; 11:419-20, 426, 428-29

Briggs, Robert, I: 556ft Brigham, Charles Henry, I:292«; III: 507

Brigham, James H., Ill:39ft Brigham, Johnson, IV:96-97 Bright, Edward, 11:64, 64ft; 111:72 Bright, James Wilson, III:236«

Brinkley, John R., IV: 530-31 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 111:386, 557 Brisbane, Albert, 1:366, 471, 687, 763; 11:207

Brisbane, Arthur, IV:241-42, 490, 492, 495

Brissaud, Pierre, 111:489 Bristed, Charles Astor (“Carl Benson”), 1:399, 511-12, 753; 11:551;

III:13ft, 18, 164, 231, 363, 376, 397, 398, 421

Bristed, John, 1:205, 260«, 261 British Californian, IV:228 British magazines

early American magazines and (1741— 94)

borrowings by American magazines, 1:27, 39-40, 79, 105 influence of British magazines, 1:21— 22, 36-37, 41ft, 44-45, 54, 79 nationalist era magazines and (17 94— 1825), 1:188-89

expansionist era magazines and (182 5— 50)

influence, 1:392-401 paper war, 1:394 pirating, 1:392-401 Civil War era magazines (1850-65), 11:128-29

Gilded Age magazines and (188 5— 1905), IV:4, 150

in America, 111:83; IV:228-29, 301 postal regulations of 1710 and, 1:21 British Medical Journal, IV: 529-30 British Weekly Pulpit, IV:229 n Britt, Albert, IV:633ft, 638 Britt, George, IV:749 Britt, W. W., 1:524 Brittan, S. B., 11:209; III:82ft Brittan’s Journal of Spiritual Science, Literature, Art, and Inspiration, III:82ft

Britten, Clarence, 11:542 Britten, Emma Hardinge, III:82« Britton, Nathaniel Lord, IV: 62 7 Broad-Axe, IV:163«

Broadway (New York City), 111:26, 486 Broadway Journal, 1:330, 366, 646; 11:419; 111:196 sketch of, 1:757-62

Broadway Magazine, IV:47, 152, 393;

V:145-46, 150

Broadway Publishing Company, V:146 Broadway Quarterly, V:146 Broadway Weekly, IV:67 ; V:146 Brodney, Spencer, V:49k, 56-58 Brodovitch, Alexey, 111:390 Brokmeyer, H. C., 111:385 Bromfield, Louis, IV:439, 498, 503;, V:305

Bromo-Seltzer, IV: 133

Bronson, E., I:279k

Brook farm, publications of, 1:763-65

Brooke, Rupert, V:242

Brooklyn Advance, 111:99

Brooklyn Chess Chronicle, 111:220

Brooklyn Eagle, V:303

Brooklyn Life, IV: 87

Brooklyn Magazine, 111:37, 317

See also: American Magazine (Brooklyn)

Brooklyn Medical Journal, IV: 313k Brooks, Allen, IV:627, 628 Brooks, Charles A., V:337 Brooks, Charles Timothy, 1:662, 767 Brooks, Edward, 11:229 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, 111:502, 509 Brooks, James Gordon, 1:128, 326, 409

Brooks, Mrs. Maria Gowen, 1:203, 546n; 11:161

Brooks, Nathan Covington, 1:204, 345, 587k

Brooks, Noah, 111:402-3, 407, 465k, 501, 549

Brooks, Phillips, 11:99; 111:87, 426 Brooks, Robert Clarkson, IV: 198 Brooks, Sydney, 11:483 Brooks, Van Wyck, 111:541; IV:748 Brooks, William E., IV: 749 Brooms, Brushes and Mops, IV: 184k Bross & Bogart, 11:454 Brother Jonathan, 1:359-61, 396, 513, 524, 804

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine, 111:126 n

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees’ Journal, IV:21 n Brotherhood Path, IV:287 Brougham, John, 11:181 Broughton, Rhoda, 111:558 Broughton’s Monthly Playlet Reader, III: 113k

Broun, Heywood, 111:354, 555; IV:439, 469, 585; V:214 Browder, Earl, V:216, 219 Brown, A. E., I:590k Brown, Arthur W., V:287

Brown, Abbie Farwell, IV: 765 Brown, Alice, II:398k; 111:485;

IV :360k, 451, 602, 724, 768 Brown, Andrew H., IV: 630 Brown, Bernice, IV:471 Brown, Carleton, III: 236k Brown, Charles Brockden, 1:174, 232 as contributor, 1:123, 174, 243 editorial career, 1:124, 218-22 his essay series, 1:41, 97, 1 1 5, 122, 193

quoted, 1:141, 146, 160-61, 188, 193 Brown, Charles Farrar, IV: 105 Brown, Cowley Stapleton, IV:390 Brown, Cyril, V:50 Brown, E. C., IV: 184 Brown, E. Francis, V:54 Brown, George P., Ill: 169k Brown, George W., 11:135 Brown, Goold, 1:543 Brown, H. T., Ill: 115k Brown, Helen E., 11:21 Ik Brown, Herbert S., IV:742k Brown, J. G. L., I :580k Brown, James A., II: 73k Brown, James E. (“Mose Skinner”), 111:441

Brown, James Wright, IV:244k; V:59k, 63-68

Brown, James Wright, Jr., V:70 Brown, John, 11:133, 285, 472, 474, 534

Civil War era magazines on (1859-65) abolitionist, 11:292 attacks, II: 146, 459 execution, 11:156 support, 11:146-47 Brown, John George, IV: 196 Brown, John Mason, IV:762 Brown, Joseph, I: 123k Brown, Katharine Holland, IV:729 Brown, Pat, V:317 Brown, Peter A., 1:632 Brown, Raymond J., III:495k, 499 Brown, Robert U., V:59 n, 70 Brown, Sevellon, IV: 63k Brown, T. Allston, II: 204k Brown, Theron, II:262k, 270, 272 Brown, Thomas, 1:444; 11:89 Brown, William Garrot, 11:2 72 Brown, William Hill, IV: 80 Brown, Zenith J., IV:709 Brown Book of Boston, IV: 82 Brown Magazine, III: 165k Brown University, literary magazine of, 111:165

Browne, Charles Farrar (“Arternus

Ward”), 11:37, 126, 178, 180,

184, 192, 520, 526-527; 111:172, 264; IV:26, 247; V:121 Browne, Charles Francis, IV: 147 Browne, Francis Fisher, 111:53, 83, 184, 234; IV: 12-13, 51, 99, 112, 124 as editor, 111:413??, 414-16, 539-41 Browne, H. K., 1:711 Browne, John Ross, 11:477; 111:58, 405

Browne, Junius Henri, 111:18, 37 n, 411, 420; IV:39, 45, 45 n Browne, Porter Emerson, V:30 Browne, Waldo Ralph, 111:539??, 541 Browne, William Hand, 111:46, 382-83; IV: 736

Brownell, Agnes Mary, V:342 Brownell, Atherton, IV:8In Brownell, F. C., II:433n Brownell, Henry Howard, 11:170, 392- 93; 111:237, 238, 344 Brownell, William Crary, 111:184, 347, 375, 463; IV:719, 722, 727, 728

Browne’s Phonographic Monthly,


Brownies, in Gilded Age era (1885- 1905), IV: 151-52, 384 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1:720, 737; 11:162, 373, 377

Browning, Robert, 1:399-400; 11:162, 509n; 111:249, 252; IV:121, 131, 134, 770

Browning’s Magazine (Browning, King & Co.), IV: 50; V:xi Browning’s Magazine (women’s fashions), IV:363n

Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 1:292, 367— 68, 372, 470, 538, 681, 685-91, 703, 716, 740; 11:381; III:69n, 329, 384

Brownson’s Quarterly Review, 11:76, 130

founding of, 1:372 sketch of, 1:68 5-91 Brubaker, Howard, V:286 Bruce, Archibald, 1:266-67 Bruce, B. G., Ill:215 Bruce, Edward C., 111:293 Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley, IV:604, 651

Bruce, L. C., III:215n Bruce, Philip Alexander, IV: 73, 139 Bruce, S. D., 111:21 5 Brundidge, Harry T., V:2 5 Brunetiere, Ferdinand, IV:250 Brunonian, 111:165 Bruns, John Dickson, 11:488 Brunswick, Maine, III: 109??; IV: 149

Brush, George DeForest, 111:475 Brush, Isabel, IV:695 Brush, Katharine, 11:404; IV:472, 696, 700

Brush and Pencil, IV: 147 Bruun, Laurids, 111:390 Bryan, Charles Page, IV: 61 Bryan, Charles Wayland, IV: 162??

Bryan, Clark W., V: 125-26, 130, 137 Bryan, Joseph, hi, 11:355 Bryan, Mary Edwards, IV:48«

Bryan, William Jennings, 11:377, 484; 111:300??, 346, 349, 530, 554; IV:46«, 161, 162, 163, 177, 227, 386, 411, 460, 520, 565, 655, 703; V:10, 32, 88 Bryan Democrat, IV: 163??

Bryant, William Cullen, 1:2 57, 2 74, 408, 409, 412; 11:430??; 111:35??, 237! 241, 374, 421; IV:680 as contributor, 1:177, 326, 546, 547, 608, 679; 11:193, 211??, 225, 230, 253, 361, 362 n, 377, 424, 429, 497, 498, 504

as editor, 1:128-29, 160, 199, 331-33 evaluation of, 11:166 Bryant, William McKendree, 111:51??, 99??, 184, 238 Bryce, C. A., Ill: 140??

Bryce, James Lord, 11:253, 255, 269;

111:250, 337, 347; IV:227; V:84 Bryce, Lloyd, II:220», 254-256; IV:51 Bryn Athyn, Pa., IV:296 Bryologist, IV:310 Bubble, II: 185??

Bucaneer, 1:357 n

Buchanan, James, 11:136, 361, 471, 472, 523

Buchanan, Joseph, 111:300 Buchanan, Dr. Joseph R., 11:85 Buchanan’s Journal of Man, 11:85 Buck, Mrs., A. Truchart, IV: 92 Buck, E. A., 11:204??

Buck, Pearl, IV:475, 503, 554, 769 Buckingham, Edwin, 1:344, 599-601 Buckingham, James Silk, 1:679 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker, 1:125, 127, 160??, 169, 224-25, 344, 578, 599-601; 11:494 Buckley, Edmund, IV:499n Buckley, George D., IV: 763??

Buckley, James Monroe, 11:66??, 257; IV: 290-91

Buckminster, Joseph S., 1:255, 263-64, 277

Buddhist periodicals, IV:287 Buddhist Ray, IV: 287 Budget, 11:185??

Buel, Clarence Clough, III:457m, 468, 470, 477

Buel, Jesse, 1:443 Buell, George P., 11:116 Buffalo (animal), massacre of, 111:60 Buffalo, N.Y.

Civil War era magazines in (1850-65) home magazine, 11:59 humor magazine, II: 185m juvenile magazine, 11:100 religious magazines, 11:75, 7 7 women’s magazines, II :466m post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)

dental journal, III: 143m general magazine, III :39m manufacturers’ periodical, 111:128 religious magazine, III :69m science periodical, III: 109m Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) current events periodicals, IV: 72m education periodical, IV:270 five-cent magazine, IV:48 horse-racing periodical, IV:343 information magazine, IV: 55 manufacturing periodicals, IV: 183, 184m

photography periodical, IV: 150m poetry magazine, IV: 121 political magazine, IV: 171 printers’ periodical, IV: 248m temperance periodical, IV:210 modern magazines, in (1905-) genealogical periodical, IV :140m horse-racing periodical, IV:343 industrial periodicals, IV: 183, 184m secret societies, 111:315 Buffalo Bill Stories, IV: 120 Buffalo Christian Advocate, II: 67m Buffalo Express, 111:364 Buffalo Medical Journal, II :84m Buffum, Mrs. A., III:82m Bugle-Horn of Liberty, 11:185 Builder, Decorator and Woodworker, IV:364

Builders’ Magazine, III: 129m Building, 111:129 Building Age, 111:129 Building magazines, see Construction magazines

Building Trades Journal, 111:130

Building Witness, 111:129

Bulger, Bozeman, IV: 700

Bull, Charles Livingston, IV:637, 692

Bull, Ephraim Wales, 11:433

Bull, Henry Adsit, II:349m

Bull, Jerome Case, IV:617

Bull, Louise, III :396m, 401 Bull, Ole Bornemann, 1:434; 11:195 Bullard, Arthur, 111:433 Bullard, Laura Curtis, III:391m, 394 Bulletin (Philadelphia), IV:88 Bulletin (Springfield, Mass.), V:131m Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine, IV:313m

Bulletin of the American Art-Union, 1:437; 11:193

Bulletin of the American Bureau of Geography, IV:224

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society of New York, II:413m Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, 11:79 sketch of, 11:413-415 Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association, 111:128 Bulletin of Bibliography, IV: 143 Bulletin of the Commercial Law League, IV:348

Bulletin of International Meteorological Observations, 111:112 Bulletin of the National Association of Credit Men, IV: 349

Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society, IV: 3 10m

Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithologica Club, 111:111

Bulletin of Pharmacy, IV:317 Bulletin of the Spelling Reform Association, IV:212

Bullinger’s Monitor Guide, III: 147m Bullion, III: 147m Bullitt, William S., V:98 Bullock, William H„ 1:728m Biilow, Heinrich William von, 1:235 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, 1:3 59, 398, 417, 700; 11:160, 385, 387, 406, 471; 111:224, 251 Bunce, Oliver Bell, 111:231, 417m, 418- 20; IV:353

Bungay, George W., 111:325 Bunin, Ivan, 111:543; V:337 “Bunkum Flagstaff,” 1:610 Bunner, Henry Cuyler, III:37m, 41, 233, 267, 428; IV:719, 720; V:118 as editor, 520-23, 530 “Buntline, Ned,” see Judson, Edward Z. C.

Burch, Charles Sumner, 111:160 Burchard, R. B., IV:636 Burdette, Robert Jones, 111:2 71, 408, 528; IV:538, 542, 685 Burdick, William, II:35m Burg, Amos, IV:630

Burger, Max, IV:477 Burgess, Ernest W., IV :192m Burgess, Gelett, 11:431; 111:503, 514, 551; IV:66, 106, 388-89, 768; V:248

Burgess, George, 1:741 Burk, John Daly, 1:168 Burke, Edward, IV: 189m Burke, J. W„ 111:176 Burke, John J., III:329m, 330 Burke, Kenneth, 111:543 Burke, T. A., 111:176 Burke, Thomas, IV:439 Burke’s Weekly for Boys and Girls, 111:176

Burkett, Charles William, I: 728m Burkhard, John P., IV:381 Burleigh, Charles, 11:283 Burleigh, William Henry, I:390m, 543, 546m

Burleson, Albert Sidney, 111:350-51 Burleson, Rufus Columbus, IV:447 Burlesque, 11:331, 337; 111:198, 206-8; IV: 2 58-59

Burlingame, Edward Livermore, IV:35, 43, 717-26

Burlington, Iowa, newspaper in, III:2 71m Burlington, Vt., IV:225, 31 in Burlington Hawkeye, III:27 1m Burnet, Dana, 111:531; IV:713 Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Fannie Hodgson), 1:587; 11:271, 309;

111:202, 224, 261, 502; IV:141 Burney, Mrs., Mary Chase, 1:381 Burns, Robert, 1:178; V:118 Burns, William John, IV:604 Burr, C. Chauncey, 11:154, 544, 546: 111:281

Burr McIntosh Monthly, IV:390 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, IV:618 Burroughs, John, 11:429, 498m, 504m; 111:54, 231, 375, 421, 426, 463, 486, 503, 545; IV:35, 40, 121, 30 2n, 451, 728 Burroughs, W. B., Jr., 11:9 3m Burrows, Frederick M., IV: 79m Burrows, Jay, IV: 176 Burruss, John C., II: 73«

Burt, Albert L., IV: 141

Burt, Charles, 1:753

Burt, Henry M., 111:152

Burt, (Maxwell) Struthers, 11:260;

IV: 439, 553, 724, 729 Burt, Thomas Gregory, IV: 74m Burton, Ernest DeWitt, III :84m Burton, Harry Payne, IV:480 m, 503-04, 580m, 583

Burton, Richard, 111:540; IV:45m, 451 Burton, Sir Richard Francis, V:118 Burton, William Evans, 1:343, 587m, 609, 673-76

Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine, 1:392, 508, 512, 520, 545 founding of, 1:343 sketch of, 1:673-76

Burwell, William MacCreary, II: 113m, 338m, 348

Busbey, Hamilton, III:2 15m Busche, J. F., IV: 174 Bush, Charles G„ 11:477; 111:92, 528 Bush, Prescott, V:317 Bush, Rufus T., IV: 15 Bush, Sam Stone, IV:93 Bushnell, Horace, II:312m, 313, 315, 371; III: 32m Business, IV:351 Business

Gilded Age magazines on (1 885—

1905), IV:688-89, 690, 721, 774, 776

modern magazines on 61905—),

IV:777, 787; V:32 women in, IV’:354

See also Trusts; Wealth; and specific branches of business Business and Finance, IV:349m-350m Business magazines

in expansionist era (1825-50), 1:696- 98; 11:339-42

in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:342— 46

in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 11:346-48; 111:146-47 in Gilded Age (1885-1905), IV:92- 93, 186m

Business Woman’s Journal, IV:354 Business Woman’s Magazine, IV :354m Business World, IV:351 Buss, Kate, V:182 Busy Bee, IV: 88 Butcher’s Advocate, IV: 187m Butchers’ Advocate and Market Journal, 111:135

Butchers’ magazines, 111:135; IV: 187m Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1:679; III:

340, 445, 525, 527; IV:562 Butler, Burridge Davinal, IV:340 Butler, Ellis Parker, 111:5 1 2, 555;

IV :49m, 80, 96, 366m, 421, 429, 493, 618; V:121, 133 Butler, Mann, 1:660, 661 Butler, Merrill, 1:170 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 111:166, 432; IV:268, 730

Butler, William Allen, 11:472 Butler, William Mill, IV: 186 Butte, Mont., III:75n; IV: 108, 117,

322 n

Butter and Cheese Review, IV:186n Butterfield, Consul Wiltshire, III:262n Butterick, Ebenezer, 111:97, 481, 484 Butterick Publishing Company, V:74, 81, 251

Butterworth, Hezekiah, II:262w, 267,

269, 270, 271; 111:504, 509;

IV: 80, 390n

Buttre, John Chester, 1:612; 11:444 Butts, Asa K., 111:107 Butzgy, Helen, IV: 502 Buzz Saw, IV:390 By the Wayside, IV:310«

Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall, IV:96

Byles, Mather, 1:103

Bynner, Witter, IV:518, 601-02, 654;

V:96, 113, 119, 185, 258, 336 Byrd, Richard Evelyn, IV:625 Byrd, William, 1:97

Byrne, Charles Alfred, 111:198; IV:243« Byrne, Donn, 111:479; IV:697; V:119 Byrnes, James F., V:323»

Byrnes, Thomas, IV: 195 Byron, Lord (George Noel Gordon), 1:179, 399, 573; 11:230, 505

Cabell, James Branch, 11:402; 111:479; IV:421, 439, 440, 605, 691; V:7, 30, 249, 264

Cable, George Washington, 111:16, 48, 224, 227, 228, 238, 461, 471; 503; IV: 265, 451, 506w, 507, 513, 720; IV:287; V:287 Cabot, Charles M., IV:745 Cabot, James Elliot, 1:720, 775-76;

11:494; 111:386 Cade, J. J., 1:309 Cadenza, IV: 2 54 Cadwalader, Thomas, 1:146 Cady, C. B„ III: 19 7w Caffin, Charles Henry, IV:776, 791 Cahan, Abraham, IV: 517 Cain, James M., V:13, 2 2 Caine, Hall, 111:489; IV:49«, 226, 281, 456, 501, 612, 689; V:28, 30, 80, 254

Cajori, Florian, IV:302w Caldwell, Charles, 1:154, 223«, 239-40 Caldwell, Erskine, IV:729 Caldwell, Howard H., 11:490 Caldwell, John E., 1:135

Caldwell Taylor, IV:554, 771 Caledonian, IV:227 Calendar, 11:69

Calhoun, John Caldwell, 1:184, 463,



Chinese immigration to, 111:276 Gold Rush to (1848), 1:464 magazine comment on, 11:119-20; 111:58

See also specific towns and cities California, University of, 111:407 magazines published at, IV: 74 California (periodical), 111:402 California Architect, 111:129 California Banker’s Magazine, IV:349 n California Cackler, IV:345«

California Christian Advocate, II:67n California Country Journal, 111:159 California Farmer, 11:90; 111:158; IV:341

California Fruit Grower, IV:342 California Horticulturist, 111:161 California Independent, IV:301 California Journal of Technology,

IV :306w

California Mail-Bag, 111:56 California Maverick, 111:2 70 California Medical Journal, III:141« California Medicine, IV:314 California Mining and Scientific Press, 111:114

California Municipalities, IV:198« California Nationalist, IV:20 in California Patron, III:149«

California Police Gazette, 11:187 California Socialist, IV:176«

California Spirit of the Times, 11:204 California Teacher, 11:99 n Californian, 11:118

Californian: a Western Monthly, 111:56, 406

Californian Illustrated Magazine,


Calkins, Franklin Welles, IV:96 Calkins, Norman A., 1:493; II:100w, 101

Callaghan, Morley, IV:728 Callender, A. M., IV: 184 Callender, Joseph, 1:36 Callitypy, IV: 5 74 Calumet, 11:211 n Calve, Emma, IV:697 Calvert, George Henry, 1:204; 11:42 5, 429

Calverton, Vernon F., V:56 Calverton, Victor Francis, IV:730

Calvinist periodicals

in expansionist era (182 5-50), 1:530- 35, 569-72, 739-42 in Civil War era (1850-65), 1:740- 41; 11:516-19

in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 1:741; 11:517, 519; 111:73-74 Camac, William, II:520«, 529 Cambridge, Mass.

chapbooks in, IV:450 kindergarten magazine in, 111:163 literary magazine in, 1:344 mathematics journal in, 11:79 science periodicals in, 11:79; 111:108; IV:307

Cambridge, Ohio, 111:169 Camden, New Jersey

Irish-American periodical in, IV:22 7 music periodical in, IV:2 54» temperance magazine in, III:310« Camera, IV: 149 Camera Craft, IV:150w Camera and Dark Room, IV:149« Camera Notes, IV:150«

Cameron, Andrew C., III:132w, 299 Cameron, Ann, IV: 69 7 Cameron, George C., IV:630 Camp, D. N., II:443«

Camp, Enos E., 1:481; 11:325, 327 Camp, Walter, 111:503; IV:271, 457, 466, 469, 478, 634 Camp Kettle, 11:151 Camp meetings, religious, 1:134 Campaign papers, 11:137 Campanini, Italo, 111:193 Campbell, Alexander (nineteenth century), 1:561; 11:74

Campbell, Alexander (of New Republic ), V: 191w

Campbell, Andrew, 111:117 Campbell, Bartley, 111:202 Campbell, Charles, 1:645 Campbell, Helen, 111:313, 558; IV:45», 203, 204, 360, 404; V:130 Campbell, Heyworth, IV: 760 Campbell, J., I:389«

Campbell, James, IV:652«, 653 Campbell, James M., 1:398 Campbell, Killis, IV:737 Campbell, Lewis, 111:536 Campbell, Thomas, 1:231 Campbell, William Alexander, IV:390« Campbell, William Henry, I:491n Campbellite sect, 1:369 Campbell’s Foreign Monthly Magazine, 1:397-98, 806

Campbell’s Illustrated Monthly, IV: 99

Canada, imperialist designs on, 11:127 Canajoharie, New York, trade magazine in, IV:189«

Canal building, 1:207

Canby, Henry Seidel, 111:479; IV:439;

V: 117ra, 123, 337, 339 Candy, III: 135

Candy and Ice Cream Retailer, IV:187« Canfield, Dorothy, 111:487, 488; IV:584, 616, 748, 769; V:80, 83, 337 Canfield, Henry S., IV:442«, 448 Canham, Erwin, IV:478 Cannan, Gilbert, V:97 Canner, IV: 186 Canning Trade, 111:134 Cannon, Frank J., V:83 Cannon, George Q., 11:74, 75; 111:180 Cannon, Joseph Gurney, IV:461; V:297 Canoeing magazines, 111:211 See also Water sports “Cantelman’s Spring-mate,” V:175 Canton, Maine, horse-breeding magazine in, III:215»

Canton, Ohio, workingmen’s magazine in, IV:95

Cap and Gown, 111:165

Capital (Los Angeles), IV: 107

Capitol Records, V:328 n

Capote, Truman, V:313

Capper, Arthur, 11:260; IV:340, 362

Capper’s Farmer, IV:340

Capper’s Weekly, IV: 340

Carew, Thomas, V:115

Carey, Henry C., 1:393, 471; III:34n

Carey, John, I:44w

Carey, Mathew, 1:159-60, 361, 601, 609, 638

as editor, 1:30, 94-99, 100-3, 166 Carey, William, 111:20, 457n, 474 Carl Pretzel’s National Weekly, 111:266 Carl Pretzel’s Pook, 111:266 Carleton, George W., 111:265 Carleton, Henry Guy, 111:202; IV:556«, 559

Carleton, S. B., IV: 106 Carleton, Will, 111:231; IV:45, 159, 538

Carleton College, 111:111 Carlisle, Pa., IV:215«.

Carlisle Arrow, IV:215 Carlisle, David, Jr., 1 : 156m Carlisle, W. B., 11:489 Carlson, John Roy, V:23 Carlton & Smith, III:12w Carlyle, Thomas, 1:292, 398-99, 401, 402, 610, 616, 703-5, 776; 11:159, 161, 236; 111:253

Carman, Bliss, III:454 m, 456; IV:46m, 66, 120, 124, 389, 450, 451, 457, 506w, 507, 612, 645, 654, 690; V: 248

Carman, Elbert S., IV: 340 Carmany, John H., III:402m, 405-6 “Carmen Sylvia,” see Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania Carnahan, James, 1:530 Carnegie, Andrew, 11:2 55; III: 83m; IV: 157, 158, 163m, 164m, 218, 226, 495, 776; V:342 Carnegie Foundation, V:242 Carnevali, Emanuel, V:239 Carpenter, Frank George, 1:732; IV:482,


Carpenter, George Rice, IV:398, 517 Carpenter, Stephen Cullen, 1:194-95, 202 as editor, 1:166, 205, 260-61 Carpenter, William Henry, IV: 434 Carpenter, III: 129m, 130m Carpentry and Building, 111:129 Carpentry magazines, 111:129 Carpet-Bag, 11:180-81 Carpet Trade, III: 136m Carpet trade magazines, 111:136 Carpet Trade Review, 111:136 Carpet and Upholstery Trade Review, 111:136

Carpetbaggers, press comment on, III: 283-84

Carpets, Wall Paper and Curtains,

III: 136m

Carr, Edward Ellis, IV: 2 83 Carriage Journal, 111:216 Carriage Monthly, 111:216; IV:327 Carriage trade magazines, 111:216;

IV: 3 2 6—2 7

Carried, Cruse, IV: 107m Carrier Dove, 111:82; IV :304m Carrington, John B., II:312m, 313 Carroll, Alfred L., 111:265 Carroll, Bartholomew R., I:664m Carroll, Charles, III: 199m Carroll, Gordon, V:19 Carroll, Lewis, V: 121 Carruth, Hayden, V:225m, 234-35, 243 Carruthers, William A., 1:700 Carryl, Charles Edward, 111:502 Carryl, Guy Wetmore, IV:436, 612,


Carse, Matilda B., 111:310 Carse, Robert, IV:422, 712 Carson, Joseph, I: 539m Carson, Norma Bright, III: 235m Carson, Will, IV: 108 Carter, Henry, see Leslie, Frank

Carter, James Gordon, 1:331-32, 541m, 542

Carter, Joseph, 111:44 Carter, Matilda P., 1:3 52m Carter, Robert, 1:735-38; 11:240;

111:41 7m, 418-19, 455 Carter, Robert, & Brothers, 1:375 Carter, William Harding, IV:627 Carter’s Monthly, IV: 100 Cartoon comic books, IV: 196 Cartoons, 111:125, 192, 265-68, 287-88, 420, 441

in early magazines (1741-94), 1:36, 48, 85-86

in expansionist-era magazines (182 5— 50), 1:782

in Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), 11:144-45, 457, 475-76,

521, 523

in post-Civil War magazines ( 1865— 85), 11:477-82; 111:56, 67, 91- 92, 191, 265-67, 269m, 280-86, 521-30, 552-53

in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 11:483; 111:522-26, 553-54, 667; IV: 6 1, 387m, 415, 650-51, 775 Carus, Mary, IV:303 Carus, Paul, IV:302, 303 Carvalho, Solomon Solis, IV:331 Carver, George, V:179m Cary, Alice, 1:388, 499-500, 771; 11:19, 36, 114, 115m, 170, 302, 303, 360, 377, 407, 410, 417, 466, 468, 504m; 111:229, 374, 393; IV:680

Cary, F. G., 11:89

Cary, Phoebe, 1:388, 499-500, 771;

11:36, 114, 170, 302, 377, 410, 466, 468; III:14m, 229, 374, 393, 394

Casamajor, George, IV: 484 Case, Theodore S., 111:109 Case and Comment, IV:347 Casey, Francis de Sales, IV:468, 566 Cash, W. J„ V: 10 Cash Grocer, III: 135m Cash-in-advance subscriptions, 1:242 Casket, 111:132; IV:674-77 founding of, 1:343 illustrations in, 1:520 prizes offered by, 1:500 sketch of, 1:544-55 Casket (undertaking periodical), III: 132; IV: 189

Casket magazines, 111:132-33; IV: 189 Casket and Sunny side, 111:133 Cass, Lewis, 1:409, 614, 781; 11:232

Cassel, John, 111:530; V:30 Cassell’s Family Magazine, IV:228 Cassell’s Monthly, 111:278 Cassier, Louis, III:121n Cassier’s Magazine, IV:320-21 Cassino, Herman E., 428 n, 431 Cassino, Samuel E., IV:428, 431 Casson, Herbert N., IV:616; V:149 Castaigne, Andre, 111:473; V:2 56 Castle, William Richards, Jr., IV:75n “Castlemon, Harry” (Charles Austin Fosdick), III: 175n; IV:274, 420 Castleton, D. R., 11:394 Cat Journal, IV: 3 82 Cat Review, IV:382

Caterer and Hotel Proprietor’s Gazette, IV: 189w

Caterer and Household Magazine,


Catering Industry Employee, IV:221 n Cates, J. Sidney, 11:435 Cather, Willa Siebert, 111:408; IV:79n, 89, 471, 521, 552, 601, 769; V: 119, 264

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 111:471, 485, 508; IV:100»

Catholic Almanac, 1:716 Catholic Book News at Home and Abroad, 111:70 Catholic Bulletin, 111:69 n Catholic Central Advocate, 11:7 In Catholic Champion, IV:294 n Catholic Charities Review, IV: 194 Catholic Citizen, III:69n, 70 n; IV:298 Catholic Guardian, 11:77n Catholic Herald, 1:373, 801; II:77n; III:69n

Catholic Herald-Citizen, 111:69 n Catholic Journal, 1:373, 801 Catholic Journal of the New South, 111:69 n

Catholic Magazine, 1:717 Catholic magazines

early (1741-94), 1:56 in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:136 in expansionist era (1825-50), 1:371— 73, 381, 688-89, 716-17 in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:76-77 in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:67-70, 329-30

in Gilded Age (1885-1905), 111:261, 330; IV: 138, 275, 297-99 modern (1905-), 111:330 Catholic Mirror, 1:717; 11:77 Catholic Miscellany, 1:383 Catholic News, IV: 298 Catholic Press, 1:373

Catholic Reading Circle Review, IV:265 Catholic Religious Cabinet, 1:371 ' Catholic Review, 111:70; IV: 298 Catholic School Journal, IV:272, 2 75 Catholic Standard, 111:69; IV:298 Catholic Telegraph, 1:389, 801; 11:7 7 Catholic Times, 111:69; IV: 298 Catholic Total Abstinence Union, 111:310-11

Catholic Transcript, 111:69 n Catholic Union, 111:69 n Catholic Union and Times, IV:298 Catholic Universe, 111:69 n Catholic University Bulletin, IV:299n Catholic Vindicator, 111:69 n Catholic World, 111:68, 69n; IV:298 sketch of, 111:329-30 Catholic Youth’s Magazine, 1:717; 11:77 Catholicism and anti-Catholicism

in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:204 in expansionist era (182 5-50), 1:371, 597, 602

in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:67-68, 266, 342, 526-27 in Gilded Age (1885-1905), IV:61, 272, 299-300

in modern era (1905), IV:416 Catlettsburg, Ky., 111:71 Cat-owner magazines, IV:382 Cattell, James McKeen, III:108n, 495n, 498; IV:303, 307 Cattell, Josephine Owen, IV:308n Cattle-raising, western, 111:61-62 Caucasian, 11:154

Cauldwell, William, 11:37; 111:209;

IV: 169 Cause, IV: 2 79 Cavalier, IV:617n Cave, Edward, IV:381n Cawein, Madison, 111:511; IV:48n, 690 Cedar Rapids, Iowa

post-Civil War magazines in (186 5— 85)

agricultural magazines, 111:157, 161 penmanship magazine, 111:170 railroad magazine, III:12 5»

Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) Masonic journal, IV:22In poultry periodical, IV:345»

Celtic Magazine, IV:227

Cement, IV:325

Cement Age, IV:325n

Cement and Engineering News, IV:325n

Cement Era, IV:32 5n

Cement periodicals, IV:325

Censor, 1:26n, 788; IV:100

Censorship, problems of, V: 174-75

Census, see Population Centennial Exposition (1876), 111:116, 181, 185, 398, 493; IV:144 Centennial Record, 111:39 n Center, Alfred, III:85m Central Baptist, III: 73m; IV:29 2 Central Christian Advocate, 11:67; 111:70

Central Law Journal, 111:144; IV: 346 Central Magazine, 111:95 Central Methodist, 111:71 Central News Company, III:8 Central Presbyterian, 11:6 'bn Central School Journal, 111:169 Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ( Scribner’s Monthly 1870-81), 11:396-98, 430; 111:19-20, 34, Ain, 48, 90, 103, 119, 176, 184,





















IV: 2,

5, 9,

14, 17

, 19,

20, 2

! 1, 35

, 37,

40, 43

, 211,





719; V:294,

Table caption341

circulation of, III:6 advertising in, III:9, 11 illustrations in, 111:187-90 sketch of, 111:457-80 Century Path, IV: 2 87m Century Quarterly, III :457m, 479 Ceramic Monthly, IV :184m Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, 111:185;

IV: 562

Cezanne, Paul, 111:542 Chadbourne, John S., II: 116m Chadwick, H. A., IV: 108 Chadwick, Henry, 111:217; IV:635 Chadwick, John White, 111:337, 424, 507; IV: 178 Chagall, Marc, V:178 Chaille-Long, Charles, IV: 136 Challenge, IV:206 Challis, Luther C., 111:449-51 Chamberlain, Arthur, IV:391 Chamberlain, Arthur H., III:402m, 409 Chamberlain, George Agnew, IV:473 Chamberlain, George D., IV: 131 Chamberlain, Jo Hubbard, IV:663 Chamberlain, John, IV:731; V:99 n, 288 Chamberlain, Joseph Perkins, IV: 750 Chamberlain, Mary, IV:746 Chamberlain, Samuel Selwyn, IV :480m, 492

Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar, II :262m, 2 72 Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, IV:309 Chamberlin, William Henry, V:20, 97 Chambers, C. E., 11:402

Chambers, Joseph M., 11:89 Chambers, Robert William, IV:49 n, 367, 450, 496-97, 501, 584, 689, 691, 693; V:30, 85, 152 Chambers, Whittaker, IV:713 Chameleon, 1:427, 803 Champagne, III:269m Champion, IV:2 10 Champion of Fair Play, 111:311 Champion of Freedom and Right,


Champlain Educator, IV:265 Champlin, John Denison, 11:267, 2 70 Champney, James Wells, 11:477;

III:185m, 464 Chandler, H. P., 111:256 Chandler, Hannibal H., 111:156 Chandler, Joseph Ripley, I :544m, 551, 587m

Chandler, Seth C., II: 79w Chandler, William Eaton, IV:61 5 Channing, Edward Bruce, IV:241 Channing, Edward Tyrrel, 1:130, 180;

II: 220«, 224, 225, 238 Channing, Grace Ellery, IV: 107; V:158 Channing, Walter, 1:151, 187; 11:212, 227

Channing, William Ellery, 1:138, 263, 285, 287, 41 1, 471, 571, 659, 662, 777; 111:347, 386 Channing, William Ellery, Jr., I:660m, 709, 723

Channing, William Henry, I:658m, 663, 704, 706, 764; 11:207 Chantecler (Rostand), V:148 Chap-Book, IV:99, 125, 387, 388, 450- 52, 640; V:156, 158 Chapbooks, IV:99, 125, 386-91, 450-52, 640; V: 156, 158 Chaperone, IV:361; 151 w Chapin, Aaron Lucius, 11:315, 374, 518w, 519

Chapin, Alonzo Bowen, 1:669 Chapin, Edwin Hubbeli, 1:640; 111:87, 172

Chapin, John, 11:390 Chapin, S. A., 111:503 Chapin, William Wisner, IV:626 Chapman, Alfred F., 111:315 Chapman, Arthur, IV:108m Chapman, Bertrand L., IV: 79m Chapman, Frank Michler, IV:627 Chapman, Frederick L., IV:52, 301 Chapman, Henry Grafton, III:296m; IV: 775

Chapman, John Jay, 11:512; IV:520, 737

Chapman, Nathaniel, 1:244, 566

Chappie, Joseph Mitchell, IV:80-81, 338 Char, Rene, V:244 Character Builder, IV:275 Chariot, IV:222 n

Charities, 11:241; IV:193, 195, 743 sketch of, IV: 741 Charities Review, IV: 193 sketch of, IV: 741-43 Charity magazines

in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:241 in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:313-14

in Gilded Age (1885-1905), IV:193- 94, 195, 741-44 modern (1905-), IV:744-50 Charity Work, IV: 744 Charles City, Iowa, IV:2 71 Charleston, S.C.

nationalist-era magazines in (1794— 1825), 1:167 literary center, 1:204-5 literary periodical, 1:260 expansionist-era magazines in (182 5— 50), 1:382-83; II:112n eclectic periodicals, 1:573, 722, 755

literary magazines, 1:646, 664, 700 magazine center, 1:379-80, 382-83 religious magazine, 1:136 slavery issue, 1:458 Civil War era magazines in (1850— 65), 11:33

general magazine, 11:488-92 literary magazines, 11:11 Ow magazine center, 11:107, 488 religious magazines, II:63« post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)

agricultural magazine, 111:155 religious magazine, III:73«

Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) historical periodical, IV: 139 women’s club periodical, IV:356« persecution of abolitionists in, 1:460 theater in, 1:169

Charleston Medical Journal and Review, 11:84 n

Charlotte, N.C., II:63«, IV:185«, 314

Charlotte Medical Journal, IV: 314

Charnay, Desire, 11:2 54

Chase, Edna Woolman, IV:756n, 760-62

Chase, Frank H., 111:132

Chase, Ilka, IV:762

Chase, Jason Frank, V: 13-14

Chase, Joseph Cummings, IV:577

Chase, Stuart, IV:478, 748, 749«

Chase, Thomas, 11:161

Chase, William Merritt, IV: 144-46, 484

Chatard, Francis Silas, III:69n Chateaubriand, Francois Rene Auguste, Vicomte de, II: 116«

Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C., IV:49n, 61, 485; V:226, 247

Chattanooga, Tenn., Ill:7In, 73n; IV:

27In, 291, 292 n Chatter, IV:66-67 Chaucer, Geoffrey, V: 111 Chautauqua Farmer, 111:153 Chautauqua Herald, 111:173 Chautauqua magazines, 111:153, 173, 177, 544-47; IV:95, 104, 264-65, 3 57

Chautauqua programs, 111:173, 544, 547; IV:357

Chautauqua Young Folks’ Journal, III: 177

Chautauqua Young Folks’ Reading Union, 111:509

Chautauquan, 11:378; 111:173; IV:54, 95, 216, 223, 264; V:341 sketch of, 544-57 Chawner, Mary Grove, V:179«

Cheap books, 1:362, 362 n, 418 Checker playing, 111:2 20 Checker World, IV:382 Checkers’ periodicals, IV:3 82 Cheer, 111:100 Cheerjul Moments, IV:367n Cheese Reporter, IV:186«

Cheetham, James, I:160n Cheever, George Barrell, 1:409, 572; 11:141

Chef and Steward, IV:189n Chekhov, Anton, V: 119-21 Chelsea, Mass., 111:299 Chemical Engineer, IV:322 n Chemical Engineering, IV:322 n Chemistry, 1:303; 11:228, 319 Chemistry periodicals, 111:109-10;

IV:309, 32 3n

Chenery, William Ludlow, IV:453«, 469- 75, 747

Cheney, John Vance, 111:407;

IV: 104

Cheney, Warren, III:56«, 402 n, 406 Cherniss, Harold, III:535«

Cherokee Gospel Tidings, IV:215n Cherokee Rosebud, 11:99 Cherub, III:39n

Cheseboro’, Caroline, see Chesebrough, Caroline

Cheseborough, Essie, 11:490 Chesebrough (Cheseboro’), Caroline,

1:553; 11:173, 387, 395, 429, 467, 504w, 543; III:13n, 224, 373, 411

Chess, 11:437; 111:220, 324 Chess Monthly, 11:203 Chess periodicals, 11:203; IV:382 Chessman, William O., IV:470, 477 Chester, George Randolph, IV:299 n, 493, 497, 602, 691, 693; V:85, 134, 148

Chester, Stephen M., 1:352, 743m, 744 Chesterfield, Ruth, 11:270 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 11:260;

111:330; IV:501, 518, 520, 521, 604, 694, 697; V:84, 121 Chew, Samuel C., V:5 Chiang Kai-shek, V:323 m Chic, 111:97, 267 Chicago, Ill.

expansionist-era magazines in (182 5— 50), 1:389, 444 n

Civil War era magazines in (1850-65) agricultural magazines, I :444m;


home magazine, 11:59 law journal, 11:93 Masonic periodical, 11:215 medical journal, 11:84 printers’ magazine, 11:93 railroad journal, 11:81 religious magazines, 11:66, 71m,


trade union periodical, 11:212 post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)

agriculture machinery magazines,

111:151, 161

agricultural magazines, 111:156-57 art journals, 111:186 bee keepers’ magazine, 111:161 booksellers’ periodical, 111:23 5 comic magazines, 111:266, 269 n construction periodicals, 111:129, 130

drama periodical, 111:199 educational periodical, 111:168 engineering periodicals, 111:114 free love periodical, III:301m grange magazine, 111:149 Greenback magazine, 111:301 health magazine, 111:139 home magazines, 111:51, 101 humane societies, 111:312 illustrated weeklies, 111:53 insurance journal, 111:146 journalist periodical, 111:2 73 juvenile periodicals, 111:1 75-76, 1 77 labor periodical, 111:299 legal journal, 111:144 library periodical, 111:171

literary magazines, 111:233-35, 413- lb, 539 m

magazine center, 111:30, 51-54 mail-order periodicals, 111:54 manufacturing periodicals, 111:128 medical journals, III: 141m, 142m, 143

music periodicals, III: 198m philology journal, III: 236 m poultry magazine, 111:161 printers’ magazines, 11:93; 111:132 railroad magazines, 111:12 5 religious magazines, 11:519; III:7, 72, 74-78, 80-85 scientific magazines, 111:109-12 secret societies, 111:315 society notes, 111:102 story papers, 1111:53-54 technical periodicals, III: 116m, 117, 121-22

temperance periodicals, 111:310, 311 trade magazines, 111:132-36, 216 trade union periodicals, III: 12 5m, 126m

women’s magazines, 111:94-95, 101 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) advertising journals, IV:247, 337 agnostic periodicals, IV:277 agricultural periodicals, I: 444m;

IV:337-39, 341, 343, 344-45 airplane conference, IV:335 all-fiction magazines, IV: 11 5-16 amateur periodicals, IV:389, 390n, 391, 450

anarchist periodicals, IV: 172 architectural periodical, IV:323 art periodicals, IV: 147 automobile periodicals, IV:331 brick periodical, IV:32 5m booksellers’ magazine, IV: 12 7 cement periodical, IV:32 5m checkers’ periodical, IV:382 comic periodicals, IV:385, 387m construction periodicals, IV:325 current events magazines, IV: 499 dental periodicals, IV:317 education periodicals, IV:264, 269 engineering periodicals, IV:321-2 2 family magazines, IV:67-68 financial periodicals, IV:349, 3 50m five-cent magazines, IV: 4 flower periodical, IV:342 m free-silver periodical, IV: 163 m general magazine, IV:45 health magazine, 111:139 home decorating magazine, IV:324 home-finding magazine, IV:200

home magazines, V: 154ft horse-racing periodical, IV:343 humor periodicals, IV:385, 387ft illustrated magazines, IV: 99-100, 153

information periodicals, IV: 54-55 insurance periodical, IV :351ft Jewish periodicals, IV:300 juvenile periodical, IV:275 lecture magazine, IV:266 legal magazines, IV:346, 347ft, 348 library magazine, IV: 143 literary magazines, III:539ft;

IV:88, 124-25 lumber periodicals, IV: 32 5 m magazine center, IV: 98-100 mail-order periodicals, IV:367 manufacturing periodicals, IV: 183- 85, 186ft

Masonic periodical, IV:222 n medical journals, IV:314-16, 524 n mining periodicals, IV:322n missionary periodicals, IV:305 music periodicals, IV:253-54 Negro periodical, IV: 2 14ft news periodicals, IV: 64 office-practice periodicals, IV:352 philology journals, IV: 128 philosophical journal, IV:302 photography periodical, IV: 149 pigeon periodical, IV:345 political magazines, IV: 170, 178 populist periodical, IV: 176 poultry magazine, III: 161ft printers’ magazine, IV:247 railroad periodicals, IV:333« reactionary periodicals, IV: 448 religious periodicals, 111:82;

IV:284, 285ft, 291 review periodicals, IV:52-53, 60-61, 65

Scandinavian-American periodical, IV: 231

scientific periodical, IV:310ft socialist periodicals, IV: 175, 176 social-work periodical, IV: 194 sociology journal, IV: 191 sports’ periodicals, IV:385, 387ft stock-breeding periodicals, IV: 344 “success” periodical, IV: 169 tariff periodical, IV: 167 telephone periodicals, IV:335 temperance periodical, IV:210 theater periodicals, IV:261, 269, 271-72

trade periodicals, IV:186«, 187-89 trade union periodical, IV:221w

travel periodicals, IV:224 urban weeklies, IV: 100 women’s periodicals, IV:367 YMCA periodical, IV:287ft modern magazines in (1905-) agricultural machinery journal,

IV: 188ft

dental journals, IV:317 literary center, V:156 literary magazines, III :539ft;

V: 179ft

manufacturing periodicals, IV: 183- 85, 186ft

medical periodicals, IV:315, 525ft religious periodicals, 111:82;

IV :300

social welfare magazine, IV:743 women’s periodicals, IV:367 anarchist movement in, 11:482 anarchist periodicals, IV: 172 Haymarket bombing, IV: 172-73, 217-18, 561

press opposition, 11:530; IV:561 Columbian Exposition (1893) in, see Columbian Exposition corruption in, 111:291-92 cultural movements in, V:166 growth of, 111:51-52 economic, 111:30; IV: 98 as magazine publishing center, 11:115

muckraking articles on, IV: 600 music in, IV:249 newspapers in, III:270ft Chicago, University of, IV:74, 128 Chicago Apparel Gazette, IV: 187ft Chicago Art Union, 11:191 Chicago Banker, IV: 349 n Chicago Chronicle, IV:70 Chicago Clinical Review, IV:314ft Chicago Commerce, IV :350ft Chicago Commercial Advertiser, 111:127 Chicago Commons, IV :743ft Chicago Daily News, 111:270«; IV:70;

V: 294

Chicago Dairy Produce, IV :344ft Chicago Evening Post, IV: 168 Chicago Evening Post Literary Review, V: 196

Chicago Field, 111:210ft Chicago Figaro, IV: 100, 385 Chicago fire, 111:118, 145, 415 Chicago Fireside Friend, 111:39 Chicago Grocer, III: 13 5ft Chicago Herald, 111:270 n Chicago Household Guest, IV:367« Chicago Index, 111:54

Chicago Journal of Commerce, 11:92 Chicago Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, III: 142

Chicago Ledger, 111:39, 53-54; IV:4, 18, 68

Chicago Legal News, IV:346, 347 n Chicago Lumberman, IV:325 n Chicago Magazine, IV:53»

Chicago Magazine of Fashion, Music and Home Reading, 111:95 Chicago Medical Journal, II:84«

Chicago Medical Recorder, IV:314 Chicago Medical Review, III:141« Chicago Medical Times, III:141n Chicago Mining Review, 111:114 “Chicago Plan,” V:22 5 Chicago Pulpit, 111:84 Chicago Record, 11:69, 97, 200 Chicago Saturday World, IV:68w Chicago Socialist, IV:175«

Chicago Specimen, 111:132 n Chicago Teacher, IV:271 Chicago Tribune, 111:297; V:225 Chicago World, IV: 68 Chicagoan, 111:52 Chicopee, Mass., II:94«

Child, Francis Washburn, IV:465, 468 Child, Lydia Maria, 1:350, 434, 634; 11:141, 504«

Child, Richard Washburn, V:83 Child at Home, 11:100 Child labor, IV:404, 462, 746, 767 Child of Pallas, 1:791 Child Study Monthly, IV:272 Child-care magazines, IV:364 Children of the United States, IV:275 Children’s Hour, 111:176 Children’s Magazine, 1:29, 789; 11:101; IV:275w

Children’s magazines, see Juvenile magazines

Childs, Cephas G., 1:208, 209 Childs, Francis James, IV: 128 Childs, George William, 1:365, 549, 554;

11:158; 111:492 Childs, Henry E., 111:42 2 Childs, John Lewis, IV: 342 Childs, Marquis W., V:12, 338 n Child’s Friend, 1:492-93, 807 Child’s Paper, 11:100; III:8«

Child’s World, III:8»

Chillicothe, Ohio, II:63«

Chilocco Beacon, IV:215«

Chin, IV:88

China, 111:280; IV:232-33, 239; V:192 immigration from, 111:276-77 See also Boxer Rebellion China, Glass and Lamps, IV:188«

China Decorator, IV: 147 Chip Basket, 111:269 n Chirico, Giorgio di, V:178 Chironian, 111:143 Chisholm, Samuel S., III:128« Chittenden, Simeon, II:367«, 370 Chivers, Thomas Holley, 1:756; 11:116 Choate, Joseph Hodges, IV:570; V:206, 287

Choate, Rufus, 1:751 Choice Literature, 111:256 n Choir, IV: 2 54 n Choir Herald, IV:254n Choir Journal, IV: 2 54 n Choir Leader, IV: 2 54 Choir music journals, IV:254 Cholera epidemics, 111:137; IV:311—12 “Cholly Knickerbocker,” V:272 Choral Advocate, 11:197 Chosen People, IV:300n Christendom, IV: 198, 499 Christensen, Parley Parker, 111:352 Christian, 11:63; 111:80 Christian Advocate (Nashville), II:68«; 111:71; IV:291

Christian Advocate (New York), 1:300, 373, 799; 11:66, 67, 206; 111:67, 70, 224; IV:288, 290-91 Christian Advocate (Philadelphia) founding of, 1:136 sketch of, 1:315-16 Christian Banner, 111:85; IV:292 n Christian Banner and Tract Journal, 11:75

Christian Century, IV:295, 393; V:xvi Christian City, IV:305 Christian Contributor and Free Missiofi- ary, 11:65

Christian County School News, IV:271 Christian Cynosure, 111:315 Christian Disciple, see: Christian Examiner

Christian Educator, IV:305 Christian Endeavor World, 111:180;

IV: 2 75

Christian-Evangelist, 111:80; IV: 296 Christian Examiner, 1:349, 569-72, 690; 11:71; 111:30, 34, 77, 436-37, 506, 597

founding of, 1:135 sketch of, 1:284-92 Christian Freeman, 11:7 2n Christian Gospel Banner, 11:72 Christian Guide, 111:80 Christian Hebrew, III:80»

Christian Herald, 1:135, 795; II:63»;

IV:391; V:272, 286 Christian Herald (Detroit), III:73«

Christian Herald (New York), 111:28,


Christian Herald (Omaha), III:75« Christian History, 1:2 5, 78, 787 Christian Index, 1:138, 796; II:64n; 111:73; IV:291-92

Christian Inquirer, 1:374, 808; 11:72;

111:77; IV:291 Christian Instructor, 11:63 Christian Intelligencer, 11:73 Christian Journal, 1:135, 795 Christian Leader, 11:72; III:79 n;

IV :296

Christian Life, IV:200 Christian Literature and Review of the Churches, IV:301 Christian Metaphysician, IV: 2 86 Christian Mirror, 11:71 Christian Missionary, IV:238«

Christian Nation, 111:81 Christian Observer, 1:137, 794; 11:63, 111:71; IV:293 Christian Oracle, IV:295 Christian Parlor Magazine, 11:14 founding of, 1:372 sketch of, 1:745-46

Christian Quarterly, 111:79-80; IV:296 Christian Quarterly Review, 111:80 Christian Recorder, II:68«; III:7In Christian Register (Boston), 1:138, 290, 570, 797; 11:72; 111:77, 507; IV: 2 94

Christian Register (Lexington), I:206n, 797

Christian Repository, 11:72 Christian Review, 11:63 founding of, 1:371 sketch of, 1:666-68

Christian Science, 11:257; IV:285-86, 413, 493

Christian Science Journal, IV:285 Christian Science Sentinel, IV:285 Christian Science Thought, IV: 2 86 Christian Science Weekly, IV:285 Christian Secretary, 11:65 n Christian socialism, IV: 176, 190-91,


Christian Socialist, IV: 2 83 Christian Spectator, 1:179, 197, 370 founding of, 1:135-36 sketch of, 1:310 Christian Spiritualist, II:210n Christian Standard, III:80w; IV:295 Christian Standard and Home Journal, 111:72

Christian Student, IV:291

Christian Sun, 11:74

Christian Times (Chicago), II:65«

Christian Times (New York), II:70« Christian Union, 11:374, 375, 379;

IV:59, 288, 292 See also: Outlook Christian Union Herald, IV:294 Christian Watchman, see: Watchman- Examiner

Christian Witness (Boston), II:70«;


Christian Witness (Columbus), 111:82 Christian Work, 111:81; IV: 301 Christian Worker, 111:81; IV:296 Christian World (Cleveland), 11:74 Christian World (New York), 11:77 Christianity in Earnest, IV;305 Christian’s Magazine, 1:793 Christian’s Monitor, 1:791 Christian’s Scholar and Farmer’s Magazine

on “female education,” 1:64 sketch of, 1:112 Christians at Work, 111:82 Christie, Agatha, IV:475, 503, 700, 709, 713

Christman, Henry, IV:749«

Christmas Ideas, V:47

Christy, Howard Chandler, 11:464;

111:484; IV: 151, 361«, 456, 501, 602, 726

Chromatic Art Magazine, 111:186 Chromolithographic journals, 111:186 Chromolithographs, 111:29

in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 111:191, 528, 552 comic magazines, 111:268 as premiums, III:7, 191, 411, 425, 437, 442 quality, III: 182

in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905) colored cartoons, IV:61 comic magazines, 111:554 eclectic magazines, IV:720 fashion periodicals, IV: 3 63 sentimental, IV: 18 urban periodicals, IV:84-85 in modern magazines (1905—) eclectic magazines, IV:726 women’s magazines, IV:767 See also Prang, Louis Chronological relationship of magazines early (1741-94), 1:70 in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:214 in expansionist era (1825-50), 1:528 in Civil War era (1850—65), 11:218 in post-Civil War era (1860-65), 111:318

Chronotype, III:262«

Chrysler, Walter, V:323n

Chubbuck, Emily, 111:2 29 Church, III:75m Church, Benjamin, 1:48 Church, C. A., III:53m Church, declining interest in, 111:86-87 See also specific denominations Church, Francis Pharcellus, 11:150, 547;

111:21, 33, 361m, 362, 377 Church, Frederic Edwin, 11:188; 111:182 Church, Frederick Stuart, 11:477; III:

20, 189; IV:484

Church, John Adams, 111:363; IV:661 Church, Joseph M., 11:21 Ow Church, Rev. Pharcellus, II :64m, 547 Church, William Conant, 11:150, 547;

111:21, 33, 361m, 362-77; IV:721 Church Advocate, II: 70m, 74 Church Building Quarterly, 111:76 Church Choir, IV :2 54m Church Eclectic, 111:75 Church Economist, IV :301m Church of God, magazine of, 11:74 Church at Home and Abroad, IV :293m Church Journal, 11:69 Church Kalendar, III :7 5m Church Militant, IV:294m Church Monthly, 11:69; 111:75 Church music periodicals, IV: 2 54 Church News, III :75m Church Progress, III :69m Church Record, 11:69 Church Review, 1:372, 809; 11:68 sketch of, 11:364-66 Church School Magazine, III:71m Church Standard, II: 70m Church Union (1867-69), 111:82, 42 2— 23

Church Union (1873-1899), 111:82 Church Weekly, 111:7 5 Churchill, Allen, V:23 Churchill, Mrs. C. M„ 111:95 Churchill, John Wesley, IV:395 Churchill, Winston (American novelist), IV: 112, 141, 502; V:56, 97, 323m Churchill, Sir Winston Spencer, IV:473- 74, 661, 727, 780 Churchman (Hartford), 11:69 Churchman (New York), II :70m;

111:75; IV:294

Churchman’s Magazine, 1:204, 796 Churchman’s Monthly Magazine, 11:68, 70m

Church’s Bizarre, II :210m; IV :3m Church’s Musical Visitor, III: 197m Ciardi, John, V:243

Cigar Maker’s Official Journal, II: 2 12m Cigar and Tobacco, IV :189m Cigarette advertising, IV: 699

Cincinnati, Ohio

nationalist-era magazines in (1794— 1825), 1:126, 205-7 expansionist-era magazines in (182 5— 50), 1:375, 386-89, 444m, 457, 491, 559, 596, 658m, 662, 693; II:92m, 301

Civil War era magazines in ( 1850— 65), 11:33, 52, 57, 59, 65m, 74, 77, 81, 85, 92m, 114, 212, 301- 4, 534, 535

post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85), 111:55

comic magazines, 111:266, 267 construction periodical, 111:129-30 dental periodical, II :92m grange magazines, III: 149m, 179-80 historical journal, 111:262 juvenile magazine, 111:179-80 legal journal, III: 145m music periodicals, III :197m publishing center, 111:55 religious magazines, 111:71-72, 74, 80

scientific periodicals, 111:109, 112 secret societies, 111:314 technical periodicals, 111:116 trade magazine, III: 135m trade union periodicals, III: 126m, 127m

women’s magazines, 11:301, 304-5; 111:55, 94

Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) advertising journal, IV:247 agnostic periodical, IV:2 78 all-fiction magazine, IV: 117 comic periodical, IV: 387m dental periodical, II :92m engineering periodical, IV:321 fashion periodical, IV: 751 five-cent magazine, IV: 48 grange magazines, III :149m, 179-80 humor periodical, IV:387m insurance periodical, IV :351m Jewish periodical, IV: 300 manufacturing periodicals, IV :183m, 184m, 186m

medical journals, III :197m; IV:316 missionary periodical, IV:305 music periodicals, IV:2 54m religious periodicals, IV:292-93, 295, 298-9

settlement-house periodical, IV: 196m “success” magazine, IV: 169 theater periodical, IV:261 trade periodical, IV: 1 87m trade union periodical, IV :221m modern periodicals in (1905-)

advertising journal, IV:247 dental periodical, II:92« medical journal, IV:315ra trade-union periodical, IV:22In music in, IV:249

Cincinnati College of Music’s Courier, III:197n

Cincinnati Enquirer, 111:366-67 Cincinnati Grange Bulletin, III:149n Cincinnati Literary Gazette, 1:126, 207, 798

Cincinnati Medical Journal, IV:313n Cincinnati Medical News, III:141n Cincinnati Medical Repertory, III:141n Cincinnati Mirror, 1:398, 801 Cincinnati Pioneer, 111:261 Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, 111:109

Cincinnati Times, 111:55 Cincinnati Weekly Law Bulletin, III: 145n

Cincinnatus, 11:89 Circuit Court of Appeals, V:14 Circular (Oneida periodical), 11:78, 150, 207, 2lOn; 111:300 Circular Staircase (Rinehart), V:2 54 Circulation

of early magazines (1741-94), 1:13— 14, 87, 101, 104

of nationalist-era magazines (1794— 1825),1:199-200; 11:231 eclectic magazines, 1:326 juvenile magazines, 1:144 religious magazines, 1:144 scientific periodicals, 1:304 of expansionist-era magazines (1825— 50), 1:359, 561, 768; 11:231 abolitionist magazines, 11:281, 283 agricultural magazines, 1:729-30 by city and state, I:375n, 379, 386 children’s magazines, 1:713-14; 11:264, 266

general magazines, IV:674, 678 literary magazines, 1:607, 638, 702; IV:674, 678

“mammoth” papers, 1:359, 361-62 political magazines, 1:753 problems, 1:513-16 scientific periodicals, 11:317, 319 of Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), 11:35, 37-38, 535 agricultural magazines, 1:730-31; 11:102-3

business magazines, 11:342 effects of war, 11:6-7 exchange lists, 11:11-12 family magazines, 11:473, 475-76 general magazines, 11:450

high-circulation periodicals,

11 : 10-11

humor magazines, II:182» illustrated weeklies, 11:44-45, 410- 11, 458, 460-61

literary magazines, 11:36, 37, 42, 391, 393, 426

military periodicals, 11:549 national magazines, 1:102-3 religious magazines, 11:3 70-71, 381 scientific periodicals, 11:319 trends, 11:9-13

women’s magazines, 11:51, 303,


of post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85)

agricultural magazines, 11:433-34

booksellers’ magazines, 111:492

business magazines, 11:348

club system, III:8

current events periodicals, III:338—

39, 350

family magazines, 11:354, 359;

III:7, 101, 425-26 fashion magazines, 111:482 general magazines, 111:467, 510-11, 558

illustrated weeklies, 11:463 insurance journals, 111:145-46 juvenile magazines, 11:268; 111:501 legal periodicals, 111:144 literary magazines, 11:430; 111:6-7,

40, 323, 378, 405, 415, 551 medical journals, 111:140 music journals, 111:196 news companies, III:8 newspapers, III:6 penmanship periodicals, 111:170 premium system, 111:7-8 religious periodicals, 11:315, 376;

III:7, 67, 70, 76 n, 422, 436, 507

scientific periodicals, 11:32 2 trends, 111:6-9

women’s magazines, 11:309, 441;

111:6-7, 100, 388 women’s rights magazines, 111:450 of Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 11:254-56

agricultural magazines, 11:434 all-fiction magazines, IV: 115-16, 420-21

booksellers’ magazines, 111:494;

IV :436

charity magazines, IV:741

comic magazines, 111:528—29, 554;

IV:558, 561, 565 current events periodicals, IV: 500

Circulation— Continued-

digest periodicals, IV:571 dishonest reports of circulation,

IV: 15—16 education periodicals, IV: 268-70, 271w

family magazines, 11:480, 482; III: 429, 481-82, 484, 491-92; IV:68, 88; V:131-32

fashion magazines, 111:482-83; IV: 363, 581-82

flower periodicals, IV: 342 general magazines, 111:475; IV: 115- 16, 507, 590, 596, 599, 611, 613-14, 680, 686, 689-91, 717— 18, 723

geographic magazines, IV:622, 631 high circulation, IV: 13, 16-17, 59 home periodicals, IV: 764 illustrated weeklies, 11:464; IV:

454, 457, 464, 558, 561, 565 juvenile magazines, 1:273; IV:273 legal periodicals, IV:346-47 literary magazines, 11:511; 111:407, 540, 551; IV:430, 680, 686, 734, 736

mail-order periodicals, IV:365, 367 mail rates and, IV: 20 medical journals, IV: 52 5—26 military periodicals, 11:549 news periodicals, IV:650 outdoor magazines, IV:635, 638 police gazettes, 11:333, 335 populist periodicals, IV: 162-63,

411, 414

poultry periodicals, IV:345 promotional magazines, IV:106« reactionary periodicals, IV:443, 449 religious magazines, IV:293« review periodicals, IV:52«, 65-67, 658

satiric magazines, IV:646, 670 scientific periodicals, 11:322, 498;

IV :308«

socialist periodicals, IV:205 spiritualist periodicals, IV:304 techniques for building, IV: 17-18 urban periodicals, IV: 84, 86 veterans’ magazines, IV: 69 of modern magazines (1905-), 11:2 58 agricultural magazines, 1:732;


all-fiction magazines, IV:422, 430-


art magazines, V:171 booksellers’ magazines, 111:494;

IV:438, 440

charity magazines, IV: 745-46, 749 comic periodicals, IV:565, 567 current events magazines, 111:356 digest periodicals, IV:574, 578-79 family magazines, 111:434; IV:497, 503, 505; V:133, 141, 143 fashion periodicals, IV:629 gardening magazines, V:38, 41-42, 44, 48

general magazines, 111:479, 515, 555; IV: 510, 604, 606-7, 617-18, 692, 694, 696, 699, 706, 710, 715, 730-31; V:4, 17, 22-23, 32, 41-42, 74, 81, 83, 85-86, 248-49, 255, 259-60, 263, 270-71, 338- 39

geographic periodicals, IV:629 home magazines, V:38, 41-42, 44, 48, 133

illustrated weeklies, 11:464; IV:

467, 473, 477, 565, 567 library periodicals, 111:519; IV:736 literary magazines, 11:431, 515; 111:407-8, 542, 551; IV:422, 430-31, 502-3, 738; V:118, 123, 171, 186

military magazines, 111:534 men’s magazines, IV:423 newspaper-trade magazines, V:63, 66, 68, 70

poetry magazines, V: 112-13, 123, 171

police gazettes, 11:336 publishers’ magazines, V:63, 66, 68, 70

reactionary periodicals, IV:449 religious magazines, 11:378 review periodicals, IV:521-22, 661 — 63, 786-88

scientific periodicals, 111:499 women’s magazines, 111:490; IV: 549, 551, 554, 583, 587, 729, 768, 770-71; V:133, 141, 143 delinquent subscriptions and, see Delinquent subscribers of newspapers, see Newspapers See also Subscriptions Circuses, 111:209 Cist, Charles, 1:94, 94 n; 11:114 /z Cist’s Advertiser, II: 11 4m, 176«


corruption in, see Municipal corruption

dirtiness of, 1:475 Citizen, 111:69 n Citizen (Boston), IV: 181 Citizen (New York), IV:77, 85

Citizen (Philadelphia), IV:263

Citizen (Salt Lake City), IV :104m

City Budget, II: 185m

City and Country, 111:156

City Government, IV: 198

City Hall, IV: 198m

City Item, 11:37

City and State, IV: 60

Civil engineering periodicals, 111:113

Civil rights, see Indians; Negroes

Civil Service Chronicle, IV: 199

Civil Service Record, 111:295

Civil service reform

post-Civil War magazine on (1865— 85), 111:295, 334, 341-42, 392, 463, 470, 525

Gilded Age magazines on (1885— 1905), IV:211

Civil Service Reformer, 111:295 n Civil War, 1:612-13; 11:59, 61, 77, 84,

87, 88, 245; V:283, 343 abolitionists and, 11:292-94 antislavery magazines in, 1:301 financial causes of, 11:147

histories of, 11:548; 111:261-62, 468- 70; IV: 56, 490

magazines on, 11:59, 61, 77, 84, 87,

88, 245; 111:376; IV:679-80 engravings, 11:460 freedmen, II: 131

Northern magazines, 11:6-7 patriotism, II: 149 political issues, 11:131 reportage, 11:7, 149-56, 440, 459- 60, 474-75, 503, 548 sectional hatreds, 11:156 slavery, 11:131 Southern magazines, 11:8-9; 111:111-13 memoirs of, 11:2 53 religious magazines and, 11:314 secession of South and, see Secession songs of, 11:196-97 theater and, 11:199-200 Clack Book, IV:390 Claflin, Tennie C. (Tennessee), 111:95, 443-44, 449-52 Clapp, E. B., 580m, 582 Clapp, Henry, 11:38-40 Clapp, Henry Austin, 111:200 Clapp, J. Milton, 1:721m, 725 Clapp, Robert P., Ill :295m Clapp, William Warland, 11:35 Clapper, Raymond, IV:663; V:55 “Clara Augusta,” 11:417 “Clare, Ada,” see McElheney, Jane Clare, Israel Smith, IV: 53m, 55

Clarendon, J. Hayden, IV:617 Claretie, Jules, 11:2 55 Clark, Champ, IV:73, 165 'Clark, Charles D., 111:179 Clark, Davis Wasgatt, II:301m, 303 Clark, Edward B., V:81 Clark, Francis Edward, 111:180 Clark, J. S., 11:71 Clark, John Maurice, IV :180m Clark, Kate Upson, IV:45, 366, 633 Clark, Lewis Gaylord, 1:2 74-75, 345-46, 402, 606-14; 11:388 Clark, T. Edward, IV :89m Clark, Victor S., I: 747m, 749 Clark W. G. C., 11:111 Clark, Walter Van Tilburg, V:337 Clark, Willis Gaylord, 1:274, 326, 546, 608

Clark, Z., II: 504m Clarke, Charles S., IV: 88 Clarke, Dorus, 1:745 Clarke, George Herbert, IV: 733m,


Clarke, Helen Archibald, IV: 121 Clarke, James Freeman, I: 292m, 374, 658m, 659, 662-63, 703, 764; 11:254; 111:507

Clarke, Joseph Ignatius Constantine,

IV :66

Clarke, Mary G., II :57m Clarke, Rebecca Sophia (“Sophie May”), 111:509; IV:680 Clarke, Thomas Cottrell, 1:354; IV: 671m, 673-74

Clarke, William Fayal, 111:500, 502, 504

Clarke, William T., III:41m, 391m, 394-95

Clarke's School Visitor, 11:101 Clary, C. C. Tennant, IV:97 Class periodicals, see Railroad journals; Scientific periodicals; Trade periodicals

Class Struggle, IV: 175 Classmate, 111:180; IV:274 Claudel, Paul, V:244 Clay, Henry, 1:184, 620, 750, 781

Clay, Thomas Hart, II: 262m Clay Record, IV:32 5m Clay-trade magazines, 111:130 Clay Worker, 111:130 Cleaning-materials’ advertising, IV:25-26 Cleona, Pa., IV:301m Clearing House Quarterly, IV :350m Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, IV:616, 724, 748

Clemenceau, Georges, IV:696

.Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (“Mark

Twain”), 1:740; 11:40, 118, 178, 255, 257, 400, 402, 506m; 111:13, 56, 58, 172, 206, 228, 238, 247, 257, 261, 264, 271, 403, 469,

474, 503; IV:51, 105, 130, 141, 165, 255, 285, 383, 490, 491,

544, 642; V: 119—21, 342 at Atlantic Monthly dinner, 111:59-60 criticism of, 111:243-44 in Galaxy, 111:363-68 Clemens, Will M., 111:234; IV:125 Clement, E. W., 11:116w Clement, Jesse, 11:116 Clements, Edith Schwartz, IV:627 Clements, Frederic Edward, IV:627 Clements, John A., V:3m, 25-26 Clergy

early magazines and (1741-94), 1:58 nationalist-era magazines and (1794— 182 5), 1:334

expansionist-era magazines and (182 5— 50),1:493; 11:302-3, 313-14 Civil War era magazines and (18 50— 65), 11:44, 227, 544, 551 post-Civil War magazines and (1865- 85), 11:252; 111:337, 425, 546 Gilded Age magazines and (1885- 1905), IV: 569

abolitionists and, 11:286, 290 slavery and, 11:314, 368 theater and, 11:200 See also Christian socialism Cleveland, Grover, 11:251, 271, 376,

481, 512; 111:288, 345, 475, 525, 529, 553; IV:156, 241, 516, 602, 655

as contributor, IV: 547, 688, 706 as political leader, IV:62, 161, 165, 211, 219, 227, 386, 387 n, 448,


Cleveland, H. L., IV:775 Cleveland, H. M., III:422m Cleveland, Henry Russell, 11:238 Cleveland, Ohio

Civil War era magazines in (18 50— 65), 11:115

agricultural magazine, 11:89 literary weekly, II: 36m religious magazines, 11:68, 74 post-Civil War magazines in (1865- 85)

agricultural magazine, 111:152-53, 156

historical journal, 111:262 literary magazine, 111:234 manufacturers’ periodical, 111:128 music periodical, III: 197m

printers’ magazine, 111:131 religious magazines, III:69 n, 85 technical periodical, 111:116 women’s magazine, 111:100 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) automobile periodical, IV:331 Chautauqua magazines, III :544m; IV:95, 264

financial periodicals, IV:349, 350m historical periodical, IV: 139 Jewish periodical, IV :300m literary magazine, IV: 125 magazine center, IV:95 manufacturing periodicals, 111:128; IV :183m

marine periodical, IV: 334 medical periodicals, IV :313m music periodical, IV: 2 54m religious magazine, IV:301m trade union periodicals, III: 126m; IV: 22 1m

women’s magazines, IV:356, 763m YMCA periodical, IV: 2 87m modern magazines in (1905-) Chautauqua magazine, IV:264 financial periodical, IV :350m manufacturing periodicals, 111:128, IV:183m, 184n, 186m news magazine, V:293m Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth, 111:234 Cleveland Medical Gazette, IV: 3 13m Cleveland Medical Journal, IV :313m Cleveland Plain Dealer, 11:526; 111:266 Clever Stories, V:261 Clews, Henry, IV: 2 16, 414m Cliff Dwellers’ Club, V:229 Clifford, John D., 1:312 Clifford, Josephine, 111:405, 406 Clift, William, 1:731 Cline, Howard F., IV:404 Cline, Leonard, V:5, 184, 265 Clinedinst, B. West, 11:464 Clinical Medicine and Surgery, IV:314m Clinton, Miss., Ill: 73m Clinton, DeWitt, 1:298 Clipper, IV:373, 384 Clips, IV:385 Clissold, H. R., IV: 185m Cloak and Suit Review, IV: 187m Close, Upton, IV: 730 Closson, William Baxter Palmer, IV:719 Clothier and Furnisher, 111:134; IV: 187 Clothier and Hatter, 111:134 Clothiers’ and Haberdashers’ Weekly, IV: 187m

Clothing, see Fashions in dress Clothing advertising, IV:22-24 Clothing Gazette, III: 134m