Clothing-trade magazines, 111:134;
IV: 187
Cloud, Charles F., 1:380 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 11:243, 424, 509m Clough, John, 1:139 Club Life, IV :356m Club Woman, IV:356 Club Worker, IV:355 Clubs, literary, 1:194; 254-57, 287; 11:226-28; 111:231, 233 see also Anthology Society; Delphian Club; Examiner Club; Friendly Club; Literary Club of Walpole; Transcendental Club; Tuesday Club
Clubs, sports, 111:213, 219-22
Clubs, subscribers’, 1:516; 11:11; III:8;
IV: 53 7, 691 Clubs, women’s, IV:356 Clute, Willard Nelson, IV:309-10 Clutz, Jacob A., II:73»
Clymer, Ernest F., IV: 603 Coaching articles, IV: 634 Coach-Makers’ International Journal, 111:216 n
Coach-maker’s Magazine, 11:92 Coal and Coke, IV: 189 n Coal Dealer, IV :189m Coal miners’ strike (1869), 111:303; IV: 219
Coal retailers’ magazines, IV: 189 Coal Trade Bulletin, IV: 189m Coal Trade Journal, 111:135; IV :189m Coan, Titus Munson, 11:376; 111:18, 257
Coast, IV: 108 Coast Review, III: 146m Coates, Foster, IV:249, 543 Coates, Grace Stone, V:13 Coates, Reynell, 1:546 n, 769m Cobb, H., II: 1 16m
Cobb, Irvin S., IV:498, 693, 695, 696, 697, 708; V:119, 134, 291 Cobb, Samuel T., IV:81m Cobb, Sanford, III:491m Cobb, Sylvanus, II:72m; III:46m, 224, 246
Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr., IT.35, 38, 358, 360, 362, 410
Cobbett, William (“Peter Porcupine”), 1:131, 150, 157, 158-59 Cobbett’s American Political Register, 1:131, 795 Cobden, Ill., IV:341 Cocoa, Fla., IV:270 m C ocran, G. C., Ill: 54m Cockerill, John A., IV:240, 490 Cockrill’s Magazine, IV:93
Cocktails, 111:266 , Cocteau, Jean, IV: 761 Cody, Sherwin, IV: 94, 115 Coe, Charles Francis, IV:618 Coe, Francis, IV:700 Coe, Franklin, 11:355, 547m, 549 Coffee, A. B., 111:408 Coffee and Tea Industries, IV: 187m Coffin, C. D., 452m Coffin, Charles Carleton, III :178m Coffin, R. F., IV:634-35 Coffin, Robert Barry (“Barry Gray”), 11:352
Coffin, Robert Peter Tristram, IV: 730, 748; V:242, 336 Coffin, Robert S., IV:671-72 Coggeshall, William Turner, 11:114, 303, 445, 466
Coghlan, Joseph Bullock, 111:534 Coghlan, Rose, IV: 2 56 Cogswell, Joseph Green, 1:367, 669m, 670; 11:228, 229, 232 Cogswell, William, I:491m; II:175m Cohan, George M., V:266 Cohen, Alfred J., IV:60, 492, 496,
Cohen, Octavus Roy, IV:421, 429, 472, 585, 618, 695 Cohn, Adolph, IV:434 Coin Collector, III: 113m Coin-collectors’ magazines, IV:391 Coin’s Financial School, IV: 111, 162 Coit, Stanton, IV: 2 79 Coke, Thomas, 1:29 Colby, Clara Bewick, 111:95 Colby, Frank Moore, IV:432m, 437 Colcord, Lincoln, 111:355, 514 Cold Storage, IV: 183m Cole, Ashley, W., III:265m Cole, G. D. H„ V:97 Cole, R. Taylor, V:273m Cole, Thomas, 1:436
Cole, Timothy, 111:85, 188, 191, 411, 466, 472; IV:5, 146
Colebaugh, Charles Henry, IV:453 m, 470, 475
Coleman, Oliver, V:156, 158 Coleman, William, IV: 166 Coleridge, Mary E., V:2 29 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1:180, 231, 257
Coles, Edward, 1:596 Coles, G., 299m
Colesworthy, Daniel Clement, 11:265 Collector (art periodical), IV: 147 Collector (autographs periodical),
College Courant, III :168m
College Journal of Medical Science,
College magazines, 1:172, 427; 11:99— 100; 111:165-66; IV:272-73 quality and variety of, 1:488-89 See also names of specific colleges and universities
College sports, 11:203; 111:221-22;
IV :634
Colleges and universities
alumni quarterlies of, IV: 74-75 curriculum of, IV: 263 debates, 111:164 enrollment in, 1:488; 11:97 expansion of, IV:262 extension programs of, IV: 263-64, 357
magazine comment on, 1:472, 488 number of, 11:97 women in, IV:357
See also specific colleges and universities; specific periodicals Collegian, 1:488, 800 Collens, T. Wharton, 111:299 Collier, Ezra, 1:434 Collier, Peter Fenelon, IV:453 Collier, Price, IV:636, 726 Collier, Robert Joseph, IV: 59, 453«, 454-67, 754
Collier, William, I:165«, 473 Collier’s, IV: 10, 21, 31, 37, 58-59,
208-209, 235-36, 245, 528, 686, 754
sketch of, IV:453-79 Colliery Engineer, III:115«
Collin, W. E., IV:738 Collingwood, Herbert Winslow, IV:340 Collins, Alan C., IV:773«, 787-88 Collins, Frederick Lewis, IV:360«, 589w, 602-03, 76 2>n, 768 Collins, James H., IV: 604, 607 Collins, Paul Valorous, IV:361 Collins, Seward, IV:432n, 440—41 Collins, Wilkie, 11:393, 406, 439, 463,
471, 476, 482; 111:223, 224, 249, 251, 389
Collitz, Hermann, III:535«
Collyer, Robert, 111:52, 78, 83, 101, 416
Colman, Henry, 1:317 n, 318, 443 Colman, Norman J., 1:444 Colman’s Rural World, 111:157 Colonization, Negro, 11:281 Colonization Herald, 11:141 Colonization Society, 11:281 Colonizationist, 1:802 Color photography, IV: 149, 626, 630
Colorado Engineer, IV:321 n Colorado Medicine, IV:314n Colorado School Journal, IV:270n Colorado Springs, Colo., IV: 104 Colorado University, IV:321«
Colorado Workman, IV:204 Coloradoan, IV:104«
Colored American Magazine, IV:214 Colored cartoons, 111:56, 525; IV:61 Colored comic strips, IV:366 Colored illustrations
in expansionist era magazines (1835- 50), 1:442, 493, 519-21, 545, 548, 591-92, 719, 744, 771 in Civil War era magazines (1850-65), 11:18, 192, 416-17, 437-39, 441 in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 11:309; 111:325, 528 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 11:311, 402; 111:475, 483; IV: 456, 545, 602, 689; V:144 in modern magazines (1905-), 111:475, 484-85, 531; IV:496, 550, 588, 626-31, 786; V:120, 122-23, 128, 161, 270, 289, 297, 300-1, 323 in newspapers, V:70 See also Chromolithographs Colored maps, IV: 574 Colson, Ethel, V:157 Colton, Arthur Willis, IV:724, 737; V:33 7
Colton, Asa L., 11:543 Colton, Delia M., 11:542 Colton, F. Barrows, IV: 63 2 Colton, George Hooker, 1:376, 488, 546n, 75 Ora, 751-52 Colton, Walker, I:546ra Colton, Wendell P., IV: 30-31 Colum, Mary M. (Mrs. Padraic Colum), IV: 522 ; V:23, 96
Colum, Padraic, 111:330, 541; IV:436, 438
“Columbia,” 1:464 Columbia, Mo., 111:80 Columbia, S.C.
Civil War era magazines in (1850- 65), II:68ra, 89, 110??; Ill:8, 63ra post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85), III:73ra
Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905), IV:295ra, 296
Columbia Churchman, III:75ra Columbia Jurist, IV:347 Columbia Law Review, IV:348 Columbia Law Times, IV:348 Columbia and Oregon Timberman, IV: 325ra
Columbia-Sterling Company, V:152 Columbia University, IV:83; V:347 magazines published at, 111:115, 165— 66
Acta Columbiana, 111:166, 269; IV: 560
legal periodicals, IV:348 political science quarterly, IV: 180 school news, IV: 75
Columbia University Quarterly, IV:74 Columbian, II:114w; IV:366; V:151w, 152
Columbian Agricultural Society, 1:153 Columbian Exposition (1893), 11:255, 483; 111:428, 530; IV:144, 320; V:487, 508
Columbian and Great West, 11:114w Columbian Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine, 1:352, 743-44, 807 Columbian Magazine, 1:18, 34, 37, 41, 42», 52, 54, 57-58, 63, 100 founding of, 1:30 sketch of, 1:94-99 Columbian Museum, 1:31 n, 789 Columbian Phenix, 1:145, 203, 203«, 791
Columbian Star, see: Christian Index Columbus, Ga., 11:89 Columbus, Kan., IV:285«
Columbus, Miss., III:149«
Columbus, Ohio
expansionist era magazines in (182 5- 50), 1:389
agricultural magazine, 1:444 literary magazine, 1:692-93 medical journal, 1:439 pedagogical periodical, 1:490 Civil War era magazines in (1850— 65), 11:73
education magazine, 11:99 n post-Civil War magazines in (1865- 85)
agricultural magazine, 111:156 educational periodical, 111:169 secret societies, 111:315 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) advertising journal, IV: 247 amateur periodical, IV:390« comic periodical, IV:387» genealogical periodical, IV:140« insurance periodicals, IV:35l« Irish-Amercan periodical, IV:227 medical periodicals, IV:316 pharmacy periodical, IV:318w scientific periodical, IV:310 sports periodical, IV:381 modern magazines in (190 5-)
advertising journal, IV:247 art periodical, IV: 148 insurance periodical, IV:351« Irish-American periodical, IV:227 juvenile magazine, III:500rc Columbus, Tenn., IV:382 Columbus Medical Journal, III: 141 w Column Review, IV:522 Colver, Frederick L., 111:511; IV: 44, 45
Colver, Henry Clay, IV:109ra Colvin, John B., 1:122 Colvin, Sidney, IV: 720 Comfort, IV: 16, 17, 365-66 Comfort, Will Levington, III:400«
Comic books, IV: 196 Comic Bouquet, 11:56, 185n Comic Library, IV:119w, 385 Comic magazines
in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:139, 170-72
in expansionist era (1825-50), 1:425- 27, 610, 730-83
in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:123, 136, 199
engravings, 11:193 longevity, 11:179 monthlies, 11:529 quality and type, 11:179-85 Southern, 11:112-13, 155, 185 weeklies, 11:34, 520-29 in post-Civil War era (1865-85) quality and type, 111:263-71 weeklies, 111:440-42, 520-22, 524, 552-53
in Gilded Age (1885-1905), IV:387«, 557-6, 664-70 characters, IV: 383-84 college periodicals, IV:383 leading periodicals, IV:385-86 slang and, IV:384-85 weeklies, 111:522-31, 533-54 modern (1905-)
fortnightlies, 111:532 monthlies, III:552«, 568 weeklies, 111:531-32, 555-56;
IV: 64-68
Comic Monthly, 11:184 Comic News, 111:268 n Comic opera, 111:194-95 Comic strips, IV:366, 472, 498 Comic Ventilator, III:269«
Comic Weekly, 111:269 n Comic World, 11:183; 111:267 Coming Age, IV:413-14 Coming Crisis, IV: 204 Coming Light, IV: 413
Coming Nation, IV:204 Cominskey, Charles, IV: 374 Commager, Henry Steele, IV:750; V:55 Commentator, IV:731-32 Commerce Monthly, IV:350m Commercial Advertiser, 1:637; 11:282 Commercial America, IV :3 50m Commercial and Financial Chronicle, , 1:697-98; 111:146; IV:349 Commercial Law Journal, IV:348 Commercial magazines, see Business magazines
Commercial Record, III: 147m Commercial Review , IV :3 50m Commercial Review of the South and West, 11:338, 339 See also: DeBow’s Review Commercial Telegrapher’s Journal, IV:
22 In
Commercial Traveler’s Home Magazine, IV: 186
Commercial Traveler’s Magazine, IV: 187
Commodore Rollingpin’s Illustrated Humorous Almanac, IV:385 Commoner, III:129m; IV:162, 460 Common Market, European, V:317 Common School, IV:270m Common School Advocate, 1:491, 803 Common School Assistant, 1:491, 803 Common School Journal, 1:491, 804; 11:98-9
Commons, IV: 743-44 Commons, John Rodgers, IV: 178, 662, 744
Common Sense, V:24 Common-Sense (advertising journal), IV:247m
Common Sense (Populist), IV: 176m Commonwealth (Boston), IV:60 Commonwealth (Concord), 11:536 Commonwealth (Denver), IV: 104 Commonwealth (New York), IV:204 Commonwealth (St. Louis), IV: 101 Commonwealth Fund, V:339 Communism
magazine opposition to, V:20-23 See also Fourierism; Russia; Russian Revolution; Socialism Communist, 111:300 Communist magazines, 11:207; 111:300 Communist Party, V:20, 22-26, 212—13, 218-20, 314
Community periodicals, 111:101 Companion and Weekly Miscellany, 1:204 n, 792
Company K (a novel), V:182
Company of Newspaper Makers of London, V:64
Compiler (Richmond), 1:636-37 Compressed Air Machine, IV: 184m Compromise of 1850, 11:3, 133-34 v abolitionists and, 11:290 Comrade, IV: 176 Comstock, Alzada, V:58 Comstock, Anthony, 11:335; 111:308, 449, 553; IV:52m, 199, 210, 267, 562, 565
Comstock, William T., 111:129 Comte, Auguste, V:193 Conan Doyle, see Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Conant, Lawrence M., IV:787 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 11:428, 430, 469m, 484; 111:184, 363 Conant, William Cowper, IV:300m Concert-Goer, IV: 254m Conchology magazines, 111:109 Concord, N.H., 1:31 m; II: 71m; iII:77m; IV:82
Concord Observer, II :71m Concord School of Philosophy, 111:386 Concordia Magazine, IV:48, 295 Concrete, IV:32 5m
Condensations, IV:560, 570, 658; V:136
Condie, Thomas, 1:46
Condie, Thomas G., Jr. 1:144
Condit, J. B., II: 51 7m
Condon, Frank,IV:421, 470
Condon, Richard, V:313
Condor, IV:310m
Cone, Helen Gray, II: 5 11m
Cone, Orello, IV:295
Cone, Spencer, W., I:687m
Confectioner and Baker, 111:135
Confectioners’ Gazette, 111:135
Confectioners’ Journal, 111:135; IV: 187
Confectioners’ magazines, 111:135;
IV: 18 7 n
Confectioners’ Review, IV: 187m Confederate Annals, III: 262m Confederate States of America
Civil War magazines on, 11:147-49, 154-56, 292, 473-74 effects of war on, 11:8-9, 155 theater in, 11:200
See also South—in Civil War era; Southern magazines—in Civil War era
Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal, 11:87 Conference News, III:7 1m Confessions (Rousseau), V:123 Confessions, personal, IV:493
Congdon, Charles Tabor, 111:273 Congregational Church, Presbyterian Church and, 11:367-68 Congregational Herald (Chicago), II:
71 n
Congregational Herald (Lawrence, Kan.), II:71»
Congregational Iowa, III:7 In Congregational Journal, 11:71 Congregational Quarterly, 11:71; 111:76 Congregational Review, II:518«, 519; 111:76
Congregationalist, 1:138; 11:22, 71;
111:76 IV:292 Congregationalist magazines
in expansionist era (182 5-50), 1:371, 374, 458, 569-72, 624-25; 11:312-15; 111:76-77 in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:70-71, 368-73
in post-Civil War era (1865-85), II:
373-77, 519; 111:76-77 in Gilded Age (1885-1905), 11:377— 78; IV:292—93 modern (1905-), 11:378—79 Congress, 1:340
in early magazines (1789-94), 52, 93, 109
in expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50),1:423, 517-18
in Civil War era magazines (1850-65),
in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 11:255; 111:441 Gilded Age magazines on (1885-1905), IV:461—62, 666
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
IV: 20n
Congressional elections, see Election campaigns
Congress Register, 11:41 Conkey's Home Journal, IV: 2 53 Conkling, Grace Hazard, V:228, 236 Connecticut Catholic, 111:69 n Connecticut Churchman, 11:69 70« Connecticut Common School Journal, 11:98, 443; III:168w founding of, 1:491 sketch of, 1:694-95 Connecticut Courant Supplement, 11:36 Connecticut Evangelical Magazine,
1:133, 791
Connecticut Farmer, 111:152 Connecticut Magazine, IV:82 Connecticut Quarterly, IV:82 Connecticut School Journal, III:168«; IV:270«
Connecticut War Record, 11:150 Connecticut Wits, see Hartford Wits , Connell, Richard, IV:472 Connery, T. B., IV:453«, 454 Connolly, Christopher Powell, IV:458, 600-1; V:83
Connolly, James Brendon, IV:465, 471, 724, 726, 786
Connolly, Margaret, V:287 Conqueror, IV:288«
Conrad, Joseph, IV:436, 518, 618, 691, 787; V:28, 119, 148 Conrad, Robert Taylor, I:544«, 546«, 551, 587«
Conscription, military, in Civil War, 11:8
Conservation, IV:62, 343w, 548, 705, 779; V:32
Conservative, IV: 178-79 Conservative Review, IV: 73 Conservator, IV: 129, 2 79-80 Considine, Robert, IV:476, 504 Constellation, 1:425; 11:45 Constitutional convention (1787), reportage of, 1:50-52, 93, 96 Construction magazines, 11:321; 111:129- 30; IV:324-25 Construction News, IV:32 5 Consumer information, V: 137-43 Consumer Services division (N.I.R.A.),
V: 139
Cojisumers Information Service, V:139 Contemporary Review, 111:2 78 Continent, sketch of, 111:557-59, 42, 74« 281, 284
Continental Magazine, 111:47 Continental Monthly, 11:33, 149, 151-52 165, 172, 524« sketch of, 11:540-43 Contemporary Review, IV:228 Continental Illustrated Magazine, IV:3« Continental Monthly, 1:613 Contraception, see Birth control Contractor, IV:32 5 Contributors
to early magazines (1741-94) anonymous, 1:40 character of, 1:14-16 literary, 1:42-44, 63, 103 payment, 1:15 shortage of, 1:14-15 women, 1:15, 66, 109 to nationalist era magazines (1794— 1825)
literary clubs, 1:194 payment, 1:327, 197-99; 11:232 quality, 1:194
Contributors— Continued shortage, 1:192-94 women, 1:244
to expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50),1:345-48 authors’ rights, 1:502-4 by cities, 1:376, 378, 381 growing number, 1:494 low literary quality, 1:194-96 most famous contributors, 1:344 payments, 1:494-95, 504-12, 633— 34, 725, 738, 771-72 shortage, 1:192-93 shortcomings, 1:500-502 style, 1:495, 500-502 variety, 1:498-500 women, 1:388, 400-1, 409, 412—13, 482, 499-500, 583-89, 743; 11:308
to Civil War era magazines (1850-65) new trends, 11:3-4 payment, 11:19-24, 182w, 232, 244- 45, 368, 385-86, 411, 427 women, 11:21—22, 46-49, 170-71, 173-74, 352-53, 357, 462, 467- 68, 551; IV:679, 680 to post-Civil War magazines forgotten, 111:18
payment, 11:509; 111:12-17, 358, 364, 368, 371, 372 n, 377-78, 469, 470, 515
popularity, 111:237-46 women, 11:357—58, 546; 111:90-101, 224-27, 231, 246, 327, 368, 371, 374, 377, 389, 397-400, 403, 423-24, 439, 483, 501-3, SOS- 12, 549-50
to Gilded Age magazines (1885—1905) complaints against editors, IV: 3 5-3 7 leading writers, IV: 12 8-31 payment, IV:39, 40, 41, 458, 543, 725
women, 111:503-4, 546; IV:120,
141, 204, 242, 354, 360-63, 366, 397, 404, 409, 490, 537-38, 542, 612, 616, 654, 765-66 to modern magazines (1905-) payment, 111:408, 515, IV:698,
women, 111:354-55, 479, 489, 504, 514, 543; IV:466, 470-71, 47 5— 76, 503, 584-85, 601-2, 604,
616, 655, 693 697, 700, 708, 709, 712«, 713, 727, 729, 761- 62, 768-71; V:20, 23, 25, 28, 73-74, 96, 110, 122-23, 133-34 Converse, Florence, II:483«
Converse,-Frank H., IV: 420, 609 Converted Catholic, IV: 299 Conway, Katherine Eleanor, IV:297 Conway, Moncure Daniel, 11:33, 141, 302, 497, 505«, 534-36; 111:78, v 322, 507; IV:302«, 410
Conybeare, Fred C., 111:53 7 Cook, Albert Stanburrough, 111:407, 536; IV: 128
Cook, Charles Emerson, III:42«
Cook, Clarence, 11:425, 426, 429, 430;
111:184, 463 Cook, David, IV:274 Cook, Frederick, IV: 593, 62 5 Cook, Howard Norton, IV:747 Cook, Joseph, 111:426; IV:52, 242 Cook, Martha Elizabeth Duncan Walker, II:540w, 542
Cook, William I., IV:90w Cook, William Wallace, IV: 115 Cook County School News, IV: 2 71 Cooke, Douglas H., Ill:55w, 555 Cooke, Edmund Vance, 111:485 Cooke, George Willis, 1:709; 111:78, 107; IV:80
Cooke, Grace Macgowan, IV:93, 361«, 362, 612
Cooke, James Francis, III:197«
Cooke, Jay, 111:3-4, 61 Cooke, John Esten, 1:439, 650; 11:112, 161, 163, 398, 462, 545; III:13n, 46, 47, 48, 362, 397, 418, 420, 421; IV:482
Cooke, Philip Pendleton, 1:633, 646, 650
Cooke, Rose Terry, 11:26, 173, 395, 398, 495, 501, 505n; III:99w, 100, 227, 372, 397, 424; IV:80, 292, 538; V:131
Cooke, St. George, 1:643 Cookery articles, V:46 See also Recipes Cooking Club, IV:365«
Cooking magazines, IV:363-64 Cooksley, Sidney Bert, III:402« Coolbrith, Ina, 11:118; 111:403, 404; IV: 105, 107
Coolidge, Calvin, 111:354, 489, 515; IV:471, 472, 502, 552, 576, 626, 698, 707, 769; V:311—12, 318 Coolidge, Emelyn L., IV: 548 Coolidge, Grace, 111:515 Coolidge, Susan, 111:58; 175«, 465«, 502; IV:722, 765 Cooper, Alfred Duff, V:57 Cooper, Courtney Riley, 11:435; IV: 421, 471
Cooper, Edward, I:419n
Cooper, Frederic Tabor, 111:487; IV:
437, 511n, 518 Cooper, Jacob, II:537n Cooper, James, 11:539 Cooper, James Fenimore, 1:174, 185, 392, 408, 409, 411, 507, 546, 547, 608; 11:423, 424 Cooper, Thomas, I:151n, 245, 446,
Cooper, Thomas Abthorpe, 1:248 Co-Operation, IV: 194 Cope, Edward Drinker, III:108n Copley, John Singleton, 1:436 Coppard, A. E., 111:543 Coppee, Henry, 11:550, 551; III:34n “Copperhead” magazines, 11:154, 544-46 Copper-plate illustrations, 1:86, 110,
115, 282, 519, 521, 547, 592, 628; 11:192, 309; 111:186 Copperud, Roy H., V:68 Copyright
Clay on, 1:620 drama and, 1:429 early problem of, 1:356, 502-4 international, see International copyright
magazines and, 1:503 See also Pirating Corbett, James J., IV:371, 697 Corbin, John, 11:483, IV:636 Corbyn, Warded, 11:180 Corcoran, James A., 111:68 Corcoran, William, V:72 n Corelli, Marie, IV:111, 141, 501, 685; V:2 54
Corey, N. J., Ill: 197 n Corey, Paul F., V:184 Corinth, Miss., 111:155 Cornelius, Elias, I:419«
Cornell Civil Engineer, IV:321 Cornell Countryman, IV:341n Cornell Review, 111:166 Cornell University, 111:166; IV:309, 321
Cornhill Booklet, IV:390n Cornhill Magazine, 111:2 79 Cornwallis, Kinahan, I:606n, 613 Corporate wealth, see Wealth Correct English, IV:2 72n Corrector, 1:170, 792 Correspondence, in magazines, 1:76, 80, 85; 11:221-22; 111:460, 542; IV: 434, 548
Correspondence schools, IV:28, 320 Correspondence University Journal, IV: 55n
Corrigan, Michael A., IV: 179 Corruption, see Bribery; Municipal corruption; Scandals Corry, Pa., IV:304»
Corsair, 1:356-58, 804; IV:382 Corsets, 1:477 Cort, Howard, IV:66 Cortesi, Salvatore, IV:73, 22 5 Cortissoz, Royal, IV: 154, 72 7 Cosgrave, John O’Hara, IV: 100; V:72n, 73-74, 76, 84
Cosmopolitan Art Association, 11:19,
Cosmopolitan Art Journal, 11:157, 193 Cosmopolitan Magazine, IV:4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 18, 21, 35, 37, 39, 41, 46, 209, 216, 234, 328, 596; V:85, 133, 248, 341-42 sketch of, IV:480-505 Cosmopolite, IV:321n Cost of living, 1:60; 111:342; IV:494 Costain, Thomas B., IV:708 Coster, Morris, 111:260 Costs of publication, 11:18
See also Editors; Payments to contributors
Cottage Hearth, 111:100; IV:366 Cotton, 111:147; IV:185n Cotton-crop periodicals, IV:339 Cotton economy, 11:134, 343 Cotton Gin, IV:185n Cotton and Oil Press, IV:339 Cotton Plant, 111:155 Cotton Trade Journal, IV:185n Coues, Elliott, 111:337 Coulter, John Merle, 111:111 Council Fire, 111:314 Counting-House Monitor, III:147« Country Gentleman, 1:443; 111:153;
IV:340, 698, 715; 11:10, 89 sketch of, 11:432-35 Country Home, IV:473 Country Life in America, IV:338; V:73w Country-life magazines, IV:338 Countryman, 11:111-12 Countryside, 11:378 Country Superintendents’ Monthly, IV: 272n
Courant (Minneapolis), IV:96, 356n C our ant (Washington), IV:69«
Courier (Boston), 1:578, 509, 713 Courier (Charleston, S.C.), 1:260 Courier (New York), 11:38 Courier and Enquirer, 1:329, 11:205, 282, 392
Courier of Medicine, III: 14In Courtney, William Basil, IV:470, 476
Cousins, Norman, V:18, 56-57, 234 Covarrubias, Miguel, 111:489 Coverly, Nathaniel, I:31«
Cowen, Louise, V:102 Cowles, Henry Chandler, III:111« Cowles, Merrick, 111:113 Cowley, Malcolm, IV:730; V:191n, 222— 23, 241
Cowper, William, 1:178, 231, 293 Cox, Jacob Dolson, 111:337, 340, 343, 347
Cox, James M., 111:352, 503; V:333 Cox, Kenyon, 111:557; IV:145, 484 Cox, Palmer, III:269«; IV: 151 —52, 384, 561
Cox, William, 324, 326
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, 1:620, 712;
11:364; IV:226, 514 Coxe, John Redman, 1:151 Coxe, Tench, 1:40, 51 Coxey, Jacob Sechler, 111:530; IV: 158— 59, 666
Coxey’s Army, IV: 1, 158-59 Coyne, Vertie A., III:500«, 505 Cozens, Frederick S., 1:609; 11:183, 211, 424
Cozzens’ Wine Press, 11:183 “Craddock, Charles Egbert,” see Mur- free, Mary Noailles Cradle of Liberty, 11:287 Craftsman (art periodical), IV: 148 Craftsman (labor organ), 111:300 Craig, A. H., Ill: 160 Craig, F. D., Ill: 160 Craig, Hardin, V:344 Craig, Neville B., 1:422 Craig, Thomas, 111:110 Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 11:385, 393, 454; 111:224; IV:679 Cram, George F., IV:55 Cram, Mildred, 111:390 Cram, Ralph Adams, V:20 Cram’s Magazine, IV: 55 Cranbrook Papers, IV:389 Cranch, Christopher Pearce, 1:659, 663, 680, 692, 704, 705«, 764;
Crandall, Lee, IV: 163 Crandall, Prudence, 11:2 82 Crane, Anne Moncure, 111:2 29 Crane, Charles R., 11:486 Crane, Frank, IV:493, 500, 506 n, 510; V:271
Crane, Hart, V:113, 173, 176, 237,
Crane, Stephen, II:398w; 111:400, 512, 541; IV:49, 72, 196, 252, 451, 645, 646, 689, 721: V: 119
Crapsey, Edward, 111:28 Craven, Thomas, IV: 730, 731 Crawford, Francis Marion, 11:510; III: 242, 248, 471, 486, 514; IV:49«, 457, 513, 544, 612, 616 Crawford, John W. (Jack), IV: 104 Crawford, Nelson Antrim, V:12, 179«, 180
Crawford, Will, 111:531 Crawfordsville, Ind., 111:111, 169« Crayon, II: 158, 193
“Crayon, Porte,”’ see Strother, David Hunter
Creamer, Joseph, 111:126 n Creamer, Thomas J., IV:77, 84, 85 Creamery Journal, IV:186n Credit and Financial Management, IV: 349n
Credit Mobilier scandal, 111:289 Credit Monthly, IV:349«
Creel, George, 111:478, IV:77, 97-98, 207, 409, 472, 496; V:248 Creelman, James, IV:485, 490, 491, 596, 661
Creighton, James Edwin, IV: 303 Crevecoeur, J. H. St. John de, 1:58 Cricket, 111:220; IV:377, 636 Cricket Library, IV:120«
Crime, 111:2 7-28
See also Crime stories and reports; Municipal corruption; Prostitution Crime magazines, 1:481-82; 11:187, 328, 458; 111:43-45; IV:199 See also Detective stories Crime stories and reports, 11:37, 326-29, 458; IV: 199-200, 477 See also Lurid magazines; Police gazettes: Sensational magazines Crimean War, 11:122 Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter, 111:145 n
“Crinkle, Nym,” see Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter
Crisler, Herbert Orin (Fritz), IV: 700 Crissey, Forrest, IV:367«, 690, 768 Crist, Arthur H., IV:364 Criswell, R. W„ IV:86 Criterion, 11:158, 159, 165, 168;
111:492; IV:65-66, lOOn Criterion of Fashion, 111:98 Critic (Baltimore), III:22In Critic (New York, 1828), 1:355, 427- 29, 800
Critic (New York, 1881-1906), 11:430; 111:184, 199, 231, 232, 234, 254, 255, 456; IV:124, 649 sketch of, 111:548-51 Critic (Philadelphia), 1:796
Critic (St. Louis), IV: 100 Criticism, see Art criticism and comment; Drama criticism and comment; Literary criticism; Music comment and criticism Croasland, William T., IV: 179 Crocker, S. R., 111:454-55 Crockery and Glass Journal, 111:128; IV: 184
Crockery periodicals, 111:128 Crockett, Samuel R., IV: 612 ; V:73 Croker, Richard, 111:530 Croly, David Goodman, 111:322; V:193 Croly, Herbert David, IV:46??; V:191??, 192-215, 223
Croly, Mrs. Jane Cunningham (“Jenny June”), 1:580??, 593, 683; 11:45; 111:97, 325-27; IV:356; V:193 Cronin, Archibald Joseph, IV:47 7, 503 Cronin, Patrick, IV:298 Cronyn, Thoreau, IV:469 Crookes, William, IV:308, 514 Crooks, George R., 11:67 Croome, William, 1:521, 592 Cropsey, Jasper, Francis, 11:188 Croquet, 1:590
Croqueting, articles on, IV:636 Crosby, Ernest Howard, IV: 136??, 390?? Crosby, Margaret, IV:719 Crosby, Nichols & Co., 11:242 Crosby, Percy Lee, IV: 567, 568 Cross, Mary Ann Evans (“George Eliot”), 11:161, 385, 509??; 111:223, 224, 251-52 Cross, Sidney, IV:636 Cross, Wilbur L., IV:410; V:329??, 331-39
Crossman, John C., L:522 Crossword puzzles, 111:555; IV:567 Crow, Carl, IV:783 Crowe, E. R., V:304 Crowe, Eugene F., V:260, 262 Crowe, John Finley, 1:164 Crowell, Chester T., IV:471; V:12 Crowell, John S., IV:337, 763w, 764, 768
Crowell, Merle, 111:510??, 515, 516 Crowninshield, Frank, 111:475; IV:436, 617, 760-61
Crowther, Samuel, IV:605, 784, 786, 787
Croy, Homer, 111:487, 555; IV:618 Crucible, 111:82??
Cruger, F. R., IV:692 Cruger, Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer, V:247 Cruse, Peter Hoffman, 1:172, 204; 11:233
Crystal Fountain, 11:210
Cuba, 1:465, 597; 11:122; 111:280;
IV: 234-35
American interest in, IV:236 magazine comment on, 1:465, 72 5;
11:485; 111:280 schemes for annexing, 11:139 See also Spanish-American War Cuba: Political Weekly, IV:236 Cuba Review, IV:236 Cuddihy, Robert Joseph, IV:509??, 573- 74
Culbertson, James Coe, IV:312, 524?? Culinary magazines, IV:363-64 Cullen, Countee, V:12, 237 Cullom, Shelby Moore, IV:494, 514, 516??
Cultivator (Albany), 1:443, 802; 11:88, 432, 434, 435; 111:153; IV:340 Cultivator (Boston), 11:88 Cultivator and Country Gentleman, III: 153
Cumberland Presbyterian Quarterly, II: 62
Cumberland Presbyterian Review, 1:372, 807; 11:62; 111:74 Cummings, Amos J., IV:689 Cummings, Charles R., IV: 82 Cummings, Edward Estlin, 111:543; IV:
440, 739; V:176, 240 Cummins, Maria S., 11:171 Cunniff, Michael Glen, IV: 778 Cuppy, Hazlitt Alva, IV:52, 284, 649??, 650-51
Curie, Marie, 111:489 Curiosity Shop, 11:185??
Current, 111:54; IV:65 Current Education, IV:2 71 Current Encyclopaedia, IV:55, 499 Current events
in early magazines (1741-94), 1:34, 72, 75, 77-78, 81, 84, 90, 93, 102, 109, 113
in nationalist era magazines (1794— 1825), 1:219, 243, 247, 268, 331
in expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50), 1:563, 781; IV:674 in Civil War era magazines (1850- 65), 1:656; 11:122-23, 272, 429, 439-40, 454, 470
in post-Civil War era magazines (1865-85), 111:40, 545 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 111:430; IV:8-10, 346-49; 454- 56, 458, 561, 596, 613, 666, 673; IV:62—64, 71, 499
in modern magazines (1905-), III: 347; IV:63??
Current events —Continued
See also International affairs; Political writing
Current Events, IV: 63—64 Current events magazines, 111:331-56; IV:62-64, 649-51; V:49-58, 191-224, 293-328
Current History, IV:219, 223, 508,
sketch of, V:49—58 Current History and Forum, V:57 Current Literature, IV: 10, 21, 56, 120, 573
sketch of, 506-10
Current Opinion, IV :506m, 509-10, 570; V:50, 55
Current Topics, IV: 53, 94m Current Topics for Leisure Hours, IV:93 Currie, Barton W., II:432m; IV:536m, 550-51, 773w, 787 Currie, Gilbert E., II:94n Currier & Ives, 111:182 Curry, Daniel, I:299m, 301; II:301m, 304
Curry, Otway, 1:597, 661, 692; 11:302 Curry, Walter Clyde, V:110n, 101,
Curti, Merle, IV:738 Curtice, Harlow, V:323n Curtis, Cyrus H. K., 111:100; IV:34,
59, 536-39, 681-701 Curtis, F. G. B„ IV: 171 Curtis, George William, 1:535, 608, 764; 11:45, 173, 244, 376, 389, 402, 407, 505m; 111:22, 40, 172, 231, 238, 281, 295, 308, 332m, 389;
IV: 57
as editor, 11:419-20, 422, 425, 427, 469m, 471, 474
Curtis, Hugh Everette, Jr., V:36m, 44-45 Curtis, Louisa Knapp (“Mrs. Louisa Knapp”), 111:100; IV:536 m, 536- 39
Curtis, Theodore, IV: 406 Curtis, William Eleroy, IV:224, 482, 622, 625
Curtiss, Glenn Hammond, IV:334 Curwen, M. E., I:425m Curwood, James Oliver, 111:408;
IV: 125, 389, 498, 584, 616;
V: 134, 290
Curzon, George Nathaniel, IV: 780
Cusacha, Philip G., 11:335
Cushing, Caleb, 1:155, 276, 335, 490;
11:228, 229, 232; IV:784
Cushing, Christopher, II: 71m Cushing, Luther Stearns, 1:451 Cushing, Otho, IV: 566
Cushman, Charlotte, 111:204 Cushman, Elisha, II :65m Custer, George Armstrong, 111:58, 376 Customs, social, see Social customs and v manners
Cuthrell, Mrs. Hugh (Faith Baldwin), IV:475, 503, 585, 771 Cutler, E., II: 518m
Cutter, Charles Ammi, III;517 m, 518, 519
Cutting, Elizabeth B., 11:259 Cutting, Mary Stewart, 111:487;
IV :360m, 601; V:133 Cutting, Sewall Sylvester, I :666m; 11:64 Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, 11:376; IV:68S
Cycle Age, IV:331
Cycle Age and Trade Review, IV:379 Cycle Trade Journal, IV:331 Cycling, see Bicycle clubs; Bicycle magazines; Bicycles Cycling Life, IV: 3 79 Cyclopedic Review of Current History, IV: 71
Cytherean Miscellany, 11:186
Dabbs, James McBride, V:285 Dabney, Richard, 1:205 Dacey, C. Joseph, IV:88 Daft, Leo, III: 126 Daggett, Nella I., IV:366 Daggett, Rollin M., 11:117 Daguerreian Journal, II: 194m Daguerreotypes, 11:191, 194 Dailies, 1:159, 329, 466; 11:183, 212m; 111:66
See also Newspapers
Daily Advertiser (Boston), 1:706, 718
Daily Press, 11:21 2m
Daintrey, Laura, IV: 123
Dairy and Creamery, IV:343
Dairy journals, IV: 343-44
Dairy Record, IV :344m
Dairy World, 111:160
Dakin, Roger, IV:453 m, 478, 771
Dakota Farmer, 111:158
Dale, Alan, 111:532
See also Cohen, Alfred J.
Dallas, Texas
post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85), III: 73m, 143m
Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905), 111:155; IV:94, 185m, 188m, 339, 270m, 292, 363m modern magazines in (1905-), 111:155; IV:339
Dallas, Alexander James, I:94m, 96
Dallas, Jacob A., 1:521, 592; 11:454 Dallenbach, Karl M., IV:303» Dalrymple, Louis, 111:52 8, 530 Daly, Augustin, 11:509 Daly, Charles Augustus, 1:467 Daly, Charles Patrick, 11:414, 415 Daly, John J„ IV: 12 7 Dalziel, Davison, IV: 84 Dam, Henry Jackson Wells, IV: 429, 592-93, 595
Damrosch, Leopold, IV:249 Damrosch, Walter, IV:249, 550 Dana, Charles Anderson, 1:129, 341, 349, 764; 11:207, 270, 420, 425, 426, 524; 111:221, 441, 527;
IV:544, 562, 593
Dana, Edward Salisbury, I:302«, 304; IV:306
Dana, J. Cotton, V: 117«, 118 Dana, James Dwight, I:302«, 304;
11:314; 111:108; IV:306 Dana, Marvin, V:246«, 248 Dana, Richard Henry, 1:172, 174, 203; 11:224, 226, 230; III:295« comment on, 1:408, 409, 412 as contributor, 1:331, 335, 367, 512, 546, 760
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 11:243 Dana, William B., I:696«; III:146n Danbury, Conn., III:140w, 21\n Danbury News, 111:271 n Dancing, magazine comment on, 1:479 Dancing Master, IV:2 54w Dandy, John M„ 111:101; IV:100 “Dangerous Classes of New York, The,” 111:28
Daniels, Dixie, IV:667 Daniels, George Henry, IV:224 Daniels, Josephus, V:275-77 Daniel’s Texas Medical Journal, IV:313w
Danielson, Richard Ely, II:367«, 379 Dannenhower, W. W., 11:115 D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 11:2 57; IV: 121, 501; V:258 Dansville, N.Y., 11:53 Danville, Ill., IV:271«
Danville, Ky., 11:537 Danville Quarterly Review, 11:62, 155 sketch of, 11:53 7-39 Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 1:335, 608 Darby, Rufus H., IV:89«
Dare, H. Craig, IV:244«
Darien, Conn., IV:269«
Dark Flower, The (Galsworthy), V:168 Darley, Felix Octavius Carr, 1:592, 680, 771, 782; 11:37, 41, 390, 397; 111:187, 359, 420
Darley, Mr. and Mrs. John, I:168n, 248
* Darling, Jay Norwood, IV:469 Darrow, Clarence, IV:283, 390, 703, 730
Darrow, L. B., 111:213 Darwin, Charles, 11:243; 111:496
Darwinian theory, 11:78-79, 243, 248, 252, 253; 111:107, 497; IV:785; V: 116
Darwin, Erasmus, 1:178 Dashiell, Alfred Sheppard, IV:717«, 729- 30
Daskam, Josephine Dodge, 111:485; IV: 601
Dater, John Grant, IV:616 Daudet, Alphonse, V:119 Daughters of the American Revolution, IV: 140; V:9 Daugherty, Harry, V:213 d’Aurevilly, Jules Barbey, V:123 Davenport, Iowa, II:99w; III:75« Davenport, Benjamin Rush, IV:653 Davenport, Frederick Morgan, 111:432; IV:618
Davenport, Russell, V:23 Davenport, Walter, IV:453w, 470, 475, 477
Daves, Jessica, IV:756«, 762 David, E. W., 1:451/z Davidson, Donald Grady, V:100«, 101— 7, 110-11, 114-16 Davidson, Frank C., 51 In Davidson, Mrs. Grace L., IV: 65-6, lOOn Davidson, Henry P., IV: 747 Davidson, J. Wood, 11:490 Davidson, Thomas, 111:51, 386 Davies, Mary Carolyn, V:185 Davis, A. E., III:54w Davis, Andrew Jackson, 11:210 Davis, Bancroft C., II:295«
Davis, Charles Belmont, IV:457, 465n Davis, Charles Palmer, IV: 64 Davis, Cornelius, I:131«, 133«
Davis, Edward P., I:566«; IV:313 Davis, Elmer, IV:473, 606 Davis, Forrest, IV:712 Davis, George Royal, IV:267 Davis, Harry Orville, IV:536«, 550 Davis, Jefferson, 1:654; 111:382 Davis, John (Massachusetts senator), 1:752
Davis, John M„ 111:116, 299 Davis, John Parker, 111:379, 411 Davis, John S., 111:411 Davis, John William, IV: 177, 407 Davis, Lemuel Clarke, 111:397; IV:87 Davis, Nathan Smith, IV:524-26
Davis, Oscar King, 11:483
Davis, Paulina Wright, 11:52; 111:393
Davis, Preston, IV:63«
Davis, Rebecca Harding, 11:26, 173,
270, 309, 398 n, 501, 505; 111:21, 99 n, 224, 361, 372, 373, 377, 397, 421, 461, 501, 558; IV:87 Davis, Richard Harding, II:398n, 400, 469, 482, 483, 484; IV:87, 154, 261, 458, 465, 720, 721, 722, 725, 726; V:118-19, 254 Davis, Robert Hobart, IV:36, 608 n, 616-18
Davis, Robert S., 111:557, 558 Davis, Samuel Harrison, IV:3 50 Davis, Shelby Cullom, IV:523 Davis, Singleton Waters, IV:277 Davis, T. E., IV:447 Davis, Theodore R., 11:475 Davis, Thomas, 11:113 Davis, Watson, V;55 Davis, William H., IV:749 Davis & Berlett, 11:454 Davison, Lucretia and Margaret, 1:409, 409 n
“Daw, Marjorie,” 111:228 Dawes, Charles Gates, 11:260 Dawes, Henry Laurens, IV:214 Dawes, Rufus, 1:128, 204, 326, 331, 578
Dawes, Rufus G., V:226 Dawn, IV:282-83
Dawson, Benjamin Franklin, 111:141 Dawson, Coningsby, V:84, 134 Dawson, G. F., III:114«
Dawson, Henry Barton, 11:175; 111:2 59
Day, Ben, 11:462
Day, Clive, V: 3 29 n
Day, Mrs. F. H„ 11:59
Day, Frank Miles, IV:324«
Day, George Edward, I:739w, 740, 741;
Day, George T., 11:64 Day, Henry Noble, 11:315 Day, Holman, IV:429 Day Book, II: 1 54 Day’s Doings, 11:44, 218, 309 Dayton, Katherine, IV: 700 Dayton, Ohio, 1:137; 11:74; 111:80, 81, 156; IV:254, 295-96, 382 Dayton, Tenn., anti-evolution trial,
V: 116
Deacon, Edmund, 11:36; IV:671«, 678 Dead Souls (Gogol), V:95 Deaf Mutes’ Journal, IV: 194 Deaf-aid periodicals, IV: 194 Dean, Harriet, V:172
Dean, John Ward, II:17 5», 176«
Dean, Teresa, IT.464 Dean, Thomas, 1:247 Dearborn, George, I:669n, 670 De Bow, Benjamin Franklin, 11:342 'De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, 1:384, 464, 575-76, 722, 723-25, 808, 11:148, 149, 338-48 De Bow’s Review, 11:14, 18, 30, 96, 97, 110, 133, 134, 138, 140, 148, 149, 192, 423; 111:45, 147, 281, 283
sketch of, 11:338-48 Debs, Eugene Victor, 111:3 52, 300w;
IV: 175, 181, 205, 218, 283,
De Bury, Countess, 11:243 deCasseres, Benjamin, V:12 Declaration of Independence, 1:49, 90, 227, 524; V:215 Decorative Furnisher, IV:188w Decorator and Furnisher, III:136w De Costa, Benjamin Franklin, III:260n Dedham, Mass., IV: 138 Dedham Historical Register, IV: 138 Deemer, Samuel, IV:185n Deems, Charles Force, III:83n Deeping, Warwick, IV:606 Deer Lodge, Mont., Ill: 7 5w Defectives, education of, 11:445 periodicals for, IV: 194 Defender, 111:310«
De Forest, John William, 11:395, 505n; III: 13«, 58, 224, 244, 284, 372,
De Forest, Robert Weeks, IV:741-47 Degan, Henry V., 1:493 De Garmo, Charles, 111:169 Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar, IV: 145 De Gaulle, Charles, V:323«
DeGraw, John L., 1:769 Deist magazines, 1:56, 132-33 Dejong, David Cornel, V:243 De Kay, Charles, 111:549; IV:66, 154 De Kock, Paul, 11:240 De Koven, Reginald, 111:268; IV:61,
250, 544; V:247
De Koven, Mrs. Reginald, IV:376,
De Kruif, Paul, 11:435; IV:553 De la Mare, Walter, V:119, 229, 336-37 Deland, Fla., 111:155 De Land, Fred, IV:335 Deland, Margaret, 11:273, 363, 398, 402; IV:281, 390«, 457, 769;
V: 133
Delaplaine, Joseph, I:151w
De la Ramee, Marie Louise (“Ouida”), 11:255, 439; 111:91, 252, 397; IV: 51, 514, 679 De la Salle Monthly, 111:68 Delaware, public education, 1:145 De Leon, Daniel, IV: 174-75 De Leon, Edward, 1:418 Delineator, IV:16, 17, 21, 360, S91n; V: 74
sketch of, 111:481 Delinquent subscribers
to early magazines (1741-94), 1:13, 19-20, 82, 101, 103 to nationalist era magazines (17 94— 1825), 1:200, 237-38, 242, 326, 359
to expansionist era magazines (182 5- 50), 1:514-15, 561, 595, 628, 644-45, 647-48, 700, 722, 724 to Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), 11:11-12
Dell, Ethel M„ 111:488; IV:584; V:72 Dell, Floyd, V:95, 207, 258 Delmar, Vina, IV: 503 Delphian Club, 1:194, 293-96 De Menil, Alexander Nicolas, IV: 72,
De Meza, Wilson, IV: 564 Deming, E. D., IV:185 Deming, Henry Champion, 1:361 Deming, Philip, II:506«
Democracy, 1:1-2; IV: 171, 510 Democratic party
donkey as symbol of, 11:480 See also Election campaigns Democratic-party periodicals, IV: 170-71 Democratic Review, 1:348, 505, 510n,
520, 687, 750; 11:5, 143, 165, 192, 532-33 founded, 1:346 sketch of, 1:677-84 De Monvel, Bernard, 111:489 Demorest, Ellen Louise, 111:32 5 Demorest, Henry C., 111:325, 327 Demorest, William C., 111:32 Sn, 327 Demorest, William Jennings, 11:45;
111:97, 176, 265, 325, 327 Demorest’s Family Magazine, 111:327 Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly, 1:593; 111:325
Demorest’s Magazine, IV: 152, 359 Demorest’s Monthly Magazine, 111:97, 98
sketch of, 111:325-28 Demorest’s New York Illustrated News, 11:45
Demorest’s Young America, 111:175
Dempsey, William Harrison (Jack),
Demuth, Charles, V:178 Denby, Charles, IV:230 Denison, E., 1:294 Denison, Grace E., IV:630 Denison, Mary A., 11:172, 270;
III: 1 7 5n; IV:360, 366, 680 Dennett, John Richard, II:507«; 111:47, 227, 334, 344
Dennett, Roger Herbert, IV: 769 Dennie, Joseph, 1:109, 147-48, 156, 190, 191, 198-99
as editor, 1:121, 123, 223-46 sketches of, 1:171, 223-24 Dennis, Charles Henry, IV: 499 Denny, George V., V:56 DeNormandie, James, III:506«, 507 Denslow, V. B., 11:429 Denslow, William Wallace, IV:260 Denson, John, IV:477 Dental Advertiser, III: 143w Dental Brief, IV:317 Dental Cosmos, 11:91; 111:143;
Dental Digest, IV:317 Dental Headlight, III:143n Dental Items of Interest, III:143«; IV:317
Dental Luminary, III:143«
Dental journals, 11:91; 111:143; IV:317
Dental News-Letter, 11:91
Dental Office and Laboratory, II:92w:
Dental Practitioner and Advertiser,
Dental Quarterly, 11:9 2n, 111:143 Dental Register, 11:92 n Dental Register of the West, 11:92 n Dental Review, IV:31 7 Dental Summary, III:143w Dentifrice advertising, IV:26 Denver, Colo.
post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)
engineering periodicals, 111:114 labor periodical, 111:300 medical journal, III: 141 n religious magazine, III:75w women’s rights magazine, 111:95 Gilded Age magazines in (1885- 1905)
agricultural periodicals, IV: 341 education periodical, IV:2 70w financial periodical, IV:350« insurance periodical, IV:35 In Masonic periodical, IV:222n
Denver, Colo.— Continued
medical periodicals, IV:314ra mining periodicals, IV:322ra pharmacy periodical, IV:318« regional magazine, IV: 103-4 religious periodical, IV:29In sports periodical, IV:381 women’s rights magazine, 111:95 modern magazines in (1905-) agricultural periodicals, IV: 341 education periodical, IV:270n insurance periodicals, IV:351n medical journal, III:141n mining periodical, IV:322n pharmacy periodical, IV:318n Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, IV: 50, 84, 233, 488, 494, 612, 727 De Peyster, General John Watts, 111:533 Depressions, economic early, 1:453—54
Panic of 1857, 11:5-6, 144-45;
Panic of 1869, 111:286
Panic of 1873, 111:4, 10, 149, 296-98
Panic of 1893, IV: 1, 157-60
Panic of 1907, IV:691
Panic of 1929, IV:699, 701, 770
magazine longevity and, IV:4-5, 15, 159-60; V: 17, 42, 55, 123-24, 188, 214
“DeQuille, Dan,” see Wright, William Derby, Indiana, pet periodical in,
Derby, George Horatio (“John Phoenix”), 11:117, 178, 180 Derby, James Cephas, 1:375 Derleth, August W., IV:729; V:184 Dernburg, Bernhard, IV: 696 Derrickson, Marione Reinhard, IV:709, 712
Deseret News, 11:75
De Seversky, Maj. Alexander P., V:23
Design, IV: 148
Designer, 111:486, 490; IV:303 Des Moines, Iowa
early magazines in, 11:89; III:145ra, 157
Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) agricultural periodicals, IV:340 education periodical, IV:2 70ra financial periodical, IV:349ra illustrated magazine, IV:97ra insurance periodicals, IV: 3 51 n literary magazine, IV:96-97 mail-order periodicals, IV:367 stock-breeders’ periodicals, IV:344 women’s periodical, IV:367
modern magazines in (1905-) education periodical, IV:2 70ra financial periodical, IV:349ra gardening magazines, V:36ra home magazines, V:36 n " insurance periodicals, IV:35Ira women’s periodical, 367ra Desmond, Henry W., IV:323 Dessert to the True American, 1:791 Detective, IV:198ra Detective Fiction Weekly, IV:422 Detective stories, 111:400-1; IV:465,
697, 701, 728; V:83 De Toledano, Ralph, V:2 5 Detroit, Mich.
early magazines in, I:444ra, 490; 11:58, 85ra
post-Civil War magazines in (1865— 85)
insurance periodical, III: 146ra medical journals, II:85ra, III: 141 ra music periodical, III:198ra religious magazine, 111:71 temperance periodical, 111:311 trade periodical, 111:216 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905), IV:96
agricultural periodicals, IV:339, 340
all-fiction magazine, IV: 115 financial periodicals, IV:349ra, 350ra insurance periodicals, III: 146ra;
IV:35 Ira
juvenile periodical, IV:273 legal periodicals, IV:347, 347ra,
manufacturing periodicals, IV: 183 medical journals, IV:313ra, 314ra pharmacy periodical, IV:317 religious periodicals, 111:71, IV:284, 293ra, 294ra review periodical, IV: 54 temperance periodical, 111:311 modern magazines in (1905-) cement periodical, IV:32 5ra financial periodicals, IV:349ra, 350ra insurance periodical, III:146ra,
IV: 3 51 ra
legal periodicals, IV:347, 347ra, 348ra
medical journals, IV:313ra, 314ra religious periodicals, 111:71,
IV: 294ra
trade periodical, IV:188ra newspapers in, III:2 71ra Detroit Churchman, IV:294ra Detroit Free Press, III:27Ira
Detroit Legal News, IV:341 Detroit Medical Journal, IV:313n Detroit Monthly, IV: 115 Deutsch, Babette, IV:654; V:236 DeVane, William Clyde, V:329 n De Vere, Aubrey, 111:330 De Vere, Scheie, 111:397, 418, 465« Devereaux, Thomas, III :2 70m Devereux, Mrs. C. A. R., IV:95 Devereux, George Thomas, 11:409 Devine, Edward Thomas, IV: 192, 195, 741-47
DeVinne, Theodore Low, 111:189, 466- 67; IV:248
Devoe, Alan, V:21, 23, 25 De Vore, Robert, IV: 47 6 De Voto, Bernard, 11:402; IV:75n, 701; V:314
Devoy, John, IV:227m De Vries, Peter, V:225 n, 239, 243 Dew, Thomas Roderick, 1:634, 637 Dewar, James, IV:308 Dewart, William Thompson, IV :417m, 422, 608m, 618 De Weerd, H. A., V:338m Dewees, William Potts, 1:566 Dewey, Adm. George, IV:235, 236, 661; V:288
Dewey, George W., 1:771 Dewey, John, 111:542; IV:74, 269, 303, 398, 520, 730, 746; V:200, 211, 338
Dewey, Melville, 111:170, 517m, 518; IV: 143
Dewey, Orville, 1:287, 490 Dewey, Stoddard, 111:3 50 Dewey, T. E., IV:97 Dewey, Thomas E., V:218, 318-19 Dewey, William, 111:386 DeWitt, R. M., II: 182m De Wolf, Townsend, IV:88m Dexter, Franklin, 11:227, 233 Dexter, George, 1:426 Dexter, George T., 11:208, 209 Dexter, Henry Martyn, 11:71 Dexter Smith’s Musical, Literary, Dramatic and Art Paper, 111:197 n Dey, Frederick Van Rensselaer, IV.421; V:288
Dial (Boston), 11:535 comment on, 1:723 founding of, 1:368 sketch of, 1:702—10
Dial (Chicago and New York), 111:171, 194, 232, 234, 254, 456; IV:99, 124, 452; V:90, 93, 156, 167, 236, 239
sketch of, 111:539-43 ' Dial (Cincinnati), 11:33, 165, 239, 314
sketch of, 11:534-36 Dialect Notes, IV: 128 Dialogues, dramatic, V:13 Diamond Dick, IV: 120, 2 74 Diaz, Mrs. Abby Morton, II: 505m Dicey, Albert Venn, 111:33 7, 347 Dicey, Edward, 111:336 Dick, Archibald L., 1:322, 328, 521, 522, 548, 592, 620, 744;
Dickens, Charles, 11:24, 159, 160, 352, 361, 384—87, 393, 454, 471, 476, 482, 506m, 509; 111:223, 224,
249-251, 358, 359; IV:434-35, 543, 679; V:119 criticism of, 1:641-42 his popularity in U.S., 1:398 and copyright laws, 1:393 Dickerson, J. A. Spencer, IV :100m Dickey, Carl C., IV:77 in, 786, 787 Dickins, Asbury, I: 223m Dickins, Elizabeth, 1:2 23m Dickins, John, 1:132 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth, II: 64m;
111:91, 93, 171, 172, 393 Dickinson, Emily, 11:377; V:118 Dickinson, J. J., IV:652m, 656 Dickinson, John, 1:102 Dickinson, Richard William, II: 75m Dickinson Law Review, IV:348m Dickinson, Samuel Henry, 1:575; 11:488, 491
Dictionaries, 1:263; 11:177
Didier, Eugene Lemoine, IV:90, 142,
Didier, John L., IV:101 Diet Book, V:47
Dieter, Berthold, V:36 n, 45, 48m Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, IV: 31 5m Digest, IV:569 n, 578-79 Digests, see Condensations Dike, Samuel Warren, IV:397 Dilg, John, IV:61 Dilke, Sir Charles, 11:255 Dilliard, Irving, V:346 Dillingham, John H., 1:562w, 565 Dillon, George, V:225m, 239, 243 Dillon, John B., 1:660 Dillon, John Irving, IV:88 Dillon, Philip R., V:59 n, 62 Dime Library, III :43m Dime novels, 11:38, 172, 467; 111:43— 44; IV: 117-20
Dimitry, Charles P. J., II: 112m
Dimnet, Ernest, V:57 Dingle, A. E., IV: 421 Dinners, literary, 11:509-10 Dinnies, Anna Peyre, 1:412 Diogenes hys Lanterne, 11:179, 181-82, 188
Dio Lewis's Monthly, 111:2 21, 311 Diorama (art form), 11:191-92 Direct Legislation Record, IV: 178 Dirigo Rural, 11:149w Di Salle, Michael V., V:317 Disciples of Christ, magazines of, 11:74;
111:79-80; IV:295-96 Discovery of America, IV:136«
Diseases, see Cholera epidemics; Medical information; Smallpox epidemics; Yellow fever epidemics Dishware trade magazines, IV: 188 Dispatch (New York), IV:69 Dispatch (Philadelphia), 11:37 Disraeli, Benjamin, 111:2 52 Distribution of magazines, 1:13, 16-20; IV:610-11; V:82
See also Circulation: Delinquent subscribers; Newsstand sales; Postal regulations; Subscriptions District School Journal, 1:491, 805 Dithmar, Edward Augustus, IV: 126, 261 n
Ditson, Oliver, 11:197 Divorce, 11:255; 111:312, 486; IV:200, 513
See also Free Love Dix, John Ross, 11:42 Dix, William Frederick, II:349«
Dix & Edwards, 11:42 7
Dixie, IV:92, 184 n
Dixie Farmer, 1:444 n, 806; 111:154
Dixie Game Fowl, IV:382
Dixie Manufacturer, IV: 183
Dixie Miller, III:12 8rc, IV:185w
Dixie Wood-Worker, IV:184«
Dixieland (Dallas), IV:94 Dixon, Ill., IV:254w Dixon, Charles A., IV: 44, 88 Doane, Augustus Sidney, I:364n Doane, George W., 11:365; IV:355 Doane, William Croswell, IV:52n Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., IV: 142 Dobie, Charles Caldwell, V:264 Dobson, Austin, 1:535; 11:377; 111:428;
IV:719 Doctor, IV:316
Dr. Foote’s Health Monthly, 111:139 Doctors
early magazines and (1741-94), 1:58— 59, 62
nationalist era magazines and (17 94—
1825), 1:139, 150, 154-55, 243, 334
expansionist era magazines and (182 5- 50), 1:438, 494, 589-90 v education of, 11:86; 111:138
medical writing by, see Medical information: Medical journals Dod, Albert Baldwin, 1:530, 533 Dodd, Frank Howard, IV:432-37 Dodd, Moses S., 1:375 Dodd, William E., V:12, 280 Dodge, Louis, IV: 729 Dodge, Mary Abigail (“Gail Hamilton”), 1:2; 11:22, 25, 255; 111:91, 99, 175, 389, 424; IV:51, 292
Dodge, Mary B., III:381», 424 Dodge, Mary Mapes, 111:99, 177, 500- 1, 503-4; IV: 273 Dodge, Ossian E., 11:36 Dodge Idea, IV:321 Dodge’s Literary Museum, see: Boston Museum
Dodson, Richard W., 1:520, 684 Doerflinger, William, V:23 “Doesticks, Philander,” see Thomson, Mortimer
Dog Fancier, IV:382
Dog-owners’ magazines, IV: 382
Dog shows, articles on, IV:636
Dogdom, IV:382
Doggett, Daniel Seth, II:66w
Dole, Nathan Haskell, IV:72«, 126,
Dolge, Alfred, IV: 166 Dollar Magazine, 11:57 n Dollar Magazine (monthly Brother Jonathan), 1:360, 805
Dollar Magazine (New York), see:
Holden’s Dollar Magazine Dollar Magazine (Philadelphia), 1:365 Dollar Rural Messenger, III:55«
Dollar Weekly Mirror, 11:90 n Domestic Engineering, IV:32 3n Domestic magazines, see Family periodicals; Home magazines Domestic Monthly, 111:99 Dominant, IV: 2 54 Donahoe, Patrick, 11:76; III:36» Donahoe’s Magazine, 111:36, 69; IV: 298 Doney, Thomas, 1:684, 744, 753 Donlin, George Bernard, III:539n, 541, 542
Donne, John, V: 115
Donnelly, Ignatius, 11:253; IV: 132, 178 Donnelly, R. R., and Sons, V:327-28 Donner, Mrs. S. A., 11:117 Donohoe, Denis, IV:651; V:79
Donovan, Hedley, V:29 2>n, 321 Doolittle, Hilda, IV:440; V:230 Dore, Paul Gustave, 11:477; 111:410;
V: 122
Dorr, Julia Caroline Ripley, 1:553, 771, 11:303, 417, 511»; 111:374, 411, 427; IV:722
Dorr, Rheta Childe, IV:362; V:149, 152
Dorsey, George Amos, IV:502 Dosch-Fleurot, Arno, IV:783, 785 Dos Passos, John, V:98 Dostoevski, Fedor M., IV: 135 Doty, Douglas Zabriskie, III:457w, 478; IV :480
Doty, W. L., IV: 1 OSn Double Cross and Medical Missionary Record, IV:238
Doubleday, Frank Nelson, IV:723, 775, 787
Doubleday, Russell, IV:773«, 787 Doubleday and Page, V:73, 118 Dougal, W. H„ 1:328 Dougall, John, 111:83 Doughty, Thomas, 1:436 Douglas, Wyo., IV:387«
Douglas, George W., II:262n, 273 Douglas, Lloyd Cassel, IV: 503 Douglas, Malcolm, IV:419 Douglas, Paul, V:22 2n Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 11:523 Douglas, William O., V:221 Douglass, Frederick, 1:458; 11:503; III: 172, 283
Douglass’ Monthly, 11:141 Doumic, Rene, IV:230 Dove, Leonard, 111:489 Dover, N.H., IV:140n Dow, Moses, 11:42 Dowie, Alexander, IV: 286 Downes, William Howe, 11:51 Ow Downey, Henry T., IV:440 Downing, A. J., II:90«
“Downing, Major Jack,” see Smith, Seba
Down-Town Topics, IV:150w Dowson, Ernest, V:350 Doxey, William, IV:388 Doyle, Alexander P., III:329n; IV:298 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 11:463, 482;
111:400, 486; IV:7, 49 n, 66, 134, 141, 199, 226, 433, 457, 465, 501, 544, 590, 592, 612 Drake, Alexander Wilson, 111:187, 466 Drake, Charles, 1:215 n, 216, 660 Drake, Daniel, 439, 439w Drake, J. G., 660 Drake, John N., III:39w
Drake, Samuel Gardner, II:175«, 176 Drake University, V:37, 45 Drake’s Magazine, III:39«, IV:3, 39, 44-45
Drama, see Plays; Theaters Drama criticism and comment
before 1825, 1:54-56, 114, 165-66, 167-70, 227, 275, 321, 324, 328- 29, 348-49
in expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50), 1:359, 427-31, 610, 620, 627, 719, 751-52, 757, 766 in Civil War era magazines (1850-65), 11:198-200, 437, 450, 453 in post-Civil War magazines (1865- 85), 11:253, 401, 416; III: 198— 200, 418, 421, 441, 528, 548 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 11:311; IV:255-60, 410 comic magazines, IV:564—65 current events magazines, 111:347 family magazines, 11:483 illustrated periodicals, 11:464, IV: 564-65
literary magazines, 111:540; IV:673 urban periodicals, IV:87 since 1905, 111:351, 354, 489, 555 Dramatic Journal, IV:261 Dramatic Magazine, IV:261 Dramatic Mercury, 1:427 Dramatic Mirror, III:198n Dramatic Mirror and Literary Companion, 1:427, 805 Dramatic News, 111:220 n Dramatic Review, IV:261 Dramatic Times, III:198n, 199; IV:260 Draper, Arthur S., IV:569w, 577-78 Draper, E. D., III:96w Draper, John Christopher, 111:460 Draper, John William, 1:640 Draper, William F., IV: 631 Drayton, J., 1:210 Dred Scott case, 11:133,242 Dreiser, Theodore, 111:349, 481w, 485- 86, 487; IV:38, 40 n, 46, 49 n, 124, 125, 252-53, 436, 439, 440, 485, 496, 520, 612, 643; V:5, 28, 72, 1 19, 145», 146-48, 173, 176, 249, 251, 257-58, 260, 287- 88
Dresbach, Glenn Ward, V:184, 266 Dress, see Fashion in dress Dresser, Horatio W., IV:413 Dresser, Paul, IV:252 Drew, Daniel, III:4 Drew, Edwin C., IV:8 2n Drew, John, 111:204 Drew, Mrs. John, IV: 721
Drew, Louisa Lane, 111:204 Dreyfus, Alfred, IV:230 Drinking, 1:51
See also Prohibition movement; Temperance magazines Drinkwater, John, V:336, 338 Driscoll, Louise, V:242 Droll Stories, (Balzac), V:123 Dromgoole, (Miss) Will Allen, III :46m;
IV:409, 415, 765 Drover’s Journal, 111:159 Drug Bulletin, 111:133 Drug, Oil, and Paint Reporter, IV :188m Drug Topics, 111:133 Druggists’ Circular, 111:133; IV: 188, 318
Druggists’ magazines, see Pharmacy journals
Drugs, Oils, and Paints, IV:318m Drumbeat, II:87
Drummond, Henry, IV:226, 397, 590 Dry Goods, IV: 188m Dry Goods Economist, 11:92-93; IV: 187-88
Dry Goods Guide, IV: 188m Dry goods periodicals, 111:134; IV:187- 88
Dry Goods Reporter, 111:134 Dry Goods Reporter and Commerical Glance, 11:93
Dryden, Helen, 111:489; IV:760 Dryden, Hugh Latimer, IV:626 Drygoodsman and Southwestern Merchant, IV: 188m Duane, William, 1:228 Dublin University Magazine, 11:384 Du Bois, James T., IV:320m Du Bois, W. E.B., IV:520, 723, 780 DuBose, Horace M., II:66m Du Bose, William P., IV:735 Dubuque, Iowa, 11:89; III: 147m, 169 Dubuque Trade Journal, III: 147m Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni, 111:172 “Dudes” as comic characters, IV:384 Dudevant, Armandine Lucille Aurore Dupin, 111:254 Dudley, Helen, V;228 Duell, Sloan & Pearce, V:47 Duelling, 1:57, 165, 244m; 11:214 Duer, Carolyn, V:247 Duer, Elizabeth, V:248 Duffield, George, 1:741; II: 75m Duffield, Samuel Willoughby, 111:463 Duffus, Robert L., V:12 Duffy, Richard, IV:49, 617 Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey, 1:504, 592, 734; 11:410;
IV: 679
Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe, IV:458, 775
Duke, Basil W., 111:47; IV:93 Duke, Benjamin N., V:277 Duke Foundation, V:283 Duke University (Trinity College),
magazines published by, IV: 73; V:274, 276-78, 282-83 Duke University Press, V:283 Dulles, John Foster, V:315, 323m Dumas, Alexandre, pis, 111:2 54 Dumas, Alexandre, pere, 1:404; 11:162, 163, 240; 111:249, 254; V:117, 119
Du Maurier, Daphne, IV:554; V:136 Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson, 11:400; 111:550; IV:43, 133, 141, 230 Dumay, Henri, IV:65-66 Du Mond, F. V., 11:397 Dumont, Julia Louisa, 11:302 Dun, Robert Graham, IV: 349 Dunbar, Charles Franklin, IV: 182 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 111:400; IV: 451, 690
Duncan, John, 111:156 Duncan, Norman, IV:601, 781 Duncan, Robert, V:244 Duncan, Dr. T. C., 85m Duncan, Thomas W., V:184 Dunglison’s College and Clinical Record, III: 140m
Dunham, Curtis, IV:454 Duniway, Abigail Scott, IV: 108 Dunkirk, N.Y., 111:153 Dunlap, William, 55, 56, 109, 114, 170,
232, 609
Dunlop’s Stage News, IV: 2 60 Dunmore, 8th Earl of (Alexander Edward), IV:493 Dunn, A. M., IV: 107 Dunn, Charles, Jr., IV:82 Dunn, Harvey, IV:695 Dunn, Samuel Orace, III: 125m, IV:466 Dunne, Peter Finley, III:5 10m, 512, 513; IV:209, 453m, 457, 458, 465, 500, 600
Dunning, Abigail Scott, III:9 Dunning, Albert Elijah, IV: 292 Dunning, William Archibald, IV: 180m Dunraven, 4th Earl of, 11:414; IV: 3 73 Dun’s Review, III: 147m, IV: 349 Dunsany, Lord Edward, V:121, 266 Dunster, Edward Swift, III :140m Dunton’s Spirit of the Turf, III: 21 5m Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1:155, 276
Dupont, Henry Algernon, 1:749
Durand, Asher Brown, 11:188; 111:182 Durand, E. L., IV: 609 Durand, John, 11:193 Duranty, Walter, IV:748; V:212 Durboraw, Raymond H., V:179 m, 180, 186
Durden, Robert F., V:273n Durham, Howard, II: 114»
Durham, N.C., II:110m; V:273m Durivage, Francis Alexander, 11:362, 410, 411 Duroc, III: 160 Duroc Bulletin, IV:344 Duse, Eleanora, IV:256, 257 Du Solle, John S., IV:671m, 676-77 d’Utassy, George, IV:331, 494, 497 Dutton, Samuel William Southmayd, 11:312w, 313, 314, 315 Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, 1:346, 362, 610; 11:158, 429; 111:511 as contributor, 1:669, 720, 756, 760 as editor, 1:346, 711-12, 766-68 Duyckinck, George Long, 1:610, 766-67; 11:158
Dwight, Francis, I :491m Dwight, Harrison Griswold, IV: 726 Dwight, James H., 111:42 5 Dwight, John Sullivan, 1:403, 411, 432, 659, 662, 680, 703, 704, 736, 737, 764, 771; 11:197; III:13», 507
Dwight, Theodore, 1:364-65, 409 Dwight, Timothy, 1:58, 102, 106, 186, 232; 11:269, 312m, 315; IV:513 Dwight’s American Magazine, I:365m, 807; 11:30
Dwight’s Journal of Music, 11:196, 197; 111:196
Dwire, Henry Rudolph, V:2 73n, 283 Dwyer, Charles, 111:48 1m, 482, 483; IV:360, 367m
Dwyer, James Francis, IV: 114m Dyer, George C., IV: 100 Dyer, George Leland, IV: 621 Dyer, Heman, II: 68m Dyer, Louis, 111:350 Dyer, Theresa E., IV: 431 Dyer, Walter Alden, IV: 783 Dye’s Government Counterfeit Detector, 11:96
Dyestuffs, IV: 185
Dynamo, invention of, 111:121
Eads, James Buchanan, 11:318; 111:469 Eagle, Edward E., 11:32 5m Eakins, Thomas, IV: 144 Eames, Charles, 1:361
Eames, Mrs. Jane Anthony, 1:353, 644, 651
Earle, L. H., III:85m
Earnings, 11:254, 463; IV:614, 698;
V: 136
Earth, IV: 333m
East, Edward Murray, IV: 728
East Aurora, N.Y., IV:390 m
East Canterbury, N.H., 111:81
East and West, IV: 126
Eastburn, Manton, 1:334
Eastern Magazine, I:3 52m, 803
Eastern Philatelist, IV :391m
Eastern Star, IV: 222m
Eastern Underwriter, IV:35 1m
Eastman, E. R., I:728m, 732
Eastman, George, IV: 148
Eastman, Lucius Root, IV:747
Eastman, Max, IV:730; V:203, 206
Eastman Kodak, V:81
Easton, Pa., Ill: 3 10m; IV :184m, 309
Eaton, Lucien, 111:144
Eaton, Mary, IV:627
Eaton, Seymour, V:27-29
Eaton, Walter Prichard, 111:555;
IV:438, 638, 728; V:96 Eaton, William O., II:36m Eaton, Wyatt, IV: 151 Eatonton, Ga., 11:111 Eberhart, Mignon Good, IV:473 Echo, III: 198m Echo (chapbook), IV :390m Echo (insurance periodical), IV:351m Echo (music periodical), IV:251 Echo (Scripps), IV: 70 Eckels, James Herron, IV: 158 Eckener, Hugo, IV:626 Eckstein, Louis, IV: 116 Eclair eur, 11:150; 111:533 Eclectic and general magazines early (1741-94)
bimonthlies, 1:112-13 monthlies, 1:101—2 trends, 1:39-41
in nationalist era (1794-1825) monthlies, 1:2 79-83, 306-9 trends, 1:122, 125-26, 128, 130-31 weeklies, 1:233-46, 320-30 of expanionist era (1825-50) biweeklies, 1:622-23 monthlies, 1:692-93, 699-701, 743- 44
trends, 1:365-66, 442 weeklies, IV:672—78 in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:264, 383
monthlies, 11:448-51, 488-92 quarterlies, 11:531-32
Eclectic and general magazines— Cont. trends, 11:129 weeklies, IV:678-80 in post-Civil War era (1865-85) monthlies, 111:457-66, 510-11 quarterlies, 11:530-33 trends, 111:39, 46-47, 256 weeklies, 111:357-60, 417-21, 557- 59; IV:680-81 in Gilded Age (1885-1905)
monthlies, IV:43—56, 82, 97, 507—9, 589-607 717-23; V:72-80, 145— 48, 246-51, 286-88 quarterlies, V:273-78, 329-30 weeklies, IV:65-67, 453-58, 672-
modern (1905), V:238
monthlies, 111:475-80, 512-16; IV: 509-10, 723-32; V:27-29, 51,
80-87, 145-53, 251-72, 289-92 quarterlies, V:278-85, 330-40 weeklies, 111:555-56, IV:458-79, 616-19, 691-716; V:88-99 Eclectic Magazine, 11:129, 192; III :32m, 186, 256; IV:56 founding of, 1:131 sketch of, 1:306-9 Eclectic Medical Gleaner, IV:316 Eclectic Medical Journal, 11:85 Eclectic Medical Journal of Pennsylvania, 11:85
Eclectic medical journals, 111:143;
Eclectic Museum, 1:308, 308m Eclectic Repertory, 1:151, 94 Economic controls, press attitudes toward, IV: 705-6 Economic issues
before 1850, 1:59-62, 75-76, 268, 318, 453-54, 463, 470, 471, 642, 696- 98, 722
in Civil War era magazines (1850- 65), 11:5-7, 134, 144-45, 531 in post-Civil War magazines (1865-85), 111:40 corporate wealth, 111:293 female employment, 111:92-93 Henry George, 111:293-94 monopoly, 111:292-93 railroad speculation, 111:122-23 silver question, 111:294-95 tariffs, 111:292
in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), 11:254-55
silver issue, IV: 161-62 tariff issue, IV: 165-67 trusts, IV:33, 156-57, 165-66, 706, 775
in modern magazines (1905-), 11:2 59;
111:432-34; V:216 See also Depressions, economic Economic journals, IV: 181-82 Economic World, 111:147 v Economist, III: 147m; IV:350m Economy Advertising Company, V:185 Eddy, James, 1:322 Eddy, Mary Baker, IV:285 Eddy, Richard, II: 72/2 Eddy, Sherwood, IV: 53m Eddy, Dr. Walter H„ V:138 Edenton, N.C., II:65m Edes, Benjamin, 1:380 Edgar, Day, IV: 712 Edholm, Charles Lawrence, IV: 107m Edinboro, Pa., IV:27 1m Edinburgh Review, 11:129, 130, 221; IV:228
Edison, Thomas Alva, 11:318, 324;
111:118-21; IV:28, 226, 307,
320, 592, 593 Editor, IV: 14
Editor & Publisher, IV:244, 393 sketch of, V: 59-71
Editor & Publisher’s Market Guide, V:69, 71
Editorial comment
before 1885, 11:389, 471, 475-76; 111:231, 286, 368
in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905) comic periodicals, IV:560 digests, IV: 573 general magazines, IV: 615 literary magazines, 11:2 58, 399-400; 111:231
satiric periodicals, IV: 668 women’s magazines, 11:311 in modern magazines (1905-) booksellers’ magazines, V:67 current events magazines, V:56, 200, 217, 314
general magazines, IV:714; V:2 7- 28, 94-95, 152
poetry magazines, V: 105-6, 144, 242 publishers’ magazines, V:67 urban weeklies, IV:655 Editorial control, 1:196, 256, 503-4 Editors
of early magazines (1741-94) 1:71, 73, 80, 94-95, 104, 108, 112, 114
lawyers, 1:71, 78 radicals, 1:83, 88-89, 92 salaries of, 1:87
of nationalist era magazines (1794— 1825), 1:304, 307-8, 313, 317, 320-21, 324-27, 331, 334-35
clergymen, 1:155, 198, 315 clubs, 1:2 56 doctors, 1:154-5 5 lawyers, 1:1 54, 282, 297 salaries, 1:198-99, 239, 272w, 279 teachers, 1:155, 198, 288 women, 1:121, 244, 295
of expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50)
lawyers, 1:551, 601-2, 664 salaries, 1:512-13, 549 n, 612, 627, 634, 635, 707, 725, 764 women, 1:350, 356, 484-85, 537, 583-85; 11:307
of Civil War era magazines (1850-65) censorship, 11:26 clergymen, 11:44, 544 lawyers, 11:224 salaries, 11:24-2 5 women, 11:50
of post-Civil War magazines (1865- 85), 111:10-20, 377, 474 authority over writers, 111:20-22 clergymen, 111:42 5 great editors, 111:2 2-24 salaries, 111:12, 332, 339, 405 techniques, 111:19-22 women, 11:463; 111:94-96, 177,
390, 404-5, 407, 428-29, 500-1, 508
of Gilded Age magazines (1885- 1905)
authors’ complaints, IV: 3 5-37 great editors, IV:35 salaries, IV:35, 687; V:146 women, IV:142-43, 273, 360-64,
413, 539, 581
of modern magazines (1905-)
salaries, 111:431; IV:469, 497, 549, 768; V:302
women, 111:354-55, 489, 504, 543; IV:470, 584, 700, 708, 712w, 768-71; V:25, 122-23 Edmonds, John Worth, 11:208, 209 Edmonds, Walter Dumaux, IV: 701, 709 Edmunds, George Franklin, 111:477 Edmunds, Richard Hathaway, 111:127 Edmunds Act (1882), 111:313 Edson, Clement M., 1:607 Education, IV: 268 Education
in early magazines (1741-94), 1:102, 104
curriculum, 1:62-64, 105
poetry on, 1:63-64
religion and, 1:63-64, 105 women’s education, 1:63-64
in nationalist-era magazines (1794— 1825), 1:300, 145 classical education, 1:146 colleges, 1:146 discipline, 1:147
specialized periodicals, 1:144, 148 women’s education, 1:143, 145 in expansionist-era magazines (182 5- 50), 1:624, 723 colleges, 1:488 criticisms, 1:472, 490 free schools, 1:487 lyceums, 1:489-90 physical culture, 1:440-41 public schools, 1:487 specialized periodicals, 1:491-92 women’s education, 1:349-50, 484- 85, 583, 672
in Civil War magazines (1850-65) defectives, 11:445 medical education, 11:86 public education, 11:96 religious periodicals, 11:97 women’s education, 11:46-47 in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85),11:253
college magazines, 111:165-66 educational journals, 111:167-70, 408
general magazines, 11:418, 465 kindergarten journals, 111:163-64 medical education, 111:138 quarterlies, 11:445-47 public schools, 111:163-64 religious magazines, 11:376;
scientific education, 111:105-6 trends, III:4
women’s education, 111:102-3, 483 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), IV:267-73
adult, IV:264-66, 357 expansion, IV:262-63 expositions and fairs, IV:266-67 university extension, IV:263-64 women’s education, IV:357-58 modern magazines on (1905-), IV: 781 current events magazines, 111:354 public schools, 111:163-64 review periodicals, IV:51 7 of Negroes, 1:537 in South, V:281 Education magazines
in expansionist era (1825-50) irregular, 1:694-95 monthlies, 1:541-43 trends, 1:491-92
Education magazines— Continued in Civil War era (1850-65) number, 11:98 quarterlies, 11:442-45 trends, 11:98-99 weeklies, 11:34
in post-Civil War era (1865-85) college curriculum, 111:164 kindergarten magazines, 111:163 pedagogical journals, 111:167-70 public school magazines, 111:163-64 in Gilded Age (1885-1905) general, IV:267-69 regional periodicals, IV: 2 70-71 teachers’ trade papers, IV: 2 69-70 Educational Digest, 111:169 n Educational Exchange, IV :2 70m Educational Foundations, IV: 2 70 Educational Gazette, IV: 269 n Educational Independent, IV:27 1m Educational Journal of Virginia, 111:168 Educational Monthly, 11:59 Educational News, IV: 55m, 269m Educational Review, IV:268 Educator, IV: 2 70 Educator-Journal, IV :270m Edward VIII (Duke of Windsor), V:326 Edwards, A. S., IV: 17 5m Edwards, Mrs. Annie, 11:439; 111:371— 72
Edwards, Arthur, IV:217, 291 Edwards, Bela Bates, 1:367, 372, 491, 739 n
Edwards, George Wharton, IV:719 Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 111:465; IV:
Edwards, James L., 1:170
Edwards, Walter M., IV:628
Edwin, David, 1:208, 209
Egan, Maurice Francis, III :69m; IV:
297-98, 299, 438 Egan, Pierce, 11:454; IV:680 Egg journals, IV:345 Egg and Poultry Review, IV :186m Egg Reporter, IV:345 Eggleston, Edward, 11:374; 111:99, 175 n, 224, 244, 247, 264, 347, 423, 461, 471, 502; IV:513 Eggleston, George Cary, II: 506m; III: 13m, 48, 99, 421
Eggleston George T., IV: 556m, 568
Ehmann, John, IV: 184m
Ehrhart, J., 111:530
Ehrlich, Henry, IV: 587
Ehrick’s Fashion Quarterly, III :98m
Eight-hour-day movement, IV:219-20
Eisenhower, Dwight David, IV:478,
715; V:25, 221, 223, 316, 319, 323m
Elam, W. C., 1:653 Elder, A. P. T. 111:234 Elder, John A., 11:113 Elder, Paul, IV: 126 Elderkin, John, IV:65m Eleanor Kirk’s Idea, IV: 356m Election campaigns, 1:452-54 campaigns of 1850’s, 11:135-37 campaign of 1860, 11:135-37 1868, 11:476 1872, 111:286, 341 1876, 111:286, 341 1880, 111:287
1884, 111:345, 553; IV:561 1888, 111:529, 554 1892, 111:529, 554: IV:94 1896, 111:346; IV:411, 660 1900, IV:660, 782 1904, 11:257; 111:349; IV:782 1908, 11:258; 111:531; IV:782 1912, 11:258; 111:349; IV:660, 782- 83; V:333
1916, 11:258; IV:575; V:333 1920, 11:259, 378-79; 111:352; IV: 576; V:333
1924, 11:259; 111:352; IV:576, 785; V :333
1932, 111:352; IV:576, 707; V:318, 333
1934 (California), IV:578 1936, IV:577; V:318, 333 1940, V:318, 333 1944, V:318-19, 333 1948, V:319 1952, IV:478; V:319 1956 and 1960, V:319 Election polls by Literary Digest, IV: 575-77
Electoral reform, campaigns for, IV:407, 462
Electric Age, III: 121m Electric dynamo, development of, III: 121
Electric Journal, IV:322
Electric light, invention of, 111:119; IV:
319-20, 592 Electric Power, IV:322 Electric Railway Gazette, IV:333 Electric Railway Journal, 111:126; IV: 333
Electric railway magazines, 111:126 Electric Railway Review, IV:333 Electrical Engineer, 111:122 Electrical Industries, IV:321 Electrical inventions, 111:118-21
Electrical periodicals, 111:121-22;
IV: 321-22
Electrical Review, 111:12 2 Electrical World, 111:121, 12 2; IV:321 Electrician and Mechanic, IV:321-22 Electricity, IV:322 Electro-Chemical Industry, IV:322 n Electrotyper, III: 13 2 n Electrotyping, 111:186-87 Elementary School Journal, IV:272 Elephant, 1:780, 809 Eliot, Charles William, 1:535; 11:376; 111:164, 337, 558; IV:73ra, 75, 262, 514, 547, 776, 779, 785; V:282
“Eliot, George,” see Cross, Mary Ann Evans
Eliot, George Fielding, V:2 5, 54 Eliot, John, 1:28 Eliot, Samuel, 1:78 Eliot, Samuel Atkins, 1:287; 11:233 Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 111:542, 543; IV:441, 738, 739, 740; V:94, 106, 173, 178, 228, 241 Eliot, William, 11:402 Eliot, William G., 1:662 Elite, IV:93
Elizabeth, N.J., IV:22Ira Elizabeth, Queen of Belgium, IV: 549 Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania (“Carmen Sylvia”), IV:768 Elizabeth II, Queen of England,
IV:555; V:323ra Elizabethtown, N.J., 1:122-13 Elkhart, Ind., Ill: 81 Elks-Antler, IV:222ra Ellard, Roscoe, V:67 Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries, 1:2 76, 401,
412, |
499, |
546, |
584, |
620, |
637, |
641, |
665, |
680, |
723, |
734, |
743, |
751, |
756, |
770; |
II: |
308, |
352; |
IV:679 |
Elliot, Sydney Barrinton, IV:405 Elliott, Aaron Marshall, III:236ra; IV:128
Elliott, Ashbel R., III:133ra Elliott, Charles, II: 67ra Elliott, Charles Wyllys (“Thom White”), 11:429; 111:151 Elliott, Francis Perry, IV:361 Elliott, George, I:299ra, 301 Elliott, Sarah Barnwell, IV: 720 Elliott, Stephen, 1:382, 573-76 Elliott, William Yandell, V:100ra, 108, 110
Elliott’s Magazine, IV:379ra Ellis, Benjamin, 1:539
Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 11:171, 462, 111:43, 178, 502; IV:116ra, 274, 418
Ellis, G. B„ 1:521
Ellis, George Edward, I:284ra, 288ra;
11:128, 241; 111:507 Ellis, George H., IV:294 Ellis, Havelock, V:21 Ellis, Robinson, 111:536 Ellis, Rufus, II:72ra; 111:507 Elmendorf, Dwight Lathrop, IV:725 Elmer Gantry (Lewis), V:309-11 Elmhirst, Leonard, V:214 Elmira, N.Y., III: 125ra, 142, 149ra; IV:68
Elmira Telegram, IV:68
Elting, Mary Letha, V:117ra, 123
Elton, Robert H., 1:42 5
Elverson, James, 111:42, 178; IV: 117
Elwell, E. H„ 11:36
Ely, Richard T., 111:407, 558; IV:52ra Emancipation Proclamation, 11:294,
Emancipator, 1:162, 373, 457, 802; 11:369
Emanu-El, IV:300ra Embalmers’ magazines, IV: 189 Embalmers’ Monthly, IV: 189 Embree, Elijah, 1:162 Embury, Mrs. Emma, 1:326, 412, 499, 544ra, 546, 626ra, 627, 770 Emerald
dramatic department of, 1:167, 168, 169
founding of, 1:127 sketch of, 1:247—50
Emerald and Baltimore Literary Gazette, 1:380, 799
Emerson, Edwin, 11:464, IV:458 Emerson, G. H., I:691ra; 11:57, 72 Emerson, J. M, 11:32 Emerson, Oliver Farrar, 111:540 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1:289-90, 410- 1 1, 534, 723, 777; 11:147, 169, 494, 510; 111:59, 172, 237, 238, 548; IV:680; V:286 criticism of, 11:166—67; 111:455 as contributor, 1:504, 586, 659, 661— 62, 702-10, 764; 11:20, 33, 175, 238, 244 253, 387, 495, 502-4, 535
as editor, 1:368, 402, 775-77 Emerson, William, 1:124, 253-55 Emerson’s United States Magazine, see: United States Magazine (New York)
Emery, Henry Crosby, V:329ra
Emlen, S., Jr., 1:151m Emmons, Nathaniel, I: 134m Emory, Frederick, IV: 782 Emory, John, 1:299 n Emory, Percy McCarthy, IV:87 Empire State Agriculturist, 111:153 Empire State Workman, 111:315 Employee magazines, IV:335 Employment, 11:92-93; IV:354-55 Emporia, Kan., IV:270 m Emporium oj Arts and Sciences, I: 151m, 362, 794
Encyclopedias, 1:263 Ende, Alice Ankeney von, 111:350 Enfant Terrible (1898), IV:3 89 Engel, Conrad, Jr., IV:88 Engel, Louis, 111:233 Engelhard, G. P., IV:99 Engels, Friedrich, IV:206 Engineer, III: 166m Engineer of the Pacific, III: 114m Engineer and Surveyor, III: 113m Engineering, magazine comment on, 1:303
Engineering Magazine, IV:321 Engineering-Mechanics, III: 116 Engineering and Mining Journal, 111:114, 363
Engineering News, 111:113 Engineering News-Record, III: 113m Engineering periodicals, 11:80-81;
111:113-14, 116; IV:320-22 Engineering Record, III: 113m Engineering Review, IV :32 2m Engineers and Engineering, III :113m Engineers’ Club of Philadelphia, Proceedings of, III: 113
England, see British magazines; English authors; English literature; Great Britain
England, Isaac W., II :452m; 111:510-11 England, Bishop John, 1:136, 383; 11:76
Engle, Paul, V:242 Englehardt, George W., II :9 5m English, Thomas Dunn, 1:330, 347, 426, 651, 675, 760, 771, 780-83; II: 181, 544m, 546; III:465m English authors
criticism of, 11:159-62 as lecturers, 111:249—51 popularity of, 111:248-52; IV:131-34 English Church Review, IV: 2 29m English Illustrated Magazine, IV: 228 English Leaflet, IV :2 72m English literature
and magazines before 1865, 1:178-80,
231, 295, 309, 399-401, 415, 617; 11:129, 159-62, 172, 230-31,
236, 383, 386-87, 393, 406, 421, 508
and post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 111:456, 549 mutual influence, 111:278-79 popularity, 111:248-49, 251-53, 278 serial fiction, 111:224-25, 358 and Gilded Age magazines (1885— 1905), popularity, IV:131-34 Engraver and Electrotyper, IV: 248m Engraver and Printer, IV: 248m Engravings
in early magazines (1741-94), 1:36- 38, 94-95
in nationalist-era magazines (1794— 1825), 1:309
quality and uses, 1:239, 243, 296, 300, 307, 309
in expansionist-era magazines
(1825-50), 1:343-44, 347-48, 365, 417-18, 620, 622-23, 626, 753; 11:302, 307 agricultural, 1:731 artistic, 1:437 colored, 1:442, 545 famous engravers, 1:520-23, 684 fashion, 1:519, 545, 548, 591-92, 656, 719, 744
growing use, 1:521-24, 683-84
humorous, 1:425
medical, 1:567
obscene, 1:475
quality, 1:519-20
technical, 1:557
in Civil War era magazines (18 50— 65), 1:656 fashion, 11:43 7-41 illustrated periodicals, 111:32 5 news, 11:454 quality, 11:192-93, 397 in post-Civil War era (1865-85) artistic, 111:187, 191, 410-11 family magazines, 11:477-78 fashion, 11:309, 325; 111:389 prominent engravers, 111:187-88 trends, 111:187-91
in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), fashion, 11:311, IV:85, 363 See also Aquatints; Chromolithographs; Copper-plate illustrations; Half-tone pictures; Illustrated periodicals; Lithographs; Steel-plate engravings; Stipple engravings; Woodcuts Enright, Walter Joseph, 111:531
Enterprise, II:46In Entomology magazines, 111:111 “Ephemeral bibelots,” IV:386-91 Epidemics, disease, see Cholera epidemics; Smallpox epidemics; Yellow fever epidemics Epilark (1895), IV:388 Episcopal Methodist, III:7In Episcopal Recorder, 1:138, 797; 11:70; 111:75
Episcopal Watchman, 1:799 Episcopalian, 11:70 n Episcopalian magazines
before 1865, 1:56, 135, 372; 11:68-70, 364-65
after 1865, 11:365-66; IV:294 Epoch, IV: 60, 610 Epstein, Jacob, 111:542 Epworth Era, IV:275 Epworth Herald, IV:2 75 Equitable Record, 111:146 Equity, 111:299; IV: 178 Era, IV: 125 Ericsson, John, 11:318 Erie, Pa., IV: 178 Erie Canal, 1:340 Erie War, 111:289 Erlanger, Abraham Lincoln, IV: 2 55 Ernst, Max, V: 178 Ernst, William E., IV: 55, 499 Errett, Isaac, 111:80 Erskine, John, 11:260; 111:479, 489;
IV: 126, 439, 471; V:337 Erwin, Ray, V:67 Erythea, IV:310
Esenwein, Joseph Berg, III:396n, 400-1
Eshleman, G. R., III:144n
Esoteric, IV:304n
Esperanto, 11:2 57
Esquimaux, III: 57n
Esquire, IV:422, 568, 731
in early magazines (1741-94)
general magazines, 1:82, 93, 97, 103, 109 trends, 1:41
in nationalist-era magazines (17 94— 1825)
decline, 1:175
general periodicals, 1:233-34, 257 literary magazines, 1:219, 260 religious periodicals, 1:262, 290,
trends, 1:122, 124 women’s magazines, 1:321 in expansionist-era magazines (1825- 50)
general magazines, 1:577; IV: 6 74- 75
literary magazines, 1:563, 601; IV: 674-75
religious magazines, 1:563 women’s magazines, 1:547, 589; 11:301
in Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), literary magazines, 11:420, 424, 495
in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85
family magazines, 111:423-24, 428 general magazines, 111:419, 459, 463
literary magazines, 111:231-32, 548- 49
nature, 111:54
in Gilded Age magazines (188 5—
family magazines, IV: 491 literary magazines, IV:42 5 urban weeklies, IV: 6 54 in modern magazines (1905-), IV:728 family magazines, 111:431; IV:498 general magazines, IV:728; V:28, 95
illustrated magazines, IV:472 literary magazines, IV:42 5 urban weeklies, IV:654 women’s magazines, IV: 553 Essex Antiquarian, IV: 138 Essex Institute Bulletin, 111:2 59 Essex Institute Historical Collections, 11:176 n; 111:259 “Estelle,” see Bogart, Elizabeth Estes, Dana, IV:41 Etchings, 1:437 Eternal Progress, IV: 169 Ethical Addresses, IV: 2 79 Ethical Culture movement, 111:82; IV: 278-80
Ethical Record, IV: 2 79 Ethnology, 111:112; IV: 140, 622 Etiquette, 111:308, 482 Etude, 111:197; IV:251, 253 Eude, Louis-Marie, 11:355 Eugenics, 111:452 Eulau, Heinz H. F., V:218 Euripides, V: 121 European Architecture, IV:323 Eustis, James B., IV:230 Evan, Adm. Robley D., V:148 Evangel, 111:81
Evangelical and Literary Magazine, I: 205
Evangelical Lutheran magazines, 11:73