Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, 1:799

Evangelical Messenger, 11:68 Evangelical Record, 1:794 Evangelical Repository, II :62m Evangelical Review, 11:73; 111:79 Evangelist (Chicago), 111:80 Evangelist (New York), 1:308, 373, 457, 800; 11:18, 63, 140, 369; 111:64, 74, 224, 291; IV:288, 293

Evans, Augusta Jane, 1:653; 11:171; 111:246

Evans, B. R., 1:343 Evans, Bergen, V:23, 25 Evans, Charles, I: 562m, 564 Evans, Edward Payson, II :510m Evans, Hugh Davey, 11:69 Evans, Marie, IV: 93 Evans, Robley Dunglison, 111:512, 534 Evanston, Inch, IV: 12 8 Evarts, Jeremiah, I: 262m, 263-65, 572; 11:233

Evarts, William Maxwell, 1:488 Evelyn, William, 111:45 Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia), 1:552 Evening Fireside, 1:12 7, 792 Evening Lamp, 111:53 Evening Mirror, 1:329 Evening and the Morning Star, IV:296 Evening Post (New York), 1:160, 356 Events (St. Louis), IV: 101 Events (Scotch Plains, N.J.), IV:522; V: 57

Everest, Charles William, 1:641 Everett, Alexander Hill, 1:155, 490;

II:2 18m, 227, 229, 232, 234 as contributor, 1:176, 255, 258, 587m, 680, 687, 719 as editor, I :253m, 367 quoted, 1:394, 409, 458-59 Everett, Charles Carroll, 11:243; IV:295 Everett, Edward, 11:23-24, 149, 232, 238, 360, 361, 445

as contributor, 1:138, 155, 189, 192, 227, 600, 718, 753

as editor, 1:130, 172; II:220m, 226-32 estimate of, 1:409 Everett, Oliver, 11:227 Everett, P. Y., Ill: 118m Evergreen, 11:69 Everitt, S. A., IV: 775 Every Bodie’s Album, 1:42 5, 803 Every Other Saturday, 111:2 56 Every Saturday, 1:749; 11:386, 462, 510; 111:13, 131, 189, 256, 279; IV:90

sketch of, 111:357-60

Every Saturday Journal, IV:92 Every Where, IV:45 Everybody’s, 11:511

Everybody’s Combined with Romance, V :86

Everybody’s Magazine, 111:484, 487;

IV: 47, 208, 393, 614; V:150, 152, 255, 288 sketch of, V: 72-87 Everybody’s Own, II: 185m Everybody’s Poultry Magazine, IV :345m Evett, Robert, V:191m; 222 Evolution, 111:107

Evolution, theory of, 11:78-79, 243, 248, 252, 253, 381; 111:107, 497;


anti-evolution trial, V:116 Ev’ry Month, IV:2 52-53 Ewer, Ferdinand Cartwright, 11:117; 111:406

Ewing, Samuel, 1:155, 240, 244, 279m Ewing, Thomas, IV: 506m Examiner, 111:89

Examiner (New York), IV:288, 291 Examiner (Omaha), IV:97 Examiner (Pittsburgh), I: 508m Examiner and Chronicle, 111:72 Examiner Club, 1:287 Examiner and Hesperian, see: Literary Examiner

Exchanges, magazine, 1:515-16; 11:11- 12; V:341 Exodus, IV :285m Expenses

before 1885, 11:6-7, 18, 411, 427, 430, 446

of Gilded Age magazines (1885—1905), IV: 5, 15, 412, 429, 484, 617; V: 156

Experienced Christian’s Magazine, 1:131— 32, 790

Experiment Station, V: 137-38 Exploration, 11:402, 413-14 Exponent, IV: 183 Export, IV: 186m Export Implement Age, IV: 186m Export-trade magazines, IV: 186m Exporters’ and Importers’ Journal, IV:186m

Expositions, IV:266-67, 621, 629, 782 Expositor, III: 146m Expositor and Current Anecdotes, IV:301m

Extension programs, university, IV:263- 64

Eyre, Wilson, Jr., IV:324 m E ytinge, Sol, Jr., 11:397, 477; 111:359, 379, 504, 509

Fabian Socialism, IV: 191, 203, 204 Fabrics, Fancy Goods and Notions,

III: 134w

Factory Management and Maintenance, 111 : 122 n

Factory system, early, 1:471 Facts, III:82w; V:294 Facts About the Filipines, IV:236 Fad, IV:290

Fadazines, see Chapbooks Fadiman, Clifton, V:99 n Fairbanks, C. M., IV:50«

Fairchild, David G., IV: 62 5 Fairchild, Henry Pratt, IV: 749 Fairchild, Lee, IV: 108 Fairfield, Jane, 1:345 Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln, 1:345 Fairman, Gideon, 1:209 Fairman, Henry Clay, III:46«

Fairs, IV:266-67 Falkner, Roland Post, IV: 193 Fall, Albert, V:213 Fallows, Samuel, IV: 55, 499w Family Library Monthly, 1:228 n Family Lyceum, 1:489, 801 Family Magazine, Weekly Abstract of General Knowledge, 1:363-64, 448, 522, 802 Family Newspaper, 11:58 Family periodicals

in expansionist era (182 5-50), 1:377 illustrations, 1:522 quality, 1:448 weeklies, 11:349-50 in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:303, 470-71

monthlies, 11:416-17 trends, 11:56-59

weeklies, 11:350-54, 356-62, 470- 76

in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:46

monthlies, 11:417 religious, 111:82-83 trends, 111:98-101

weeklies, 11:269-70, 354, 357, 476- 82; 111:423-27

in Gilded Age (1885-1905), V:158 biweeklies, V: 12 5-31 mail-order, IV:365-67 monthlies, 11:362-63, 417-18; III: 327; IV:92, 480-92; V:131-32, 154-57

weeklies, 11:354—55, 362—63, 482- 85; 111:427-31; IV:67-69, 92 modern (1905)

monthlies, IV:492-505; V:36-48,

132-43, 157-65

weeklies, 11:273-74, 355, 431-35, 485-87

Family Treasure, 11:59 Family Visitor, 11:15, 115 Famous Stories Book, V:124 Fanciers’ Gazette, III:161«

Fancy Goods Graphic, III:134»

Fanning, Michael A., IV:652w, 653 Fanning, Neville O., IV:401«, 414 Fanshaw, Daniel, 1:327 Far and Near, IV:3 54-55 Far West Magazine, IV:49w Faribault, Minn., IV: 178, 315«

Fargo, N.D., III: 158 Faris, Ellsworth, IV:192»

Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold, 11:482 Farm, Field and Fireside, 111:156 Farm, Field and Stockman, III: 156w Farm, Stock and Home, 111:157 Farm and Dairy, 111:157; IV:340 Farm Equipment Retailing, IV:188«

Farm and Fireside, III:7, 100, 152 n, 156, 515; IV:337, 468 Farm and Garden, 111:153 Farm and Hearth, 111:152 Farm and Home, 111:152; IV:337 Farm Implement News, 111:151;


Farm Implements, IV:188n Farm implements trade magazines,


Farm and gardening magazines, see

Agricultural magazines; Gardening magzines

Farm Journal, 111:11-12, 153; IV:17, 6 2>n, 337, 597 n

Farm Journal and Live Stock Review,


Farm Life, 111:153; IV:338 Farm Machinery, IV:188«

Farm-Poultry, IV:345 Farm Progress, IV:338 Farm and Ranch, 111:155 Farm Stock and Home, IV: 341 Farm Stock Success, III:161»

Farman, Ella, 111:177, 508 Farmer, Henry Tudor, 1:177 Farmer, 1:731

Farmer and Breeder, III:158«

Farmer and Farm, Stock and Home , III:158»

Farmer and Mechanic, 111:155 Farmer and Planter Monthly, 11:89 Farmer and Stockman, 111:159 Farmers

contributors, 1:494

conflict with railroads, 111:124, 148— 50

Farmers —Continued

See also Agriculture; Agricultural magazines

Farmers’ Alliance, IV: 176 Farmers’ Alliance magazines, 111:149-50 Farmer’s Cabinet, I:444m, 729, 803 Farmers’ Call, 111:156 Farmers’ Friend and Grange Advocate, 111:149 n

Farmer’s Guide, 1:444; IV:340-41

Farmer’s Home, 111:156 Farmer’s Home Journal, 111:155 Farmer’s Journal, 11:89 Farmer’s Museum, X:156m, 198, 225, 789

Farmer’s and Planter’s Guide, 11:90 Farmers’ and Planters’ Guide, 111:154 Farmer’s Register, 1:801 Farmer’s Reporter, I:444m, 801 Farmer’s Review, 111:156 Farmers’ Tribune, III: 149m Farmers’ Union, III: 149m Farmer’s Voice, IV:340 Farmer’s Wife, IV: 341 Farming, IV: 341 Farmington, Maine, III: 168m Farnham, Henry Walcott, V:329 n, 330- 32, 338

Farnol, Jeffery, IV: 115m, 435, 604 Farnum, A. M., III:53m Farragut, Admiral David Glasgow, 11:548

Farrally, John, V:218

Farrar, Frederick William, 11:253;

IV:45m, 226, 274, 513 Farrar, John, 11:22 7 Farrar, John Chipman, IV:432 m, 438-40; V:305

Farrar, Timothy, II: 176m, 242 Farrell, James T., V:184 Fashion Bazar, 111:98 Fashion Book, IV :694m Fashion magazines, 111:97-98, 481-83; IV:363, 580-88, 756-70

See also Fashions in dress Fashion plates, 111:32 5, 389, 484, 485 Fashions, IV :363m Fashions in dress

before 1825, 1:57, 66-67, 140-41, 219, 227, 234-35, 248, 321-22, 324, 328

in expansionist era magazines (1825— 50), 1:476-77, 589, 628; 11:45 engravings, 1:519, 545, 548, 591-92, 656, 719, 744

in Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), 1:656; 11:53-56, 222, 306, 351, 384, 390, 416, 449, 453, 477

engravings, 11:437-41 in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85), 111:97-98 critical comment, 111:96-97 engravings, 11:309, 325; 111:389

in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905), IV:358-59, 363, 378, 537 engravings, 11:311; IV:85, 363 reform campaigns, IV: 406 in modern magazines (1905-30),

V: 135

juvenile, 11:2 74 reform campaigns, IV: 547-48 See also Patterns

Fat Contributor’s Saturday Night,


Father Abraham, 11:137 Fatherland, IV: 510 Faulkner, H. C., 111:99 Faulkner, William, 111:504; IV:701, 729; V: 1 2, 201

Faust, Frederick, IV:421, 473, 618 Fawcett, Edgar, 11:310, 429, 506m;

III :3 7m, 51m, 54, 229, 244, 374, 400m, 416, 420, 508; IV:45, 58m, 83m, 84, 135, 186, 408, 765 Faxon, Charles, Jr., II: 116m Faxon, Frederick Winthrop, IV: 143, 386-88, 452

Fay, Gaston, 111:187, 379, 420 Fay, Sidney B., V:58 Fay, Theodore Sedgwick, I:320m, 324- 25, 546, 587m, 608, 635 Fayetteville, N.C., II:63m Fearnley, John, IV: 735 Feather, A. G., III:261m Featherstone, Joseph, V :191m Featherstonehaugh, George William, 1:446

Federal Gazette (Baltimore), 1:294 Federal Trade Commission, V: 140-41 Federation Bulletin, IV:356 Feeding stuffs, IV: 189m Feigl, Fred, IV: 170 Felch, W. Farrand, IV: 82 Fellows, John, I: 122m Fellows of American Letters of the

Library of Congress, V:231-35 Fellowship, IV:221m Fels, Joseph, IV:62 Fels, Samuel S., IV:749

Felt, Joseph Barlow, II: 176m

Felter, J. D., 1:522, 714 Felton, Cornelius Conway, 1:289, 367 394, 409, 416; 11:236, 111,


Female Advocate, 1:484 Female Student, 11:46

Feminism, see Women; Women’s rights;

Women’s suffrage Fencing articles, IV: 634 Fenderich, Charles, 1:520 Fenn, Edward P., 111:101 Fenn, George Manville, IV: 117 Fenn, Harry, 111:187, 420; IV:484 Fenner, A. E., IV:609 Fenno, Harriet, 1:244 Fenollosa, Ernest, V:175 Fenwick, Benedict Joseph, 1:373 Ferber, Edna, 111:488, 514; IV:498, 503, 552, 605

Ferguson, Oliver W., V:273 m F ergusson, John W., I:629m, 640 n,


Ferman, Joseph W., V:24 “Fern, Fanny,” see Parton, Sara Payson Willis

Fern Bulletin, IV:310 Fernald, Chester Bailey, V:119 Fernow, Richard Eduard, IV: 62 2 Ferrero, Guglielmo, 11:431; IV: 500 Ferrin, Wesley W., II:367m, 379 Ferris, Charles D., II:11 6m Ferris, Mary Lanman Douw, IV: 142 Fess, Simeon D., IV: 53m Fessenden, Thomas Green, 1:154, 156, 194, 232, 317-18, 442 Fessenden’s Silk Manual, 1:442, 803 Fetter, George Griffith, IV:93 Fetter’s Southern Magazine, IV: 93 Feuchtwanger, Lion, IV: 47 5 Few, William Preston, V:2 7 3m, 2 78, 281-82

Fewkes, Jesse Walter, IV: 140 Fibre and Fabric, IV: 185m Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 111:386 Ficke, Arthur Davison, IV:724; V:168, 176, 184, 228-29, 237 Ficken, Dorothy, IV:30 Fiction, 111:43 Fiction, 111:344; IV: 111-20 defense of, 1:175 devotional, 1:716 formula-written, IV: 703-4 prejudices against, 1:174 trends in, IV: 110

See also All-fiction magazines; Literary criticism; Literary magazines; Novels; Serial fiction; Short stories Fiction Parade, V: 124 Fiction Parade and Golden Book, V:124 Field, 111:210 Field, Charles K., IV: 105m Field, David Dudley, 11:251; 111:294; IV: 200

Field, Eugene, III:2 70m; IV:61, 66, 390, 451, 541, 543, 646, 765; V:269 Field, Frederica Pisek, V:117m, 123 Field, Henry, IV:629-30 Field, Henry Martyn, II: 63m, 2 52;

111:88; IV:293 Field, James Alfred, IV: 181m Field, Kate, III:37m, 172, 271, 322, 358, 398, 557; IV:40, 45, 61-62, 160, 218, 371

Field, Marshall, 111:53; IV: 147m

Field, Roswell Martin, II: 262m, 2 73

Field and Fancy, IV:382

Field and Farm, IV: 341

Field and River, 111:210 n

Field Sports, IV :381m

Field and Stream, 111:210 n; IV:381, 393

Fielding, Henry, 11:160

Fields, Mrs. Annie Adams, II :505m

Fields, James Thomas, 1:326, 587;

11:33, 49 3n, 503, 504, 505, 507; 111:20, 32, 465m

Fields, Mrs. James Thomas, IV:722 Fiery Cross, IV:227 Fife, George Buchanan, 11:485 Fifth Avenue Journal, 111:102 Figaro (New Orleans), 111:45 Figaro! or Corbyn’s Chronicle of Amusements, 11:180, 198 Fighting cocks, IV:382 Filatelic Facts and Fallacies, IV: 391 Filene, Edward A., IV: 730 Fillmore, Charles, IV:285-86 Film Fun, III: 554m Filmer, John, 11:523; 111:187, 191 Finance, IV:349 Finance and Trade, III: 147m Financial Age, IV:349 Financial Bulletin, IV: 3 50 n Financial issues, 1:59, 75; 11:147; 111:294-95; V:75-78 See also Depressions, economic;

National-bank controversy; Silver issue

Financial journals, 11:94-96, 255;

111:146-47; IV: 182, 349-50 Financial Review, IV:350m Financial scandals, III:3 Financial World, IV: 349 Financier, 11:96 Fincher, J. C., 11:212 Fincher’s Trades Review, 11:212 Finck, Henry Theophilus, III: 197m, 336, 347; IV:60, 73m, 225, 261m Fin de siecle, IV: 167-69 Fine Arts Journal, IV: 147 Finger, Charles Joseph, 111:504; IV:656 Finkel, Benjamin Franklin, IV:310

Finlay, J. W., 11:128

Finley, John Huston, IV:595, 742

Finn, Francis James, IV:299

Fire Engineering, 111:118/?; IV:323/?

Fire Service, III: 11 8;?

Fire and Water, III: 118»

Fire and Water Engineering, IV-323/? Fir elands Pioneer, 11:176; IV: 137;? Fireman, Peter, V:99 n Fireman’s Herald, III: 118 Fireman’s Journal, 11:204 n; III: 11 8/z Fires, major, III: 118 Fireside Companion, III: 7/?, 16, 39, 43; IV: 17, 117

Fireside at Home, 111:99; IV:360 Fireside Monthly, 11:59 Firkins, Oscar W., 111:349 First, Jean, IV:659;?

First Aid Book, V:48 “First Locomotive, The,” 1:468 Fischer, Anton Otto, IV: 692, 710 Fischer, Carl, IV: 2 54 Fish, Hamilton, 1:751 Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, IV:756, 759-60 Fish, Williston, 111:528 Fishbein, Morris, IV: 524 n, 529-35 Fisher, Alvan, 1:436 Fisher, C. J. B., 1:480 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, see Canfield, Dorothy

Fisher, E. B., 1:390;?

Fisher, Franklin L., IV:628 Fisher, George Park, 11:252, 31 2 n, 315; 111:322, 337, 424, 546; IV:52;?; V:329 n, 330-31

Fisher, Harrison, IV:49;/, 151, 360;?, 502, 565, 685, 689, 698 Fisher, Irving, V:329 n, 330 Fisher, Sydney George, 11:139, 242 Fisher, Vardis, IV: 729 Fisher, Walt M., 111:402;?, 406 Fishing articles, V: 122 Fishing Gazette, 111:13 5 Fishing magazines, 111:210; IV:380-81, 634

Fishing trade magazines, 111:135;

IV:186 n

Fisk, James, Jr., 111:4, 440-42 Fiske, Daniel Willard, 11:414;;

Fiske, Harrison Grey, 111:198;/, 199: IV: 255, 261 n

Fiske, John, 11:248, 272, 506 n, 507 n, 510;/; 111:35;/, 301, 337, 421, 518

Fiske, Lyman O., Ill: 199/7 Fiske, Mary H., 111:199;/

Fiske, Stephen, 111:185;/

Fiske, Willard, 111:336

Fitch, Asa, 1:596

Fitch, Clyde, IV:257

Fitch, E. H„ 111:109

Fitch, George, 111:514; IV:458, 693

Fitch, John, 1:96

Fitch, John Andrews, IV: 745, 747 Fitten, J. H., II: 110;?

Fitts, James Franklin, 11:468; 111:13;/, 376

Fitzgerald, Edward, IV: 133-34 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, V:263 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key, IV:585, 729

Fitzgerald, O. P., 11:68;?

Fitzhugh, George, 11:165, 345, 346 Fitzsimmons, Robert, IV:371-72 Five Little Peppers (Sidney), V:126 Five-cent magazines, IV:4, 6, 47-51,

88-89, 93, 107, 115, 1 17, 428-31 Five Year Plan, V:213 Flag of Our Union, 1:508;?, 808; 11:10, 35, 409, 411

Flagg, James Montgomery, 11:483; III: 554; IV: 151, 456, 501, 502, 565, 584; V:84, 134, 255 Flagg, Willard Cutting, 111:99;?

Flagg, Wilson, 11:243 Flammarion, Camille, 11:2 70 Flanders, Mrs. C. W., 11:270 Flandrau, Charles Macomb, 11:262;? Flandrau, Grace, IV:729 Flash, 11:186 Flashner, Amy, IV:440 Fleay, F. G., 111:237;/

Fleeson, Doris, IV:771 Fleet, Samuel, 1:442;?

Fleming, Maybury, IV: 719 Fleming, Thomas, IV:86 Flemington, N.J., IV: 138 Fletcher, Jefferson Butler, IV: 128 Fletcher, John Gould, IV:436, 441, 739; V:96, 98, 113, 116, 230, 336, 338

Fletcher, William Isaac, 111:518, 549 Flinders-Petrie, William Matthew, 11:402

Flint, Mich., IV: 54, 265, 345 Flint, F. Cudworth, IV: 739 Flint, F. S., V:230 Flint, Timothy, 1:409, 607 as editor, 1:559-61, 606;/, 638 quoted, 1:146, 332, 419-20, 432, 478, 514-15

Floerscheim, Otto, 111:196; IV:252 Flohri, E., 111:554

Flood, Theodore L., 111:544-46; IV:264 Floral Life, IV:342 Floral Park, N.Y., IV:342

Florance, Howard, IV: 663 Florence, Mass., IV:363 Florence, Thomas B., II :2 8m Florence Crittenton Magazine, IV:200 Florida Agriculturist, 111:155 Florida Baptist, III:73w Florida Baptist Witness, III: 7 3w; IV:292 m

Florida Christian Advocate, IV:291 Florida Dispatch, 111:155 Florida Magazine, IV:92 Florida School Journal, IV :270m Florists’ Exchange, IV: 342 n Florists’ Review, IV: 342m Flour and Feed, IV: 189m Flour Trade News, IV :189m Flower, Benjamin Orange, IV:35, 51-52, 201, 204, 256, 276, 304, 353, 376, 401-16

Flower, Elliott C., 111:268 Flower, Richard G., IV: 402 Flower, Sydney, IV: 284 Flower Garden, 111:161 Flower illustrations, 1:521—22, 545, 745, 771; IV:627

Flower magazines, 111:161-62; IV:342 Floy, James, II:31m Floyd, J. G., II:49m Fly Leaf, IV:389, 646 Flynn, John Thomas, IV:470; V:25, 214

Flynn, Lucinda, IV: 556m Flynn, Maurice D., IV:83-84 Foard, J. MacDonough, 11:117 Foederal American Monthly, 1:606 n, 613-14

Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm, 111:355 Foerster, Norman, 111:349; IV:441, 730, 737, 738

Folding plates, 11:192 Folio, III:197»

Folk, V:26 n

Folk, Joseph Wingate, IV: 100, 598-99 Folk-Lorist, IV: 128 Folks, Homer, IV: 742, 744 Folsom, Charles, 1:129, 333, 615-17; 11:234

Folsom, George, II: 175m

Folwell, Arthur Hamilton, III: 520m,


Fonetic Propagandist, 11:212 Fonetic Techer, 111:312 Food, Drug and Cosmetics .\ct of 1938, V: 139-40

Food adulteration, IV:460; V: 137-38 Food advertising, IV: 23, 2 5-2 7, 29 Food magazines, 111:134-35; IV: 185, 186m, 363-64

Foolish Book, IV:386 Foord, John, II:469m, 484; IV:60 Football, 111:222; IV:374-76, 478, 634, 636

Foote, A. E., III:109m Foote, Allen Ripley, IV: 181 Foote, Henry Wilder, III :506m, 507 Foote, John P., 1:207 Foote, John Taintor, IV:695 Foote, Mary Hallock, III:465m, 504 Foraker, Joseph Benson, IV:494, 514, 777

Forbes, A. Holland, IV:323 Forbes, Archibald, 111:250 Forbes, Charles Spooner, IV:82 Forbes, Edwin, 111:187, 420 Forbes, Leonard, IV: 108 Forbes-Roberson, Johnston, IV:256-57 Force, Peter, II: 175m Forcey, Charles B., V:196, 202 Ford, Corey, IV:472, 566, 709 Ford, Daniel Sharp, II:262m, 266-72;

IV:2 73

Ford, Edward Lloyd, 111:425-26 Ford, Ford Madox, V:20, 173-74 Ford, Henry, IV:605 Ford, Isaac Nelson, 11:262 n Ford, J. B., & Company, 111:422-26 Ford, James Lauren, 111:474-75, 528; IV:37, 66, 1 17m, 256, 383, 612; V: 147

Ford, Leslie, see Brown, Zenith J.

Ford, Patrick, IV:298 Ford, Paul Leicester, 111:400, 472, 517m, 519; IV: 141, 435, 684, 742n Ford, Samuel Howard, 11:63 Ford, Sewell, 111:512; IV:46m, 429;

V :248

Ford, Worthington C., 111:292; IV:225 Ford’s Christian Repository, 11:63 Foreign affairs, see International affairs Foreign-language publications, 1:730;

111:521; IV:175, 231 Foreign literature, see Authors, European; and specific countries Foreign Missionary, 11:63 Foreign Missionary Journal, II :64m Forest, Forge, and Farm, III: 2 10m Forest and Stream, 111:210 Forester, IV :343m

Forester, Cecil Scott, IV:422, 476, 503, 713

"Forester, Frank,” see Herbert, Henry William

Forestry and Irrigation, IV: 343m Forestry periodicals, IV:342-43 Forestry Quarterly, IV :34m Form, IV:85

Forman, Allan, IV:230, 243 Forman, Ezekiel, 1:122 Forman, Justus Miles, IV:754; V.73, 249

Format and size

of early magazines (1741-94), 1:35- 36, 104

attractiveness, 1:99

first magazines, 1:72, 75, 77, 79,


newspaper format, 1:92-93 of nationalist era magazines (1794- 1825)

agricultural magazines, 1:318 attractiveness, 1:126, 321 general magazines, 1:238, 247, 249;


literary magazines, 1:283, 296, 321, 332

political magazines, 1:270 of expansionist era magazines (182 5— 50)

abolitionist magazines, 11:278 attractiveness, 1:343 business magazines, 11:339 comic periodicals, 1:782 general magazines, 1:676; IV:674, 676

juvenile magazines, 11:265-66 literary magazines, 1:736, 769;

IV:674, 676

“mammoth” papers, 1:359-60 police gazettes, 11:32 5 women’s magazines, 11:308 of Civil War era magazines (18 50 — 65), 11:242, 368 agricultural magazines, 11:433 comic magazines, 11:184, 521 family magazines, 11:471 illustrated magazines, 11:409 literary magazines, 11:384, 406, 420

scientific periodicals, 111:319 weeklies, 11:33, 35, 36 n, 45 of post-Civil War magazines (1865- 85), 11:270 advertising, 111:12 comic magazines, 111:553 current events magazines, 111:333 family magazines, 111:423 fashion magazines, 111:482 general magazines, 111:3 58, 467, 511, 557

humor magazines, 111:441 illustrated magazines, 111:32 7 juvenile magazines, 111:501 literary magazines, 11:398; III: 319, 321, 377-78, 454, 539-40

military magazines, III:533« religious magazines, 11:375 women’s magazine, 111:388-89 women’s rights magazines, 111:391 of Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905) amateur periodicals, IV:451 booksellers’ periodicals, IV:433 charity magazines, IV: 741 digest periodicals, IV: 570, 5 74 family magazines, IV:484; V:126, 155

general periodicals, IV:453, 490, 597, 608, 619, 680, 717; V:286- 87

geographic magazines, IV:621 illustrated periodicals, IV:453 juvenile periodicals, IV: 764 literary magazines, IV:424-25, 734 medical journals, IV:527 news periodicals, IV: 649-50 outdoor magazines, IV: 634 satiric periodicals, IV:667, 669 women’s periodicals, IV:537, 543, 550, 582, 765, 771; V:126 of modern magazines (1905-) art magazine, V:168 booksellers’ magazines, V:62 charity periodicals, IV: 749 current events magazines, V:58, 200, 209, 297 gardening magazines, IV:37 general periodicals, IV:605, 695, 698-99, 700, 710; V:4, 20, 30, 97-98, 270-71, 291 home magazines, V:37, 159 illustrated periodicals, IV’:475 literary magazines, 111:409, 542;

IV: 502 ; V: 117-18, 123, 168, 185 poetry magazines, V:104, 228, 243 publishers’ magazines, V:62 review periodicals, IV: 63 women’s magazines, IV:554, 584-85 Formulas, literary, IV’: 703-4 Fornaro, C. D., IV:66 Forney, John Weiss, 111:41 Forney, Mathias N., II:297w, 299; IV:333, 335

Forney’s Progress, 111:41, 281 Forney’s Sunday Chronicle, IV:69 n Forrest, Edwin, 1:428; 11:199, 353;


“Forrester, Fanny,” see Chubbuck, Emily

Forrester, Francis, 1:493 Forrester’s Boys and Girls, 11:100 Forrester’s Boys’ and Girls’ Companion, 1:493

Forrester’s Playmate, 11:100

Forshey, Calib Goldsmith, 1:469; 11:345 Forstall, E. J., 11:340 Forsyth, Ga., 11:85 Forsyth, John, 1:533, 53472 Forsythe, Davis FL, I:562?2, 565 Fort Atkinson, Wis., IV:344 Fort Scott, Kan., 111:14172 Fort Wayne Journal of the Medical Sciences, 111:14172

Fort Worth, Texas, III: 14172; IV: 72 Fortieth Street Station Leisure Hours, IV: 88

Fortnightly Index, IV: 55 t 2 Fortnightly Journal of Information and Discussion, 11:36 772 Fortnightly Review, IV:228 Fortune, V:308, 322 Fortune, Timothy Thomas, IV:214 Fortune, William, lN\2>22n Forum, 11:512; 111:317, 479; IV:3, 10, 13, 21, 35, 51, 207, 216, 403, 773; V: 19, 332 sketch of, IV:511-13 Forum and Century, V:57 Forward, 111:180; IV: 2 74 Fosdick, Charles Austin (“Harry Castle- mon”), 111:1 7572; IV:274, 420 Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 11:404;

IV:550; V:121

Fosdick, William Whiteman, 11:53 5

Foss, Sam Walter, IV:80, 39072

Foster, Alan, IV:475

Foster, Charles James, III: 2 1 5 t 2

Foster, Francis A., 11:1 7672

Foster, Frank H., 1:73972

Foster, Frank Pierce, 111:140; IV:313

Foster, Freeling, IV:472

Foster, George Burman, V:168

Foster, George G., 1:42 5, 426, 780-83;

11:181, 186; III:28/2 Foster, John Watson, IV:625 Foster, Judith Ellen Horton, IV:355 Foster, Paul P., II:262«, 272 Foster, Stephen, 11:2 78 Foster, Stephen Collins, 11:196 Foster, Theodore A., 1: 6 7 8 ? 2 , 68-83 Fouillee, Alfred, IV:279 Foundry, IV: 1 8372 Fountain-pen advertising, IV:32 400, The, IV:224 Four O’Clock, IV:389 Fourier, Francois Marie Charles, 11:207 Fourierism, 1:366; 11:48

magazines based on, 1:763-65; 11:207 satires on, 1:781 slavery controversy and, 1:458 working class and, 1:470 Fournier, Henry, IV:326

Fourth Estate, V:62-66 Four-Track News, IV: 224 Fowle, William Bentley, 1:143, 491 Fowler, C. H., 11:6672 Fowler, J. A., 11:9472 Fowler, Lorenzo Niles, 1:441, 447 Fowler, Orson Squire, 1:441, 447 Fox, Charles James, 11:32572, 336 Fox, Dorus M., 111:82 Fox, Ed (Moduc), IV: 752 Fox, John, Jr., 11:483; 111:465; IV:93, 723

Fox, Richard Kyle, 1:48172; 11:32 572, 328-36; 111:44, 218

Fox, Thomas Bailey, I:284 t2, 2 8572,


Fox’s Illustrated Week’s Doings, 111:44 Foxcroft, Frank, 1:74772, 749 Fra, IV:648 France, I:103 t2

American interest in, 111:2 79-80;

IV:230, 397

attacks on, 1:47, 81, 158-59, 190-91 Commune of 1871 in, IV:718 feeling against, 1:47, 81, 103, 158-59 literature of, see French literature Napoleonic politics, 1:129, 271-72 political reports on, 1:129, 271-72 revolution of 1830 in, 1:339 socialist ideas from, 1:471 visitors from, IV:230 France: A Monthly Magazine, IV: 23172 France, Anatole, 111:355, 543; IV:490;

V: 117, 119, 122 Francis, Frederick, IV:567 Francis, Susan M., 11:49372 Franck, Harry Alverson, 111:479 “Franco, Harry,” see Briggs, Charles Frederick

Franco-Prussian War, 11:477; 111:275, 279-80

Frank, Glenn, 111:45772, 478 Frank, James Marshall, V:100, 102-4, 107, 109-11 Frank, Stanley, IV:713 Frank, Tenney, III: 535 72 , 538 Frank, Waldo, 111:543; IV: 730; V:-95, 210

Frank Leslie’s Boys of America, 11:100 Frank Leslie’s Boys’ and Girls’ Weekly,


Frank Leslie’s Budget, III:39«

Frank Leslie’s Budget of Fun, 11:184, 455; 111:267

Frank Leslie’s Budget of Wit, II:184» Frank Leslie’s Chatterbox, 111:175 Frank Leslie’s Chimney Corner, 111:42 Frank Leslie’s Christmas Book, 111:1 7572